My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 892: War drum roar

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A distant light shone in the distance.

It seemed that a domineering and mighty force permeated from afar, full of aggression, and instantly turned the dark clouds brought by the previous Demon Palace into a sea of ​​gleaming divine light.

At this moment, it seemed like a miracle came.

The weaker demons are at a loss, and only those demons who have lived for thousands of years understand what is going on.

Xiang Jing held a big sword to fight Marshal Teng Peng, then turned into a manic body, roared, and slammed the trunk to make Marshal Teng Peng back three points, and then he turned into a humanoid. , Looking at the distant horizon in a panic.

This scene is too familiar to him!

Marshal Tian Peng fixed his body and did not pursue, but stood in the sky and looked up slightly at the divine light of the sky.

He narrowed his eyes, calm and deep.

Feeling ... is it?

After so many years ... it's so familiar.

At this moment, he restored the gold and silver armor that once fought for the heaven. The divine light showed some golden light, and his tall and heroic body was extraordinary! Behind him, the scarlet cloak fluttered in the wind at a height of thousands of kilometers, and the hair was also a flurry, a good style!

If this scene is seen by mortals, I am afraid it will be unforgettable for life!

"Cough cough." Marshal Tianpeng coughed twice, and the hand that did not hold the nail rake covered his chest. The golden light emitted by the seal of the dragon tree could not even be blocked by the armor, and sprinkled through the gap between his five fingers Out of faint brilliance, he didn't even realize it, still looking up into the distance.

The elephant elephant, hundreds of meters away, withdrew his gaze from afar, and turned to look at him angrily: "You are a cheeky and non-committal person, actually called the Tianhe Water Army!"

"..." Marshal Tianpeng stunned, "When did I promise you?"

"Dare you say it!"

"... I didn't say I didn't call the Tianhe Water Army."

"Ah! I'm so angry!"

"... for so many years, you are still the same. If this battle is not fortunate, you should go back and honestly mount Puxian as a mount."

"You're too bully! I'm going to kill you!" Elephant said, angrily angry, first slapped a fairy around him, fluttered forward, and his body exuded a more terrifying three-pointer than before. His momentum, blocking him all the way, whether it is a fairy, a demon, an enemy or a friend, is smashed into scum by him!

But Marshal Tianpeng just looked at him lightly.

"Boom, boom, boom ..."

The sound of the war drum is getting closer and closer, even if it sounds just above everyone's head, it is getting more and more rapid, and it can more and more shake people's hearts, and people's heartbeats are unnaturally accelerated. Beating, and then there was an empty mind ...

Many people looked to the top of their heads, but they dared not go up and check.

The elephant was also getting closer and closer to Marshal Tianpeng. He was already bathed in blood, his eyes were scarlet, and he didn't know how many fairy and demon had been killed along the way.



A dark ship rushed out of the vast sea of ​​divine light above his head, directly and arbitrarily rammed into the battlefield of the gods and demons. The speed was extremely fast, and it crashed into the elephant spirit again!


The elephant was directly hit and flew out.

Far away, Anyang looked at this scene with a spell, and was also destined to remember this picture deep in his heart.

The big ship is several thousand meters long, and the whole body is made of meteorite and scorching gold, so if you look closely at the dark ship, you can see many flame-like red stripes. This huge classic warship has no oars and sails, only a divine light and flying runes ...

Elephant Elephant finally stabilized his body when he was about 100 meters from the ground, otherwise if he was hit by the warship into the ground, he would lose his face!

At this time, I saw him groaning, the white gas squirting out of his nose and mouth, the figure flashed, and he rushed up to the battleship in an instant, and the nine-ring sword in his hand suddenly slammed toward the battleship!


The battleship was directly cut into a huge hole by him!

Faintly I could hear a calm voice on the battleship: "Sheng Taixuan Jiulong Formation."

"Sheng Taixuan Jiulong Formation ..."

"Sheng Taixuan Jiulong Formation ..."

This voice was repeated twice quickly, clear and audible between heaven and earth, and then a few long and vague Long Yin swayed in the battlefield! The divine light was shining and the spirits were soaring. Nine-headed fiery dragon phantom flew out of the warship, and the one end coiled up the warship and flew continuously.

Xiang Lingtong is still vast, and it is not so easy to destroy the warship anymore. Several attacks were blocked by Taixuan Jiulong. He only left a few meters of gaps on the boat. Turn into a body to shake the battleship!


The kilometer-long cold iron warship was directly shocked by him, and the ghost of the nine-headed red dragon was knocked off by him, and the bursting power made all the fairy gods around him frightened.

"This demon's strength is terrifying!"

But then, the previous figure on the battleship still shouted loudly: "Everything! Let's fight God!"

"Awesome! Beat God's Golden Light ..."

"Awesome! Beat God's Golden Light ..."

