My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 857: Temple of Buddha

This feeling is very wonderful.

Anyang feels that he is walking under the ground, and he feels that he is flying above the clouds. Sometimes the body surface is like a wet and cold ice wrapped in water. The occasional slight weightlessness even gives him the illusion that he is getting rid of gravity. .

Suddenly, he seemed to hit something.

"Boom ..."

The sense of impact was passed to him at the very first moment, and what followed was a sense of delay as if rushing into the quagmire, and a sense of bump into the chaotic airspace.

That kind of lag is not slow, but it is like the discomfort caused by the exhaustion of all aspects of physical function. The bumps are not jitters, but the sway of people up and down hundreds of meters in the air, challenging the limit of human collapse.

Anyang finally knows why Bai Long specially reminded him, because this kind of turmoil is likely to be unbearable even with his current strength. If he is an ordinary person, he may not be able to use his body for a second, and he will explode due to various pressures open!

Fortunately, Bailong didn't lie to you, this feeling was only a moment, just rushed out of the big array.

I do n’t know how long it took to fly. It was after that situation that he no longer had the concept of time. I just felt that the speed of movement gradually slowed down, and I finally got down to earth.

Before the time had come to realize the peace of mind brought about by this stability, a salty and damp wind with a slight odor smelled against him, blowing up his hair and lapel, which was especially cool. At the same time, the sound of a clattering wave rang in his ears, gradually becoming clear from his blur, and his five senses seemed to be gradually recovering.

When the white light faded, he opened his eyes and found that he was standing on the edge of the cliff. In front of him was the endless sea, and he would step into the air and then fall into the sea.

The sea water gradually changes from dark blue to light blue from the far to the near. Near the shore, the beach shows a cool fruit green. The sea water is lifted by the wind, and the waves are beaten up and over again and again. The white foam-like spray has been repeating this process for some years.

But unlike the softness of the distant view, it is very powerful when viewed from close. The big wave carried the force of greatness towards the cliff, quickly and fiercely, making a loud noise like a shell explosion!

"The power of the sea ..."

Anyang breathed the air with the smell of sea, staring at a cliff that might be ten meters high under his feet. The water foam brought by the spray could even splash on him, and then stared silently.

The ability brought by the sixth-level demon body can be called retrograde. Although he did not dare to challenge what kind of existence could kill himself, but this little discomfort of the body quickly recovered. In a blink of an eye, he began to examine the coast, and then peeped out to see it.

There seems to be a rough map of the world above. I don't know if the found person is in the heaven, whether this object has the ability to show the map of the heaven.

As far as the ordinary world is concerned, the four major continents are almost all of the ordinary world, in addition to many overseas islands. Although according to area, some islands can be compared with the real world America, but compared to the other four continents, it can only be called an overseas island.

He knows the four major continents. He is still in Dongsheng Shenzhou, but he is already on the opposite side of Bailong.

Anyang stayed for a moment, strictly implementing the thought of the Taoist Taoist priest that he could not stay in a place for too long, and immediately a white cloud condensed, and the cloud went overhead.

Of the three red dots, the most recent one is a land boundary called Dahuang Mountain in Nanzhanbuzhou.

This place doesn't have much myth. The reason why it is called the Great Barren Mountain is entirely because it is a barren mountain, and it stretches into a large area, making it difficult for marching and entering.

Anyang walks in the direction of the arrow, and the white spot where he is is slowly approaching the red dot. But after all, it is not a map with a humanized function. When two small dots of different colors are almost completely overlapped, there is at least a hundred miles of error. This needs to be slowly found by the arrow.

Bai Yun crossed the mountains silently, and suddenly, the arrow pointing all the way forward on the sky disc reversed.

Anyang immediately came to a sudden brake and looked back.

I saw a mountain hundreds of meters high standing at his feet, there was a temple on the mountain, there was no incense, but it seemed to be cooking, and a vertical burst of smoke from the chimney.

Anyang tried to fly back again, and as he flew over the temple, the arrow reversed again.

"It seems to be here!"

It is beyond his imagination that the precision of peeping at Tianpan can reach such a point. When there is no effective positioning device on the target, the target can be found so accurately. This technology has already killed several streets of modern positioning technology.

Anyang put away the peep, and flew quietly.

He first landed at the foot of the mountain, and then walked up the wet narrow steps covered with moss, like a pilgrim, step by step to the door of the temple.

This temple is not dilapidated, but it is clearly many years old. This can be seen from the gradually weathered gate posts and the slabs in front of the doors that have been smoothed. A layer of ash has accumulated on the two majestic stone lions in front of the door. That is not the dust that fell later, but the weather caused by it, so the monks dare not wipe it.

