My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 891: The Age of Heroes

Marshal Tian Peng stared blankly at this side, but his arrival made the entire battlefield seem to be quiet for a moment, and many demons looked subconsciously behind Marshal Tian Peng.

For the demon who has been practicing for a long time, the Marshal Tianpeng before the westward journey and the Tianhe Marines led by him are undoubtedly a nightmare! They patrolled the world, and at the time Bingfeng pointed out, even the lion and camel kingdom, which claimed to be the greatest demon power in the world, had to shrink in advance by inside information and dared not contend with it.

This is even more terrifying to the demons than Yang Jian, the **** of the Three Realms, who is weak, and the great emperors above!

So much so that there are still his legends in the world!

For those in power in the Immortal Demon Palace, Marshal Tian Peng means more than a nightmare more than a thousand years ago. Even if he now resigns as Marshal of the Tianhe Water Army, he is also a character who had talked with the Antarctic Emperor before long ago Does his arrival mean that the other side is involved in this war? This is what they care about most.

Slightly pondering, the stunned demon who had been fighting with Erlang God shook the blood on his hand and suddenly rushed out of the battlefield. He said to Marshal Tianpeng: "Marshal Tianpeng is here, please forgive us. , I do n’t know why the Marshal is here !? "

There are also other fairy gods who stopped and looked at Marshal Tianpeng.

Marshal Tianpeng looked at this demon who had just beheaded and killed several famous fairy gods. He was expressionless at first, but then he was a little puzzled: "I have seen you!"

"Marshal is really memorable!" The demon who wanted a strong body smiled, but secretly gritted his teeth.

Seeing Marshal Tianpeng still didn't recognize him, I didn't know if it was really forgotten or deliberately so, in short, the shocking demon felt a deep humiliation. When it was really unbearable, he transformed into a fierce elephant spirit with a height of more than ten meters, and then he looked at Marshal Tianpeng.

"Marshal can recognize me now?"

"Oh! It's you! The lion camel country's original two headed home, we have also dealt with on the westbound road! Why, the Sakyamuni Bodhisattva released you again?" Marshal Tianpeng said, "Your eternal life is really the same It ’s like a lion ’s camel country, and it ’s inseparable from the Buddha up and down, huh! "

The elephant was angry, but he endured it all the time: "What the **** does the Marshal do?"

Marshal Tianpeng stared at the goblin coldly: "Why can I manage what I am here to do, and the master who raises you still gives me a three-pointer!"

"You have to measure in!"

At this time, Marshal Teng Peng was less gentle than before, only with awe-inspiring majesty and domineering, he said lightly: "If you don't believe, call your master to speak with me!"

"Crazy!" The elephant screamed loudly, and the sound was really shocking. Both the fairy and the demon were deeply shocked by the sonic waves. "Marshal Tianpeng, I respect you, the Buddha of the Buddhist Temple. You are open-minded, but if you humiliate me again, I will not let you! "

"Really? I thought you respected me once had hundreds of thousands of Tianhe Marines." Marshal Tian Peng said.

At this time, most of the immortals were happy, and when they came to this, they all knew the purpose of Marshal Tianpeng coming here. It's just that some people are still worried, there is no Tianhe Marines, how much influence can a marshal Tianpeng have on the battle?

Can Marshal Tengpeng be stronger than Erlang?

Just listen to the elephant screaming to the sky and roar: "Bold canopy! Now that you are alone, without the Tianhe army, what qualifications do you have to run wild with me! I advise you to leave quickly, otherwise I will do it 800 years ago. Something that will kill you here! "

Marshal Tian Peng smiled: "Just right, I wanted to kill you three thousand years ago, and there was a Buddhist monk from it.

Elephant stunned: "Do you really want to help them?"

"Don't you mean to kill me?" Marshal Tian Peng gave him a light glance, "I didn't want to help them."

"I ..." Xiang Jing suddenly looked into the distance with guilty conscience, wondering if Marshal Tianpeng came out with a helper on this trip, "I'm just talking."

Field Marshal Tian Peng looked at him with a pity on his IQ: "Then leave now, I will let you go!"

"..." The elephant squirmed.

Only then did a skinny banshee say: "Senior don't talk nonsense with him, he is teasing you!"

The elephant spirit suddenly realized, and then he was furious: "Denpeng, how dare you tease me, and don't tear you to waste me as a demon!"

Marshal Tianpeng was silent, only his arms were shaken--


In a burst of divine light, the cloth on his body dispersed, revealing a sturdy and chilling upper body.

The body was covered with dense wounds, crawling on his chest like old vines, and the dazzling golden light radiated from the gap between the wounds, which seemed to have the effect of calming the heart. But it is these peaceful and mighty forces that have kept these terrible injuries on Marshal Tianpeng for seven hundred years ...

So far, no recovery!

Immortals close to each other can see that in the center of Marshal Tianpeng's chest, an imprint resembling an old tree and like a dragon radiates light, revealing the incomparable power of terror.

"Dragon Tree Bodhisattva!"

