My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 846: Involved ...

The roller blind general didn't have that uniform, and he didn't recite the Buddha's horn in his speech. The expression was peaceful and mixed with fierceness. Caused by the accident. ◎ Fiction,

After all, eight hundred years is enough to change too many things.

"Dare to ask His Holiness, what about those who chase me?" Anyang looked at the former heavenly general, the later golden body Luohan, and now a recluse.

"Are they?" The sand monk smiled carelessly. "Unfortunately he stumbled and fell into the river."

"In the river?"

Anyang quickly looked into the river.

The sand monk waved his hand: "Don't watch it, this river is so deep that it fell as if it had drowned."

Are you drowned ...

Anyang twitched his lips, but he also recovered.

"So, thank you, Lord."

"Don't thank you," Sha Seng said, "Drink tea, drink tea."

Anyang was not too discreet, he took a sip of tea from a coarse porcelain cup, but it was just some ordinary coarse tea. He put down the cup and put his heart down--

There were former roller shutter generals and the golden body Luohan here, and he didn't need to worry about the people in the magic palace coming to kill again.

After a pause, he asked again: "Dare to ask Venerable here to wait for me for Guangli Bodhisattva?"

"Yes." Sha Seng said, "however that little white dragon is also my former brother. Hehe, he was suppressed by the king of the tower with the former Lingtai Fangcun Mountain for more than 700 years. He thought we didn't know, but we I know everything. "

"It's just that there are too many things in it."

"I can't save him alone, and Marshal Tianpeng can't save him alone. I don't want to find a marshal, and the marshal will also look for me in the future. Moreover, the little white dragon may not want to come out before. This matter is put on hold. Now he I figured it out, and released the Dinghai Shenzhu again. The intention was already obvious. Our brothers are afraid that we have to move ... "

"So we have to wait for Marshal Tengpeng?"

"Yes." Sha Seng said. "Fortunately, the Marshal did not die in battle 800 years ago, otherwise the little white dragon might not be able to come out."

"Little White Dragon ..."

Anyang's mouth twitched.

After a pause, he asked again: "Where is Marshal Peng now?"

"Who knows, after the Marshal proved the position of the Wujingtan messenger Bodhisattva on the westward journey, he set up against the Dragon Tree Bodhisattva in turmoil, and then he was defeated and seriously injured. To recuperate, we have to find a place to wait for him. "

"Jiantan Messenger and Dragon Tree Bodhisattva are right?"

Anyang was very surprised. I never expected that the delicious and lazy pig Bajie in that film and television work would have such a strong side.

But I want to come too. After all, Marshal Tianpeng was the commander-in-chief of Tianting after all. When he came to this world, he also heard several times that the Tianhe Water Army patrolled the territories to be a chaotic demon. of. Coupled with the power to fight after the loss of power to embark on a westbound journey, Marshal Tianpeng is bound to not be a general.

In fact, there are various interpretations on the real-world network about "Zhu Bajie is actually more powerful than Sun Wukong", but Anyang also just smiled.

"What about the Monkey King?"

"Oh, Qi Tian Da Sheng." The sand monk raised a smile on his face, "Where is there any Qi Tian Da Sheng, only fighting over the Buddha."

"What about the Holy Buddha?"

"I don't know. He has become a Buddha. He has fought for the Buddha. He has many masters in the heavenly court. Even if he has become a Buddha, he can't be foolproof." The sand monk felt a lot of emotion. The hand of the heavenly fairy and god. "


Anyang was shocked.

Buddha means Great Consummation, means the highest level the Buddha can reach, means incredible power ...

In the whole "Journey to the West", there are actually a total of six Buddhas, one is the leader of the former Buddhist door, the ancient Buddha is burning the lamp, one is the current leader, and the big day is coming, and another one is designated by the big day. The future Buddha, the successor to the sun, Maitreya Buddha.

The other two are Tang Seng and Sun Wukong, one that proves the position of Nan Wumin Tande merit Buddha, and the other that proves that Nan Wudou defeats the Buddha.

No one can think of the sixth Buddha--


Guanyin Bodhisattva itself is a Buddha named Zhengjue Mingrulai. Like Darirulai, he has his own Buddhist kingdom. Because of his vows, he became a bodhisattva to spend all sentient beings here.

This practice of turning from Buddha to Bodhisattva to influence life is a well-known allusion in the Buddhist scriptures—reversing Cihang.

Pull away!

Journey to the West only wrote about Qi Tian Da Sheng becoming a Buddha, but did not write what exactly this Buddha named after fighting.

But the idea should be incredibly powerful, but the sand monk said he might fall.

After the reaction, Anyang placed the Dinghai Shenzhu on the table and folded his hands together: "Sovereign, while waiting for Marshal Tianpeng, can you tell me something about hundreds of years ago."

"What happened hundreds of years ago?" The sand monk smiled, "Yes!"

He picked up the teacup and began to narrate.

The initial narrative is similar to what Anyang has heard scatteredly these days.

The internal battles in the court of heaven, the formation of gangs, the decay of the regime, and the error of the jade emperor, while gradually turning themselves into decay, also caused the world's demons to surrender and the people did not talk about life. Some top-level Taoist deities may have been disappointed in heaven, or may have been constrained by others, and they did not intervene strongly when the war broke out.

