My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 840: Furious

"Bold, how dare you ..."

The guardian shouted angrily, and then turned around and ran away in the direction he was going.

But the Taoist was faster than him, and rushed towards him as soon as he shook his sleeve: "Magic Dog Legs! Where to run!"

Dozens of figures rushed forward almost at the same time, besieging this protector. Among them, those with a faint light on their body fly the fastest, but they have to get rid of the Taoist Taoists.

Anyang was the group of people who rose up to the sky for the first time, but when he saw a figure surpassing himself, and looking up, the dirty priest had caught up with the protector.

With a bang, the Taoist collided with the protector.

Anyang didn't know how this Taoist could fly so fast, but his combat power was obviously not as good as this law, plus he was imprisoned in the dungeon for so many years. Although he was fierce at this time, he was protected by a hard touch. Slammed into the sea.

With a bang, huge water splashed from the sea!

But the rest of the people who have been released have also been killed.

It is estimated that none of these people have ever been able to protect the immortal magic palace one-on-one, but everyone is not afraid of death. It is when the hatred of the immortal magic palace is the deepest.

Dozens of figures quickly surrounded the guardian.

Anyang's injuries are not serious, and they are incomparable to those who have been chained through the body for decades. At this time, they have served as the main force of the battle.

The Taoist Taoist also rushed out of the sea with a puff, coughed up a pool of blood, and then drew a picture of Yin and Yang fish in the air with one hand, and slapped towards the protector with a slap.

In addition to Anyang, who has been fighting with this law protector, bravery is a silent monk, and Ling Li is a scholar. The poisonous nature of the spider woman makes the gods vanish, and whenever this protector is finally out of the siege of everyone , The Taoist Taoist will catch up and drag him ...


Anyang volley collided with this method of protection, a blast of air exploded in the air, and both of them retreated.

Behind the law protector is a silent monk wearing a tattered monk's robe. His arms are wide open, his hands are like a fan, and he is so strong that he just slapped a palm on the back of the law protector.


The sound of the twilight drum in the deep mountain monastery continually echoed above the sea surface.

The law protector had just collided with Anyang and retreated, and was shot forward by this palm, while Anyang rushed forward again.

He was beaten like a badminton!

The spider woman stood far away, and there were always terrifying spells released between her hands dancing, many with a faint mist of black or dark green, which obviously contained highly toxic. From time to time, a missed spell falls into the sea, and a piece of fish and shrimp will soon appear on the surface of the sea, and some will even turn into pus directly.

The scholar carried a long sword, which was transformed into an illusion, and dragged his rusty body against the guardian.

As the saying goes, the fists are invincible and the four hands are difficult. Even if the guards are strong, they are gradually unable to support them, and they are helpless because they are surrounded by so many people.

"The Magic Palace will not let you go!"

The guardian shouted, his body shone with gold, and a wave of air shot from his palm, slamming toward Anyang who was fighting him.

Anyang did not succumb, and suddenly released a magnificent force, calmly struck him next, but he also stepped back a few steps, the internal organs were slightly agitated.

Seeing this good opportunity for the law protector, he rushed towards the Taoist Taoist priest at first, drove the Taoist Taoist priest back with one palm, and then rushed to the side, slamming his sleeves to repel many people.

"Want to run!" Taoist Taoist Dao Ming refrained from using his body and the injuries he had been hitting for decades. After clenching his teeth, he took strange steps in the air and caught up with this protector.

Anyang stabilized his body and rushed toward the protector with a face of silence.

There was an anxious shout from the sea to protect the law: "You bastards, ah! I'm going to eat you raw!"

He responded to the panic cry of the seagull and the sneer of everyone.

The strength of this law protector should be similar to that of Mo Chong and Shen Ming. Anyang is usually not afraid of fighting, let alone there are so many helpers here.

Three minutes later

With a snap, the scholar wore the chest of the guardian with a sword hole.

At this time, the dharma protector was covered with blood, covered with black purple, and the vitality was already extremely low. After being worn by this sword hole, he vomited blood, and he could hardly resist.

"Lords, wait a minute!"

The Taoist Taoist shouted and rushed out, with a strange fingerprint on his hand, and snapped it on the head of the guardian.

"It's in its original form!"


The law of protection in the middle of the air instantly became a huge rooster, bigger than the buffalo, bright feathers, red cocks, and long tail feathers. It looked extremely powerful.

Almost at the same time, the slap cast by the monk of Jitong as gold also struck the **** of the rooster, making a huge muffled noise.

This palm completely wiped out the shaky vitality of the protector.

The rooster suddenly fell into the sea, and a splash of water splashed innumerably, and the blood also stained a large sea of ​​water.

"Haha! Cough cough ..." Dao Ming laughed, but was choked by blood foam in his mouth, coughing more than once.

After reacting, he rushed down.

When he rushed out of the sea again, he already had a huge rooster in his hand, much larger than his body, and it looked extremely uncoordinated.

"It's delicious now!"

"The eternal life palace will not let us go ..." The spider woman flew to the Taoist Taoist with a sneer, with disdain, "Why has the eternal life palace ever let us go?"

At this time, other people also flew over, most of them were injured, showing the strength of this law.

"It is not suitable to stay here for a long time, we shall not pass here!"

"it is good!"

"Inmate, see you again!"


For a while, there were voices of goodbye on the sea.

It didn't take long for the people to leave, leaving only Anyang and their team.

