My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 845: Roller Blind

The outside world was early in the morning, and there was just a hint of white fish on the horizon. The fresh and cold air had the smell of earth, only a slight **** smell.

Before long, the sky lit up.

Birds croaked, and all the cruel fighting last night, including the long sound of Long Yin, was washed clean by the rain.

There was only one person sitting under an ancient tree, the cold dew drops dripping on his face, but he didn't even know it, playing with a transparent little fox bead in his hand.

In this line, he has gained a lot.

In addition to the method of using Dinghai Shenzhu, there are also things left by those who enter the cave but die in the cave.

But these can not be compared with Xiao Chan's experience.

The White Dragon could only leave the cave on a thunderstorm day, but he could not go too far. He had been confined to the world isolated from this world for seven hundred years. No one knew he was here, or no one knew that it was him who suppressed the mountain.

The road to the west was a matter of 800 years ago.

Westbound is not to learn from, but only to preach.

The main purpose is to advance the influence of Buddhism from Xi Niu He Chau to the other three continents, to save all living beings in the fire and water, so that they can be illuminated by the compassionate Dharma, and give them the opportunity to go to the Naxi Heavenly Paradise ...

This is what Bailong said.

He also claimed to devour the people so as not to be imprisoned, and claimed to be in the heart of the world, claiming to leave here to purify the evil immortal palace.

So he was given a pearl of sea gods, attracting those who had a great magical ability to come to him, hoping to rescue him.

Bailong is very strong and is obvious to all.

Anyang felt that he was a little misled by Journey to the West on this point. He thought that Bailong Horse was really just a horse.

In fact, if the westward preaching is really the first step for Lingshan to challenge the heavenly regime, then this heavy-duty and extremely streamlined team will not appear to have one **** with five pits, even if the capacity is different. This can be seen from the extraordinary background of everyone in the westbound group.

According to Bai Long, his bodhisattva position was not granted by the Buddha, but on the westbound road, he was fighting blood and blood with the demon with a sword and a sword.

Originally the third prince of the Dragon Palace, his distinguished identity and extraordinary pedigree, and his killing testimony through the westward journey, plus the eight hundred years of hard work, his strength no longer needs to be said. This is why Anyang speaks so well with him.

At this time he had no extra choice.

After thinking for a long time under this old tree, and hesitating for a long time, he finally flew away from here.

This Dinghai Shenzhu has a special innate divine power, and it is also influenced by the white dragon, which can give out an atmosphere that only the old dragon can sense. In order for them to sense, Anyang must always carry this precious and extraordinary bead on his body, and cannot be included in his personal space.

"Struggle for the resurrection of the little fox!"

Anyang's egg hurts to remind himself that this kind of nonsense may give him some comfort.

What he needs to face first now is another magic palace leader and the remaining magic palace guardian who are likely to wait for a night outside Fangcun Mountain in Lingtai.

Suddenly, Anyang flew out of Fangcun Mountain in Lingtai.

As expected, there was a crisis in his heart. Suddenly it felt dark in front of me, and a giant claw appeared out of nowhere, grabbing at him—just like the white dragon's claw last night.

brush! !

Anyang quickly evaded to the side, the degree almost rose to the limit, and finally withdrew from this thrilling paw.

Facts have proved that this slender claw can not be compared with the white dragon. After Anyang evaded, he quickly returned a blow, leaving a few deep marks on the claw.

Suddenly, he fell to the ground.

There was a huge bird in front of him, who was staring at himself with sharp eyes and then eager to try.

Anyang glanced around, feeling that there were at least a few breaths approaching quickly. It seemed that the leader and other demon guardians were spreading and encircling themselves.

"I don't know what happened to the monks, priests and spiders." He murmured and looked at the demons.

Apparently, the movements of last night frightened them. There are dozens of miles away from Fangcun Mountain in Lingtai, and they only dare to intercept him here and dare not approach. After all, the dragon yin and the screams of the demon command that rang all around last night all explained that there is a must-have existence in this mountain.

Immediately, Anyang no longer hesitated and spread his hands, revealing a bead of blue and scattered.

"Jin Jie, boy, are you finally willing to hand over the Dinghai Shenzhu? Do you think that the magic palace will ..."

Before the demon guardian had finished speaking, he saw that Dinghai Shenzhu in Anyang's hand released a burst of blue light, and then his figure slammed into the ground and disappeared!

"This ... how is this possible!" The demon guardian was stunned. "There is a prohibition on the ground within a ten-mile radius. How could this kid walk away with the law of escape?"

Not long after, the leader and ten other guardians arrived.

Facing the leader's question, the demon guardian had to answer truthfully.

After the commander heard it, he remained silent for a long time, but he didn't blame him, but said in a deep voice: "Dinghai Shenzhu ..."

"Catch me!"


A group of shemales immediately chased along the traces left by Anyang.

