My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 899: Anyang, please start your performance

In this way, Anyang suddenly came to the victory over the Buddha and a dozen Bodhisattvas under some inexplicable circumstances.

And here is the center of the demon battlefield. It can be said that the surroundings are all famous great magicians, and everyone exudes a terrifying breath. Anyang didn't find out until he got close-even the weakest immortal that he only saw with the mirror image spell was not in the eyes of ordinary practitioners.

Fortunately, most of these fairy gods were found by him, and he is familiar with him, which has virtually eliminated a lot of heart palpitations.

However, there are no such familiar feelings among the dozen Buddhas, the four King Kongs, the eighteen teaching teachers, the four heavenly kings, and the two kings.

Coupled with the huge warships suspended in the sky cast endless shadows, covering the sky and the sun, comparable to an island. When we got closer, we discovered that these warships were like life, and exuded the coercion that the cold machinery did not. The sound of the war drum was like a heartbeat, and it was terrifying.

Anyang responded, first folded his hands to all the people related to the Buddha and recited: "Nanwu Amitabha, I have seen the victory over the Buddha, the Marshal Tenpeng, the golden body and the Luohan, the eight Tianlong Guangli Bodhisattva, the Manjusri Bodhisattva, and the Sakyamuni And all the bodhisattvas. "

Then he saluted all the fairy gods and famous monsters and other archers: "I have seen the real prince of Erlang Erlang, the three crown princes of Nezha, the deputy marshal of Tianyou, the real prince of Yisheng and all the decent deities."

Everyone bowed their hands together or smiled at him.

"Nanwu Amitabha." Bodhisattva Manjushri smiled and was very friendly. "It was only after talking with Dou Victory over Buddha that I accidentally heard that the donor gave him great inspiration, and then he asked the donor to come and describe it. Forgive me for interrupting. "

"Oh, that's what it is." Anyang also saw them talking with the mirror image spell, and immediately understood the cause and effect, saying, "The disciple is just talking nonsense."

"This can't be regarded as nonsense ..."

Manjusri Bodhisattva said a few words, but somehow he said nothing, and then looked up into the distance.

All the immortals and bodhisattvas looked with his eyes, and they saw that there was a divine light in the distant sky, with the sound of thunder and snare drum faintly.

A white cloud quickly flew over, standing abruptly above the boundless heavenly generals, each radiating divine light, some of the famous warriors in the heavenly court, the figure of the great **** looming. And the first general holding the Linglong Pagoda was straight, his eyes were dazzling, and he knew who he was without seeing--

This is the famous Tota King Li Jing in the Three Realms!

When Bailong was still fighting for Buddhism, he was defeated by Tota Heavenly King and moved to Lingtai Fangcunshan by the Tota Heavenly King for seven hundred years!

Manjusri Bodhisattva quickly folded his hands together and said, "It turns out that King Tota is here."

Baiyun floats in the center of the demon battlefield, and the sky soldiers who can't see the side and the sky-heavy army of the rainbow shine each other. The mighty battle will correspond to the huge battleship. pressure.

King Tota stood next to a war drum at the edge of Baiyun, and folded his hands together: "Manjusri Bodhisattva."

Manjusri Bodhisattva asked: "Why is the King of Heaven coming here?"

"Since I was for the sake of Buddhism's help and abuse, I fell out of the nest to suppress my heavenly Tianhe Water Army." King Tota was very courteous to Manjushri, but the words were not polite. After all, the two sides stood in different positions and fought for different ideas.

"Tota Heavenly King did not know, General Fengcai Tianhe's General Lingfeng had already agreed with Tianyou and Marshal Tianpeng. He didn't want to ask Heaven to fight again, and Heavenly King Bai ran."

"Is this happening?" King Tota was startled, "Buddha must not sneeze me to protect the Buddha!"

"The monk does not swear."

"General Lingfeng, can this be taken seriously?" King Tota looked at General Lingfeng with a startled expression, his tone full of disbelief.

"It's true. Heaven Court has been too decadent, and the factional battles have never stopped. When I fight for Heaven Court, I fight for the Three Realms, and I don't know who I am fighting for at the end." General Lingfeng calmly calmed It was as good as the original Marshal Canopy, and he arched his hand to the King of the Tower, "King, please forgive me, I am going to find a hidden repair."

"... nothing." King Tota has remained silent for a long time. There have been too many fairy gods who have been disheartened by the heavens over the years. "What about the river army?"

"If you are willing to dismount your armor together with me, you will find a famous house with me. If you don't want it, I won't force it."

The face of King Tota has changed greatly: "You want to take these hundreds of thousands of Tianhe Marines out of Heavenly Court! Heavenly Court will never allow you to do this! You ... too rebellious! If only your Tianhe Marines The generals were released from heaven ... "

King Tota was shocked and incoherent, but General Lingfeng interrupted him lightly again: "Do you want me to leave hundreds of thousands of brothers to heaven as victims?"

After a pause, he said again: "Furthermore, Heavenly Court is now overwhelmed. If you want us to return to Heavenly Court, let's win the Buddhist Temple first. Let's say Heavenly Court loses. It's a big deal that we will accept the Buddhist Temple later. Now! "

"Great rebellion!" King Tota shouted.

After shouting, he found that he was excited. This was just the casual words of General Lingfeng. Moreover, the Tianhe naval forces under his eyes are indeed not comparable to those of his men!

