My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 871: Shattered scales

Above a barren mountain in Dongsheng Shenzhou, withered yellow trees densely cluster into forests, yellow water meanders in the distance, the river bed is dry and dry in the scorching sun, and monsters roar over the blue sky.

These demons are full of anger, as if searching for something!

In a dense den of dead trees, Anyang, who has practiced many spells in this world, turned into a brazen sapling, carefully hiding himself with a token. Several monsters stopped on this hillside according to their feelings, but they couldn't find his trail for a long time, and they were also annoyed.

"I think that the kid has already left. Lin Chang, why don't we go separately and look for each one, how about?" A demon with a leopard head said loudly.

"Okay, just do it. I will go east!"

"Then I will go west!"

"I'm going north!"

"Fool, you went wrong, that's Nan ..."

"Then I will go south!"

Several demons in the sky suddenly dispersed.

And the little sapling that Anyang transformed into is still hiding in that very secret place, not moving, nor showing her appearance.

The time soon changed from noon to afternoon.

He still didn't move!

All because he knew that these monsters were extremely insidious and cunning, and had been with Huang Lan for so long, he also knew that the patience of these monsters who had become beasts could hunt in a place without eating or drinking for days. Just wait for the moment when the prey is in the net.

Sure enough, at dusk, these demons popped up again, as if originally waiting around the hill for a long time.

Fang Cai ’s words are all used to confuse Anyang, but his acting is too poor, and he deliberately speaks a few mountains to hear the IQ of the normal person. Now that they got together again, they didn't talk much. They looked at each other and continued to search on this mountain.

They searched for inch by inch of land and hardly gave anyone a place to live.

Anyang took a nap and squinted.

It didn't seem to worry about him.

These demons are not weak at all. The last time they are stronger than the commanders of the three major continents, and many of them are of the fastest speed. He must be the only one who really fights. However, this technique of change was passed to him by the deputy commander Tianyou when he was accused by Marshal Tianpeng. It could not change something too complicated by itself, but once it changed, it was hard to see the flaw.

This token is also used exclusively to conceal the practitioners. Nai Zhao Huixian Sheng Erlang Zhenjun deliberately gave him protection for his baby before agreeing to lead the army out.

This two methods are enough to make him not afraid of these demons!

In case he was found out, he was not afraid!

A few days ago, I dealt with too many great supernaturalists. Even though these great supernaturalists knew nothing about it before, they became his own people when they decided to enter the war. When they saw that Xiu Xiu in Anyang District was responsible for finding allies for them, most of them would give him some life-saving capital.

It is for Anyang, but also for themselves.

Even some great magicians who refused to participate in the war because of the incident see Anyang as sincere and will give some gift opportunities.

From twilight today to the next morning, these monsters found no trace of this barren mountain. As soon as the sun rose, a tiger spirit stood in the clouds and burned the barren mountain.

Before the change of Anyang, he wore a purple dress, which was made of purple silkworm silk raised by a bodhisattva in the ancient Buddha door. It was obtained when he persuaded a big demon who insisted on justice! This silk and purple coat is enough to make him fearless of most fires and fires, including the amazing flame of this tiger spirit!

Therefore, Anyang remained still.

But he didn't want to be the only dead tree in the ashes, so he turned into a stone through the flames and stuck in the depression!

The mountain was burned and the fire was still spreading in the distance. The dead trees and grass were too good to burn. This kind of forest fire didn't go out until half a day later.

Anyang vaguely remembered that there were sporadic crops around the dried up yellow water, and now I don't know how.

It was another day that these demons gradually felt that he had left here by other means, but they all left a leopard spirit waiting here to prevent him from hiding in a hole.

When only the leopard essence was left, Anyang appeared without hesitation, as if wearing a gold chain mail armor, wearing a purple plume crown of Phoenix feathers, stepping on a lotus root, and holding a shot The shimmering red spear speared into the sky with a whistling sound.

This leopard essence is also Minjue, even if Anyang raided from behind him, he instantly discovered that turning around is a claw!


The lance collided with the leopard claws and made a muffled noise.

The two sides backed away for 100 meters. Anyang did not get sick. He turned over and took out a treasure mirror. After throwing his hand, the treasure mirror floated in the air and locked the direction of the leopard essence.

"Brush! Brush! Brush! ..."

The ray of light in the treasure mirror is mainly divided into red and yellow colors. The red light contains powerful attack power, which can easily burn ordinary monsters into souls and spirits. may not.

The leopard ate for a short while and suffered a big loss.

Whenever the red light is emitted, how can he avoid it, and it is often burnt with flesh, which is very scary.


He simply roared and turned into a body!

This is like a huge leopard, with a whole body lingering in the bone-eating black wind, standing in the air, with a grinning face and claws.

Anyang was not afraid, chanting the spell from afar, a yellow light suddenly shot in the treasure mirror to cover the demon, and he also rushed up with a red tassel!

The whole person is faster than the shells!

Dazzling silver light flashed on the tip of the gun, as if it was like a bit cold, it can undoubtedly pierce the leopard into a blood hole!

