My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 872: Nuclear explosion

Anyang got up instantly and rose out of the tavern!

This little dragon scale is a purely natural communication tool for the white dragon. At that time, he told the white dragon that he had a secret method to ask the battle to defeat the Buddha at a critical moment, but it only took a moment. Bai Long gave him this scale, and when the scale was broken, it was when the situation required him to shoot.

At this point the scales were broken, and he dare not stay!

Anyang still took the way of flying away from the city after flying into the city and replacing it with an aircraft. He first pulled vertically into space, and then flew to the top of Bailong and other people in space.

Because he was afraid that the spy plane machine of the immortal magic palace would count his sudden power, and then intercept him at all costs. In general, space is safe. The gods and buddhas of this world cannot imagine the speed beyond light because of the different lateral orientation of the power system tree.

At about the same time, Dazhanbei, Dahuangshan—

All beings were driven by hunger and turned into evil spirits. Those who have been ruined by thieves have nothing to worry about. They have become thieves and continue to destroy other people's homes, creating more thieves. Many years later, if there is no luck, someone tortures them or they calm down to examine their hearts, they will hang everything on the word forced helplessness, and push all the blame to this world.

One day, these gangsters robbed the mountain down, and then aimed at the mountain. After ruining countless families, even the family members refused to let go!

A group of thieves have been staring at the temple in the mountains for a long time. In their eyes, there is nothing else in this temple. At least there is food. This is enough for them to raise a knife to grab it!

If you do n’t want to starve yourself, you have to die!

I saw that these thieves were yellow-skinned, dressed in tattered clothes and had n’t washed their hair for some time, and they smelled a pungent sour smell. If they were carrying a knife, it would be a beggar that can be seen everywhere on the street. I do n’t know how long I ’m hungry.

The monks had no dispute with the world. The temple was a place where many people took refuge before, but now this world is not safe.

Although these thieves were able to do everything, they were not very courageous. They were afraid to raise their heads three feet and have gods. They killed the monk and ran to the side of the road that night. They were afraid that the monks were fierce. However, he was killed by the monks. So they all inquired before they came here, and it was a long time before they decided to start the temple!

They first picked two strong thieves and pretended to be civilians to knock on the door, and the others hid aside. After the door opened, they swarmed up and hacked the open monk with a hatchet!

Then the thieves are like a group of crazy dogs. When they see someone in the temple, they kill, and when they see something to eat, they stuff it in their mouths, and when they can exchange money, they try to get in their arms!

A young monk carrying a wooden stick wanted to resist, and was actually cut into pieces by these thieves, bloodshed!

A woman in her forties or forties fell into the temple because of her family's morals. She was incense in the temple when she was accompanied by the little maid. After being discovered by these thieves, they were both raped in the hall!

The Buddha statue enshrined in the main hall was solemn, indifferently staring at the woman's screaming and wailing, and the maid's painful cry, unmoved.

Even if these dirty and hungry thieves bruised the soft body of the little maidservant, the statue of Maitreya was still smiling, the golden body of the ancient Buddha burning light was dim, and the big day in the center was like no mercy and no expression until the woman The man and the little maid died, and the evil in the hall did not stop!

The abbot of the temple heard movements in the back, and was shocked to gather the monks around in the storage building, and ordered the door to be fastened, and all the monks shuddered in the room!

But this is inescapable.

The bandits soon discovered them and started shouting outside, or slammed the door of the room, or pierced the window paper and spied them with their bright red eyes.

The monks listened to the screams and crossed their knees in the open space to call for the help of the Buddha, but they did not respond.

The old monks who fought against Buddha reincarnation are among them.

He happened to be here to tidy up the storage building, escaped a disaster, and now he is the calmest among the people. He first found a stick and put it beside him, before sitting down with other monks to read the Scriptures.

The chanting sounds were long and long, soothing and sweet, reverberating in the empty storage building, but they were unable to wash away the evil thoughts of the thieves outside. There is no difference in sound!

The monastery has been built for a long time and lacks repairs. The door is already decaying, and it is about to be knocked open, and the screams of the thieves outside are as if they are in the ear, which is panic!

"I saw a box inside!"

"It must be rich!"

"This group of monks is hiding inside, there must be food in it, and most of the incense money left before!"

"If not, kill this group of monks to eat meat!"

"Eat meat! Eat meat! Kill them!"

The screams of this group of bandits are getting more and more frustrated!

The monks were all shocked, trembling all over, closing their eyes even more, trembling in the sutra.

But this obviously cannot bring them relief--


The door was broken!

The sound of chanting stopped abruptly, leaving only fear in the room.

