My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 865: Ning Weiping


Marshal Tianpeng's voice was decisive.

Several people were silent.

Buddha is the highest fruit position that Buddhism can achieve and the strongest rank of Lingshan. The Buddha in the name of fighting is not a problem if he wants to destroy the immortal palace. But this victorious Buddha in Lingshan, which neither belongs to Mahayana Buddhism nor complies with Hinayana Buddhism, is no longer the blood-filled hero.

He wants to cultivate the Buddha, to cultivate himself, but he does not have the kindness and compassion of the Buddha.

What did the westbound road give him? Give him a calm and settled heart, converge his anger; give him the merits of the world; give him endless mana ...

Nezha was silent for a long while. As a heavenly warrior who had dealt with Sun Wukong more than a thousand years ago, he was also very sighed and said for a long time: "This is probably the strongest Buddha and probably the least useful Buddha fruit It ’s no more than that. There is no use for it except to wipe out his distractions! ”

"The blood, the spirit, the love and the enemies, the convictions, are probably wiped out by his Buddha as miscellaneous thoughts!"

"No need to say it anymore, it is so."

"We have to wishful thinking that it is a mistake to pin the hope of victory on a Buddha who has never spoken. Have you practiced for so many years, can't you understand such a simple truth? He helped us, it is heaven. Great merit, it's just a duty not to help us. "

"Guangli Bodhisattva is right in saying that it is better to rely on others than oneself. There are so many people of insight in the world. I don't believe that everyone can sit back and ignore the monsters in troubled times!"

In the face of the immortal magic palace, several people are not afraid!

Anyang took a deep breath, but said to Marshal Tianpeng: "Have the Marshal ever persuaded the fight to defeat the Buddha?"

"What's the use of persuading?" Marshal Tian Peng said.

"I don't know if the Marshal can take me to see the battle to defeat the Buddha. I have my own way to let the victory Buddha shoot at a critical moment, or other great gods can." Anyang said firmly.

"Oh? What do you do?"

"Excuse me not to speak out."

"So." Marshal Tian Peng was silent for a moment, "Well, although I don't want to intervene in this matter, but also help you once. The matter can only be a dead horse as a living horse doctor, I will take you to try! You can think about it, you must make things work, so that the Eternal Palace can be destroyed! "

"I can't guarantee it, I have to give it a try."

"It's okay, give it a try! I'm also idle, just running a lot, otherwise this body will rust!"

"Then when will we go?"

"I am going to prepare, and set off in a few days."


Zhu Mingkang felt that he had slept for a long, long time, and he slept so completely that he was lazy, and he had never slept so comfortably since joining the army to fight. In fact, this world now does not allow people to sleep well. Even before joining the army, he has not slept like this a few times.

Opening his eyes, he couldn't help but want to moan.

What I saw was the temple on the top of the west peak of Huashan Mountain. The blue tiles were damaged a lot, and even some light leaked. The windows were broken, and I could see the endless rivers and mountains at a glance.


Zhu Mingkang suddenly became alert.

Why did you fall asleep suddenly?

He remembered ...

When Zhu Mingkang recalled, he found that the door was suddenly pushed open, and some tall and thin figures of Anyang stood at the backlight of the door: "Woke up?"

"What happened?" Zhu Mingkang asked.

"Nothing, I'm bothering you these days. Wait for you to go back, where do you want to go back? Qingchaguo or somewhere else?" Anyang's tone was faint.

"Huh? Go back?" Zhu Mingkang froze for a moment before saying, "Have you found a real battle to defeat the Buddha?"

In response to his gaze, Anyang was silent, and finally nodded: "Yes, something went wrong and caused you to be involved in this matter. What compensation do you want?"


"Haha, what kind of compensation! I have to thank you for letting me take this trip. I have seen so many myths and fairies, and experienced so many things that mortals can't experience in their lifetime!" There is a touch of loss.

Probably reluctant to live this wonderful life?

He thought so.

Seeing Anyang staring at him without speaking, he put away his smile and silenced it again, saying: "Since that, I happened to go back to the Qingcha Kingdom to continue my life. I also hope that you immortals will soon be able to immortalize the Three Realms The cancer was removed, and there was a peace in the world! "

"We ... will!" Anyang was a little uncertain, but his tone was still firm.

"That's good. My ancestors were also large families who had passed business through official business. When I was a child, I often heard my grandfather say that the demons were not so rampant at that time. The world was peaceful. People, there are no people who freeze to death, everyone will laugh and live a variety of solar terms, I envy that kind of life ... "

The brave and warlike man seemed to be very touched at this time, and there were a lot of softness in his tone.

At this time, Anyang even felt that he really had nothing to do with the victory over Buddhism. He was completely a mortal, an ordinary person with blood, flesh, and passions.

