My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 868: God Buddha Ruthless

The two soon went to Xitian in Xiniu Hezhou. 23us. Fastest

Although Marshal Tianpeng had a great face and did not participate in the Tianting Lingshan battle for seven hundred years, they avoided the main eyes and ears of Lingshan and went straight to meet the ancient Buddha of Landeng.

"Namo Amitabha."

The ancient Buddha burning the lantern also sits on the lotus platform, covered with bright cassocks, the eyebrows are slightly white, the face is kind, and there are many wrinkles on the face.

"I've seen the Buddha who burned the lamp." Marshal Tianpeng and Anyang folded their hands and salute at almost the same time.

"The messenger of the Jingtan is coming, and there is an donor. Please sit down." The ancient Buddha of Lantern burned with a deep voice, and two futons appeared before them.

Marshal Tian Peng sat up, with a gentle and courteous expression: "Xie Gufo gave the position."

Anyang also said: "Xie Gufo."

"Seeing is destiny, this is destiny, no need to say thanks." The ancient Buddha of Landeng looked indifferent. "But you came to see me today, did you want me to come forward and smooth the magic palace?"

Marshal Tian Peng sat at this time, smiling without a word.

The ancient Buddha of Lantern also stared at him and said nothing.

An Yang said next to him: "It was the disciples who heard the profound attainments of the ancient Buddha and Dharma, and asked the marshal to bring me to come and want to communicate with the ancient Buddha one or two."

"It turns out so." The ancient Buddha of Landeng smiled lightly. "What does the donor want to talk about?"

Anyang looked at the ancient Buddha at this time and wondered why he always felt like an old dragon.

This is undoubtedly extremely unusual.

It is common to say that the lifespan of a Buddha is endless, and the Buddha will die only when the Dharma dissipates. Now the Theravada Dharma is still being dominated by the Mahayana Dharma of Avalokiteshvara, and it still occupies the main position in Lingshan. The ancient Buddha burning the lantern will not age like this!

Does it mean that although Guanyin Bodhisattva is at a disadvantage in Lingshan, Mahayana Dharma has the upper hand in the world?

Anyang feels very likely.

Because the elder Jin Chan of Tang Xuanzang ’s previous life was the main supporter of Mahayana Buddhism. He was a person who did not listen to the lecture when he came here in Dari, and the Bodhisattva Bodhisattva ordered him to go west. It is really hard to say whether the Mahayana Dharma or the Hinayana Dharma was promoted on this way.

If it is not, there are smaller schools in the Theravada Dharma teachings, and the idea of ​​the ancient Buddha burning the lamp and the Darirulai must be different!

Now the prevailing idea is that the sun is coming, and the ancient Buddha burning light will slowly age.

Anyang thinks these are good breakthroughs.

So he paused and said: "Just before the ancient Buddha mentioned the magic palace, let's talk about the magic palace."

Once talked about, it took time and time.

Lingshan is filled with golden light all the time, and Anyang does not know how long it has passed. He only feels dry and tired, but he is still debating with the ancient Buddha burning the lantern.

He felt like a strategist at this time.

In ancient times, the strategists had to walk between countries and use a three-inch tongue to persuade a king to achieve his political goals. Of course, in the face of their demands, if they do not have sufficient benefits, most kings will refuse.

Some strategists must know what they ca n’t do but they must do it, even if there is no hope, they will not give up. Obviously they are desperate, but there is always something to support them to continue to do so.

Anyang didn't understand it before, but now he understands it.

Just like at this time, he always felt that he was doing useless work, but he couldn't give up until the last moment.

Because as long as it is successful, it is the ultimate merit!

Merit is not money. Not only does it mean profit, it also means saving millions of people in the world!

The ancient Buddha's attainments in the Dharma Dharma are indeed much better than the victory over the Buddha. The words are organized, and when they are rebutted, they are also organized. They can always say that Anyang is speechless.

