My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 876: Unexpected little fox

Although there is a supernatural power to fight against the Buddha, most of them can be learned by themselves at a level, but there is not much to learn. Uuk.

There are the most prestigious seventy-two changes, but in this way the seventy-two changes are not the 72 spells recorded by Taoism, but Xuan Gong, a typical walker's path to practice the exercises. After cultivation, you can get an indestructible gold body, and you can also change it in the wind. It is a top-level but not exclusive practice method for Sun Wukong.

Similarly, the famous Niu Demon King, Erlang God, and a big demon named Mei Hong in Meishan in the ancient times all practiced this mystic skill, and by this way they acquired the magical power of the magnificent shore.

There are also somersault clouds, which can reach tens of thousands of miles in the end, and there are many other spells ...

In this way, the magical powers that Sun Wukong had practiced in the beginning were not too much, and his own combat power was by no means a mysterious skill. In other words, the reason why Sun Wukong became the Qitian Dasheng and the battle to defeat the Buddha is because he is Sun Wukong, not because he has learned Xuan Gong.

There are more people, monsters, gods, Buddhas and immortals who have learned Xuan Gong in the world, and there is only one Monkey King, one Erlang God, one Bull Demon King and one Yuan Hong!

Therefore, at this time, Anyang looked for information on the victory over the Buddha, either too deep or too difficult for him. There are not many magical abilities that he can really learn. From the point of view of his immediate interests, he is not even as good as copying the orthodox practitioners from such subjects as Bailong or Erlang, but in the long run, the data brought to him by the victory over the Buddha is endless.

For this matter, even if it is involved in the battle between the devil and the decent fairy, it is also a profit, and even death is not a loss!

After resurrecting the little fox, everything will be perfect!

A little later, Bailong came to find Anyang.

Among the many fairy gods, he first met Anyang, so the fairy gods pushed him to ask Anyang, but he did not refuse.

So as soon as he met, he didn't delay time and asked directly: "Anyang donor, dare to ask that the magic weapon you used to ask the battle to overcome the possession of Buddha can be used again?"

Anyang froze for a moment, then said: "No. I also want to ask Shengfo to take another shot, but it can only be used once."

"It turns out that there is no interruption there." Bai Long didn't ask much about the other, apparently already recognized him, nodded and walked out.

The next day, the sand monk found Marshal Tianpeng as promised.

Many powerful decent immortal gods are polite to Marshal Tenpeng, which is rare for Erlang God. At the same time, the fairy goddesses asked Marshal Teng Peng to fight with them. Marshal Teng Peng refused to bother to refuse one by one. Although his expression was gentle, his tone was beyond doubt.

But Marshal Tian Peng also chatted with them for a long time, made suggestions and made many suggestions.

This also made the immortals grateful.

Of course, in the end he found Anyang.

The two met at the leeward side of the hillside. Marshal Tianpeng was not in a hurry, nor did he immediately give him a list, but laughed: "You made a lot of noise yesterday!"

"Is the Marshal watching?" Anyang said.

"Of course, this is a very important battle." Marshal Tianpeng smiled slightly. "You are indeed the monkey's breath that day. I don't care if he is attached to you, but in short, you shouldn't ask his permission. ? "

Anyang was silent for a while: "Marshal is brilliant."

"Oh, what is wise, I will go to Nanhai Putuo with you. He said he didn't want to take care of it, then he wouldn't take care of it. Didn't you say that, you used a secret method." Marshal Tian Peng posed He waved his hands and looked away. "But your hand has messed up the situation. I heard that Tianting and Lingshan are going crazy."

"Oh? What a crazy way?"

"The battle over the Buddha has reappeared in the Three Realms! The Emperor Ziwei in the heavenly court rushed to Putuo Mountain in the South China Sea to check whether the seal was loose. The Buddhas and Bodhisattvas in Lingshan also hoped that the battle over the Buddha would break the seal for a long time. You gave them back yesterday. A wrong signal was released. "

"It turns out so."

Anyang thought for a moment and knew how chaotic the situation was.

The weight of the battle over the Buddha is unquestionable. If the battle over the Buddha breaks the seal, Heaven will definitely have a headache. Although Lingshan on the other side is very eager to fight against the Buddha, the Eternal Life Palace is basically convinced that it has a little relationship with Lingshan. If the first battle of the battle over the Buddha was directed at the Eternal Life Palace, the group of people in Lingshan must also be a face. Dumbfounded.

And Anyang realized that he now seems to have a tiger skin. Although it was stolen from the tiger, the deterrent power is not reduced at all!

After a second thought, he had a little anger: "So yesterday the gods and Buddhas were watching this battle, but these gods and Buddhas who enjoyed the incense of the world were not moved at all?"

