My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 844: 8 Tianlong Guangli Bodhisattva

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Chapter 844 Chapter Eight Heavenly Dragon Guangli Bodhisattva

The heavy rain in this heaven and earth came to an abrupt halt, the thunder was silent, and the dark clouds and thick mountain fog spread out, as if heaven and earth were afraid of the evil of this worldly demon. Yunyu Lightning chose to retreat and leave this ominous mountain.

Only the lingering moon still hangs on the top of the mountain, under the light and clear light that was washed by the heavy rain, and the light shining, the mountains reflecting far away are endless and vast and distant.

In the majestic mountains, a behemoth was standing proudly, and the blue eyes like the sea stared at him lightly.


Anyang swallowed, and he could hardly believe what he was seeing now--

A graceful figure resembling a long snake stands under the moonlight, and its clear blue sky curtain reflects its figure. The reason why it is standing is naturally that it has feet and claws, and it has just crushed several magic palace guards and commanders.

It has horns on its head, which are not as forked as Anyang has seen in the Shenzhou world. If it is antlers, it is just the horns of a newly born deer.

It was white and covered with scales.

It stepped on the mountain under his feet, with an arrogant and fierce posture, but the blue eyes were peaceful. It is hard to imagine that it has just swallowed several high-powered monsters!

This is a dragon, a white dragon!

A long white dragon!

Anyang almost froze and looked at it.

Suddenly, Bailong withdrew his gaze, smashed a towering mountain with one paw, and then raised his head to induce Chang Xiao.

At this moment the mountains were silent, everything was silent, the awakened creatures looked up into the distance, and the long and empty dragon chant was all echoed between heaven and earth.

Then there was a tremendous force rising in the clear night, and the white dragon was grabbed and pressed back to the cave.

Suddenly like a dream, empty eyes.

But the magic of the magic palace is gone, the command is gone, but the ground is still full of blood rain that they were crushed and chewed by the white dragon after they turned into the body, some feathers and bones are still there, and the towering mountains in the distance are white The location where the dragon stood still has huge and obvious traces of dragon claws.

All of this is saying that what happened just now is not illusion, but true.


Anyang took a deep breath.

Raising his hands, he pinched the detonator of the proton detonation bomb in one hand and held the blue Dinghai Shenzhu in one hand.

Sitting in a piece of dead wood that had just been washed by rain, Anyang thought for a long time before he stood up resolutely.


Through the huge cave that seemed to lead to purgatory, Anyang gradually approached the bottom of the cave. There were huge bones and marvelous armor scattered on the roadside. Scales, feathers and various magic weapons were everywhere. Anyang also saw the shell of the thousand-year-old turtle described by Sun Dabiao.

It can be imagined how many arrogant people have come to this hole for opportunities in the past few hundred years. Perhaps he is the same as him, but in the end it only ends up being swallowed by the white dragon.

This is the forbidden area of ​​Fangcun Mountain in Lingtai. Once everyone enters, there will be no forbidden ground.

If it wasn't that the White Dragon didn't kill him, let him be sure that it was because of previous contact. This White Dragon didn't kill him, and he would never enter here.

Soon, he reached the bottom of the cave. It was here that he once again saw Bailong.

It's just that the current White Dragon has no posture when he swallowed the magical palace guardian and commander. It is curled up in a huge stone disc under the ground. Unleashing powerful power, trapping it here.

Anyang froze, murmured at the forbidden land.


"Start recording as you wish."

Anyang looked around and wrote down the innumerable symbols in the imprisoned space with a diameter of several kilometers and a height of hundreds of meters, and then dignifiedly glanced at the white dragon.

At this moment, Bailong was staring at him.

"Come down." A gentle and peaceful voice came from below, but the white dragon looked at him indifferently, without opening his mouth.

Anyang did not hesitate and flew straight.

With a bang, he landed on the stone disc covered with white runes, but unexpectedly, this seemingly ordinary stone ground was hard.

The huge white dragon in front of him, as he expected, could not see its body at such a short distance, only the snow-white dragon body and the superimposed dragon scales.

"you are……"

Anyang hadn't spoken yet. He felt a flower in front of him, and the huge white dragon disappeared, replaced by a handsome and elegant man in white robe in front of him.

A startled gaze met a calm and calm gaze.

"Ask." The elegant man said.

"Eh ..." Anyang was startled, before continuing to ask, "Dare to ask Zun Jia, but is His Royal Highness the Third Prince of Xihai Dragon Palace?"

"I am the Eight Heavenly Dragons," the man said lightly.


Anyang suddenly understood, but there was a big shock in his heart.

He was guessing casually. Thinking of the connection between this world and "Journey to the West", I thought that when I talked with Sun Dabiao at Fangcun Mountain in Lingtai, I got Dinghai Shenzhu. Westbound white dragon horse.

