My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 867: 1 talking stone!

"Big day is wrong."

"Buddha is a sage, he can't be wrong."

"Sage is not wrong?"

"The sage will also be wrong, but the day will come without error."

"What about Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva? But at the beginning, Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva led you on the road to the west, where is he now?"

"The Guanyin Bodhisattva is wrong."

"Guan Shi Yin Bodhisattva just wanted to save the world, what's wrong with him?"

"The Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara saves the whole world, and the sun will come to save the world, it doesn't matter who is right or wrong, it's just that the Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara's vision is too narrow."

Anyang suddenly felt a bit ironic when he heard this: "This is not like what the neutrals said."

Fighting over Buddhism replied: "My attainments in Dharma are neither as good as Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, nor as great as a venerable one, so I have to remain neutral and let them argue. Whoever is right, I will act in accordance with who's ideas for life It now appears that the Avalokiteshvara has fallen. "

"So what's your criterion for winning or losing?"

"Buddhists, monks, believers ..."

The two of you were talking with me, but obviously no one could convince anyone.

In fact, this is not the strength of eloquence, nor the depth of knowledge, but the two are completely separated by a world, you can not shuttle out, I can not cross the border. The completely different understanding of everything around the world makes them unable to understand each other's thoughts.

After a long time without knowing it.

Anyang's mouth is dry, but the victory over Buddha is still indifferent.

People in two worlds with completely different life experiences and people with three views have come to an end. The controversy over the three views came to an end. Anyang could not convince him, so he changed his method.

"But the world is really suffering. Has Shengfo gone out to see it? Can't those pictures touch your heart?"

"I was in a fight with Tianting Arctic Ziwei Emperor, Taiji Gou Chentian Emperor, and East Antarctic Qinghua Emperor. They sealed me here, and I thought hard about the method of liberation. In addition to the rising tide I shall not leave this place when the corpse pavilion is flooded, or when the low tide makes the 999 corpse pavilions fully exposed. "

"Haven't you seen the victory Buddha?"

"I've seen it, I've never seen it." Sheng Fa's face was so calm that he couldn't see the slightest expression, "I've never seen it, but I've seen it."

The Marshal Tian Peng was listening in silence, expressionless. He knew that Anyang couldn't persuade the victory over the Buddha, because ... he had already said these words.

It's just that he didn't explain to Anyang at this time.

With his character, he would never say to Anyang--

You are useless like this.

At this time Anyang was smiling all over his face. He originally wanted to sneer, but there was no way to laugh at this place.

"Successful Buddha is really hard-hearted. With the Buddha nature, he has forgotten his book."

"Do n’t tell me that I ’m going to exchange my life for a lifetime of bliss. Most people ’s thinking, subconsciousness or personality performance are closely related to memory. It can be said that people are a combination of memory. Even if they only reincarnate for one life, they have gone through the bridge of Heihe After the mother-in-law, the reincarnated person is no longer theirs. This life has nothing to do with the future and becomes a stranger! "

"There are always similarities." Sheng Buddha said.

"Yes, there are similarities."

Anyang stared directly at the gleaming golden Buddha, which made his heart and the ancient world indifferent, and also made him fearless: "Twin brothers and biological fathers and sons have the same thing! But if you are a child, each side will be on the street. One person is in the deep palace compound, so they may grow up to be completely different? Just like those incarnations of the victorious Buddha, if the victorious Buddha has great magical powers, they can be taken back. Who are they still with the victorious Buddha? Related? It's already a completely strange and independent person. "

After a pause, Anyang went on to say: "Da Ri Ru has asked them to exchange the bliss of this world for all the world's bliss. Have you ever asked their opinion? Have you ever thought that this really benefits all worlds, but it is too unfair to them in this life and this life? Have you ever asked if they would sacrifice this life for strangers of all ages? Have you ever heard what would rather be a peace dog than a chaotic person? "

Fighting against Buddha still stares at him sadly and unhappy, but it seems to be thinking about his words.

Marshal Teng Peng was a little stunning, but he didn't move.

For a long time, Sheng Buddha continued: "We are not qualified to make decisions for them, and we have not made decisions. That court has reached the verge of collapse. What we have done, at most, is just a bystander. Everything in this world today , All evolved naturally and must not be blamed on the head of the Buddha. "

"Hahahaha!" Anyang laughed, "I am afraid that it is a long time since I left Buddha, and I forgot that the Buddha was a heavenly place that was overthrown by accepting the beliefs of all living beings. You borrowed the power of all living beings, but when all living beings prayed to you in the temple for peace, you But he has been a bystander for 800 years! Also, Sheng Buddha may not have seen Lingshan secretly supporting the eternal life palace. If not, then the eternal life palace will never dare to openly disturb the world in Xi Niu Hezhou! "

Fighting against the Buddha again silenced, and for a long time Fang Jiu folded his head and bowed his head: "This matter, the poor monk does not know."

"It doesn't matter if you win the Buddha."

"You can't leave this place, you can't control it. The world is artificial, it can't control. If the day comes from the measurement, it can't control. Heaven has its own track, it can't control."

"No wonder! No wonder! No wonder!" Anyang even said three wonders, "I went to Huaguo Mountain, and a thousand-year-old monkey said that fighting against Buddha is no longer Qi Tian Da Sheng!"