There are often many monks in troubled times. One can eat a lot of food, one can avoid disaster, and three can escape the forced conscription of the government, so there are many monks in this temple.

Anyang stepped into the gate of the temple in one step, glanced left and right, and walked towards the main hall of the temple.

There was a thin old monk wearing a gray robes, sweeping the dust on the ground with a large broom bundled with bamboo. The ground seemed to have nothing but dust. A blue-faced little monk was sitting on the bluestone flower platform in the doorway. He was shaking his head while holding a scripture book.

There is a pear tree growing in the flower bed. It is now summer and it is covered with fruit, but it is not yet fully ripe.

The little monk raised his head and looked at it for a while, and during the period stood up and waved away the flying birds.

There is even an old yellow dog tethered in the corner ...

Anyang approached step by step, and the old monk raised his head and looked at him, his eyes began to get cloudy. The little monk didn't realize it, but the old yellow dog opened his eyes and glanced at him.

Until he approached, the young monk found him, and suddenly jumped up, and then quickly folded his hands together, seeming to be a little annoyed by his unsteadiness, saying: "Is the donor coming to burn incense and ritual Buddha or come to draw a lot?"

Anyang smiled and didn't answer, but also gave him a greeting with his hands folded together, saying, "Master Master can't eat any more food and has a turquoise dog. It shows the compassionate heart. Since this is the case, why should he drive the sparrows that come to forage? "

"Ah?" The little monk froze a moment before stuttering. "Old yellow dogs are so sick and sick that without our care, they will starve to death, and birds will lively and lively, even if we drive it away, You will find food elsewhere. This world is a mess for people, but not for them. "

"How do you know that there are not many sick and deceased among the birds, maybe these birds have come to you because they couldn't catch the bugs, but the pears were not eaten, but they were shocked by your sleeves shouting loudly Jump and run for nothing, wasting a lot of energy. "

"This ..." The little monk could not tell him.

Anyang just smiled.

This is by no means a debate about Buddhism or something, it is just a verbal dispute that is purely better than anyone. He was prepared and asked questions, and the little monk responded hurriedly. It was quite good to tell him in such an orderly manner. As for stuttering, it is normal. Most people in this era do not have enough conditions to let themselves grow up. Be energetic.

"I'm here to find someone." Anyang once again bowed to the little monk, "By the way, I also burn incense."

"Good!" The little monk was a little happy, because most of the incense burners would donate some sesame oil money. Seeing that this man was simple but clean and tidy, without patches, it should be a good family. If you are unlucky, you will always have to buy two joss sticks-he doesn't seem to have a joss stick.

It has been a long time since the temple where no one has respected sesame oil.

Then the little monk immediately blamed himself for his thoughts full of copper smell, quickly bowed his head and recited the Nannan Amitabha Buddha, and then directed him to say: "Please donate here."

Anyang followed him to worship the Buddha first. He did not believe in Buddha and did not believe in it. There was no obstacle to worshiping Buddha. Then, under the surprised and ecstatic gaze of the little monk, he took out a piece of silver with white flowers and put it in the merit box-this temple seemed to have never thought that someone would give so much money since it was built, which led to this piece of silver Almost couldn't put it in the merit box.

This even alarmed the abbot and the elders of the temple, and a large number of people came out to receive them because of his silver coins.

But the abbot ’s self-cultivation was very good. Although his face was flushed, he did n’t have much desire. He just bowed his hands deeply in front of him: “It ’s ashamed that there is no Amitabha in the south, the donor is so generously gifted. Unable to get it together, it really makes the monk uneasy. "

"The master is polite." Anyang said sincerely.

Then he mentioned that he wanted to visit the temple. The abbot will not refuse, but he should have been accompanied by ordinary monks, but now he has been accompanied by him.

The two walked while talking ~ ~ According to the old monk, the temple used to have a glorious history, but it is now broken down, so it still maintains a large scale. The old monk introduced to him while walking, just like a professional guide, the two spent more than an hour to finish the temple tour.

There are dozens of monks in the temple, and none of them can survive on sesame oil, so they opened up wasteland and planted it by themselves. But in these years, the weather has not been well adjusted, and the drought, waterlogging, and insect pests have changed people's lives. They are at best not hungry, but their lives are not good.

Walked around, basically finished shopping.

But Anyang's heart was a little heavy.

In this temple, he did not find a monk different from ordinary people at all. This does not mean that he has mana, but there are no people who are pure in heart and calm in temperament.

Even if you fight against Buddha even if you are intent on seclusion, there is no need to pretend that you can't hide the joy of seeing a piece of silver in this environment covered by Dharma.

He realized a possibility that made his heart heavy.

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