My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 850: Peep

It took about half a slant to wait, and the terrifying movements of Fangcun Mountain in Lingtai could be calmed down.

Anyang was standing at the entrance of the cave far away, and with his heart, he couldn't help but cast his gaze into the cave. He knew that most things were successful.

Sure enough, the three figures came out of the deep darkness. It was Marshal Tianpeng who was wearing a robe with a slightly copper-smelly and luxurious pattern. The two figures walking behind Marshal Tianpeng were sand monks and white dragons.

Anyang busy his hands together and said: "Marshal, Venerable, Bodhisattva, congratulations on getting what you want."

Bai Long also nodded and said, "You are working."

"The Bodhisattva is fighting for the world's lives, and the disciples are nothing but a matter of walking forward." An Yang said very humbly, but couldn't help glancing at Marshal Tian Peng.

Marshal Tianpeng was putting Dinghai Shenzhu, which he had just sought from him, into his palm, and it did not seem to be returned to Bailong.

Suddenly, Tianpeng Yuanshuang came too far.

Anyang looked away without trace.

But Marshal Tianpeng smiled, and threw this Dinghai Shenzhu, which was regarded as the treasure of the Immortal Demon Palace, to him, saying, "I will give you what I got from you."

Anyang caught the beads and was very embarrassed. I thought you had a fart for me. The original owner of the bead is here. If he wants to withdraw the bead, I may not be able to hide the bead like the unloading of the magic palace?

What else can he do?

It's not just returning the beads to Bailong.

But at this time, Bai Long waved to him: "You don't have to give it back to me, you hold it. Do you remember what I said to you before? Although you don't have supreme supernatural powers, there are some things we do. Lack of skills, maybe you really need help. "

"What's the matter?" Anyang was about to collect his hand that was about to hand out the beads, and then asked quickly and alertly.

"New." Bai Longdao said, "I haven't figured it out yet. I'll tell you when I figure it out."

At this time, he was dressed in plain white clothes, covered with a layer of gown, and his face was also pure and thirsty, and his temperament was elegant. At this time, he said this with a certain taste.

The four walked on Fangcun Mountain in Lingtai, did not drive the cloud, wandered around at will, and quickly walked to Xingyue Sanxingdong.

Looking at the tattered Dongfu wooden door, the grass was overgrown, and all three were a little emotional. Then walked into the cave, the desolation of a group of people who had not been cleaned for a long time was even more shocking. Many houses were completely broken due to the fighting between the Anyang and the white ape family. Similar.

"The Lingtai Fangcunshan and Xieyue Sanxingdong have also become like this, hehe." Marshal Tianpeng smiled.

"It's all the same. Brother, haven't you walked around? Many famous cave houses and immortal Taoist ministers in this world are shattered after the Chenchen fight."

Only Bailong didn't hear them. He was stunned, walking on the ground where the broken blue stone slabs were mixed with the earth, watching the ancient trees flourish, watching many birds and squirrels penetrated by a growing old tree covered with weeds Nested on the roof of the house, muttering many words in his mouth:

"Master Sudhi is not an ordinary person."

"In the cave, I always listen to the group of monsters on the mountain talking about how it is ruined. Only when it comes out today can I take a closer look."

"I've been here before. At that time, I just returned from a westbound trip. There was no decisive battle. I remember a thousand-eyed bodhi planted here. There is a lotus flower here."

"The Great Monkey King used to practice here"

"Morning Real People Love Sitting Here to Practice"

Field Marshal Tian Peng seemed to hear his whisper, but also didn't hear it. He wiped the dust off the roots of an ancient tree protruding from the ground and sat down.

"You see, the cycle of Heaven and Dao is so unexpected. Will Bodhisattva's own Daocheng's own Daocheng be broken into this look one day? Maybe he knows, maybe he doesn't know, but what can he do? It's not just watching. "

"Heavenly Dao is ruthless, and the Taishang Daozu, who is in the palace, can communicate with the Dao tomorrow, and can control the operation of the Tian Dao, but the world has not become this look!"

Bai Long stood aside and listened silently, silently.

It took a long time before he let out a breath and walked to Marshal Tianpeng to sit down and sighed, "Brother, are you really not fighting once again for the world?"

Marshal Tianpeng was startled, and then said, "I have fought too many times for the world, I have been tired for a long time, and I finally woke up, and everyone in the world has its own life."

"Then will we just watch?"

"Brother, you're in a hurry. It's not that this kind of life can't be controlled by people, but it's not what you and I can control." Marshal Tian Peng is still left behind, "I'm old, and you have the passion and impulse to be a young man. I do n’t take part in what I do. After all these years, I ’m so tired. It ’s nice to live a comfortable life like this now. "

The sand monk stood motionless next to him, his body like a high mountain, but so calm and quiet.

Marshal Tian Peng showed a kind of tiredness in his words and expression, which was not in line with the clothes outside his body. Instead, he looked like a battle-hardened general.

