My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 879: The decisive battle is coming

"Want to hide me?" Anyang dropped another heavy hammer and hit Xiao Chan's heart, making her even more uneasy.

In fact, he did not know the specific situation, otherwise he would not use the milder word of "hiding". He only realized that there must be something wrong, so he used some means to swindle the little fox who was not cunning at all.

As expected, Xiao Chan was terrified enough, her small hands kept stirring the belt in front of her skirt, and she raised her head from time to time to sneak a glance at him, her face was completely pale.

Anyang knew that this was really the case.

But when Xiao Chan came to this world because he suffered so much, he did n’t want to bully her too much. It ’s not good that she had to be scared to death by herself just after resurrection?

So Anyang softened his expression and put his hand on the little fox ’s head. Seeing that Xiao Chan was so guilty and afraid that she would not dare to hide, she said, "Okay, I promise that as long as you tell the truth , Certainly not embarrassing you! Okay? "

Xiao Chan still bowed his head and did not speak.

Anyang was helpless and said, "I have said to forgive you. What else do you want to do, do you want to keep hiding from me?"

Xiao Chan was shocked by the fact that he wasn't a serious question, and then raised his head weakly, and then asked in a whisper: "I ... If I lied to you, I lied to you for a long time, Will you take my skin off and make a hat ... "

"How to cheat me for a long time?" Anyang tortured himself in his heart to ask whether he had such a good cheat, and at the same time said, "Relax, I don't like wearing red hats!"

As soon as the words fell, Xiao Chan's body was shaking again, and he looked up at him with some horror.

"I don't like blue!" Anyang added.

Xiao Chan was still in a state of palpitations, but she kept her head down and meditated for a long time. She closed her eyes and gritted her teeth and raised her head. Small looks, I ... my mother made me like this. "

When she talked about her mother-in-law, her tone was extremely low, as if she was about to cry.

Anyang suddenly realized that he had taken care of all his thoughts and clarified all the doubts from when he first saw Xiaochan to now.

"Oh! Your mother is afraid that you will be stared by mischievous people when you fall into the world, afraid that your appearance will cause disaster for you, so you become such a little girl?"

"Hmm ~" Xiao Chan nodded with his head down.

"So it turns out."

Anyang immediately understood.

Although the chaos of the age of the Divine World was not as good as this world, the indifference of ancient laws and moral consciousness is far from what modern people can imagine. Even if Xiao Chan becomes this seven or eight year old look, it can still cause many people to have evil thoughts. If she is more than that, it is really unimaginable!

What's more, judging by the charms she once felt from this little spot that she couldn't believe, if she turned into an adult, I am afraid that even in the real world, where the laws are strict, some people will be confused by her. So take risks!

Thinking of Anyang, she glanced at her again: "You become what you are, show me!"

Xiao Chan heard the words and immediately got a little embarrassed.

"What's the matter? I know the situation. It's impossible for you to hide from me for so long. You have followed me for so many years, and you still don't want to show me right now!" Anyang looked at Xiao with a bad face Chan, if this look was seen by Xiao Qian, I would say that he is happy to bully Xiao Chan!

Sure enough, after listening to his words, simple Xiao Chan thought deeply, and it was really impossible, but she still had some concerns: "I ... I am a little afraid ..."

"What are you afraid of? I won't eat you again!"

"Then ... would you tell Sister Xiaoqian and Sister Huang Lan?" Xiao Chan was full of fear, but it was enough to have the courage to finish the sentence.

"... Do you not care about rabbits?" Anyang was deeply saddened by the rabbit essence, and then said, "You think about it carefully, if you want to confess to them, if you don't want to say, I will definitely not Tell them! "

Xiao Chan was silent, and immediately embarrassed by pinching the belt of her skirt: "This ... this skirt is too small ..."


Anyang looked at her slightly disgustedly.

This little coquette obviously changed not only to look like six or seven years old, but she must also have some psychological problems, which may be related to the shadow brought about by her family's change. It seems that she is not a child anymore, but she likes bright and colorful clothes like a child.

I used to think that she was still small, but now I suddenly know that she is not small. This white dress with rose dots has some spicy eyes.

Is it still because of the low living conditions in ancient times that she was obsessed with the clothes that she did not wear when she was a child?

After a moment's thought, he took out a robe: "I didn't bring a woman's clothes, you should be able to wear it, just take a look. If you get used to the bean sprouts' figure, you will see me again It ’s okay to change back to the original look! "

"Well." Xiao Chan took his clothes with his head down, standing silently alone, his voice lower than the mosquitoes.

Anyang went out and waited outside.