Most of the monks were pale and sweaty, and some people even turned to the outside to shout for mercy, and the usual faith was left behind at this time.

Only the reincarnation who defeated the Buddha stood up. He took a stick and walked a few steps forward. Standing in front of the hole, he blocked the thief, the broken door and the monk with his aged body.

The monks stared at him stunnedly, suddenly thinking of the fairy a few months ago, a ray of hope rose in their hearts.


The decaying wooden door was completely pushed down.

The old monk took the lead. He slammed his stick and hit the shoulder of the first thief, but he was greeted with a hatchet that was full of blood!


Arterial blood soared several meters!

The old monk fell helpless.

The status of fighting against Buddha ’s reincarnation failed to give him any ability other than ordinary people. He was like an ordinary old man who was cut into half of his neck with a knife and then lost his vitality.

He only stopped the thieves for a moment, and then the thieves rushed in from the door, scolded and stepped over his body, continued to wave the knife to other monks, or rummaged for anything they thought was valuable .

The monks fell down one by one, and had no power to fight back. Until only the abbot was left, they heard a scream from the bandits behind.

"Damn it!"

The thieves turned around and looked left and right, stupefied that nothing was wrong.

"what happened?"

"You shout a shovel!"

The outermost thief pointed to the place with a tremble: "There was an old monk there, who was hacked to death, suddenly ... suddenly the golden light flashed and the old monk disappeared!"

The thieves thought for a moment, suddenly cold.


Anyang flew to Bailong and other people's location and then controlled the personal aircraft to fly down, and soon landed.

It is only a few hundred miles from the headquarters of the Immortal Magic Palace.

For hundreds of miles, for many great supernaturalists, the distance spanning hundreds of miles can even be counted in seconds.

Bai Long personally picked him up just in case.

After that, Anyang followed Bailong to a hill. Many great magicians were here, and he looked far from the direction of the headquarters of the Immortal Demon Palace.

"Bodhisattva, is it so critical that the situation is so fast?" Anyang asked Bailong next to him.

Bai Longtou nodded back: "Well, there are too many fairy gods responding to us. The Eternal Life Palace has damaged a lot of demon kings in the past few months, and the local branches are also threatened! Now we have a great momentum, I can already be sure that the immortal emperor is in the magic palace. If you can come to fight and defeat the Buddha to capture the immortal emperor, this war may come to an end! "

"Is it so fast ..." Anyang looked solemn.

"Yeah." White Dragon nodded. "Now the Emperor Shengzhen and Yisheng Zhenjun are still fighting there with the demon in the demon palace. The immortal emperor has no intention of shooting, cough ..."

Bailong coughed twice, his face unchanged, and asked Anyang: "Are you ready?"

"The disciple is always prepared, but the disciple asks the battle to overcome the Buddha's shot with a secret method. It may only take a moment. I don't know how strong the immortal emperor is, so the timing of the shot must be right." Anyang's face was a little worried.

"It's no problem, we will create opportunities for you and have enough personnel. If we can't win the immortal emperor, then we have to say that destiny is not allowed, no one can blame!"

"Well!" Anyang also knew the truth.

Anyway, this move is to help Bailong several people, they did not pay another price, if they can succeed, they are all happy, if they fail, it can only show that the immortal emperor is too strong, whether he uses this trick or not, several people will lose , Cannot be changed.

"Then let's go, don't let Xiansheng Zhenjun wait anxiously." Bai Long said, then he gathered a cloud of mist and took him to the sky.

The distance of a few hundred miles really came in a flash.

Anyang stood on the sky and looked far into the distance, where the clouds were misty, like a mountain and an abyss, a magnificent palace was built against the cliff, and the whole body was dark gray, like the kingdom of the devil in ancient legends, looming in the fog .

Bai Long said lightly: "There is the Immortal Demon Palace. The prohibition on it was broken by Dinghaishen Pearl, and now it appears in the world."

"How many years has it been built?" Anyang asked. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

"Five hundred years."

"Destroy it." Anyang took out two large equivalents of proton demolition bombs, and took out the gun mount to start loading.

Bai Long looked at him silently on the side, his eyes shining inexplicably, but he didn't speak. This is really not the time to delve into these trivial matters.

Soon, the ammunition was loaded.

Anyang glanced into the distance, showing that Shengzhen Zhenjun was fighting with a terrifying demon, gaining the upper hand. The name of the Three Realms of War did not mix a little water, and Yi Shengzhen Jun also faced a demon in a far place, should not Will be affected by the explosion.

He immediately decisively pressed the launch button.


Cannonballs crossed the sky instantly!

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