With a bang, a golden light burst out of the warship like a laser cannon, colliding with the elephant that turned into a supernatural power, but it was more powerful than a laser cannon!


The elephant's offensive was blocked by life.

The broken golden light is sputtered onto the earth as if it were the essence, and every single strand of light will cause the mountain to collapse and block the river.

Then a giant net composed of divine light shot out!

Elephants responded in time, hitting the giant net without retreating, and the body rushed left and right in the giant net. Although the giant net was torn, it was also blocked for a while.

At this time, there was another muffled sound in the sky—


Another smaller warship flew out of the clouds and hit the elephant, knocking him out again.

Then came the third ship, the fourth ship ...

When more than a dozen black warships much larger than aircraft carriers broke out of the clouds and stopped on the battlefield, the entire battlefield seemed to cover their shadows. These warships are surrounded by countless magical runes and different defensive arrays. There are continuous drumbeats hitting the heart from above, and you can see the heavenly soldiers in the entire array!

At this time, even the demons who have never seen the battle between Heavenly Court and Lingshan know what is going on in the Tianhe Water Army!

In just a moment, the war stopped.

Even the immortal emperor no longer entangled with the four people of Erlang, but squinted his eyes and looked at this side, and no one could see exactly what was included in the eyes of the demon emperor.

Above the first warship, a thin warrior wearing silver armor will step on the collision angle of the battleship step by step, and finally stand on the strongest side of the collision angle, the most prominent part of the entire battleship. This warrior, who is not tall and majestic, looked far away, and his eyes crossed all the demon fairy gods in the battlefield, only staying on the marshal sky canopy standing--

The gold and silver armor is so eye-catching ...

"Marshal! Long time no see!" Ling Fengzhan said calmly, and turned to the side of the immortal emperor, also ignoring the immortal emperor. "Vice marshal, when you fell and fell asleep in the war, we can find you for a long time. . "

Marshal Tianpeng nodded to him, silent.

The deputy commander Tianyou said: "I woke up from Luju of Beiju only a hundred years ago. I heard that the marshal is no longer there, and you have managed the Tianhe Marines well, and you don't want to go back to heaven!"

"This heaven? I don't want to stay!" General Lingfeng said calmly, "After this battle, whether it is disarming or retreating, it is no matter how the two marshals lead the army to stand on their own hills. In short, I don't want to be there again. The endless battle of heaven has worked! "

"After the battle, let's talk about it." Deputy Tianyou, holding a spear in his hand, suddenly felt a lot easier.

If the previous Immortal Demon Palace might still be able to beat the Tianhe Water Army with many shocking monsters, but the shocking monster was killed by Anyang hundreds at a time, the remaining Wuhe people are basically impossible to fight against the Tianhe Navy ’s excellent cooperation and Years of painstaking study of the created military weapons!

The fairy gods are also shocked.

I saw Lingfeng nodded and waved to the rear.

"Boom ..."

The sea of ​​divine light above the head suddenly turned into a continuous thundercloud with dull and slightly purple light. Countless purple thunders rolled and raged in the cloud, causing immense depression to the demons.

I only heard the sound of the command over my head keep coming--

"Jie Hongmeng thunder ..."

"The ordnance ship went up to snipe the demon king of the devil palace, rammed the ship to start the big formation, and the heavenly warship was arranged in a big formation. Give up the resistance and bring the forbidden magic hoop to catch the transport ship, but those who dare to resist, don't talk about killing! "

"The Seven Star Divine Ship is going to block the immortal emperor, it is not possible to take care of him until the situation is determined!"

A series of cold, ruthless and clang powerful orders brought the gospel to the decent gods. Many of the famous gods in the Three Realms used to believe in their status and Daoxing, but they could not afford to see these fighting soldiers. Only then did they realize that these soldiers were so secure.

These gospels are undoubtedly a screaming horn for the monsters of the Demon Palace, and they are even more chilling than the roar of the drums above the head. ~ ~ offensive.

The sky's purple and angry thunder keeps hacking, and no demon can hold it except the demon king! The mighty thundercloud overhead came down intermittently, picking the demon kings to fight, and the relatively slender, slender, sturdy collision ship began to divide the battlefield, and no one dared to resist the various arrangements on these warships. Great formation!

A huge celestial ship descended, and a team of celestial soldiers flew out of it, a group of three, a group of three, a team of three, a zone, and so on, such as tightly fitted gears, which entered the low-end battlefield in the form of a grinding disc , Slay the Demon Army of the Demon Palace!

The belief in the hearts of the demons, the only life-saving emperor, was surrounded by seven incredible silver warships.

In a flash, many demons gave up resistance.

Obviously, if they revolted, they would bring great losses to the Tianhe naval forces, but how could these people of such a genius have such a good military quality!

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