The Tianting Military Department was also turbulent, and the famous Marshal Tianpeng was demoted to the world, which can be seen from this. Such a heaven is already equal to the knight who lost the sword.

This is the case with Rao, and the Buddhist door was also careful to send a westbound temptation.

When the war was first provoked, as expected, the decayed regime of the heavenly court still broke out the power of the ruler, but then in the chaos of the world, the idea of ​​the ecstasy of Buddhism was widely accepted by the people of the land, and the power of the westbound road began It can be seen that some of Tiantian's successors are powerless, and only powerful warriors and ancient immortals with high mana are resisting.

At this critical moment, Buddhism also had problems.

That's the battle between Theravada Dharma and Mahayana Dharma.

In fact, people always have a subjective judgment. It is easy to think that the Mahayana Dharma is not as good as the Mahayana Dharma. The Mahayana Dharma is wrong, and the Mahayana Dharma is right.

But this perception is not completely correct.

Just like the general theory of relativity and the special theory of relativity, even if the general theory of relativity is born, no one abolishes the special theory of relativity. What they say is different. There is no one right or wrong in the Theravada and Mahayana Dharma. It can only be said that the two have different ideas. At most, it is only which one is more superior than the other and better able to adapt to the times.

Generally speaking, Theravada Dharma crosses oneself and the Mahayana Dharma crosses people.

Putting down the butcher's knife and standing on the ground to become a Buddha, this is typical of the Theravada Dharma. It pays attention to self-clarity and self-understanding. The same is true of the saying of "Sanjing meat". As long as I eat meat and have a clear conscience, I will be able to "wine through the intestines and leave the heart of the Buddha."

The representative is the big day.

(Any act that connects Rulai Buddha in the Journey to the West and Shakyamuni Buddha in the real world is a rogue, even Baidu Encyclopedia is rogue!)

But Mahayana Dharma is different.

Mahayana Buddhism is not just about letting go of oneself, but also guiding all beings to bliss and pursuing the world.

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva has given up his Buddha position, turned his back on Cihang, and is willing to become a Bodhisattva to come to this world to persecute all beings; the Bodhisattva King of Dizang has great ambitions, and **** does not swear to become a Buddha. Compassionate heart.

The two denominations clashed at the end.

Lingshan Zhangjiao-Dariru came to war, to seize the control of the earth from the decayed heaven, to rescue people from the deep waters of heaven's rule, to guide the world to the world of bliss, and to make people devoutly cultivate Buddha.

The deaths and tragedies caused in this process were regarded as necessary sacrifices by him, and he was deliberately ignored.

The faction headed by Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva thinks this approach is wrong. The increasingly turbulent realm is iron proof, and the world can no longer bear the vicissitudes of life. What's more, people also have the right to whether or not to practice Buddha's bliss and should not interfere with it.

These two factions caused a dispute within Lingshan.

This is a purely philosophical dispute. The internal disputes that have not accumulated thousands of years in the heavenly court are dark and dirty, but they are more intense after they are placed on the bright surface, and they broke out almost instantly.

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva left his Buddhist country because of his aspirations and came here for the sake of pursuing the world, but he is also a man himself (as he is a nickname for Buddha in Sanskrit, he is the Buddha Meaning), I will never be surprised.

The ideological dispute between the two sides provided a breathing opportunity for the rotten heaven, and in the process, many hidden ancient elders and shocking demons were involved in the war.

For example, the ancestor of Dixian-Zhenyuanzi Daxian.

For example, Sun Wukong's master, Master Xu Bo Ti.

For example, the former Marshal Tenpeng, who has not asked about the world for a long time, now the bodhisattva of Nanwujing altar-Zhu Bajie!

And this war continued until later, almost caught in the confrontation of the forces of both sides, no one can help anyone.

Or it is the confrontation of your own forces-

Mahayana Buddhism and Theravada Buddhism in Buddhism, ancient gods, new gods, fierce factions, Zhaoan demon faction, Sanxian faction, ancient Daxian faction, etc ...

Anyang heard the surprising discovery at the end. In the original Journey to the West, it was the Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva who made the Tang monk go to the west to learn from. The Dharma is still Avalokitesvara ...

Although this road to the west is as pointed out by Dari, the Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva may have planned for a long time.

And no one knows whether the Dharma promoted westward is the Mahayana Dharma or the Mahayana Dharma. No one can say whether the five-member group who obtained the position through the westbound journey is on the side of the Mahayana faction of the Buddha Gate or the Mahayana faction.

In short, the sand monk in front is neutral.

Marshal Tianpeng chose to return to the heavenly court to eliminate those who had framed him, so the sand monk still called him Marshal.

Nanwu Babu Tianlong Guangli Bodhisattva and Nan Wudou defeated the Buddha and chose to fight for the Buddhist gate. The former is now suppressed under the Fangcun Mountain of Lingtai. The latter is also missing like other great gods Buddha in Tianting and Lingshan. .

Anyang feels as if he is involved in the battle between the former Tianting and Lingshan-as long as he releases the White Dragon, it is equivalent to releasing a fighting force for Lingshan.

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