My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 898: end

After the Dragon Tree Bodhisattva disappeared, the world fell silent.

The demons in the palace are desperate and seem to be waiting to be judged. The Buddhist monks also bowed their hands and folded their hands together, and no longer had a fearless battle with the Tianhe Navy.

Including the immortal emperor also stared far away from the battle to defeat the Buddha in silence, not knowing how he could block this Buddha named after the battle-he also knew that the last time he escaped from the battle to defeat the Buddha was just an accident accident.

It took a long time before he raised his head and said: "The battle defeats the Buddha. Are you standing on the side of the heavenly court or the side of the Buddhist gate now?"

Fighting against Buddha has not answered. The White Dragon who blocked him before stood close to him and smiled: "As you said, which side should I stand on?"

The immortal emperor's face was cold, and he remembered that the person who launched the movement against the immortal magic palace was not only a great supernatural power, but also the eight Tianlong Guangli Bodhisattva of Lingshan!

Then the battle defeated the Buddha and said calmly: "I have come here for myself, for the world, and can also be said to be for my brother. You have the spirituality that is rare in the world. If you grow up and achieve inestimable achievements, just like The original Sun Wukong went astray. If you want, I will suppress you for five thousand years to repay your mistakes. After five thousand years, if I am still in these three realms, I will give you an explanation. "

"Ha ha ha ha! You have been crushed for five hundred years, but you will crush me for five thousand years! Ha ha ha ha!" The immortal emperor raised his head like a mad laugh, "If after five thousand years I did not wake up, do you still want to Kill me? You ’re not afraid that after five thousand years I will bear the burden of humiliation, build stronger magic power than you, and then stir up the world a hundred times more chaotic than now? "

"Don't be afraid." Fighting against Buddha closed his eyes. "Because the former Sun Wukong is also what you think."

The immortal emperor still wanted to say something, but the fight against the Buddha did not give him the chance to make any more rash statements. With a wave of his hand, the lotus bloomed in the sky, and the growing lotus blossomed towards him, and he wrapped him up one by one, and compared At the time, Anyang Shi exhibited faster.

In the blink of an eye, the power of the immortal emperor was sealed.

The fight against the Buddha extended his hand, and suddenly turned into a huge golden Buddha palm, suddenly shot towards the immortal emperor in the air.


The ground trembled, and dust rose into the sky.

When the dust dissipated, the ground that had been leveled by the war of gods and Buddhas already had a huge five-finger mountain. Almost four-fifths of the mountain peaks were shrouded in the vast sea of ​​clouds, even more than the original day when it came to suppress the Qitian Dasheng. Wuzhi Mountain is much higher!

Fighting against the Buddha turned his head, waved his hand to open the gap leading to the world of West Heaven Bliss, and said to the millions of monks: "The war is over, so please go back and practise Buddha."

The millions of monks were still expressionless, like it was n’t them who did n’t kill their lives and destroyed the Tianhe Water Army before. They bowed their hands and defeated the Buddha in ten pairs. They chanted the Buddha one by one, and then turned into countless golden meteors and flew back to the West Tianji Music world.

After fighting over the Buddha, he closed his eyes and said no more.

Marshal Tian Peng looked at the largest handsome ship of the Tianhe Water Army from afar, and General Lingfeng above the handsome ship also smiled and nodded at him, and then turned to say something to the lieutenant general.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom ..."

The fierce battle drums of the Tianhe Army suddenly sounded again, as if hitting everyone's heart.

The demons in the palace are ashamed. Even the Dragon Tree Bodhisattva representing the Buddha Mountain Spirit Mountain regime was forcibly sent to samsara to experience the sentient beings, and millions of monks returned. In the face of the battle to defeat the Buddha and the Tianhe Army, what storms can they turn up?

For a time, except for the extremists and the extremely evil people, most demons chose to surrender, and then they were put on the transport ship by the Tianhe naval forces.

Soon, dozens of famous big Bodhisattvas such as Manjusri Bodhisattva and Samantabhadra Bodhisattva came back. They have obviously learned that the battle over the Buddha intervened in this matter, and they have been psychologically prepared.

Manjusri Bodhisattva first came to fight against the Buddha and folded his hands together: "Congratulations on the victory of the Buddha from breaking the seal."

"Thank you Manjushri."

The Puxian Bodhisattva also flew over, but he just saw the elephant being put on the forbidden magic hoop and being held by the hundreds of days of soldiers, and the sound of the elephant was echoed in his ear: "Buddha, please save me quickly , Bodhisattva, they want to treat me as a livestock, Bodhisattva save me! "

The Sakyamuni Bodhisattva looked at the calm and sorrowful fight against the Buddha and the dull Marshal Teng Peng. He wanted to ignore it, but he couldn't bear it. So he paused, and calmly stepped forward to marshal Tianpeng and Dou to overcome the Buddha with his hands folded: "Nan has no Amitabha. Dou defeats the Buddha, the Pure Altar messenger Bodhisattva. Let me take it back to good health discipline, do n’t bother with the Tianhe Water Army. "

Fighting over Buddha's face calmly did not speak.