The Taoist Taoist Taoist who had some emotion just looked at the body of the big rooster, and a smile of evil charm suddenly appeared on his face: "Hey! Just gone, no one grabbed something to eat with the poor!"

"Come on, let's find another desert island!"


"I'll mention this male." Anyang flew to Daoming and took the initiative to take over the body of the heavy cock.

They all stayed in that dungeon for too long, wearing their bodies with red light chains every minute, and they were also tortured. At this time, their physical condition was extremely poor. It may be so difficult.

So the Taoist Taoist prince did not politely with Anyang and gave him the big **** directly.

Anyang grabbed the rooster's huge chicken claws and swept through the sea at high speed. The wind brought the wind to wrinkle the sea water. The hand was full of heavy feeling.

This rooster looks almost as big as a buffalo, but it is much heavier than a buffalo.

For a long time, a small island reef appeared in the distance.

"No running, no running, far enough, the poor road can't wait!" The Taoist shouted, and flew straight towards the small island reef.

Anyang smiled and flew with the cock.

The scholar was silent, but the most direct, the sword dance opened a big pit on the island reef.

"It's really my generation!" The Taoist sighed and took over the big **** again. "The bodies of these monsters are already unusual, ordinary fire roasting is not good, so few people in the world have eaten the delicious fairy meat, but You met the poor man who is proficient in food today, hey, it ’s a blessing! "

"The poor way to master the spell, try too many times, it is necessary to count the real heat of the sun without violent, just used to roast demon meat."

"This kind of chicken essence is my favorite. It is crispy and tender when roasted, and the meat is delicate and chewy. Especially the meat has an aura. The higher the cultivation, the more delicious it is!"

While reading the spell, the Taoist Taoist priest tried two or three times before slamming a pile of orange-red flames in the pit, and then brought the roosters collected by the scholar and the spider woman over and put them on the real fire of the sun to roast. Live chatter.

"I want to know how many treasure monsters I have eaten in the Immortal Demon Palace in those days, that taste, hum, unforgettable all my life!"

The temperature of the real fire of the sun is extremely high, and several people are not too low-cultivated, otherwise they can't stand it just by sitting next to it!

Gradually, a huge layer of golden oil oozes from the surface of the huge rooster, and the flesh becomes a little golden. A delicious aroma of natural flesh is released with high temperature.

"This kind of monstrous monster is also the first time to eat, blessed and blessed. According to the poor way, the monster's meat is natural and delicious, no condiments are needed, any condiment is to destroy its meat "" Dao Ming swallowed while talking.

Finally, he waved away the sun's true fire

"Okay, eat chicken wings!"

"I want chicken **** and drumsticks," the scholar said.

"You choose, the rest is mine!" Said the spider woman generously, her mouth wide open, her cheeks stern.

Anyang could not wait to release a sword light, and cut off the remaining chicken leg from the scholar.

Not to mention, the roast is really fragrant!

The spider woman next to him grabbed the whole chicken's body, and was not afraid of being hot. She immediately opened her mouth and took a bite. The mouth was full of oil.

Taoist priests and scholars are also enjoying themselves. The roast chicken has no seasoning, but it is really delicious. It makes people want to swallow their tongues, and they can't even talk.

For a moment, only four people gnawed on the island reef.

In Anyang's arms, the little fox in the soul bead swallowed quietly again, and what was echoed in his small head was just what the Taoist Tao Ming said how delicious the monster's meat was.

Suddenly, a sound of Buddha came from around me

"Amitabha ~ ~ The monk did not know when he was standing next to the spider woman," "Spider donor, can this chicken **** be left to the poor monk?" "

At this moment, the four people's movements were stiff, looking at the monk with the corner of his mouth.

Or was the spider woman the first to speak: "A monk can also eat meat?"

"Amitabha, the Dharma is divided into the Theravada Dharma and the Mahayana Dharma. The poor monks practice the Theravada Dharma and can eat Sanjing meat." The monk still looked at the spider woman.

Anyang hasn't reflected what Sanjing Meat is. The Taoist Taoist has asked: "Can this be called Sanjing Meat?"

"The poor monk closed his eyes when he killed the monster, but he saw that the monster was killed; the monster didn't say anything when he died, and the poor monk didn't hear the sound of his being killed; the monster was only killed because of many evils. Everyone killed together, not because the poor monk wanted to eat. Why not Sanjing meat? "

Anyang, the scholar and the spider woman were all stunned.

At this time, the Taoist priest took it out mercilessly: "Don't believe this bald donkey, he lives next door to the poor road in the dungeon. This bald donkey said for a while that he was practicing Theravada Buddhism, and then said that he was practicing Mahayana Buddhism. , Maybe when will you still believe in the Supreme Master Sanzun! "

Anyang laughed twice, only interesting.

The spider woman swiped her hand on the chicken buttocks, and she fell on the flesh, which was firmly caught by the monk's hands.

The five started enjoying themselves again.

After an hour, such a big rooster was eaten without bones. And the appetite of the two humans, the Taoist and the scholar, was in no way inferior to spiders.

Anyang eats at least all of them, and at this time he is naturally amazed by the amount of food eaten by Taoists and scholars.

Just as the mouthful of the five people was full of oil and the taste of the other party, in the far-reaching headquarters of the immortal palace of the West Niu Hezhou Eternal Life, some people were furious!

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