My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 864: Incomplete Buddha

Huashan, the place where the Three Virgin Mary was suppressed in the Po Lin Lantern, Agarwood splits the mountain to save the mother.

I do n’t know if there are agarwood and the three virgins in this world, but Huashan is there, and it is very similar to Huashan in the real world. I do n’t know whether it is a coincidence or a system.

On the west peak of Huashan Mountain, the ridge of the mountain is like the back of a dagger across the earth, and the mountain is like a solitary blade handle, on which a temple is built, empty.

Zhu Mingkang was placed here.

Anyang was covered with blood and came back from outside.

He walked towards the temple from one end of the peak ridge. The peak-like ridge itself was a hard rock. There was only a flat road carved by a stonemason with a chisel. There were no guardrails. It was a kilometer long and walked on it. Just like playing extreme sports, a slip of your feet will fall into the abyss.

Anyang is naturally not afraid of falling. He walks very smoothly, like walking on the land, stepping on the ridge and walking towards the temple.

At this time it was dusk, the clouds were all under my feet, the sky was full of blue sky, the sky was dyed golden by the sunset, and the clouds under my feet were also colorful. In such a scene, a person walks on the steep and straight ridge, full of the artistic conception of going to heaven.

The mountain in front is illuminated golden, but this place is far less calm than it seems. On the contrary, the wind on the mountain is very strong, blowing the pine forest behind to gargle, people also have the feeling of being blown off the cliff.

Anyang's face was calm and his hair was lifted by the wind, but his pace was steady and calm, and he gradually walked to the center of the peak.

From a distance perspective, a person walking on the golden dangerous ridge, flowers, grass, trees and wood, even the temple on the top of the Xifeng peak illuminated by gold, constitutes a magnificent scene.

It is a pity that the parties did not care to watch.

With a squeak, Anyang pushed open the door of the temple.

There was a scent of rice porridge inside. Zhu Mingkang lived alone, cooking some porridge when he was away. Fortunately, he is used to marching in wars, and he is not picky eaters, as long as he is warm enough to fill his stomach, he can gobble up!

"How about it? Shangxian." Zhu Mingkang asked him with a modern white porcelain bowl burned in Jingdezhen.

Looking at the general Chongqi, Anyang looked slightly trance, then shook his head.

In fact, after coming to this world for so long, he has an understanding of the power system and his history here, and he can feel faintly-if he can say that the fight against the Buddha, this battle against the immortal palace is likely to be soon End, and end with a successful result!

It is a pity that the three people found by Tian Pian according to the battle before defeating the Buddha and becoming the Buddha are all three mortals, just like the rough man with a bowl of porridge in front of him.

Zhu Mingkang was tall and mighty, and he also had a hostile spirit from the killing. Without being angry, he could easily scare ordinary people. But in the face of the immortal magic palace, what can he do, afraid that even the most obscure demon will be able to crush him to death with one finger.

After a pause, he opened his mouth and said: "Although I still didn't find the golden body Luohan and Guangli Bodhisattva this time, I got their news."

"Oh? What news?"

"They were fine during the battle that day."

"That's good, if there weren't a few bodhisattvas, those **** debris would not be known when they would be cleaned up!" Zhu Mingkang already knew a bit about the Eternal Palace.

He has been walking with Anyang these days, and Anyang will talk to him from time to time. On the one hand, Anyang wanted to trace the tiny possibility to revive his Buddhahood. On the other hand, these days are really too boring, and finally caught a person who can speak, and he also fell in the heart.

But at this time, Anyang only heard a voice--

"This is the person you found?"


Anyang immediately turned around and saw a white dragon in a blue robes with a white background. I don't know when he was standing in the main hall of the temple. He looked at the three statues of the Qing Dynasty on the throne.

Anyang was a little surprised that he was unaware and took it for granted, but he still reacted quickly and folded his hands together: "Bodhisattva, you are finally here."

Zhu Mingkang was stunned, and folded his hands like Anyang. He was a bit cautious and said: "There is no Amitabha in the south."

"Nanwu Amitabha." Bai Long withdrew his gaze from the statue of Sanqing and returned his gestures to them with his hands folded together, without a high posture. And this is the first time he recites the Buddha's chanting ritual in front of Anyang. "After the battle between Xi Niu He Zhou and the demon king of the Immortal Demon Palace a few days ago, there was something to be busy.

"It turns out that, what about Venerable Sand Monk?"

"Brother Sha will soon ... have arrived."

As soon as the words fell, I saw a flash of light, and I couldn't even see the shape of the light. A huge figure in dark blue clothes appeared in the main hall of the temple.

It is a sand monk!

The sand monk's speechless hands nodded to him, then looked at Zhu Mingkang next to Anyang.

Anyang was about to speak, but suddenly he seemed to feel something, and turned suddenly.