Marshal Tian Peng smiled indifferently: "We let him go once 800 years ago, and the same is true of Bodhisattva, but Bodhisattva does not seem to be able to fulfill his obligation to discipline mounts. So the Tianhe Marines will handle it. It ’s not enough to be stubborn and disciplinary. This monster has many killings in the lower realm, but not only stubbornness is so simple, but naturally it ca n’t just be disciplinary. "

Samantabhadra sighed and stopped talking.

The elephant elephant was still struggling and shouting hard, but the Puxian Bodhisattva had not heard it. He struggled to no avail, but he was dragged away by hundreds of days and a ramming ship.

Gradually, no matter how high or low the combat power of the demon is, the demon hoop is put on the hoop and put on the transport ship, and the world suddenly becomes empty.

This battle is now over.

The eternal life palace dominates the world, and the eternal life palace will no longer exist in the three realms.

The distant fairy was silent, but not as happy as it should be.

They were originally willing to save their lives and fight against the Eternal Palace. If they could destroy the Palace, they would all be happy. If you fail to die, as mentioned before, everyone is ready to sacrifice themselves for life and justice.

Unexpectedly, this battle was never decided by them. Not even related to the Maze.

From the battle between immortals and demons to the full-scale conflict between the Tianhe Navy and the millions of Buddhist monks, from the war between decent immortals and demons to the hidden battle between the heaven and the Buddha, and then to the victory over the Buddha awakening The differences of ideas ... Although this war ended in their victory, they won, but they did not know what to do.

Many of these immortals, gods, and demons used to hold a neutral attitude in the battle between the heaven and the Buddha. After all, one side is a rotten orthodox monarchy, and the other side is a Buddhist door. Even many people have had a good impression of the buddhas in their hearts.

But now it seems that Buddhism not only secretly supported the magic palace to disturb the world, but also clearly came out to help the magic palace upside down in black and white. This kind of behavior cannot even be done by heaven.

Sure enough, as the young man of the Tianhe Water Army said-

Because the dogma teaches that they can be the most honest people. Similarly, they can also become the most hypocritical and unscrupulous people for their so-called ideals!

Everyone seemed vaguely aware.

It is a pity that these self-proclaimed fairy gods with great magical powers, great repairs, and great wisdom are not as good as these heavenly soldiers, who will only fight and kill in their eyes.

That Manjushri Bodhisattva is still talking with the fight against the Buddha.

Only the Manjushri Bodhisattva said: "Why did you say who dominates Lingshan and listen to the teachings of others? Why are you so betraying faith?"

"I only follow my heart. When I thought about it that day, I said so and calmly. Today has changed, I will no longer follow the wrong path of the past, and take the right path."

"You chose to stand on the side of Guan Yin Yin?"

"This question has already been asked by the Dragon Tree Bodhisattva." Fighting against Buddha said, "I admire the great wisdom of Guanyin Bodhisattva. I also think that the Mahayana Dharma is more suitable for today, but this does not prevent me from practicing the Theravada Dharma. It will disappear with the prevalence of Mahayana Buddhism, just as Mahayana Buddhism will not be silent as Dariru comes to take charge of Lingshan. "

"Then how do you think all beings can have bliss?"

"Let all beings have bliss, this sentence is not right. I have just experienced the 990th life, and I have done 999th mortal beings, and I know that the term bliss is never absolute. The Bodhisattva wants to let all beings have bliss, This is wishful thinking. All sentient beings can wish for bliss? Can the Bodhisattva ask? How can the sentient beings be bliss? Bodhisattva can think of it? Some people are in the bliss. This bliss is more attractive to them than the West Heaven bliss world. Bodhisattva may have considered ? "

"What did that victory Buddha think?"

"Whether sentient beings want to have bliss, let them choose to go ~ ~ We practice natural dharma without much intervention. If sentient beings want to have bliss, how to get bliss will also let them choose. What is the so-called bliss of all beings? Bliss, let all beings choose, we cannot impose our will on all beings, and then say: You have now reached the state of bliss. "The battle against Buddha is full of luster at this time," This is not the bliss that all beings want, It ’s just your Bodhisattva ’s bliss, and you ’ve achieved it by manipulating the will of all beings. ”

"With the words of the victory Buddha, should we withdraw from the battle?"

"The Dharma has never taught us to fight, so it is no longer necessary, and it has fallen. It is true that the Dharma is like a light in the world, letting the world see the light and hope, letting the world see the dust and debris floating in the light, but still There are so many people who are afraid of this light, so many people choose to hold an umbrella. Bodhisattva can't force them to accept this light, right? "

"It seems that the 999th century really benefited the victory of Buddha." Bodhisattva Manjushri folded his hands, even in the debate, he has always maintained peace, "Whether right or wrong, Sheng Buddha has his own opinion, And it ’s a very unique insight. "

"These parts are what I experienced in the life of 9999, and the other part was told to me by a friend of the younger brother." Fighting defeated Buddha modestly.

"Oh? Which fairy **** can bring enlightenment to the victory Buddha? It really surprised the little monk." Bodhisattva Wenshu turned his head and looked at the countless decent gods, "Can you come out and see?"

The decent fairies looked at each other without speaking.

Or Marshal Tianpeng said: "Although the friend has unique insights, but the cultivation is still shallow, not here."

"Huh?" Bodhisattva Wenshu was surprised.

Fighting over Buddhism said: "You can't practice to determine a person's cognition. If the Bodhisattva is interested, I can bring him now."

"Then trouble won over Buddha."

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