My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 874: The immortal emperor is so tender!

The gleaming golden hands are vast, as if covering the sky and the sky, spanning hundreds of miles in a blink of an eye, greeted the hundreds of shocking demons.

Looking at it from another angle, these hundreds of monsters are like a group of mosquitoes, flying and crashing into a layer of golden wall that can't see the side!

"Boom ..."

There was a thunderous thunder in the sky.

In a blink of an eye, the giant hand patted the hundreds of monsters.

Any group of monsters that can lift up the world ’s turmoil is particularly vulnerable at this time. The weakest person will die when he encounters the giant hand, and the weaker person will be blown out by the giant hand and will be unconscious. There are very few strong men who stand still with their seriously injured bodies.

For a while, the demon demons were shocked, and the decent immortal gods with the determination to die were also shocked. They all looked to this side.

I saw Bailong and Tianyou deputy handsome heads, Anyang sat cross-legged on the lotus platform, the treasure phase was solemn, and the golden light was dazzling.

Only Bailong and Tianyou, the closest commander, can hear the scripture he reads—

"Seventeen, record everything I have now! ... Then don't rush to deal with it, copy it down and say it!"

Bai Long and Deputy Tianyou looked at each other, both amazed by the picture, and wondering what he was talking about.

And Anyang feels that at this moment, his whole body is filled with unprecedented divine power. Every finger, every hair, every cell seems to be reshaped! Now his body has been reborn to a stage where he is completely unfamiliar. He can't even be called his body, but should be called-

Fight against Buddha's body!

Yes, such unimaginable power is the power to fight against Buddha, this body that is immortal and immortal is the body that fights against Buddha, this magical magic power in the brain and the inexplicable understanding of the world road It all comes from the battle over Buddha, and even his own consciousness is influenced by the battle over Buddha ...

A long time ago he had extracted a prop ability called ‘Character Possession’ after the end of the mission. It has never been used for so long, and it is now finally in use!

The detonation of the universe's original energy? He felt that he could destroy matter without the help of antimatter!

For a moment, he suddenly looked up, his eyes were like the sun, the moon and the stars, the whole body was surrounded by awe-inspiring yet peaceful breath, very contradictory, and at the same time fighting against the Buddha, the natural and calm force field Completely passed to him.

The immortal emperor also felt the Buddha's breath that was too powerful to invade, and turned around. His cold eyes were slightly soft, obviously affected by him.

The two eyes stared at each other.

The immortal emperor was slightly surprised, and Anyang's eyes had turned into a golden red, full of majestic war intentions!

This is just an instant.

The words are divided into two, the distant Putuo Mountain in the South China Sea——

The expression of fighting against the Buddha sitting on the lotus platform is no different from that of Anyang at this time. He closed his eyes and practiced in the empty hall, but he opened his eyes at this time.

He turned his head and looked away from the west.

There was silence in the eyes, and nothing could be seen.

Gazing for a moment, as if crossing the distance of a million miles to see the movement clearly, he withdrew his gaze, surrounded by Buddhist proverbs composed of golden Sanskrit, and glanced down at the ninety-nine around the island Pavilion.

The man died, and the old monk returned to his position. At this time, there were 998 pavilions with dead bodies, and only one was empty.

They were soaked in water and just halfway submerged.

Fighting over Buddha's face was expressionless and closed his eyes again.

"Fairy, come to life." Anyang's voice, like thunder, which can shock the soul, echoed in this world.

He reached out again and grabbed the immortal emperor.

The moment the hand was protruding out, it turned into a huge golden hand, the golden light shining, surrounded by proverbs, and the power radiated made all fairy gods and demons impressed.

The immortal emperor lowered his eyelids and extended a hand.

His hands also became as big as the sun and the sky, but they were pale five fingers, with gray 氤氲 lingering on it, and a little gray in the transparency of his nails, as if he could scratch the void.

With a bang, two hands docked!

A shock wave visible to the naked eye was swayed between heaven and earth, and the dark clouds in the sky and the mountains and rivers on the ground were instantly leveled!

Many demons and immortals are unclear, only Bailong and other people are surprised that the immortal emperor is so entrusted, even daring to fight against the hard rivals of the three realms.

But it is also true that the immortal emperor is used to rampage in the lower realm. I am afraid that I have never seen the era when Tianting battled with Lingshan. Naturally, he did not know who the battle defeated the Buddha. Defeat the possession of Buddha!

I saw the moment when the two palms touched each other, the golden Buddha palm destroyed the pale demon hand like a desolation, and then the unrelenting momentum, like a lightning bolt to the immortal emperor.

Only then did the immortal emperor's complexion finally change!

He wanted to hide in an instant, but where can he hide? The golden giant hand was like a big day when he came to suppress the mad monk, and he was approaching him like a nightmare.