But now it is confirmed that it is still surprising.

The full name of Babu Tianlong is Babu Tianlong Guangli Bodhisattva. In fact, it was the bodhisattva fruit position obtained after the third prince Ao Lie of the Xihai Dragon Palace turned into a white dragon and accompanied the Tang monk to the west.

He said that he was the Eight Heavenly Dragons, not the third prince of the Xihai Dragon Palace, which was obviously a recognition of the identity of Buddhism.

"Bodhisattva!" Anyang folded his hands together for a while, and whispered, "If there is any offense between words, please ask Haihan."

"It's okay, I should have caused you trouble. You have any questions. Just ask, but it's best not to waste time. It's no good to stay here for a long time." Bai Long showed his generosity and kindness. The polite side.

However, the scene in which he was devouring a demon has left a deep impression on Anyang's heart-in any case, a real Buddhist Buddha can't do such a thing.

But he did n’t dare to offend, and he said together: "Dare to ask how the Bodhisattva is here?"

"You have heard the ape war between Heavenly Court and Lingshan, as the ape demon said, as the Guangli Bodhisattva of Lingshan, I should fight for Lingshan. It would n’t be a surprise if I was defeated by the hands of Heavenly Court "" Bailong said lightly.

"It turned out to be the case." Anyang spread out his hand again and found out the blue bead surrounded by bead, "So dare to ask the Bodhisattva why he entrusted this Dinghai God Bead to me?"

"I was trapped here for seven hundred years, and I intended to stay there forever, but the world is in chaos, the demons are constant, and it is everyone's duty to smooth the world." Bai Long looked calm, "So I want to ask someone to help me out of trouble, you Just hit it. "

"Is it just right?"

"Not exactly. I have been choosing people for a long time, but those who have come to Fangcun Mountain in Lingtai are either greedy or gangsters, or gangsters, or unsteady minds. If I entrust this to these people , Huh, mostly in vain. It happened that you were here, and I heard from your mouth the name of Sudhiti ancestor and fighting against the Buddha, and the most is exactly ... "

"Can I use this gem to help you out of trouble?"

"No, this imprisonment has 3,133 paths, each of which is laid down by King Li Jing personally. It can be divided. If only one is broken, it can be restored in a moment, even if the sea **** beads can break the world's prohibition, but with If you and I have the ability to calculate the Dinghai Shenzhu, we cannot break these 3,133 seals at the same time. "

"What shall I do?"

"Dinghai Shenzhu is the treasure that I got before the Bodhisattva's fruit position. Someone in the world knows it, you take it out, someone comes to you, and you will meet someone."


Anyang twitched his lips.

This orb is a hot potato, and it's not a matter of reason. Why are you doing such a dangerous thing for you?

And he will not forget that it was this orb that caused Xiao Chan's death!

Bai Long seemed to see his dissatisfaction and said, "If you can help me, I will also help you, and the meaning of the **** of pearls is not limited to this. If you can make good use of it, I will take this It ’s not impossible for the innate spirit treasure to give you. "

"Can you bring this little fox back to life?" Anyang touched the little fox's soul beads from his arms, "Bodhisattva."

Bai Longzai carefully looked at this soul bead ~ ~ a little pondered: "This fox has a cause and effect karma with me, it should be affected by the Dinghaishen Pearl, so I feel free She is responsible for her death. "

After a pause, he said again: "But I am fighting for the Bodhisattva's position by fighting to kill, and there is no great magical power to reverse life and death. I am afraid I can do nothing about it."

Anyang's face was a little cold, but he took a deep breath immediately and pressed down his anger: "But she died because the Bodhisattva entrusted me with an innate spirit treasure for no reason. Is it possible that the Bodhisattva is powerless to let it go? What? "

"Fei Ye." Bai Longdao said, "I am powerless, but it does not mean that everyone is powerless. I want to eradicate the immortal magic palace that is messing up the world, but this demon is not the past, and my strength alone is far from it. If you Can help me, no matter if I ask someone to resurrect her for you, or if you ask her to resurrect her with great merit, she will survive. "

"So I still have to do things for you?"

"I won't let you do it in vain."


After all, Anyang still failed to raise the bar with Bailong, because he deeply realized that this Bailong proved to be the bodhisattva fruit position, and he could still swallow the demon of the Devil Palace in one go.

The two talked for a while, and time was running out. When he was leaving, Bai Long said: "I will teach you how to use this Dinghai Shenzhu!"

"Thank you Bodhisattva." Anyang said in a deep voice.

It didn't take long for him to barely grasp the application method of Dinghai Shenzhu, just when he was leaving, he stopped and put Dinghai Shenzhu into his personal space with a brush.

"Bodhisattva, there is another question." Anyang said, "You may perceive where the **** pearl is now?"


Bai Long frowned.

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