My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 875: Another method

"Boom ..."

The golden light almost obscured all the sight, making it impossible to tell which hand was the hand, and could only hear the endless muffled sound, like a thunderous sound, like an endless chant.

Anyang has blocked this space, and has continuously killed the immortal emperor. After the town is killed, he will be forced to appear, and then he will appear and then kill him, so repeat. And the speed of this process cycle is far beyond ordinary people's imagination, and the immortal emperor will be killed dozens of times by the town almost every second, and will also be forced to appear dozens of times.

His power is constantly weakening, letting him despair, and letting the demon who watched this battlefield far away with great magic power despair!

Among them, a golden giant hand was even pressed towards the immortal magic palace, and only a slap. This was a disaster. The headquarters of the magic palace turned into fly ash. Many buildings were completely annihilated without even touching the palm. Upon hearing the bang, there was only a deep giant fingerprint left in place, like a basin.

The demon in the world suddenly felt that the day was over. But they could not think of it, and Anyang also felt very bad at this time.

This killing process is too slow! Perhaps it is not slow, perhaps the immortal emperor of Half Pillar Incense will be so weak that he will fall into the seat of the throne, and within the incense stick, he will be beaten back to its original form! And instead of turning back to a fire rat, he was directly turned back to the flames in the gossip furnace of the Taoist ancestor of the original Taishang!

The town of Yixiangxiang killed the immortal emperor in the Three Realms, especially in the world for hundreds of years. These great supernatural powers have been able to spread in the Three Realms for a hundred years, which amazes all living beings!

You know, this is a demon who can despise most of the ancient gods and Buddhas, and it is also the belief in the evil demon in the world, the pillar of the eternal life palace!

But can Anyang have a joss stick time?

He doesn't think so.

So from the start to the present, he has not wasted any one second. Many times, a long series of attacks were completed in the electric light and flint, just to say that it is too late.

So he quickly stopped the meaningless behavior.

When the figure of the immortal emperor appeared again, he was somewhat embarrassed. He looked at Anyang with resentment, but before he could relax, he saw the colorful clouds flashing above his head, and he looked up and saw the five colors growing backwards. The lotus bloomed. These lotus flowers seem to use space as soil, and they are getting longer and longer, approaching him!

At the same time he heard the majestic voice of Anyang: "You can't kill you, then I will suppress you, I hope you will be like me, and after a few years, you will calm down and cultivate positive results!"

The lotus never stopped growing when speaking.

The immortal emperor was startled, and finally a little flustered. He glanced at Anyang, and suddenly realized: "You are fighting against the Buddha! No, you and I are raised from heaven and earth. You used to be a demon trying to rebuild the order of heaven and earth. You can't do this to me!"

He shouted, but no one ignored him. Instead, he made all the fairy gods realize that it was the fight against the Buddha!

Lotus was getting closer and closer to him.

Finally, the first inverted lotus grows, and he can't move him! Pieces of petals closed together, wrapped him, and then integrated into his body, disappeared.

Then came the second flower, wrapped him in his body and disappeared, waiting for the third lotus to open and fall.

The immortal emperor shouted, but there was no resistance.

Now he is like Sun Wukong, who came to Da Ri as a thousand years ago. When Wuzhi Mountain is pressed down, it is really as unstoppable as a mountain, and even the sky and clouds are covered.

Anyang couldn't use Wuzhishan, so he found another way.

But God seemed to hear the call of the immortal emperor, only a few lotus flowers wrapped him up, and suddenly, all the lotus flowers in the sky were withered in an instant, and the golden light was no longer there. All of his powers have disappeared, and even the awe-inspiring victory over the Buddha is gone.

Bailong and others sank in their hearts and quickly looked back.

Anyang floated in the air, without the golden light, no longer majestic, even the lotus platform disappeared.

He blinked twice ...

The heavenly decent fairy is also confused.

Bai Long responded quickly, and with a wave of his hand, the golden light reappeared, and then a lotus platform appeared under Anyang. And Anyang was also filled with the skills of acting in every field, and immediately sat cross-legged and looked blankly at the immortal emperor in the distance.

The restored immortal emperor glanced at this side, not daring to hesitate at all, and disappeared in a flash!

After dozens of seconds, Anyang's face was stiff, and then the white dragon waved away the scary golden light and Manjushri's lotus platform, grabbed Anyang and flew back.


He shouted loudly, and many immortals could hear it.

The nearest Tianyou deputy and Yi Shengzhen, who also knew his love first, followed him first, and Erlang was clinging to the three-pointed two-bladed sword and stood still. He obviously did a good job of dragging and chasing them behind the temple. The preparation of the soldiers, the remaining fairy gods are still in a daze.

It took a long time for them to react and quickly escape!