I saw a brightly-dressed figure sitting on the beam behind his back, looking like a teenager, with a beautiful face, but no expression, a wound on his body, wearing an extremely delicate armor, wrapped around his arm Holding a piece of red damask, playing with a chopstick-like pointed stick in one hand.

He looked at Anyang coldly, and when he saw it, he only grinned and said, "It feels quite sharp."

Anyang hurriedly said: "Have seen His Highness the Third Prince."

The Zhu Mingkang beside him was stunned for a while, and actually recognized the identity of the person. His face was red because of excitement or excitement, and he also said: "See ... I have seen Shangxian!"

Prince Nezha glanced at Zhu Mingkang from the top down, slightly tilting his head to reveal a puzzled expression, and said, "Since you are here, then you are the reincarnation of Sun Wukong?"

With that said, he jumped off the room beam and looked at Zhu Mingkang with a scrutiny, frowning.

Anyang paused before saying: "Peeping Tianpan found three people based on the Fengling Purple Gold Crown. He was one of them. I found him at Beizhou Luzhou. One of the other two was an old monk who was practicing in the deep mountains. , One is a mortal with a dirty heart and a dirty heart, I will only bring him back to see you, if I can do it, I can go to the other two at any time. "

Bai Long nodded and looked at Zhu Mingkang doubtfully, and said immediately: "Since you brought him back, it is not that simple to think about, let's talk about the specific situation."

"Yes." Anyang paused and glanced at Zhu Mingkang again. "Excuse me, these three people have nothing special except that they can be found in the sky."

He explained the situation of the three people briefly.

Bai Long frowned, looked at the sand monk, and then folded his hands to Zhu Mingkang: "Offended."

Zhu Mingkang was stunned, and before he could react, he saw Bailong reaching out his hand and gently resting it on his head.

His face was inexplicable, but he did not resist.

Anyang was also watching next to him. This scene was as plain as pretending to be a ghost, without the slightest glow of light, and Zhu Mingkang did not show a painful expression or simply fainted. The only extraordinary thing is that the white dragon's brows are more wrinkled and tighter What problems did you encounter?

Soon, he withdrew his hand, sighed, and said to the sand monk and Nezha: "Brother Sha, the third prince, please come and see."

So in Zhu Mingkang's still inexplicable expression, both of them came forward in order, pressing their hands on top of his head.

After it was over, Anyang asked solemnly, "How? Several Venerables."

"I can feel the extraordinary in his soul, but I don't know where the extraordinary is. It seems that he should never be a mortal, and it should be a mortal." The sand monk's voice was heavy like a knock Zhong Gu, "It seems that the victorious Buddha is really incomparable to the original!"

Bailong also felt deeply and nodded.

Anyang asked again: "Is there no way?"

"There are ways, but it is not estimated that we can do it." It was Prince Nezha who spoke, his body was exquisite and gorgeous, and the concentrated fire-pointed gun was also put away. "I can really wake the monkey. My estimate will not help us! According to me, relying on heaven and earth is worse than relying on yourself. If the monkey wants to help us, he will not do so. "

"Alas, the third prince makes sense."

"It's the only thing that has happened until now."

The three said, and suddenly a white light came from afar, stopped steadily above the temple, and then walked out of a straight figure.

"The third prince, two younger brothers." The person who came here was Marshal Tianpeng ~ ~ It's just that he was wearing a commoner.

"Marshal Tianpeng!" Nezha frowned.

"Brother." Bai Long and the sand monk spoke in unison.

Marshal Tianpeng glanced at Nezha and Zhu Mingkang next to Anyang. With a wave of his hand, Zhu Mingkang fainted.

"I have seen the monkey," he said.

It's amazing! !

Anyang looked at Zhu Mingkang beside him in surprise, and some were unbelievable: "Then ... is this an incarnation?"

"It should be so." Marshal Tianpeng nodded, "but thanks to your trip to Xi Niu He Zhou, if not, I wouldn't see the monkey most of the time. No, now he should be called to fight against the Buddha."

"How is that going?"

"He is not the Mahayana Dharma, nor the Mahayana Dharma, and he has never even practiced Buddha. His Buddha is a self-Buddha. There is no kindness and compassion. He does not have the inner mind to cultivate a half-hanger, nor does he have the idea of ​​ordinary living beings in Mahayana. The Marshal said, "So he released three avatars to practice for him."

"Practice for him?" Nezha asked.

Anyang thought about it aside: "He who hasn't experienced Qi Tian Da Sheng in the past, he has to experience it again with an incarnation, so that he can become a real Buddha!"

"Isn't he already a Buddha?" Nezha asked again.

"This ..." Anyang couldn't answer.

Marshal Tian Peng helped him answer: "He is an unsatisfactory Buddha, with the boundless power of the Buddha, who lives with heaven and earth, but does not have the Buddha's perfect state of mind. In the long run, he can certainly overcome the Buddha's name with the strongest fight. People worship, but it is him who suffers. "

Anyang thought again, and then asked, "So this Buddha who only cares about himself and now can only help himself?"

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