A fairy shouted in surprise.

Legend has it that Marshal Tianpeng insisted that the lion camel kingdom would be a big problem for the Three Realms, and he urged the public to discuss the demon in the lower realm. The buddhas headed by the Nanwu Dragon Tree Bodhisattva came out elitely, giving the Tianhe Navy an ambush that shocked the Three Realms.

After this battle, Marshal Teng Teng has been silent for the present.

Including when the White Dragon called on the Three Realms Fairy Gods to come out against the Immortal Demon Palace, the Fairy Gods invited him many times, and he only helped each other sideways, and refused to participate in the battle personally ...

It turned out ... because of this!

Only now, he had to come out to fight.

In the blink of an eye, Marshal Tenpeng was covered with a gold and silver armor, but the previous picture has been stopped in the hearts of all the fairy gods, because it marked a great supernaturalist and Buddha Buddha who has proven the Buddha ’s position Ending of the battle ...

Marshal Tian Peng's fingertips, a pure black nine-tooth nail rake appeared in the air, he seemed to be quite sighed holding this nail rake.

"long time no see."

Immediately, he looked sharply and looked at Xiang Jing: "Let me see what progress you have made in the past 800 years!"

Xiang Jing greeted his divine eyes, and suddenly remembered the wounds and seals that he was covered with by the Dragon Tree Bodhisattva. This should have shown his current weakness, but it made him afraid like a soldier ’s medal Can't help but take two steps back.

The demons around the elephant are so scared.

This predecessor in the magic palace is only under the immortal emperor. He was so powerful. He killed many famous fairy gods and dared to fight with the three realms of war. Unexpectedly, he was seriously injured by a canopy. The marshal was scared to step back and dared not face the battle!

Was it afraid that Marshal Tengpeng was beaten many years ago?

The demons who did not experience the era of the heavenly court patrolling the world could not help thinking-how terrible was the original Tianhe Marines?

At this moment, Marshal Tian Peng had turned into a stream of light and penetrated into the battlefield, knocking many monsters towards the elephant.

The elephant spirit backed off again and again, and the urn cried out: "There is a wound on you, I ... I won't fight you!"

The immortal emperor who had been trying to break through Yang Jian's four-person blockade could not see it, shouting: "You are hesitant about waste, he was seriously injured, but he could not beat you!"

The elephant was shocked, and his teeth greeted him.

Marshal Teng Peng fought with him in a blink of an eye.

The two fought terribly, and wherever they went, the monsters and gods evaded, fearing that they would be affected by them.

"Boom ..."

The sky was falling apart and there was a lot of noise.

This elephant is quite big. He himself was a big demon ten thousand years ago, and his mana is monstrous. Later, it became the mount of the Sakyamuni Bodhisattva among the four major Bodhisattva Buddhas, but the Sakyamuni Bodhisattva also took a lot of effort to conquer him. The Samantabhadra and him are not so much a master-slave relationship, but rather a subordinate relationship. Marshal Tianpeng is just angry with him.

Later, he defected to the lower realm and jointly established the lion and camel kingdom with the blue-haired lion of the Bodhisattva Manjusri and the golden winged daddy of the "Nunji" from Dariru. He became the king of his own and became the king. Many soldiers have been sent out to encircle and suppress them, and they are also the predecessors of the Immortal Maze!

——The demon's combat power is absolutely top-notch.

After taking over for a moment, it seemed like he was relieved in the elaborate ~ ~ Although Marshal Tianpeng is still strong, but he is not enough to make him fearful even if he is singled out, plus the injury to Marshal Tianpeng is still the same. Not necessarily!

After a moment of fighting, the fear of Marshal Teng Peng has been eradicated after years of elaborate backlogging. He became more and more excited, and a large sword danced with glory, and the other hand without a weapon also fists repeatedly. Call a majesty!

"Hahaha! Happiness! Happiness!"

"I thought how strong you are, it seems not as good as the Erlang God, I really don't know where you came from!"

"Canopy, you have today!"

"I'm going to kill you today to sacrifice the blood feud of so many brothers in the lion's country! Give me life!"

Xiang Jing shouted loudly while beating hard.

And Marshal Tian Peng said nothing, even if he was still in a difficult situation, he still calmly looked at it, mana supernatural powers and nail rakes in his hand, one by one the elephant's attack.

But the distant fairy took a look at it, but he was sighing.

This is an age of heroes!

The melee continued again, and the balance of victory continued to shake.

Marshal Tengpeng, who is the head of the Four Saints under the Arctic Purple Emperor, and the commander-in-chief of the Heavenly Court, was radiant, but at this time he was unable to do so. In fact, there was one more Marshal Canopy, and the situation of the fairy gods was not so good.

But at this critical moment, a distant and auspicious cloud broke through the dark clouds and the sky, and at the same time, everyone's heart seemed to be struck by countless heavy hammers, and his heart beat quickly--

"Boom dong dong dong dong dong dong ..."

A sudden and loud drum sound came from the sky, and it easily overshadowed the cries of many fairy gods and demons!

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