Under the anxiety, the immortal emperor was also angry and not terrified. He shouted, and the endless gray smoke erupted in the world, covering everything in the world, even covering himself and the huge golden hand, and it was not clear.


There was a dull sound in the gray smoke.

Bai Long and others couldn't see the situation, so they turned to look at Anyang who was sitting still on the lotus platform.

Of course, they all thought it was a victory over the Buddha.

I saw Anyang's face was very strange, between war intentions and innocence, a little nonchalant. But his expression remained calm, and he held out one hand tightly, making a grip.

Suddenly, his eyes were fixed!


The endless golden light that dared not look directly came out of his eyes, and there seemed to be a vain brahma sing between heaven and earth. The picture dissipates in general!

The power of the golden palm has been very weak, and it has turned into a nearly transparent pale golden state, which makes people more aware of the immortal emperor who is struggling to struggle in the center of the palm.

Bailong even remembered the six-eared macaque that he met on the westbound road. Although he was the product of the secret battle between Tianting and Lingshan, when he came to Daleiyin Temple Darirulai, he should be covered by the golden bowl of Darirulai. This look.

Before being beaten by a golden hand, the demon who had not yet calmed down were all frightened and turned to look here.

The immortal emperor was captured by a stroke, who has such power?

Look at this posture ... Do these people please move the big day of Xitian as His Holiness? Or the ancient Buddha who burned the lamp?

But they know that this is obviously impossible!

Who would it be?

Just when the demons were ready to run, and sent the fairies to clap their hands to celebrate, the immortal emperor held in the giant hand screamed, and his body exploded into pus and countless gray-black. Black smoke disappeared in the palm of the hand.

The immortal emperor ... dead?

Both the demon and the fairy opened their eyes!

Such a terrifying demon in the world is not easy to die even if it is captured!

Sure enough, they saw the golden light blooming in Anyang's eyes become stronger and stronger, and the whole world was golden in a direct shot, which can be seen from thousands of miles away, making countless evil monsters in Xi Niu Hezhou trembling with fear, making countless civilians devastated by demons Say no to you!

Suddenly, the golden light turned into golden fire, and the fire was burning.

But the golden fire that permeates the whole sky and the earth does not burn the grass and trees, nor does it burn the souls, but it is warm, only those demons are struggling in the golden fire!

Under such great magical power and great mana power, finally a ray of gray smoke could not bear it, appeared out of thin air, and turned into the appearance of the immortal emperor.

Seeing the time passing by one minute and one second, Anyang dared not delay, stretched out with one hand, and grabbed the immortal emperor again!

Suddenly, the immortal emperor was captured again!

Anyang faced like a golden Buddha, without sorrow and joy, he lowered his eyelids and looked at the immortal emperor who almost revealed the prototype. As soon as the hand that he was holding was hard, the golden hand was followed by a fierce grasp, and the immortal emperor shone in the fire Slammed into fly ash!

Faced with the best spirituality in the three realms, and in the course of thousands of years of practice, through the hardships and the cultivation of Zhengguo to defeat the Buddha, the immortal emperor seemed too immature.

But at this moment, Anyang frowned.


With a wave of his hand, the golden light of the sky reappeared, exactly the same as before, and the figure of the immortal emperor appeared again.

"Why is this?" Anyang sank.

A golden hand once again grabbed the immortal emperor, holding the most prestigious demon emperor in the world, but did not have to kill the town, but recycled it. It seems that he regarded the immortal emperor as a mouse. I want to take a closer look.

But before it was near, the immortal emperor's voice disappeared into his hands again.

This is simply suicide!

Anyang's secret path is not good, even if the immortal emperor is twice as strong, he is not afraid, but this unstoppable magical power has exceeded his expectations ~ ~ also disrupted his plan.

With a brush, he waved countless golden lights.

The immortal emperor manifested again, and still looked at him coldly: "I was created by the upper prince, born of the heavens and the earth, and the mystery of the prince is too mysterious! The mortal is immortal, and the heaven and the earth are immortal, I will survive forever! How to wait to destroy me! "

"What's wrong." Anyang's expression resumed dull.

I saw his golden body sitting on the lotus platform shocked, and the sky was twisted, and there were countless more of them, all sitting on the lotus platform, with golden light scattered all over the body, without sadness and joy, all around the immortal emperor, dense and dense , Staring at him in the middle, and said:

"You can't kill you once, then kill you a hundred times, and kill you until your source is exhausted, your strength is exhausted, and you will return to the appearance of the Taizhao Taoist furnace!"

The immortal emperor finally panicked, but Anyang didn't give him the capital to repent. Only in a flash, he saw so many figures shot, and countless gold hands covered the sky!

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