Marshal Tian Peng glanced at him with a smile and comforted: "Save it! You just think they are in a confrontation. Without the threat of heaven, Lingshan will not let you come, and Lingshan is a pure religious force, You have to give others a reason to deceive yourself! "

After listening to Anyang, he was silent for a moment and asked, "Lingshan also sent someone to Putuo in Nanhai to defeat the Buddha yesterday?"


"What do you say about fighting against Buddha?"

"I don't know about this, but the situation should not be bad for you." Marshal Tianpeng said, "If the monkey didn't say anything, he would back this pot. If he said he didn't help you, then Those people will throw the pot to the more powerful ancestors. "

Anyang thought about it, but it was indeed true.

It's all fighting against the Buddha who doesn't recognize the tiger skin on him. The gods in the sky will make him a more mysterious and deterrent tiger skin.

The two discussed for another moment, and Marshal Tianpeng gave him a list as scheduled. This list is larger than the previous one, with more fairy, god, demon, and Buddha on it! Anyang even found several duplicate names from the previous list. It seems that even if the last invitation was not acceptable, Marshal Tianpeng was very sure that they would agree to this time.

After all, Marshal Tianpeng left, and said to him before leaving: "Be careful of everything, I'll find you a great magician who can resurrect your maid."

Anyang heard that he was undoubtedly surprised.

The same is true for the little fox in his arms, but in the soul beads of the poor little fox, he can't see the expression of the little fox.

Another day later, Anyang should leave.

The immortals came to say goodbye to them, and they all kindly told him to be careful. After all, his mana is low, but he shoulders this important task, which is quite admirable!

A great demon who claimed to be the ancestral ancestral ancestor brought his disciples over and said to him: "This journey is a long journey, with a lot of crises and hard work. I can't do anything else, so let my disciples be Your mount is willing to help you along the way. Of course, if you do n’t dislike it. "

Anyang smiled and said, "There is labor."

"It's okay!" Said Zonggu Zongzu, and beckoned to the back again, "Qinghong, you've come over and met Anyang Dao Brother, this way you have to help Anyang Dao Brother."

What happened to Anyang was dumbfounded. From behind the ancestor, it was actually a charming woman with big eyes and melon seeds, but she was a little tall. Well, it's not high.

The woman arched her hand to Anyang: "Anyang brother."

Anyang twitched the corner of his mouth. The woman was not only uncomfortably tall, and her cultivation base was obviously too much higher than him, not even a level. So he also busy said: "Whether according to cultivation behavior or seniority, you are my predecessor, should I call you Dao brother."

Zonggu Zongzu said next to him: "You can't talk about that, what you should be."

The time was pressing, and Anyang stopped arguing with him.

He probably guessed a little bit about Wan Zongzu's thoughts. There must be reasons for ensuring his safety and speeding up the journey, but it would be unreasonable if one did not think carefully.

Zonggu Zongzu probably thinks that he must have something to do with the victory over Buddhism, and it is worth getting close. On the other hand, what he did at the moment is a matter of great merit. Although he did not directly participate in the war, an example of lobbying by ancient lobbyists with great merit There are also quite a few, he should want to make his disciples drenched.

Anyang has a clear understanding of his own strength and has no reason to refuse.

It's just such a charming woman who always feels a little weird when he is a mount and bodyguard.

But he was not hypocritical, so he recognized it!

Time was not to be delayed, and Anyang quickly embarked on a journey.

The charming woman who was much taller than him whispered, "brother, please, and then transformed into a giant blue dragonfly, which should have been lovely, but after zooming in to such a large size, only the fierce and Horror is really daunting.

Anyang did not know until then that his mount was not only a female, but also unusual ...

Clenching his teeth, he stepped on with a frown.

The dragonfly's huge compound eyes reflected the distant sky and the earth into countless pictures, and there was still a clear voice in her mouth: "Brother Anyang, can you go?"

"Come on, Brother Qinghong."

As soon as Anyang's voice fell, he felt a shock in his body, and the dragonfly flew away as soon as he fluttered his wings. And he looked back quickly, and saw that in just a blink of an eye, the hills and the fairy gods on which he had stood had become extremely far away, leaving only a blue streamer behind him, like a Hongqiao.

With mounts, the efficiency is much faster.

But it didn't take long for Qinghong to stop.

When Anyang was wondering, the dragonfly was also silent for a while, and then you quietly said: "Brother Anyang, you haven't told me where to go ..."

Anyang just woke up like a dream, his feelings have been immersed in the joy of having a mount, and he can't extricate himself!

"Go to the southern part of Chau Chau, the central part, where the two worlds once lived."

"Got it, brother."

Qinghong set off again, as fast as lightning.

Anyang's mood is elegant.

In the fairy tales I read when I was a kid, most of the fairies had their own mounts. At that time, I didn't think there was anything. Now I know that the mounts are such accessories that pull the wind!

