My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 856: Don't care!


"Yes," Bai Long said. "Perhaps it was the prohibition he left behind when he put on the cassock, and it was only for those who had a wrong mind."

"It turns out so."

Anyang Chang breathed a sigh of relief.

Then I saw Bai Long's palm turned over, and a silver-white light spot in his hand quickly enlarged. It was like a basin-sized peeping sky disk: "I will try to find him first!"

He put two long purple gold crowns on the peeping sky disc, and then pointed his finger upward as a sword. The peeping sky disc suddenly emitted a dazzling silver light, and the densely runes and The light spot seemed to come to life in an instant, and the whole peeping sky disk surrounded the purple gold crown and started to run at high speed.


A dull thunder sounded from behind the sky, and Anyang turned his head subconsciously to see it, but saw nothing.

Peeping Tianpan is still working, and the high-speed circulation is more than just the runes on the surface. In fact, the entire Peeping Tianpan is composed of such runes!

Time passed bit by bit, never stopped.

Bai Long frowned slightly, sometimes staring at the sky disc, and then breathed a sigh of relief, and then repeated this process. Obviously, in the place that Anyang could not perceive, the process of looking into the sky to find the trail of Qitian Dasheng in the past was not smooth all the way.

He breathed his breath and didn't dare to disturb Bailong.

After a long time, glancing through the sky, the light finally came out-

I saw that there was a haze of mist around the sky, exuding a white and hazy light. The fog is like a screen with four small dots on it, distributed over the plates showing the complete four continents. Three of them are red, somehow, and the other is white, which is in the territory of Sianglang Kingdom, Dongsheng Shenzhou.

In addition, there is a small arrow that has been pointing in the direction of the white dot to the nearest red dot.

Anyang glanced at it, but he was stunned for a moment: "The white dot is where we are, then the red dot should be where Qi Tian Da Sheng is. How can there be three?"

Bai Long silently, but frowned thoughtfully.

It took a long time before he waved his hand and shrunk the Tianpan plate back into his palm: "Maybe we are all too optimistic. The original victory over the Buddha was already suppressed by the gods who supported the heaven, or he split into many places and entered the reincarnation. People, in short, it is not easy to try to find him back. "

"Is this a guess?" Anyang asked.

"It's speculation, I don't know the exact reason, or maybe it's just the trick left by fighting against the Buddha-thousands of avatars, he was the best before he became a Buddha." Bai Longdao said.

"Then shall we still find him?"

"Of course." White Dragon's look identified, "If the battle over the Buddha is still there, we will be able to find him, even if he is suppressed by the corpse, even if he has been reincarnated, and even if the chance of making him come back is very small, we can't Let go! "

"Buddha Mercy." Anyang folded his hands together.

"Alas." Bai Long sighed. "I have notified Brother Sha, and I will wait until Brother Sha comes."


The two stayed here.

Anyang learned a lot of useful magical powers from the sand monk a few days ago, and benefited a lot. Now when he arrives at Bailong, he is replaced by Bailong to teach him.

It can be seen from their differences in personality. The sand monk has a calm temper, and the content given to him is very basic, but it just happens to be enough for his short board, just enough for his use. Bailong, a great **** born with the blood of the king, is different. The magical powers given to him are much more powerful and precious. However, at his current level, he can't get it through.

Six days later, the sand monk was late.

He was still wearing that teal cloth, tall as a giant mountain, his face calm and calm, but this time Anyang felt a slight **** smell from him.

Sure enough, he said to Bai Long as soon as he arrived: "Hundreds of years have not been to Tiangong, I never expected that Tiangong has become this look! I was a little bit emotional, and I met him when I went to the former Peach Garden After some obstacles, on the way back, I met the demon of the Immortal Demon Palace and played two games, so I came back a little late. "

Bai Long immediately smiled and said: "It turns out that. Wait for Brother to talk to me and tell me what the old Tiangong has become!"

"Nothing to say! Don't mention it!" The sand monk stood the demon scepter on the ground, and said, "What did Anyang find? Could this be the way to find victory over the Buddha?"

"Brother at a glance will know."

Speaking of the white dragon, he took out the phoenix-winged purple gold crown, the gold chain mail of the chain lock and the roots of the lotus root, as well as a glimpse of the sky plate, and demonstrated it again for the sand monk.

Unsurprisingly, the sand monk who read the result was also deeply silent.

"This situation ..."

"Senior Brother is not sure?"

"I can only see that these two locations are within the realm of mortals, but now the mortal country is no better than in the past, and I can't conclude that the battle over the Buddha will be reincarnated." The sand monk pointed at two of the sky discs. Red Dot, "But I just killed the two monsters of the Immortal Magic Palace. The situation is much more critical than before. We must have a try!"