And Anyang can only reluctantly respond to this man with great wisdom with the unique insights brought about in an era of information explosion. Occasionally provokes the ancient Buddha to think deeply, which is enough to attract Marshal Tianpeng to be surprised. .

for a long time

The ancient Buddha burning the lamp smiled and said: "Everything is self-made, and it will not develop to the worst. The purpose of the donor has been exposed, so please come back."

"Alas!" Anyang sighed and stood up. "The ancient Buddha and Dharma are unfathomable, and the disciples benefited a lot, so they left."

"Be careful of everything," said the ancient Buddha of Lantern.

Out of the West Heaven, Anyang all sighed, and had no hope for the next meeting with the East China Qinghua Emperor.

These great supernaturalists who have lived for many years are indeed not so easy to persuade. Even if they gradually deviated in the course of the long years, this accumulated bias of accumulated days and moons is by no means correctable in a few words. of.

In other words, if they are wrong, don't try to persuade them to correct, on the contrary, they definitely have the ability to bias you!

And you will be pleased ...

The Eastern Qinghua Emperor lived in the Eastern Qinghua Changle World, similar to the Buddhist Western Elysium. It belongs to a small world separated by Tianzun in the big world. It needs to fly into the sky until it reaches the atmosphere and gradually transition to the edge of the vacuum, and then use the secret method Only by calling the name of Tianzun can enter.

There is a palace here called Miaoyan Palace, which is the residence of Qinghua Emperor.

When Anyang Marshal Tianpeng stepped into this world on the first day, there was a heavy aura coming to his face, making people's limbs and bones open.

I saw the beautiful mountains and rivers in the distance, a stream of gurgling around the hill, covered with pebbles. Nearby is a meadow with colorful flowers everywhere, reminding Anyang of the prairie that he deliberately picked during the rainy season when he was in college. The trees are tall and lush, there is no hungry people to peel off the bark to fill the hunger, and there is a path paved with white jade on the ground, which is extremely luxurious.

At this time, there was drizzling rain, the ground was not covered with bones like the four major continents, and the sky was darker and more vivid, just like a black and white ink landscape painting.

Anyang's expression is a little complicated.

Even if all living beings in the world suffer and suffer, Heavenly Court and Lingshan are both broken. This Eastern Qinghua Changle World is still a peaceful life!

In a blink of an eye, the sky opened, and the sun shot two beams of light between the clouds, and two silver armor gods followed the beam.

When a silver armored **** glanced at the sight, he saw Marshal Tianpeng, and immediately bowed his hand: "Marshal is coming, Tianzun said please marshal to move to the Jinhua Temple in Miaoyan Palace to wait."

Marshal Tianpeng nodded lightly, unable to see what he was thinking from his expression, and turned his head to Anyang again: "Let's go."

Miaoyan Palace and Jinhua Temple are also singing and dancing.

There are fairies playing music, there are servants pouring wine during the shuttle of the elves, and there is even a special fairy officer carefully accompanied, for fear of neglecting the honorable guests of Tianzun.

Compared with the ordinary world, I have to say some irony.

It took a while for this palace as beautiful as a heavenly palace and peaceful as a dreamland before they were summoned by the Qinghua emperor.

The East China Qinghua Emperor has a majestic face, a red face, and a very good complexion. He has a beard, a hair bun, and a Chinese robe. It seems to be a combination of traditional Taoism and royalty.

He seemed to be about fifty years old, and what surprised Anyang most was that he actually had an alcoholic smell.

"Have seen Tianzun." Marshal Tian Peng arched his hand lightly.

Anyang also learned to archery: "Have seen Tianzun."

"Well." The Qinghua Great Emperor of the Antarctica seated above, nodded lightly, and glanced at them with a very gentle expression. Let the Marshal wait a long time, please forgive me. "

"There is a wine fairy, and it's not boring to wait for a long time." Marshal Tianpeng's expression was not respectful, neither humble nor overbearing.

