My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 894: Buddhism intervenes

No way, the two sides of the battle are not equal.

The Tianhe Army can send additional staff at any time, and this demon has basically fought alone. The companions around him have either given up resistance or are overwhelmed. Who can care for him? Two hundred Tianhe sailors could not win him, and they were added to three hundred, so they did not believe that he could resist the entire Tianhe army!

Eventually, the demon was trapped by the battle array, and the Heavenly Soldiers and the Heavenly Forces rushed up to fight him roaring again and again.

A teenager found a chance, flew forward, and brushed the demon with a magic hoop!

This is a golden headband. It is said to have been imitated from the three hoops of the Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva in Nanwu. There is no need for spells. It can be activated as long as it is put on. Forcible action, this magic hoop will continue to shrink!

In this way, it is more intelligent than tight hoop.

After seeing the magic ban hoop, the mana inside the demon was sealed. He knew the name of the magic ban hoop, so he didn't challenge the proud work of the Tianhe Water Army, but struggled with brute force!

This demon has great strength, and hundreds of days of soldiers will almost be unable to hold him!

But in the end the sky soldiers still took him down and hit him with bruises and bruises, but did not follow the order of ‘grid killing on’ issued before, but tied it up and twisted the transport ship to the clouds!

"Huh?" Anyang wondered. "What do these Tianhe Marines' soldiers do to catch so many demons?"

"Brother Dao doesn't know." An old man with white beard next to him bowed his hand. "I had the honour of seeing the rules of the operation of the heavenly war equipment. These equipment need to be injected with energy to operate. I want to come to this day. The same is true of military warships. "

"They use these monsters as batteries ... to add energy to the warships?"

"Huh? What about electricity ..." The old man looked at him suspiciously, and didn't care too much. "That's the case. It is said that the injection of energy into these war equipments is detrimental to the origin. Only the famous ancient immortals among the three realms can care about this. Damaged, the rest of them are afraid that they will be sucked up by these big guys sooner or later! Now the situation of the Three Realms need not be said. The Tianhe Marines want to transfer the ancient fairy gods from the heavens to inject energy into these warships, which is tantamount to a fool ’s dream. Find another way, alas! "

"It turns out so." Anyang looked at the glasses again, deeply saddened by these demons.

It was at this moment that the abrupt change ——

A chant of Zen came from the west of the battlefield of Gods and Demons, followed by a peaceful and dazzling golden light, like a directly torn sky, descending from a hole in the sky.

"Bum ..."

Even this golden light directly dispelled the sea of ​​clouds brought by the Tianhe Army, and the warship above the clouds was suddenly exposed to the eyes of all demons and immortals—

I saw that in addition to these dozen direct combat warships, as well as transport ships, magic ships, and instrument ships that did not directly enter the battlefield, there were hundreds of warships that had been hidden in that no one dared to go and investigate. Above the vast sea of ​​clouds, only now has it revealed!

The demon were shocked, and they were about to change color.

Without the shadow of the sea of ​​gods and clouds, these angular warships clearly appeared in the eyes of all people. They seemed to float on the completely transparent water, and all the gods and demons stood on the water and looked up at these warships. Can not help but be filled with endless pressure!

Coupled with instrument ships, transport ships, divine ships and other warships that do not know their role, there are at least hundreds of them!

After the Tianhe Water Army was defeated by the Buddhism seven hundred years ago, it lost the marshal Tianpeng. Under the leadership of the spirit wind, it was not defeated at all!

Even ... it's so powerful that it has become stronger than ever!

That heavenly ship is thousands of heavenly soldiers, like an island floating in the sky. With so many dozens of heavenly ships, how big is the Tianhe Navy? Coupled with warships for other purposes also need combatants and operators, how many people should add up?

During the heyday of the Tianhe Marines, there were 600,000 logistics personnel and reserve personnel. This is the pride of Marshal Tianpeng's life, but now there are so many combatants alone!

The sky became cloudless, clear and transparent, the hull of the outer sky and the sun gold cast hull restrained divine light, but the battleship was filled with the luster of the magic circle and runes. The Great Formation is so terrifying, and the Heavenly Soldiers are so majestic!

Suddenly, the sky seemed to be torn apart.

From the cracks in that space, there was an endless golden light, which seemed to make people instantly calm down. Behind the golden light is another world——

Everything in that world coexists in harmony, there is no sun, but there is no darkness, the golden palace is built in the clouds, and residents are flying around. The air seems to be filled with the beasts of birds and beasts and the fragrance of flowers blooming forever. When you calm down a little, you can hear the murmur of chanting! This is like a world without pain and sorrow ...

In the sky of Yunjuanyunshu, the dense monks were sitting cross-legged, their backs shimmering, their eyes closed, but they seemed to be looking here.

The arrest of the demon by the Tianhe Army suddenly stopped!

A general in silver armor looked up at the monks in the gap: "Buddhists?"

"Nanwu Amitabha." Numerous monks in that gap shouted together, and then put down their hands together, opened their eyes and looked at the world lightly.

One of the tall, thin monks wearing yellow robes stood up. He walked barefoot, pacing step by step towards the gap, and then walked out of the gap until he crossed the boundary between Elysium and the world. Then he stopped and looked at Marshal Tianpeng across countless people.

