My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 890: marshal!

Above thousands of kilometers of clouds, Anyang looks ahead.

The monsters of the Eternal Life Palace are standing on the rolling clouds, which seems to be composed of pure evil spirits. From afar, the whole sky is dark, and the dense and dense are evil monsters. You can't help but marvel-what a scene of the end of the world!

"Boom ..."

In the dark clouds, lightning crosses and thunders collide, and these forces of heavenly punishment are stepped on the feet by these demons, as if heaven and earth are succumbing to them!

Looking back, the immortals also started!

A great magician who picked up the magic weapon, whether it is a fairy, a god, a buddha, or a demon, has a straight face, can always fight with the demon, and usher in the final battle to win!

In addition to the great supernaturalists, there are many people who belong to different camps but gather here for justice in the world. They are also superiors in the outside world, but here we can only say that no matter how high or low the combat power is, we are willing to devote a small amount of strength to this battle.

The most magnificent is the 60,000 grass-headed gods of the Erlang gods of Guanjiangkou, and the most distinctive camp is the three princes of Nezha in the old corps of the garrison!

There are many, many more, prepared for war, and naturally prepared for war.

But these people do not include Anyang ...

He told himself in a moment that he was a lobbyist, and he told himself later that he did not belong to this world. He didn't know which one was true. In short, he was not ready to bet on this war with his own life.

Perhaps it is ... Xiao Chan has been resurrected. Has he always been motivated to do these things?

However, the offensive of the Immortal Demon Palace did come much faster than he thought, and this also meant that the restoration of the Immortal Emperor was much faster than he imagined. As the bottom card.

I just do n’t know if the recovery speed of the immortal emperor is because of his own reasons or the help of Buddhism. I do n’t know whether the power hidden in the magic palace is related to the Buddhism.

Of course, the wolf child's ambition of the immortal magic palace is not ruled out. Although he has the support of the Buddha, he has never regarded himself as the eagle dog of the Buddha, so he has secretly saved a lot of strength. It's a pity that they disrupted their plans and forced them to expose this part of the force in advance!

Looking back at history, the two great powers are fighting against each other, and there are too many cases in which one country's younger brother is rising.

In short, everything depends on this battle!

Anyang retreated silently, staring at the decent fairies who were rising into the air. Looking at this posture, even if he wants to step forward, there is nothing he can do. The strength is too different!

At this time, Xiao Chan was still in a coma. She only remembered that Anyang put her hand on her head, just like before. Out of so many years of affection and trust, she was very clever, and then she was fainted by Anyang without any resistance.

What is she now ... estimated to have entered space and will soon leave this galaxy!

The forces of right and evil ahead are still confronting, and Anyang feels a lot of obscure gaze in his eyes, most of which come from extremely distant places, and there are countless.

This battle determines whether the immortal maze, which has been chaotic for hundreds of years, can continue to defend hegemony, and whether the three-world backlog of 800-year-old angry justice can successfully remove this tumor from the three realms, and even have a hidden relationship The future situation of Lingshan and Tianting.

The two sides did not immediately witness a large-scale conflict, but a long-term confrontation.

During this period, there was a constant battle between the Eternal Demon King and the powerful fairy on the decent side. Both sides seemed to be testing the other party's top combat power in this way.

Only from the perspective of Anyang, the situation barely maintains a balance and is slightly biased towards the side of the Immortal Maze.

There are too many monsters in the Three Realms who are dissatisfied with the hegemony of the heavenly courts, and there are so many monsters who have suffered from the suffering of the heavenly courts. The power accumulated over the past 10,000 years can be called horror, so the number of monsters that the immortal palace can snare exceeds Anyang. Imagine.

In the battle of the generals, both sides have their own wins and losses, but the reverence rate of the deity gods on the side of the deity is obviously higher, which means that there are more masters of the immortal magic palace!

Even if Anyang killed so many, there are still more, I have to say that this is a bit desperate!

Especially the Immortal Devil Palace and the Immortal Emperor!

After seven days of confrontation, the war finally broke out.

The scene at that moment was earth-shattering, and the special effect of the penny money in the Journey to the West TV series was far from comparable, nor was it similar to the fight of mortals in the TV series of the Gods List, nor the battle effect of the "martial arts plus light effect" of the Chinese-style fantasy TV series. Comparable.

Even Hollywood blockbusters, modern warfare records, and magic movies with hundreds of millions of dollars are far from comparable!

For comparison, it is interstellar war.

An interplanetary war on the main battlefield on land.

The magical spells of the top fairies and monsters are far more powerful than modern military weapons, and they can easily cover Pallans ’mecha warfare. Even the starship conflict in Star Trek ca n’t be compared with the shock of it. .

The great supernaturalists waved their hands and landslided, the mountains turned into swamps, the earth was reduced to magma, the sky was full of fire, and the glorious glory of the earth shuttled between them!

How far Anyang has been able to withdraw, and who is watching from afar.

He was glad that he did not participate, because even if his brain fever joined at once, he would not have any impact on the battle situation.

