My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 895: War

All the fairy gods and demons watched this side and held their breath. Although the imaginary dispute between Marshal Tianpeng and Longshu Bodhisattva did not appear, the conversation between the two of them also determined that this piece was no longer by the previous fairy god. Where will the battlefield dominated by monsters go?

Reluctantly, the conflict broke out.

This may also be inevitable.

I saw that the cracks of the Western Bliss World and the Main World suddenly widened, and the dazzling golden brush radiated out. The endless monks sitting across from the crack stood up one by one and flew out of the world of bliss like a streamer.

The demon, the gods and the practitioners who watched from afar all felt the golden light in front of them. Apart from these golden lights, it seemed that they could never see anything else.

This is the millions of Buddhist monks.

It's a million, but it's more than that.

And this is just the low-end strength of the Buddhist door. With the influence of the Buddhist door in the Three Realms, if these monks have lost too much, they can always add back from the world!

For a long time, there were countless monks above this divine battlefield.

They wore monk clothes, bald heads, shoes, armor, and weapons. They are all like gold and copper, emitting a shimmer of light. Everyone has their eyes closed and expressionless, and presents a three-dimensional layout that surrounds the battlefield of gods and demons.

At a glance, it was all shimmering, no matter whether it was far or near, no matter above or below, these monks sitting cross-legged.

At this time, there are still hundreds of monks with different shapes sitting on the lotus flame seat in the western bliss world. Compared to the previous monks, these monks seem to have no discipline. Some of them chanted verses in a low voice, some looked expressionless, some were practicing with their eyes closed, but their body strength far exceeded those of the monks.

"Five hundred Arhats!" Someone shouted in surprise.

If one million monks are only the low-end forces of Buddhism, then the five hundred Arhats are the leaders of these monks and the backbone of the foreign war system developed by Buddhism.

Many people couldn't help feeling that the Buddhist gates paid so much attention to the Tianhe Water Army, not only sent a million monks, but also brought out five hundred arhats. In this way, in addition to the top great supernaturalists, Buddhism power can be regarded as coming out of the nest. But some people still find that among the five hundred Arhats, there are still many Bodhisattva figures.

It didn't take long for the five hundred Arhats to cross the border, but they didn't stay on the battlefield of the gods and demons, but went back to the east with dozens of bodhisattvas without looking back.

In the process, most talents panic abnormally.

"Manjushri ..."

"That's ... Puxian Bodhisattva?"

"Daming King Bodhisattva is here!"

"And Lingji Bodhisattva!"

A well-known big bodhisattva entered the world, this power is beyond the specification!

Only then did someone make the key point clear: "The Buddha's power has come to the earth, and the Tianhe Army has exposed all its strength, which is almost equal to another battle between the gods and the Buddha. If so many soldiers are destroyed, they will inevitably send reinforcements! "

Hearing this, many talents suddenly realized.

Therefore, the task of these five hundred Arhats and so many Bodhisattvas is to block the possible reinforcements of the Heavenly Court, at least to hold them back, so that the Tianhe Navy is in a state of isolation and helplessness!

There are many people who see this, and the top fairy gods are more like a mirror, but Marshal Tianpeng still let these bodhisattvas and arhats leave, looking at the Dragon Tree Bodhisattva indifferent: What's the status of Chong Tan Kung Fu Buddha and others? "

The tall and thin Dragon Tree Bodhisattva folded his hands to him: "The troublesome marshal hangs down. Several Venerables have put down my humble opinion under the persuasion of the Buddha, and are now thinking about it."

"It turns out that." Marshal Tian Peng said lightly.

If Da Ri Ru Lai can persuade Han Tan Kung Fu Buddha, there will be no Xuan Zang westward then. If Da Ri Ru Lai can persuade Guanyin and Dizang Bodhisattva, the Buddha will not be in trouble. The current situation is probably that Mahayana Buddhism has prevailed in Lingshan, and these forces have been suppressed.

Marshal Tianpeng sighed inwardly for a moment.

When I chose to embark on a journey to the west, on the one hand, I was really discouraged by the failure of the power struggle, but the more reason was that I was persuaded by the concept of Guanyin Bodhisattva.

After a pause, Marshal Tianpeng said: "Although I don't know who will win or lose the battle between Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva and Buddha, but the future will exist in the world, it must be the Mahayana Buddhism concept. Perhaps one day, Lingshan will replace Tianting to rule the Three Realms, But the Guanyin Temple in the world will definitely surpass the Buddha Temple. "

Hearing this, the Dragon Tree Bodhisattva was silent for a long time before saying: "Marshal is so sure?"

"Wait and see."

Longshu Bodhisattva took a deep breath and did not argue with him.

At this time, the Five Hundred Arhats and more than a dozen great Bodhisattvas had completely left, and there were four other King Kongs: the Splash King Kong, the Shengzhi King Kong, the Dali King Kong, and the permanent residence King Kong; the four heavenly kings: the Eastern King of the Kingdom and the Southern King of Growth , King Guangmu in the West and King Wendang in the North; Second Kings: Vajra and Nayan Luotian; Eighteen Guardian Jialan, etc ...

The rest of the Tianhe Marines overhead also landed, various warships aimed at the Quartet, and the Heavenly Soldiers will line up neatly to confront the millions of monks in Lingshan.