But at a critical moment, the leopard essence got out of trouble.

"not good!"

After the leopard was refined into the body, the power and size became larger. On the contrary, Huang Guang dispersed the power due to the expansion of the scope. Under this situation, he was out of trouble!

Anyang instantly changed the rapid advance to repel, silently reciting the spell of red light in his mouth.


A red light hit the leopard essence, causing him great pain.

Anyang pulled up close and recited the Huangguang mantra again.

The leopard's grisly appearance was fixed in the air.

At such a short distance, he didn't get out of his trap. The place where the red tassel with a silver brush is blooming like a cold star, like a meteor dragging a red light, pierced a blood hole.


The leopard was almost pierced and roared repeatedly.

Anyang turned over and placed his feet on the body of the leopard essence. The whole body worked hard together, and the lance that was stabbed into it for more than one meter was stirred in the body of the leopard essence before it was pulled out!


He burst out with all his strength, resisting a black wind, and then Bao Jing's endless **** of red light towards the leopard!

The leopard's blood flow is not limited, and the injury is not light. Obviously this red tassel is not a mortal, it has the effect of demon!

This injury further aroused his fierceness. He saw that he kept retreating so as not to be settled. He opened his mouth of the blood basin, exposing Huang Cancan's sharp fangs, and roared with his mouth open. A ray of light blasted towards Anyang!

With a brush, Anyang appeared with a wooden handle oil-paper umbrella painted with peony beauty, opened the umbrella for one block, and actually blocked the black wind!

"Haha!" He also laughed loudly.

In this world, I have been repeatedly suppressed and suffocated for a long time. I haven't been fighting so hard in a long time! And he has always been used to suppressing the enemy with technological equipment. This is also the first time he has experienced the thrill of suppressing magic weapons in traditional Chinese mythology!

No wonder so many fairy gods have famous magic weapons, and even often use the magic weapon to set the height. It turned out that the fairy gods in the ancient times realized the power of equipment!

"Leopard essence, die!" As he said, he took out a small compass and volleyed at the leopard essence.

It did n’t take long before I heard a pouting sound—

The red tassel speared in Anyang's hands, and found an opportunity to pierce directly from the leopard's spirit cover and pierce it from his chin.

The whole gun was almost pierced, and it was able to pierce its huge head!

Anyang refused to give up, pulled out his spear halfway, and stirred it in the leopard's brain for a few times before he withdrew the red tassel, and he did not forget to open the giant lady's umbrella--

Not even the soul of the leopard essence!

Then he did not dare to stay and quickly left here.

An extraordinarily peaceful city in Dongsheng Shenzhou, mortals would not know that the reason why there are few monsters messing up here is because there is an important Heavenly Soldier stationed here.

That was the former garrison troops of the Heavenly Court, the Tiansheng Army directly under the jurisdiction of the King of the Tower, Li Jing, also known as the Heavenly Court Armed Forces.

It's just that the Tota Uranus had a miserable life.

Among the three sons, the eldest son Jinzha serves the Buddha, and the second son Muzha is the apprentice of Guanyin Bodhisattva. Such a political background can be prominent in the peaceful era. King Tota was loyal to Heavenly Court, but still embarrassed.

Especially his treasure is also the origin of the name of the king of the tower-Linglong pagoda, it seems that it also comes from the Buddha.

So King Tota is very stunned.

To be specific, Anyang is just looking for stability here.

At the same time, practitioners gathered in this city. In the past, they all talked about spiritual practice and treasures, and they sighed about the sufferings of the Three Realms. They sighed about their powerlessness. Palace's crusade!

Anyang can receive a lot of information here.

From this, he learned that in the last battle, a part of the decent deities were destroying the elixir of the immortal magic palace, and the monster of the magic palace came, and a fierce battle broke out on both sides.

Both Prince Nezha and Bailong suffered some injuries, so that Erlang God came with the Six Saints of Meishan to stabilize the situation, and then Emperor Sheng Shengzhen and the deputy Tianyou will arrive with the thirteen thunder and come to the Demon Palace An ancient demon with a life span of tens of thousands of years started a fierce battle, and eventually it was gone.

It is even rumored that the immortal emperor personally shot once during this period. At that time, there were several great magicians who attacked the headquarters of the magic palace ~ ~ but they were still defeated!

Erlang God, who has a clear face and a delicate face, is also among them.

This news shocked the Three Realms!

After all, Zhao Huixian Sheng Erlang was always known as the God of War in the Three Realms. There is no rival under the ancient fairy god, and even many ancient fairy gods should be courted by three points when they meet him!

Anyang listened to the many news, but his heart was very calm, sitting in a tavern, watching a scale in his hand silently.

He turned over and took out the soul beads of the little fox, looked at the little fox who had just slept and slept, and said to himself: "It seems that the Bodhisattva's battle has become more fierce, and these fiery gods are fighting more than I expected. It ’s much faster, is there really no reason for the bloated mechanism to drag its legs. But why the scales are not broken ... "

As soon as the voice fell, the scales snapped.

The little fox still stared at him with a confused face.

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