My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 851: Looking for the Monkey King

I don't know how far Qilong Mountain where the river and water army is now stationed that day. Marshal Tianpeng came back quickly, holding three silver plates in his hand.

Closer to Anyang, they discovered that the three plates looked like metal, but they were not real objects, but unreal magical instruments composed purely of silver light, but they could be safely held in the hands by Marshal Tianpeng. It is really mysterious.

There are dense runes on the plate, and there seem to be countless smaller runes that make up the plate itself—

This is probably the high-end technology in this world.

Bai Long glanced at the Tianpan and seemed to know the mystery at first glance. He sighed wonderfully and stopped looking at it again. He said to Marshal Tianpeng: "Brother Brother came back so quickly, why not the Tianhe Marines and his subordinates What about old times? "

"Like you, there are some young people. I used to be able to be with them before, but now it is different from the past, and staying there is also out of place. Besides, I care about you, and I took the things back quickly." Marshal Tianpeng He said, throwing three peeping plates at random, three silver shiny plates flew out, drifting from the ground three feet away from the ground.

"Place the objects you find in this peeping sky disc and infuse spiritual power. It will guide you in its own direction. Red is heaven, white is earth, and black is earth."

"Thank you Brother." Bai Long quickly arched his hand.

"Thank you, you just use it."

"Then we can't wait any longer, let's leave now." Bai Long immediately stood up and grabbed the three plates.

This idea was also supported by sand monks.

But Marshal Tianpeng waved his hand and said: "It's a panic. Our three brothers haven't seen each other for hundreds of years. It's better to sit here and talk for one night. It's not too late to start tomorrow."

With that said, he sat back and stretched.

Bai Long glanced at the sand monk with inquiry, and the sand monk was silent and did not respond.

Obviously, the White Dragon didn't want to delay the time. The Bodhisattva's position based on the killing certificate did not calm his heart, and his 700-year captivity career failed to destroy his passion. But seeing Tian Peng Yuan locked in the tree roots and had already set up a chat, he had to bear to stay.

"Alright, let's just sit and talk for one night."

"Happy, do you eat meat and drink?" Marshal Tian Peng asked.

"Eat meat and read the Buddha correctly, but the wine is not to drink, after all, there are commandments." Bai Long folded his hands together.

"Break half of the ring, keep half of the ring, haha." Marshal Tianpeng smiled and looked at the sand monk again, "What about you?"

"It hasn't broken the ring in hundreds of years." Sha Seng said.

"Everyone is out of Lingshan, but still abides by the rules of the Laoshizi!" Marshal Tianpeng sneered again.

"No, my brother is wrong. Lingshan is a Buddhist gate, but the Buddhist gates are not all Lingshan. ⊥ If Tianting is Taoism, there are many people who do not belong to Tianting. I just left Lingshan, which was created by Da Riru. There are more than one of them, and there are countless worlds. The commandments are not all created by him. "

"It's okay, I'm too lazy to talk to you nerd!" Marshal Tian Peng said very casually. "Then don't eat meat or drink. I will pick two fruits. Let's sit for one night."

He was about to get up.

But Anyang quickly stood up and said: "There is no need for the marshal to leave, there will be fruit disciples here."

As he waved his hand, there was a row of canned green-skinned fruit in front of him, as well as several large bottles of juice, all specially made for him. The packaging was very clean and would never reveal anything about the real world or other Information of the world.

"Huh? This thing is weird." Marshal Tianpeng picked up the jar and didn't wait for Anyang to tell him how to use it. He grabbed the seal ring and pulled the can off. Inside is the pure flesh of several kinds of fruits, which exudes Alluring sweet fragrance.

As he picked up a large glass bottle again, this time more directly, he grabbed the bottle and did not move, the lid slammed into the sky, and then fell firmly into his palm.

Anyang quickly took out a few glasses and handed them over. After taking the juice bottle and pouring it next to it, he also poured himself a glass.

Bai Long sniffed his nose in front of the white juice and took a deep breath. His eyes lit up: "Coconut juice. I used to pick up coconuts on the beach in Xihe regular adult form to eat, but later I was fined by the Jade Emperor, and there was no more. I have drunk coconut juice and I miss it very much. "

Anyang smiled and waved some firewood to prepare for fire at night.

The three chatted here.

Bai Long and Marshal Tian Peng sat opposite each other on the roots of two ancient trees, and the sand monk stood aside like a mountain.

At the beginning, the westward journey was really bumpy. It was far-fetched to say that they were brothers and sisters who went out together. It was better to say that they were comrades fighting side by side. They were convinced by the idea of ​​the same person or seduced by the interests of the same person. Those who share the same path, in short, are really unforgettable.

I haven't seen each other for seven or eight hundred years now. Even some dumb sand monks have endless words with them.