Before that, Bailong had a little idea of ​​using Marshal Tianpeng to borrow the power of the Tianhe Water Army, but now he is still silent.

He glanced at the sand monk.

Probably the reason why the sand monk was so immobile did not persuade Marshal Tianpeng, just because he saw through this?


Bai Long sighed.

Marshal Tian Peng itself is a man with great magical power. If he helps him, this difficult and dangerous road will undoubtedly go a lot better. Although Marshal Tianpeng has stepped down, he once said that he exists in the Tianhe Water Army, and his prestige is extremely high. If he can win the Tianhe Water Army to help him, even if it is against the army of the Immortal Magic Palace, he has a little confidence.

By the way, after he was suppressed, he didn't know what happened to the Tianhe Water Army. Would you like to use the combat power of the Tianhe Marines, even if you lose a few times, you wo n’t lose it?

Bai Long remained silent for a long time, and Fang said: "Although I was crushed under the mountain for seven hundred years, I still have some knowledge of the eternal magic palace that was developed step by step by the outside world. Those who contend must have the help of more ancient gods and immortals. "

He turned his head again: "Brother"

Before he could ask, Marshal Tianpeng waved his hand: "Don't think about it, I haven't asked about the world in these years. I don't know any of the great gods left in this world."

Bai Long showed a disappointed expression: "That's it."


The voice of Marshal Tian Peng changed: "I used to have an ordnance for tracking in the Tianhe Water Army, which was invented by a highly respected military division of our army. As long as you can find an object that is closely related to those great supernaturalists You can know his position. No matter where you are in the Three Realms, no matter how many lifetimes you have, you can find it as long as you do n’t have a soul! "

"There is this object!" White Dragon immediately surprised.

"Well, that object is called Peeping Sky Plate. It was originally used by me to chase down the Arahant and Bodhisattva of the Buddha Gate, and soon spread the whole army, but the army master quickly died by death. Then I was in the same day with Lingshan In the fight, the Nanwu Dragon Tree Bodhisattva was defeated, and the Tianhe Army was also ambushed by the Buddha! "

"Huh? This glimpse of Tianpan is not allowed by Tiandao?"

"When so."

"Whether turning around or hiding, as long as you can find it within the Three Realms, this glimpse of the Tianpan is too overbearing, and even Heavenly Path cannot tolerate it." Bai Long sighed, "So is the current Tianhe Army still?" What about the sky disk? "

"The Tianhe Marine Army has been reorganized for hundreds of years. The current marshal is called Lingfeng. I brought it out. It should not be deterred by Heavenly Dao. When I am brazen, I will ask you for a few."

"So, thank you brother."

"It's just new, but I haven't returned to the Tianhe Army in many years, and I don't know how to face those old men for a while."

Marshal Tian Peng walked on the cloud and disappeared instantly.

The white dragon and sand monk are still amazed by the ability to see the sky and the talents of the Tianhe naval army, and at the same time they began to list the powerful men who were just and awe-inspiring in the three realms.

There are Sudhi ancestors and Ziwei emperor.

There are Daxian Yuanzi Daxian, Barefoot Daxian ~ ~ There are even the Three Saints Yang Ji who have made good relations with Marshal Tianpeng, and the General Saint who has worked with the General Shutter.

There is Huikongming Bodhisattva and Shega Bodhisattva.

Listed a long list, and then excluded many.

Either it is because these people are too loyal to Heavenly Court or Lingshan, and it is difficult to conspire with them. Either because these people are nowhere to be found, they ca n’t even find the things they once had.

They can figure out that this glimpse of the celestial disc must use objects that are closely related to these people as a medium to find these people from the three realms.

"Right!" Bai Long suddenly stared.

The sand monk glanced at him and asked faintly, "But did Brother Si think of that Buddha?"

"Exactly!" Bai Longdao said, "What do you think?"

"Yes!" The sand monk nodded, "He was born in Huaguo Shanshuilian Cave in Aolai Kingdom of Dongsheng Shenzhou. He once practiced on this mountain, once lived in the heavenly court, was suppressed, and he had been with us Together on the road to the west, as the strongest person in Lingshan, he fought against the heavens. As long as we follow this clue, we can definitely find something related to him. "

Anyang was shocked and only now realized that they were actually talking about Sun Wukong!

I saw the sand monk paused, and worried: "But the old Saint of Heaven is no longer there, and now there is only one Buddha who laid down everything. Are you sure you and I can move him?"

"How can it be done without trying?"


Under this ancient tree at Fangcun Mountain in Lingtai and Sanxingdong in Xieyue, the white dragon raised his head and stared at the sand monk over four meters high. Their eyes are shining and full of passion, and the eyes of a person who is three points larger than the bronze bell are like water.

Except for the squirrels hiding far away in the trees and the birds looking for food in the grass, there is only one recorder beside—


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