I saw that Emperor Sanjiro was still the most eye-catching firework. He held a three-pointed and two-edged sword among the demons, and his forehead shot a golden light. Under the golden light, the demon kings who were incapable of life were turned into pus. Death, even if there is a conceited person facing him, it is often impossible to avoid the outcome of being split in half by a three-pointed two-edged knife!

Except for the immortal emperor, no one can block this **** of war!

Even Erlang ’s fine dogs and golden eagles are not rivals for ordinary monsters. When Anyang saw them, the fine dogs devoured many monsters in the blood mist. The golden eagles were fierce and turned into golden light like arrows in the sky. Shuttle in the middle and pierce through the bodies of the demons!

For the first time, Anyang saw that Nezha three princes turned into three heads and six arms. I saw that he held a baby in each hand, his three faces were expressionless, and there was a shimmering light behind him. Demon!

The Qiankun Circle, Hundred Days Ling, Jiulong Shenhuo Hood, Fire Point Gun, Gold Bricks, Hot Wheels, Yin and Yang Swords are all in power, but they are only dazzling, and have the power to break the world!

Bailong disappeared, Dinghai Shenzhu was a little weak, but the sand monk holding the demon scepter was still invincible!

There are also Yisheng Zhenjun with a long sword and Tianshou deputy with a spear, who are not disappointed by the prestige of Taoist law-enforcement and warlords. I do n’t know how many demon kings died under them.

It seems that although the number of top monsters in the Eternal Life Palace is more, but they lack precious magic weapons and no powerful magical powers, they are obviously invincible to the heavenly orthodox generals. For a time, the decent gods actually stabilized the number of monsters that have the upper hand. We fight.

This made morale of the decent immortal side greatly boosted, and the weak immortals were also powerful, killing countless enemies in the battle with the army of the immortal magic palace!

But the good times didn't last long, and the immortal emperor shot!

In the distance, Anyang sees that the immortal emperor is still a gray-black robe, but his skin is pale and unreasonable, and his tall and thin body is endlessly suppressed! With a wave of his hand, he stood dead and injured in the army of decent immortals. Only the Tianting Guard Army and the Sixty Thousand Grass Heads formed a timely formation to block it.

Just as the immortal emperor raised his thin, pale palms and aimed his gaze at the prince's garrison of Nezha three princes ready to take another shot, Erlang turned his head and looked at him!

Between this and the immortal Great Emperor, there is nothing to be afraid of, and this is only the Three Realms of Warlord with mysterious body protection!

I saw Erlang beckoning, and the fine dog and the golden eagle who were biting and killing the demon came back separately. While holding a weapon, he turned into a golden light, and suddenly rushed towards the immortal emperor!


The world echoed with this loud noise.

The three-pointed and two-edged swords of unknown origin but indestructible touched the palm of the immortal emperor, but made countless demons and immortals.

Erlang Shen withdrew the three-pointed and two-edged swords almost without intervals, flipped in the air and wrapped around the back of the immortal emperor, let the fine dog and the golden eagle do harassment, he gritted his teeth and grabbed the three-pointed two-edged sword to shine on the back of the immortal Then he hacked.

The immortal emperor gave up the knife, and the black air circulated, and actually bound Erlang God in the air, and he shot it with one hand, and flew Erlang God out.

But just blinking, Erlang God flew back again.

In the chaos of the two, the immortal emperor absolutely suppressed the Erlang **** with supreme mana, but the Erlang **** continued to entangle the immortal emperor with the immortal body of the Vajra and the exquisite fighting skills. The fine dog and the golden eagle also stepped forward to harass, and temporarily dragged the immortal emperor.

It's just that this scene looks too helpless.

The God of War in the Three Realms fought against the strongest demon among the Three Realms to grind their teeth for the sake of the world. After all, they were defeated. After being defeated and gritted again and again, how long can they persist?

Or did the deputy commander Tianyou first see that Erlang Shen was gradually losing his energy, and gritted his teeth and shouted angrily: "This demon emperor's last injury has not been recovered. Who dare to stand up with me and desperately help the true king to suppress this demon here? "

Yi Sheng Zhenjun flew out: "I'm coming!"

Prince Nezha also burst out of the encircling circle of several demon kings and shouted to the immortal emperor: "Take me to fight the golden brick!"

Bailong Gaoqing held the lotus stand of the old Manjushri Bodhisattva: "I'll join in the fun! As the commander ~ ~ I'm not as powerful as the gods, but I'm not afraid of death!"

As soon as the voice fell, the speech was completed between actions, like reading an oath. Once it was finished, it began to encircle the immortal emperor.

Indeed, Anyang can feel that the fighting power displayed by the immortal emperor today is much worse than that day.

But the four most top fairy gods have dragged the immortal emperor away. In the top battlefields of both sides, the great magical person who is the decent fairy **** is facing immense pressure. The demon palace demon who was still in the beginning began to face the decent fairy god. Formed an anti-suppression!

A terrifying demon who had fought with Erlang before was like a tiger out of his cage. Like the Erlang just now, he started slaughtering in the decent fairy!

But at this moment, a cloud came to the sky.

Standing on the cloud was a figure in common, tall and upright, full of heroism, and a gentle face—

It was Marshal Teng Peng!

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