"Brother's point of view is the same as mine, no matter what the situation is, we have to go and see!"

"Yes, it's not too late ..." The sand monk's words weren't finished, but his face changed slightly, and he suddenly turned to look at the distant sky.


Another muffled noise came from afar.

This muffled sound is obviously not the thunder of nature, but more like an explosion of heavy artillery, followed by terrifying pressure, as if a nuclear bomb shock wave is spreading.

At the same time, Skyrim heard a shock-

"Bold roller shutter, come out quickly!"

In the courtyard, the sand monk and the white dragon looked at each other, and then they smiled and raised their hands, and the demon scepter flew over.

"Oh, actually the sky and the thunder are in full swing. It seems that the Immortal Demon Palace is now like us." The sand monk's face calmly calmed down, and turned to Anyang again. I will give you a glimpse of the heavenly disc and send you out of here. Then I will ask you to find Qitian Dasheng. If possible, persuade him, how? "

Anyang was silent for a while and then said: "Yes!"

"The younger brother first taught him how to use the celestial disc. I will meet the demon to see where it is sacred!" The monk's huge head showed a grin, and it seemed to be back to the one who used the skull as a necklace. During the fierce period, mentioning the demon scepter, his body disappeared in the courtyard in a flash.

Bai Long was also very calm. He flipped his hand and took out a peeping sky plate and handed it to him, and began to teach him how to use it.

In the process, the thunder of the sky became more and more shocking, like a giant who could pierce the sky, dragging a huge stone mill to walk on the top of the clouds, and there was a muffled sound. At the same time, it was accompanied by the previous drunken drink: "Different roller blinds, but only a westbound road was taken 800 years ago, and a Luo Han Guo bit was won. Really, even the last name is forgotten!"

"My demon palace respects you as a predecessor, and repeatedly humiliates, but you have repeatedly offended, really when my demon palace is empty, why should you kill you?"

"Quickly come out and die!"

"Today, my devil's palace is going to stand by you!"


Cultivation is closely related to the mind and soul. Someone can understand life here, naturally follow the avenue, and follow the modesty, you can get a reputation as a master. But for some people, the long practice really has nothing to do with personality and IQ. He is like an insulator, arrogantly pursuing strength, walking into the left end of the avenue, no matter how far he goes, it is not a word of Tao.

Just like the demon who is calling in the brain, he wants to come as a mighty demon king in the Eternal Life Palace, but it can be heard throughout the city, which is really no different from the earth dog.

It did n’t take long for Anyang to grasp the opening method of peeping into the sky, and the sky was quiet now, replaced by the silence of the air, even the most common insects in the courtyard stopped the noisy singing, quietly Waiting for the moment when the storm brewing in the sky came.

Bai Long is still so indifferent, saying: "The vast array of sky and thunder has a blockade effect, but anyway, but there may be some turbulence when forcing it through. You can hold back and it will be fine for a moment."

Anyang glanced at the sky that was rapidly darkening outside, and quickly nodded: "Disciples know."

Bai Long smiled and said, "Don't panic. They didn't know that our westbound trip was almost completely subjected to the collision between the two behemoths of Heavenly Court and Lingshan. What battles haven't been seen before. This little bit of trouble is really not worth mentioning. Let Brother respond alone. I have something to tell you. "

"Buddha please tell me." Anyang also let down.

It seems that although the momentum is huge outside, the Devil Palace has a prepared posture to vow to kill the sand monk, but the white dragon and the sand monk seem to be completely inattentive.

"Depending on the current situation, my brother and I may have to conduct a full-scale confrontation with the Immortal Maze ahead of time. Although it is unwise to play now, we are helpless and we don't even have any chance of winning, but some things are like this-there must always be someone to lead , Made a little movement, and all the people in the world followed suit ~ ~ um. "Anyang nodded.

This sentence reminded him of Chen She of the Qin Dynasty, who was the leader who first stood up against the Qin Dynasty. At that time, his power was not as good as that of the Qin Dynasty, and there was no chance of winning. In the end, his result was not unexpected. Failed. But he succeeded in driving the whole world, and finally the heroes joined forces, and the resistance forces represented by Chu Bawang and Liu Bang quickly subverted Daqin!

Bai Long paused, and then said: "The heads of the former Qitian Dasheng are powerful, although not much, but they are much more powerful than you. I have solved the restrictions for you, and I have done it for you. In some arrangements, you can wear it if you are in danger. Otherwise, it should be no problem to escape. "

"Thank you Bodhisattva."

"Thank you, what you do is dangerous, and I'm tired of fighting for the lives of the Three Realms. I naturally want to ensure that you are intact."

Before Anyang had time to speak, he saw a white light sweeping towards him, so strong that he obscured his vision.

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