Soon there was only Erlang God in the sky. He stood with a fine dog at his feet, a golden eagle standing on his shoulders, and three eyes glanced indifferently into the distance. The cold wind of high school blew his robe, blowing the hair hanging down his cheeks. , Qing Qi's beautiful face was helpless.

After preparing for so long, I never expected to fail.

Never mind! This is a battle that is weak and strong and surprisingly wins. Any accident will lead to failure. Who can guarantee that no accident will happen?

Who knows that the immortal emperor really is immortal?

At this time, his figure was lined up with skinny armor and a robe inside, and there was a book angry on his body. Without the intention to fight, he was not like a warrior of the Three Realms, but like a real world. A young man with cos Yang Jian.

Facts have proved that he overestimated a scared rat and the demon in the world who had not read the art of war. Until his eyes were blown by the wind, no one dared to catch up!

Baisheng and other talents stopped in Dongsheng Shenzhou, hundreds of thousands of miles away. Anyang looked helpless, and said to them: "Everyone goes to immortality, one hundred secrets and one thin, the disciples are still defeated!"

Bai Long smiled at him in a rare way and said lightly: "You are the bargaining chip for us. If you lose, you will have no trouble. But your efforts, previous efforts, we always look in our eyes and keep in mind. Up!"

After a pause, he continued: "In addition, I have done enough, and it is already a great merit to kill so many amazing demons!"

"Thank you Bodhisattva for your understanding!" Anyang said, "But I also wiped out many Daoxing lines of the immortal emperor, and he has several layers of seals in his body. "

At this time, the deputy coach Tianyou deeply bowed to him: "I would like to thank you on behalf of the world for your actions!"

Anyang hurriedly gave way and gave way, even dare not to act.

At this time, the uninformed fairy **** was confused, and he grabbed him and asked: Why did the fight over the Buddha decide to shoot, but at the critical moment, he did not stop?

Anyang had no choice but to deal with it casually.

With this matter, everyone's heart is very heavy.

The dominant fairy gods such as Bailong and Erlang, sand monk, deputy commander Tianyou and Yisheng Zhenjun have begun to discuss the next strategy, each expression is solemn, standing on this bare and unknown hillside and gazing into the distance from time to time, worried, but Work hard for this world.

"Wheezing? We're afraid we can't breathe." Tian You, deputy coach Shen, said, "The opportunity is fleeting, the immortal emperor has just been hit hard, and the top monsters of the magic palace are dead and wounded. Everyone understands the apex? "

"Yes, this opportunity is not to be missed. Anyway, we have reached this point. It is better to fight again. Take this opportunity to beat the Devil Palace hard!" Nezha said.

"You can't kill the immortal emperor, after all, you can't destroy the immortal magic palace!" Yi Shengzhenjun frowned.

"Then what else? You can't miss the opportunity, wait for the immortal emperor to recover, and wait for the strength of the immortal magic palace to recover. Let's fight again?" Prince Nezha was very irritable. "Be aware that our breathing opportunities are also their breathing. Opportunity! And we have not lost much, but they have suffered heavy losses. If we want to win, this is the best opportunity! "

Erlang Shen Shen Ning said for a moment, "The fight is to fight, but the voice of the deputy coach Tianyou also needs to be used!"

"What's the trick for the true monarch?"

"Under anxiety ~ ~ I only thought of the moves that Marshal Teng Peng had used before." Erlang Shen glanced at Anyang. "As we chased the rats of the Immortal Demon Palace, we made people go around Look for people of insight in the world to strengthen themselves. "

At this time, everyone looked at Anyang.

Anyang smiled helplessly: "You talk about it, if you want me to do it, just tell me that, never give up!"

Erlang nodded: "Then trouble."

"No trouble, no trouble."

But this time all the fairy gods discussed again-

Yi Shengzhen said: "Now that the Three Realms are in chaos, no one can be sure of the situation. How do we find people? If we find the fairy **** who collaborates with the Eternal Life Magic Palace, or if it is unfortunately inserted into the people by Lingshan or Tianting, it is calculated Now, how can we fight the Immortal Maze? "

Erlang was silent, and Nezha was silent.

The white dragon is speechless, and the sand monk is speechless.

Or Tianyou deputy sighed: "At this point, you have to find a marshal!"

Erlang God also sighed and said, "Although I and Peng had never dealt with it that day, but they were far inferior to him in terms of time trial and watching people, maybe I had to find someone who wanted him!"

The sand monk said calmly: "I'm going to find Brother."

"it is good!"

"Troubled Venerable."

After listening to them for a long time, Anyang found an opportunity to be alone and review the information in his mind.

All the power to fight against Buddha is poured into his body, and the data brought is huge, especially the understanding of the world's avenues hundreds of years after becoming a Buddha, the amount of data is terrible! Fortunately, the bio-assist chip is not a single chip, but an arithmetic assembly using itself as a carrier. The performance of this bio chip is as strong as its cells.

In just a few minutes, he copied a Buddha!

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