It didn't take long for him to feel that someone opened the curtain and poked his back with his hands, his fingers were very thin, and he had the softness unique to girls, and the position was much higher than before.

"Huh?" Anyang immediately turned around.

Came into view as a pretty girl.

Her height is not too low, about one meter six or five, but the figure is too delicate, it seems to give a small feeling, but at least it is not a bean sprouts.

Anyang can see the arc of her chest robe being pushed up when she looks down. It is not a big one. It can only be said that it is full of tenderness and fullness, and there is room for development. Anyang naturally cannot place a woman's underwear in her personal space, so now she is inside a vacuum. In order not to bulge, she could only lift her lapel slightly with her hands flushed and unnaturally.

The blue robe is somewhat generous, but it just sets off the delicate and delicate body of her body. I can imagine the waist and tender thighs that can be held by both hands in the clothes ...

And above is a white and delicate face. It seems that the eyes are estimated to be around fifteen. There is no change in eyes. It is still black and white, smart and clear, but now there is a tempting temptation from that look. Straight long black hair is still draped behind his back, with white neck and long sleeves, the facial features are slightly green, but still very beautiful!

Anyang doesn't check for a while, he feels like a stroke ...

Fortunately, Xiao Chan stepped back in time and looked at him with some fear. The timid expression was the same as before, which made him sober.

Anyang only now fully understands why this little coquette has such a deep hostility to all men.

Emotion is a source of temptation herself!

Lost he used to sigh that this little girl's film is so tempting, so grown up, it's worth it! Now I can only sigh that the fox essence is well-deserved!

Shake his head to dismiss all thoughts, he looked at Xiao Chan up and down the door of the big tent, and said: "This look is pretty good, it is much more beautiful than the previous one!"

Xiaochan lowered his head silently without speaking.

Anyang smiled again, crossed her into the big tent, and found a place to sit down.

Xiao Chan is still the same as before. He walked behind him without a word, but she took one step, but the little one more than a meter tall turned into a tempting girlhood vixen, and ... she Slightly clutching the clothes on the chest is really funny.

After Anyang sat down, she still looked at her, watching her lower her head unnaturally, and twitched: "No wonder ... No wonder it is called a vixen!"

Xiaochan's face turned white flush, and he didn't dare to speak.

Anyang shouted: "Come here."

Her conditioned reflex shook a little, hesitating a little, still took a small step forward, felt that the distance was not enough, and then took another step.

At this time she was very close to Anyang.

"Sit!" Anyang said.

Xiaochan glanced around, and only he had a chair next to him, so he sat down abruptly.

If they were close, Anyang could smell a little body scent from her after a little inhalation. This kind of body fragrance is also very strange, like a natural potion, it makes people feel the hormones in the body, and there is an inexplicable impulse.

It's just this impulse but not the original desire, but a higher and deeper one, which makes people want to hold these 15-year-old girls in their arms and knead them, loving the kind of life.

Naturally, love for life is also to occupy life!


Anyang took a deep breath again, making the body next to Xiao Chan unnatural, as if he had met a pervert!

But in fact, Anyang only found a familiar feeling at this time-he had smelled this smell many times in his relationship with Xiao Chan. At that time, he felt that this girl was so small that she possessed the talent of coquette. Now look Come, only occasionally did not cover up.

Paused, he calmed down his mind, took out the Dinghaishen beads and asked, "Do you have any connection between this body and this bead?"

Xiaochan looked at Dinghai Shenzhu timidly and nodded: "Well, a little."

"What's the connection?"

"..." Xiao Chan thought for a long time with his head tilted, and then turned his head back in embarrassment, while changing the wide chest of the robe from two hands to one hand ~ ~ 'S eyes consulted with Anyang, and then he tentatively took Dinghai Shenzhu from his hand with the separated hand.


Dinghaishenzhu suddenly lighted up the blue light, reflecting the whole room was cold and silky, as if this blue light was filled with water vapor.

Then Anyang watched ... Dinghai Shenzhu disappeared in Xiao Chan's white and tender palm.

……Oh shit!

This white dragon said that he would give Dinghai Shenzhu to him, and the result was given to Xiao Chan!

But it doesn't matter to this girl, it's the same!

Thinking of Anyang, Xiao Chan finally finished the demonstration under his own inexplicable circumstances, and took out Dinghai Shenzhu again to give him back, but he waved his hand.

"This is yours!"


Xiaochan's voice was soft and glutinous, very surprised.

She all died for this bead, and naturally knows how precious this bead is!

But without waiting for her to think about it, I heard a thunderous muffled sound from the far horizon, continuous, followed by a vast sky of demon and evil!

Antarctic longevity emperor just left, and the Eternal Life Palace opened the horn of war!

Thanks Ding!

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