Nothing in the world is more suitable for tracking than these monsters. Even if Anyang does not walk in the air or walk on the ground, the technique of earth escape is not like drilling a hole in the ground like a pangolin, but these monsters can still chase him along the invisible trajectory. Unwilling.

This way, he walked a hundred miles to the south, which is the limit distance that Anyang can now reach by using the five elements.


He jumped directly from the damp fern-laden earth, and then flew away without hesitation.

But at this time he still has a looming sense of urgency. This urgency comes from his spiritual consciousness on the one hand, and from the heavenly numerology that he once practiced. In short, he is not behind him. The warning that the chasing has not given up.

"It really is a mad dog!"

Anyang scolded and glanced back. The sky was still calm, and he could not see the figures of these demons, but no one knew when they would catch up.

So he accelerated and flew away.

After flying for more than ten miles, he eased over and was trying to drill into the soil again with the five-element escape technique, but he saw a large river ahead.


Anyang plunged into the water with a sudden, and escaped to the unknown direction along the river at a faster speed.

It didn't take long for him to feel a little bad.

Because this river is too winding, and meandering. Although the degree of water escape is indeed not slow, plus the faint bonus of Dinghai Shenzhu, it is even three points faster than the flight, but this rounding is equivalent to walking around detours. Compared with the demon flying over the sky, this is undoubtedly very unfavorable to him.

Anyang was about to rush out of the water, but suddenly felt that he slammed into a layer of stone wall, and the whole person was forced out of the state of the five elements.

"There is a ban!"


Anyang jumped out of the water immediately.

Naturally, he would not think that he really hit a stone in the water. Although the water and soil escape in the five-element big escape is only the foundation, it is not walking in the water like a fish. Even if he hit a rock, he would go around the road at most, or stop, it would never be dizzy.

Yes, dizzy.

Anyang rubbed his head and felt his head dizzy.

Looking at the water again, the blue waves are vast, where is the prohibition, and there is no ambush. 6 The ground is also just an ordinary river, and there is an official road running along the river. Two horses walked on a bumpy road in a carriage, followed by a mule filled with firewood. The car can't see anything unusual.

and many more!

He suddenly looked at the sky.

There is no cloud above the head, the sky is vast, there is no trace of a demon at all, and there is no sign of crisis in itself.

"Those monsters ... lost?" Anyang murmured.

When I recovered, I saw a pavilion beside the road, and next to the pavilion was a thatched house, which seemed to be a tea shop.

Anyang frowned.

In this dangerous and chaotic world, soldiers and bandits are rampant everywhere, and monsters are everywhere. The more they are away from the city, the more dangerous it is. It is strange that there are people who dare to open tea shops on the roadside.

So he walked over and sat on a bench.

The bench is very old, it is the smoothness of ordinary wood that has not been painted for a long time, and it also shows a somewhat dirty gray-brown. The table is also the same, with a set of brown coarse porcelain teacups placed upside down on the table.

The owner of Chashuipuzi is a strong middle-aged man with a big beard, looking very honest and honest.

The boss came over with a rough porcelain teapot without asking him, and turned over a teacup and poured him a full cup of tea.

Just as Anyang was out of his mind, the tea owner in coarse clothes had sat down next to him, and at the same time he looked at him with a smile:

"The donor ~ ~ What did Bailong tell you?"


Anyang had a bad heart and was shocked.

His first reaction was that Bai Long's high-profile birth last night disturbed the big man of the Immortal Magic Palace and specially came a big man waiting for him on this way.

Just when he wanted to get up suddenly, there was a rough giant hand of the tea boss who did not know when he pressed it on his shoulder, and a thick voice came from his ear: "Don't worry, I am not here to trouble you, count it I am still the brother of the little white dragon! Ha ha ... "

"Little White Dragon ... Brother ..." Anyang's eyes opened round, "You are a South Luohan with no golden body!"

"No, no." The honest man shook his head. "That little white dragon recognizes this important identity, and I don't recognize it. Don't call me the roller shutter general, I don't recognize anyone, you just press yours. Just call me the idea. "

"Then ... sand monk?"

"Yes!" The roller blind nodded.

"Offended. I saw Guangli Bodhisattva claiming to be the Buddha's name at the foot of Fangcun Mountain in Lingtai, so he called the Venerable like this." Anyang folded his hands together.

"That little white dragon was disliked by the dragon palace and father father since childhood, and was severely punished by the jade emperor for small things. He has long been separated from the dragon palace, heaven and Taoism. Difficult to fight, naturally only recognize this weight. "The roller shutter general also folded his hands towards him.

"It turns out so." Anyang nodded.

He also probably knew why the sand monk did not recognize the position of the golden body Luohan. After all, he used to be the roller blind general of Heavenly Court, the personal guard of the Jade Emperor, and was later forced to fight for the Buddhist gate, but it is estimated that he still has a little attachment to Heavenly Court.

As for the hidden feelings and political disputes among them, or the ruin of the regime, it is not what he can know.

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