The situation of this war has been turned too many times. The demons who had been desperate soon ushered in hope, and the battle situation was basically doomed. Now that the Buddhism is intervening, no one knows whether the Tianhe Water Army can resist the strong attack of the Buddhism in isolation.

Fortunately, the big Bodhisattvas all went to intercept the Heavenly Court's reinforcements, and the three Buddhas didn't shoot, otherwise the Tianhe Water Army planted here is a matter of iron and nails.

Rao is so, everyone is breathing heavily.

On the contrary, the most calm is the officers and men of the Tianhe Water Army, at least no panic can be seen under the silver-white mask. Hundreds of thousands of soldiers fighting in front are still neatly arranged, standing on a white cloud like a square of tofu blocks, still exuding awe-inspiring momentum.

On the largest handsome ship, General Lingfeng still looked at the Dragon Tree Bodhisattva calmly, saying:

"Don't care about Bodhisattva. Since the ambush by you seven hundred years ago, our Tianhe Water Army has developed many spells, large formations and tactics against the Buddhist monks. The injury left by the Bodhisattva to the Marshal seven hundred years ago, our army Up and down, but I want to return it to you. "

"Nanwu Amitabha, hatred is the most terrifying of obsession, the marshal has let go of this matter, why is General Lingfeng stubborn?" The Dragon Tree Bodhisattva folded his hands together.

"Who said I put it down?" Marshal Tian Peng glanced at him. "If the Bodhisattva put down, then remove the mark from my chest."

"... Nanwu Amitabha." The Dragon Tree Bodhisattva stood in front of countless gleaming monks, bowing his hands deeply to Marshal Tianpeng. "It is the sin of the monk to cause pain to the marshal, but the monk is also a last resort If the marshal can convert to my Buddha, the young monk immediately removes the seal for the marshal. If the marshal's heart is not clean, then the marshal should also be as the young monk said before. The existence of the so-called seal is meaningless. "

Marshal Tianpeng was expressionless: "Why, just let it stay."

"Marshal is a man of great ability. If he insists on violating the original intention of the world, the monk does not dare to lift the seal for the marshal, otherwise how many people in this world can block the marshal?"

"You look at me amazingly."

"The little monk is by no means empty words. In this world, he has never been distinguished by supernatural powers and combat power. Even if the marshal is just an ordinary person, he is also a rare hero."

"A hero is not a hero, what is the meaning ..."

The two said as if they were old, completely ignoring the millions of monks who were confronting hundreds of thousands of soldiers.

If this continues, it will ultimately be detrimental to Buddhism.

So Longshu Bodhisattva sighed and said, "If there is another day, then we will talk to the Marshal again. It will not be the time for us to talk today. I will ask again. The Marshal really does not think about my Western University. Is the Buddha's Dharma of Japan? "

"I only know the compassion of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, and I don't know the Dharma Dharma Dharma. What the Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva cultivates is the way of sentient beings, and that Dari Nuru comes to cultivate only himself!"


The Dragon Tree Bodhisattva sighed and turned to the rear monks to arch the hand: "You are fighting for the bliss of all beings in the world, it is for great merit, and you will live to the world of bliss."

boom! !

The millions of monks opened their eyes together.

Obviously it was just an open-eye action, but so many people did it together, the divine light shining, actually hitting the gods in the sky like a heavy hammer ~ ~ Only felt a roar in the heart.

Obviously, these monks fighting alone are not the opponents of most fairy gods and demons, and they are not even stronger than the monster soldiers of the immortal palace, but this action plus the light gathered by the monks in the sky is no reason to make gods We are in a panic!

The Tianhe Marines were not willing to be outdone. With the flag of a silver-clad teenager on the handsome ship, hundreds of thousands of soldiers instantly pulled out their weapons and took on a fighting stance.

"Chong Chong!"


Hundreds of thousands of heavenly soldiers shouted together in an instant, plus the sounds of sword pulling, hammering, spear dancing, and arrow-winding sound produced at the same time ... many sounds and the sound of the armor of the heavily armed soldiers And gathered into this battlefield symphony.

Only a short moment, but he released a boundless killing intention, compatible with the peaceful and fearless momentum of the Buddha ...

Longshu Bodhisattva had no unnecessary words, and finally looked at Marshal Tianpeng, and then looked at the largest handsome ship, and finally stopped looking at the side of the immortal emperor.

His figure flashed and rushed over: "I'll help you out of trouble!"

Marshal Tian Peng quickly flew over there: "A delusion!"

But he was seriously wounded and sealed himself, how could he keep up with the Dragon Tree Bodhisattva in the heyday, he was immediately left behind.

At the critical moment, Erlang God greeted the Dragon Tree Bodhisattva, carrying a three-pointed two-edged sword: "Let me see the Dragon Tree Bodhisattva's magic power!"

In a flash, the two fought together.

At the same time, the Tianhe Marines also started a battle front. The Buddhist monks outside stood up and turned into golden meteors flying towards the middle, and began to impact the battle of the Tianhe Marines.

In an instant, the battlefield of Gods and Demons became a collision zone and a crushing zone between the Tianhe Navy and the Buddhist monks!

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