Seeing the victory over the Buddha was unmoved. He took out the purple feather gold crown, gold chain mail, and lotus roots of Fengyu, and said, "Can Shengfo still recognize these things?"

Sheng Buddha sat on the tall Jiu Pinlian platform and glanced down lightly, saying, "I know."

Anyang asked again: "Has the Buddha forgot?"


"But since I forgot, why did Sheng Buddha put a ban on these three things before he became a buddha, and would not let the demon wear it?"

"All because of the six unclean roots before becoming a Buddha."

"Alas!" Anyang sighed, and the battle over the Buddha was as clean as the past. Such a ruthless and unsympathetic person really made him unable to break through. "Will the battle over the Buddha know that Guangli Bodhisattva and the golden body Luohan are in What are you doing? "


"They are all fighting for all living beings, fighting for a long and blue sky, why won't the Buddha win the shot?" Anyang's tone was full of helplessness.

Fight over Buddhism: "They haven't been satisfied."

"Is it possible to win Buddha's consummation?" Anyang glanced back at the sea behind him. "If it's consummated, there won't be 999 corpse pavilions."

Fighting against the Buddha stretched out his hand and picked up an illusory flower, a light smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he changed the saying: "They have repaired the bad results in the past life, just like the living beings in the world. God is destined to pay them in this life. "

Anyang stared, staring at the Buddha.

He felt that he was able to say "My heart is at least more satisfactory than them" just after defeating the Buddha, which is impeccable, but the Buddha did not say so, but changed the way.

This is totally the same as telling him--

You can't argue with me.

After taking a deep breath, he still said: "Don't you understand the victory of Buddhism? There is no such thing as the righteousness in the world. All the righteousness and righteousness are made by people. The previous life is completely different from this life, and there is no need for this life to be the next life. Jade, there is no need to repay the karma for the previous life! "

"The difference between the donor's words and everything is regulated by everything, not by its correctness, but by consistency. It is because there must be regulations, and to act according to the regulations, there must be regulations."


This debate lasted for about a day. Anyang felt that he was completely useless, but what supported him was not the suffering of all beings, but the little fox in his arms.

He always feels that winning Buddha is not completely replaced by human nature. He always sees the silence of winning Buddha, but whenever he thinks of seeing the hope of victory, the winning Buddha can always use another kind of reaction. The angle frustrated him, and then the two sides continued a meaningless debate.

One day later, Sheng Bu still sat on the lotus platform with a calm face. Marshal Tian Peng still stood aside without expression, but Anyang was already exhausted.

Anyang, who could not see the victory, took a deep breath and folded her hands together: "Sheng Buddha, I will finally ask you a question. After you answer, no matter what the result is, I will leave."

"The donor is a man with great wisdom." The battle defeated the Buddha with his hands folded, "Nanwu Amitabha, please ask."

"Victory Buddha still remembers the westward trip, and it must also remember the westward friendship, then can the victory Buddha really see Guangli Bodhisattva and Sanda Sovereign in battle?"


After all, Anyang left Putuo Mountain in the South China Sea.

Above Baiyun, he was still thinking about the hesitation before he had defeated Buddha and answered the last question.

This was the longest time that the battle over the Buddha remained silent.

But in the end, he still sighed and folded his hands together: "Everyone has their own qualities, but no one can force it."

Anyang resolutely left here with Marshal Tianpeng.

Suddenly, he looked back, and Marshal Tianpeng, who was standing in front of Baiyun, turned around and said, "What do you think?"

Anyang was silent for a moment, and said, "It's just a stone talking!"

"Hahaha!" Marshal Tianpeng laughed. "If it was two hundred years ago, maybe you can really move him, and it's only to blame that Guanyin Bodhisattva began to fall off two hundred years ago. Da Ri Ru Lai is right and strengthens his belief! "

At this time, the South China Sea light curtain was out, and Anyang looked at Marshal Tianpeng lightly, after all, he didn't speak.

Those who refused to participate in the battle could not only defeat the Buddha, but the Marshal Tianpeng in front of him had been helping them, but he still did not know to participate in the battle.

If the only difference between Marshal Tianpeng and Dougou defeating Buddha is that Dougou defeating Buddha can fight, but Marshal Tenpen cannot, so everyone is more harsh on Dougong defeating Buddha and more tolerant to Marshal Tenbon. unfair.

Marshal Tianpeng seems to know his thoughts ~ ~ He smiled and didn't care, and continued: "Will I still see the ancient Buddha of Lantern and the Qinghua Emperor of the East Pole?"

"Can these two convince?"

"The ancient Buddha Burning Lamp is a firm supporter of Theravada Dharma. The Emperor Qinghua is one of the pillars of the heavenly court. There are too many scruples. I am afraid they are all similar to the talking stone!"

"Then these two can have a victory over the Buddha?"

"I'm afraid it's not."

"Let's try it," Anyang said. "I can only ask one person to do it once, and only at a critical moment. Most of them still have only a moment of effort, and Marshal, please forgive me."

"This is already a great tool."

Bai Yun paddled across the surface of the sea, unconsciously accelerated to a terrible point, the sky was cloudless, only the wind blew a little ripples on the sea surface.

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