"If you don't go to the Three Treasures Hall, what's the matter with the Marshal coming to find the deity?" Qinghua Great Emperor said.

"It's true." Marshal Tianpeng smiled and pointed at Anyang: "This is my year-end friendship. Tianzun knows that I am not good at speaking, so I let my friend say, how?"

"Forget the new year, ha ha ha ha!" The emperor Qinghua emperor smiled first, "How marvelous were your marshal Tianpeng, and on the westward road, even Qi Tian Da Sheng and Da Ri Ru Lai apprentice Jin Chanzi didn't put their eyes on them I will also fall in love with each other! "

"Tianzun, the past is gone, so I won't mention it again."

"If you don't mention it for years, I haven't heard of your Marshal Tianpeng's bad speech. What kind of tricks are you doing this time?" Qinghua Great Emperor of Antarctica looked at Anyang. "You tell me!"

"Taiyi saves the suffering Tianzun and is polite."

Anyang then got up and faced the Taoist god.

Among the Taoist Taoists or believers, the slogan that reads most is the blessing of infinite sacred heaven, incredible merit, and the second belongs to the "taiyi salvation of heaven." Taiyi Saves Suffering Tianzun, also known as Xunsheng Save Suffering Tianzun. According to legend, when all beings suffer, they recite Tianzun's name, and Tianzun will come out to save all beings in suffering.

The great **** in front of him is Tianzun, who is suffering!

There is no doubt that in addition to his physical strength, he is also a thorough power, one of the four royals!

So when Anyang confronted him directly, he felt an indescribable majesty in addition to the oppression brought by the great man's infinite mana.

But what about that, you don't have to frown!

So Anyang first called him the name of Tian Tianzun, and when he responded, he directly said: "The world is suffering, the demon is in trouble, and the disciples see several great supernaturalists standing up. Although they have the determination to die, they still can't compete with the Eternal Palace , Special Marshal asked his disciples to come to Tianzun to save the world from suffering! "

As soon as he spoke, Qinghua Emperor's smiling face froze, and at this moment Anyang even wondered if he would be pushed on the spot by the emperor in anger.

Fortunately, the Qinghua Great Emperor of the Antarctic only sat side by side, exuding the power accumulated for some years, tapping the armrest of the seat with a finger, staring at Anyang.

And Anyang dared to stare at him.

Obviously, compared to the dogma of Buddhism that makes people forget about seven emotions and six desires, Taoism is more natural and free, so they will not suppress their emotions at all.

For a long time, the great emperor said: "He who does sin is forgive. He who commits sin does not live! The suffering in the world is a mistake made by all beings, and I cannot save them."

"All beings are stupid ~ ~ Why did you make such a serious mistake, causing the Three Realms to sink into the sea of ​​suffering! The mortal are weak, how can they make the Three Realms become this look?"

"My Heavenly Court has been in control of the Three Realms for hundreds of millions of years, and the weather is good. All living beings have to believe in Buddhism and have bliss. This is good, and it shakes the foundation of Heavenly Court, but Bliss has not come." There is no peace at all to defeat the Buddha or the ancient Buddha burning the lamp, "Now the Heavenly Court is facing the Lingshan, it is the critical moment, but you have to devote yourself to wipe the immortal magic palace, to give all beings bliss, if not Marshal Tianpeng bring you to come So that I can cure your sins! "

Anyang: "..."

Two hours later, the two left Miaoyan Palace.

Compared with the battle against the Buddha's oil and salt, and the high-level Buddhism of the ancient Buddha who burned the lamp, the Qinghua Emperor of the Antarctic did not give Anyang any chance to persuade him.

In these two hours, Anyang Qiang stubbornly frowned and said to the Emperor Qinghua for an hour, which caused the Emperor to be angry. The following hour, the Emperor Qinghua treated the Marshal Tianpeng. He rubbed the face of Marshal Tianpeng. Dunxian wine and food, experience the drunken dreams and deaths of the former heavenly rulers.

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