From the fact that Jin Chanzi, who proved Nan Wumin ’s Tan Kung Fu Buddha, broke with his mentor Nan Wu Da Ri after his westward journey, to Nan Wudou ’s victory over the neutrality of the Buddha within the Lingshan Mountain, and the stunning view of Guan Yin Yin Bodhisattva and Zhen Yuan Zi Da Xian Fighting methods, to the extent of blaming the original court, human suffering

Talking to Sangen, Anyang, who had been listening quietly beside him, felt that Sanguan had been shocked.

The gods who have been waiting for worship, the movie and TV characters who have worshipped, come slowly in these two populations, the tone is like talking about company colleagues or neighbors next door.

During this process, he has always added tea or juice to the three people, and of course will also add a glass to himself, proving that he is posing in front of the three people as a junior gesture, rather than a servile serving them chatting and drinking water. people.

The night went from deep to shallow, approaching the dawn.

The content of the conversation inevitably related to the immortal magic palace and their upcoming confrontation with the immortal magic palace.

"We just went back to the Tianhe Army and asked about the details of this immortal demon palace. The original lion camel was able to escape the encirclement and suppression of my Tianhe Water Army because of the affiliation with the officials of the Lingshan Mountain and the officials who accepted bribes in the Heavenly Court. Now the Immortal Mausoleum has developed this to the extreme. "Marshal Tianpeng said," At present, there are about 1 million remaining soldiers in the heavenly court, plus some fairy gods and warlords with great magical powers, confronting thousands of monks in Lingshan, but Both parties have indispensable relationships between the powerful, the supernatural and the eternal life palace. "

"I don't know how the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas who laid down their misunderstandings at Lingshan, but according to the rumor, there is even power to stay loyal to the Devil Palace right here!"

The white dragon and the sand monk were shocked when they heard: "The monsters of the demon palace actually put their tentacles into the heaven and the spirit mountain?"

"Under the war, it is inevitable to be taken advantage of." Marshal Tian Peng did not seem to care, paused and said, "Do the two brothers still continue to contend with the immortal demon palace now?"

"Of course!" Bai Long did not hesitate. "The more terrible they develop, the bigger the tumor, the more they have to eradicate it!"

"It's okay, but now the two younger brothers can't easily find helpers from the rest of the heaven and the monks of the spirit mountain, so as to avoid being spies mixed in the magic palace, turning back against the water at a critical moment, or secretly providing your information to the magic palace. For a hundred years, the Demon Palace was not the monster we met on the westbound road.

"Thank you, Brother, for your concern."

The three quickly discussed the matter of Sun Wukong.

Although Marshal Teng Peng also felt that they could not convince Sun Wukong, who had become a Buddha, but now he had to dig away many great gods and monks of the Spirit Mountain, and there were not many people left who could help them destroy the immortal palace. Is the best object.

"You have three people. Although there are few people, you can trust them all. Fortunately, I suggest that you soldiers should be divided into three ways and go the way that the monkey had walked. You can find out where he is by looking at the hair. "Marshal Tianpeng said.

"But that monkey has become a Buddha"

"This" Marshal Tian Peng also hesitated, "I have never used this peep to track Buddha ~ ~ I don't know if it can be effective for Buddha, but it should be effective"

"Then we will do it!"

"Anyang, the chance to save your vixen is here. As long as you can help us find the battle to defeat the Buddha and destroy the immortal palace, there must be great supernaturalists to revive your vixen."

"Bodhisattva, you say how should I do it." Anyang folded his hands together, but in fact he was very helpless. The death of the hanging raccoon definitely includes this white dragon, but now the white dragon wants him to fight for the opportunity to bring the hanging raccoon back to life, which is quite unreasonable.

But he didn't have the capital to reason with him, and the feeling of swallowing the truth was very uncomfortable!

At this time, Bai Long seemed to have seen through his thoughts, very politely said: "Relax, after this is done, I will give you an explanation to your fox spirit. As for the **** or some baby, You choose! "

Anyang's eyes lightened slightly, but his face did not change, his hands folded: "Nanwu Amitabha, thank you Bodhisattva."

In his arms, with a thin layer of clothes, the hanging raccoon also changed the state of being silently lying on his back, but stood energetically inside the soul bead, erecting his ears and listening silently.

That bite of "Your Vixen" made her sound embarrassed, but the chance of rebirth made her look forward to.

As for the chance or baby Bailong said in the end, it was completely a surprise.

She also heard that the elegant male voice said to Anyang: "Wait a second, I will teach you a method, but you can perceive the things that are closely related to the battle over the Buddha at close range. Brother Sha and I watched the road that the battle over Buddha over, Except for the Fangcun Mountain in Lingtai, it is Huaguo Mountain with the least danger. You can watch this circle and go to Huaguo Mountain if there is nothing. "

"Disciples understand."

The sky gradually lightened up during the conversation.

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