"Marshal, long time no see."

"Yeah, I haven't seen you for a long time." Marshal Tian Peng only forcibly participated in the battle, resulting in a heavy body load, but he still stood upright, his tone was weak, and his body was majestic.

Looking at this scene in the distance, Anyang just wanted to ask who the monk was, and heard a practitioner behind him startled: "This is the Nanwu Dragon Tree Bodhisattva!"

"Dragon Tree Bodhisattva?" Anyang was also surprised.

The Bodhisattva Dragon Tree is a rare bodhisattva with great strength and good at fighting. He is well-known and is second only to the four major bodhisattvas in the status of Buddha. The so-called four major bodhisattvas are Nanwu Guanyin Bodhisattva, Dizang Bodhisattva, Manjushri Bodhisattva, and Samantabhadra Bodhisattva. The Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva was the Buddha in the previous life, and the Bodhisattva King promised that **** would not swear not to become a Buddha, so it can be seen that the four major Bodhisattvas are not wavers, and only the Dragon Tree Bodhisattva after them can be imagined.

In fact, the Northern Buddhist School (Mahayana Buddhism) divides the Bodhisattva into ten places, that is, ten stages. If you reach the ten places, you can call it a consummation, and then go one step further to become a Buddha.

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva is a Buddha by itself, and needless to say, the Dizang Bodhisattva also surpassed ten places, only because of the great compassion and the big wishes he did not want to become a Buddha. Two of the remaining four Bodhisattvas are estimated to have The gap is not much different.

There are rumors that the Dragon Tree Bodhisattva is only the first Buddha, but in fact it is far from it. He is revered as a co-owner of eight ancestors, and his status in Buddhism is very respected!

The most important thing is that the Dragon Tree Bodhisattva was the one who suppressed the Marshal Tianpeng!

To be honest, Marshal Tianpeng dared to challenge the Dragon Tree Bodhisattva, needless to say, this courage was no longer available!

Without much gossip, everyone in the battlefield of Gods and Demons looked at the Dragon Tree Bodhisattva and was amazed.

Although everyone knows that the immortal magic palace that messes up the world may be related to the Buddhist gate, but no one dares to think that the Buddhist gate will stand out blatantly to preserve the immortal magic palace! Isn't this to expose the behavior of the three realms? Do n’t you trample on your own creed? Do they want to lift off their shame?

The Dragon Tree Bodhisattva ignored what they thought, and did not look at the trapped and helpless immortal emperor, but said to Marshal Tianpeng: "Everyone is not easy, nor is it easy to practice. These demons are born of heaven and earth although they are not humans, which is in line with the creation of all things. My Buddhism has always been teaching and classless, so please ask the marshal to let them live a life. "

Hearing this, Anyang felt extremely ashamed!

Not to mention anything else, if Buddhism does not need to rely on the power of demons to fight against the heavenly courts, will they be taught nothing?

Anyang can clearly remember that he first came to this world half a year ago, and took Xiao Chan to the temple to find a practitioner. As a result, the monk who kept the temple would take Xiao Chan without saying a word. If he was stronger than the monk, he was younger. Chan doesn't know how it will end!

Such a person is also embarrassed to say there is no class?

Sure enough, I saw Marshal Tianpeng coldly said: "The Bodhisattva only looked at the dogma of the Buddha, and only said that the heaven and the earth are made. Is it possible to ignore the actions of these demons? If this side of the Tao still works normally ~ ~ It ’s been a long time since the thunder struck these demons! "

Both of them seemed to have completely forgotten the battle hundreds of years ago, just like an acquaintance who didn't quite meet each other.

The Dragon Tree Bodhisattva knew that Marshal Tianpeng was not enough, so he sighed and said, "Why is Marshal this bitter? Why did the Tianhe naval army cultivate for seven hundred years, and why did he suffer a great disaster again? The actions are for the sake of the world, and the Taoist ancestors have let go. Why do you go against the sky and cause some confusion for the order that the world should have? "

"Order? This immortal palace is the order you created? Who is creating chaos, Bodhisattva?"

"The back of the light is dark, and there is light in the darkness. The phoenix is ​​reborn, and the world is restarted by catastrophe. Only after the chaos can the bliss of the world emerge." The calm archer of the Dragon Tree Bodhisattva said to Marshal Tianpeng. Why can't I understand the great meaning of my Buddha as a child of Buddhism and prove the position of the bodhisattva of the Jingtan messenger? "

"Haha, as you say, what should I do?"

"If you can enlighten, you will convert to my Buddha and watch the coming of Bliss. If you can't, you will wipe out yourself and pave the way for the coming of Bliss."

"If there is bliss in the world, what is the use of Buddha?"

"If the world no longer needs Buddha, I will put down my fruit position, go to practice, or even destroy myself?" Longshu Bodhisattva said in a very determined tone.

"There is nothing more to say, do it." Marshal Tianpeng's face was full of sarcasm. "A man who was bewitched by the sun, if the Guanyin Bodhisattva is here ..."

"Ah, why is this so painful!"

Longshu Bodhisattva lowered her eyebrows and turned to face the rear.

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