He will fight against the enemy for his own country, sacrifice himself for justice in his chest and what he wants to protect, and dare to face up with the tall and mighty Julu people. He will also yell at him because of his anger. He will be lost because he says goodbye to this kind of wonder. He will also reveal his inner softness when he thinks about his youthful dreams, and speaks with him in such a low tone.

He has a **** side, his anger can rush to the crown, and a soft side, and his eyelids are silent.

There is also a strong side and a weak side.

Countless faces ...

But if you think about it carefully, today's battle defeats the Buddha without the demon's original nature. For the sake of the Buddha's nature, the human nature is wiped out. Perhaps Zhu Mingkang's traits are exactly what he needs?

"Everything will be good in the future, everything will become like the Taiping prosperous age." Anyang finally had to knock this sentence, and then turned to the main hall outside, regardless of whether Zhu Mingkang, who was born in troubled times since he was a child, could imagine-Tianping What exactly the heyday looks like.

It is better to be a peace dog than a troubled person.

This sentence is by no means a talk.

Anyang prepared a sumptuous farewell feast for Zhu Mingkang's departure. Although it is basically vacuum-packed food, the specifications are also very high, and there are all kinds of meat and wine.

Texas Braised Chicken, Braised Pig's Trotter, Roast Duck, Beef Tendon and Various Seafood. Needless to say, canned food, the soup is also a type of prepared Su Bo soup, and the white rice cooked from Thai basmati rice that most people in the real world have not eaten is crystal clear, crispy and soft, which can far exceed the peace. The royal level of the period. And two bottles of some fairy wine ...

Put in this era, it is a feast that countless people have never seen in a lifetime.

Needless to say, Zhu Mingkang. Although he was a general, he also suffered very hard, not only when he was fighting, but also when he returned to his country.

With enough food and drink, Anyang sent Zhu Mingkang back.

As usual, first fly to Taiping, then fly along this huge planet, fly to Beiju Luzhou, and then land.

Zhu Mingkang put on his heavy armor, took on his lance and sword, and the weapon armor was full of traces of battle.

After being surprised, he leaned against the window, leaning against the icy three-titanium alloy window edge, looking at the arc profile that could be seen faintly underneath, and laughed out loud: "I still found the earth for the first time to be curved! What a wonderful thing, if you go back and tell the scholars, they must say I am talking nonsense! "

Anyang, who was lying in the driver's seat, did not reply: "The earth is actually round, it is a ball, we all stand on it."

"A round ball? How can people on the other side not fall? How can the water in the sea not leak?"

"Because this ball has suction power, all mortals are attracted to it, don't say it won't leak, you just jump up and it will pull you down immediately." Anyang said.

"It turns out so." Zhu Mingkang was puzzled.

Anyang glanced at him sideways, with a smile. He knew he had said it clearly enough, but at the same time he also knew that Zhu Mingkang could not understand it.

So many times behind!

The speed of the personal flying machine in a vacuum can throw away some clouds and n streets, and soon reached Luju, Beiju.

At the request of Zhu Mingkang, Anyang sent him home.

He has a mansion in a city near the Qingcha Kingdom, which is very big. It's just that in this era, there is land, how big you can repair it, only people who starve to death, and no one who argues with you because the house you repair is too big to occupy his land. There are only empty spaces where no one lives, and there are no homeless people, so the size of the mansion does not represent his wealth.

In fact, Zhu Mingkang ’s mansion had only one old servant, and he did n’t even marry the concubine.

Now that the war with the Julu people has come to an end, the other generals do not know what Zhu Mingkang and Anyang talked about, but they decisively believe that Zhu Mingkang sacrificed himself in return for victory, so Zhu Mingkang has become the great hero of the Qingcha Kingdom The folk relish.

And many people thought that he had been promoted to immortality, and the emperor thought he would not come back. He gave him a high title and a lot of false names, and gave many things in form.

But now Zhu Mingkang is back ...

Fortunately, Anyang accompanied him back, otherwise it is estimated that many people even had the heart to kill him.

Stayed here for two days ~ ~ Zhu Mingkang wanted to go to Beijing to receive the reward, Anyang sent him to Beijing before returning to Huashan.

I have seen too much in these days, and it is really sighing.

A woman applied the slurry of baby millet to the lips of the child to make him sleepy, and then stumbled stepping on the wrapped three-inch golden lotus feet; the child was suffering, but they did not know that they lost their mother. What will happen to the hungry people of the times;

Someone stole the corpse and ate it, robbed the baby and cooked it.

In some places, the vegetable market directly sells human meat at a marked price. When facing the government, they bluntly said: Wild dogs are innocent.

The road was full of hair and bones, but no flesh was visible, and the carriage made a crunching sound as it ran over ...

Some people sell women for food, while others change their food.

The demon who want to eat people pick people to eat.

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