But he didn't realize it at all, and the emotion of the little fox in his arms was somewhat inexplicably low.


Time flies, the sun and the moon are like a shuttle.

Before the second departure to lobby the Great Supernaturalists, he had been in this world for more than half a year, and now it is another two months. Although he has also persuaded many immortals, it has been a year in this mission world. It's almost over.

The little fox was also confined to that little bead alone for more than half a year. Fortunately, he would take the bead out to tease her from time to time, or talk to her like herself.

Ziyun Mountain, a green rainbow came overhead, only to see it was a huge dragonfly.

Anyang leaped from the back of the dragonfly and said a bit of trouble to his brother, and then took out a piece of paper and looked at it carefully.

The dense name on this piece of paper has been crossed out by him, and only two or three are left. The top one is the Phrayan Bodhisattva at Qianhua Cave in Ziyun Mountain.

Until this time, Anyang had admired Marshal Teng Peng in every possible way.

It is because after 800 years of the war between the gods and Buddhas, many gods and demon demon left the old heaven and the old spirit mountain. Now it is estimated that neither the heavenly court nor the spirit mountain knows where they are, but the long list of lists made by Marshal Tianpeng has nothing wrong , And most people agreed to participate in the battle.

Especially the few fairy gods and deities that overlapped with the first list, as Marshal Tengpeng had expected, when Anyang found them for the second time, all their excuses were gone.

So in the past two months, the resistance to the magic palace is getting bigger and bigger!

But the most doubtful thing about Anyang was that the magic palace he had hit hard should have weakened in the battle with the decent fairy, but the fact was that the recovery speed of the magic palace was extremely amazing, and soon came out again to block the more powerful momentum. The power of a vast and decent fairy.

Even a few days ago, the immortal emperor appeared again.

Although it was not Anyang ’s own power, at least it was his own hands, at least at that moment, he knew how to use himself and the situation of the immortal emperor!

Someone must be helping him!

Anyang can guess a few points without thinking. But this is the end of the matter, and there is no way back. I can only take one step at a time.

When thinking about it, Qinghong has turned into a human form. Although this woman is his mount in name, he is not inferior in his style of work. Even though it was up to him to make the decision, he said that Qinghong would go wherever he went, but both of them went side by side.

He walked towards Qianhua Cave, and Qinghong followed him.

It may have been known that there were noble guests at the door, and for many years, the Vilamba Bodhisattva had prepared tea and waited for a long time.


Another week passed, Anyang stood on the top of a high mountain, stomping the dark clouds of ink under his feet. Obviously the weather is not good, and the dark clouds underneath the feet can be seen. When you lower your head, you can see the thunder burst in the clouds, and the clouds and the sky will shine in bright colors.

Anyang was extremely open-minded, radiant, and waved his hand, and a piece of paper flew away with the wind.

Not far away, I saw a sudden sound

An abrupt lightning struck the paper, turning it into fly ash, which was scattered into the dark clouds of electric charges.

He finally completed his task!

Anyang couldn't help but shout!

He thought that if it wasn't Qinghong beside him, but Comrade Xiaoqian, or only Xiaochan, he should obediently shout to the rolling Yun.

But now, he refrained.

After a moment, Anyang turned around and said to Qinghong very calmly: "It's not too late, please trouble Qinghong Dao brother, let's go back!"

"Alright!" Qinghong stood on the edge of the cliff and took a sober look at the violent scenery that was hard to see in the distance, and then immediately transformed into a body. "Come on, Dao Brother!"

Anyang: "..."

Soon, they returned to Xiniu Hezhou.

At this time, the fairy gods had built a camp at a distance of 1,000 miles from the headquarters of the Immortal Demon Palace in Xi Niu He Zhou. There were many fellows, and there was a battle of faith in ancient times.

Today's decent immortal gods are sitting on more and more great supernaturalists, most of whom are from Anyang, but there are also some uninvited and admirable people. In addition to these great supernaturalists, there are many strong or weak practitioners who form a large army.

One of the most regular is the garrison who used to be in the court ~ ~ The old prince of Nezha three princes, with the eyes of Totali Li, opened his eyes and closed his eyes!

These people are the main force against the immortal magic palace.

Anyang returned after more than two months of going out, and felt that this major cause of resistance has only finally been a bit decent until now.

But soon someone came to inform him that Marshal Tianpeng came with a famous **** of the heavens a week ago, and had been waiting for him for a week here.

When Anyang heard the news, he froze for a moment, then rejoiced, and immediately asked the man to take him to Marshal Tianpeng.

He asked while walking, and then took out the soul beads of the little fox from his arms, and looked at the little fox who could feel his joy in the beads but his face was blank, saying, "Marshal Tianpeng has been waiting for me for a week, if I That's right, what he said last time should be possible! "

The little fox's eyes were immediately rounded.

Suddenly, she was at a loss.

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