"This matter will be discussed in the future!" King Tota first put down his hands on General Lingfeng before saying that he had no hands in defeating the Buddha, "I have seen the battle defeating the Buddha. Or congratulations on the victory of the battle. If Zheng Guo left Putuo Island, I wonder if it is now clear that the battle over the Buddha will be defeated? "

He said this as if fighting against Buddha was not suppressed by Heaven, but fighting against Buddha did not care. He folded his hands together and asked, "What is enlightenment?"

"The enlightened Buddhism does not bring the bliss gospel to the Three Realms. The Buddhism can only impose its own righteousness on the sentient beings in the Three Realms. The reason why the victory of the Buddha killed the Demon Palace is not because it has already seen through the hypocrisy and hypocrisy of the Buddha. ? "

At this time, the Lingji Bodhisattva came out lightly and said, "Nanwu Amitabha, all beings are ignorant, what meaninglessness is meaningless, the Buddha is only admonishing all living beings what meaning is righteousness."

"So only Buddhism and Buddhism are righteousness?"

"No, but the facts of the Three Realms have proved that at least the rule of the heavenly court is by no means righteous, otherwise the life will not suffer so far."

"But during the eight hundred years of Buddhism and Tianting's endless struggle, the life has become more painful than before!"

"If the heavens let go, the world would have bliss."

"Talk of rebellion!" King Tota reprimanded, and then no longer argued with Lingji Bodhisattva, turning his attention to defeating the Buddha. "How do you think of winning the Buddha? Even if the heaven is the most chaotic, it can at least ensure that the Three Realms and the Six Ways work normally, but But the Buddha Gate created the Immortal Demon Palace, which made the Three Realms chaotic and miserable! Is victory over Buddha now still a fight for the Buddha Gate? "

Fighting against the Buddha raised his eyes and looked at him: "The king of heaven came here to persuade me to turn to heaven?"

"Exactly! Reopening the Heavenly Court, the three circles of reincarnation can function normally!" Said the king of Tota, and then turned his head secretly to look into the distance, hesitating for a moment, and said, "The victory of the Buddha has now been confirmed by the victory of the battle over the Buddha. With high consciousness and the ability to clear the disputes between the factions of the heavenly court, if he can return to the original court of the clean court, it will surely be the gospel of all beings in the three realms! "

"Hehe." Doujie defeated Buddha with a smile. "On this matter, let me be a friend."

"Friend? Marshal Tianpeng or these bodhisattvas?" The king of Tota stunned for a while, only to find that the person pointed out by the battle to defeat the Buddha was Anyang. "This ... this person is still very shallow in practice and has not experienced long years. How can he Do you answer this question? "

Anyang was also stunned for a while, only to find that fighting over Buddha means himself, and he couldn't help being speechless for a while.

I just want to feel at ease as a melon eater ...

At this time, Manjusri Bodhisattva also nodded and said: "I heard that the donor has inspired more than the Buddha, and the poor monks also want to hear here what the donor has to say about the matter."

Helpless in Anyang, I always feel that this sentence can be compared with a common web phrase in the real world——

‘Please start your performance. ’

After a pause, facing the eyes of so many great gods, he could only frown and said: "Mysterious solutions are not high-profile. As King Tota said, the disciples are still young at the age of their practice, and their views on the world are natural. It ’s nowhere near as good as everyone ’s, but all those who worship the Immortal Sovereign have a hard time, but their disciples ca n’t push it. ”

"As the Venerables and Shangxian said, whether Heavenly Court can cure this world has in fact been asserted. If the Buddhism replaces Heavenly Court, can it really make the world bliss, and the battle over the Buddha only said that this is a pseudo-proposition, Bliss is in the hearts of all beings, not in the mouth of the bodhisattvas. "

"Pseudo-proposition?" Most of the gods and Buddhas are new to this word.

"The battle over Buddhism says that Mahayana Buddhism is more suitable for this era than Mahayana Buddhism, but Mahayana Buddhism will not disappear with the prevalence of Mahayana Buddhism. I agree. But Mahayana Buddhism wants to truly change from religion to govern the management of the Three Realms. There is a long way to go, and this road is as difficult as Li Tianwang's internal faction of Qingting Tianting. "

At this moment, the heavens and earth were quiet, and all the Buddhist monks, heavenly gods, or free gods were listening to him. At least on the surface, everyone listened very seriously.

No one argues with him about who is the Hinayana or Mahayana Dharma who adapts to this era, and no one argues with him about who can govern the Three Realms of Buddhism and Heavenly Court. Everyone just quietly listened to his opinions. But this is certainly not because he made sense, but because he is too weak, even if all the words are nonsense, no one is willing to fight with him.

Many people in Xing didn't take him seriously at all.

But after all, some people listened carefully.

Anyang said: "For hundreds of millions of years, the Three Realms have been ruled by the Heavenly Court, and who should be blamed for the chaotic faults of the Three Realms, I am afraid that no one can tell, and everyone is responsible."

King Tota nodded, thinking deeply. This kid knows how to make excuses for heaven and is a good boy.

But then Anyang again said: "However, in the last 800 years, the Three Realms have not been completely controlled by any forces. Although the Three Realms have been chaotic in the past 800 years, the chaos comes from the reincarnation, from the Eternal Life Palace, It ’s because the wind does n’t adjust and the rain is not smooth, it ’s because there is no **** in charge of solar terms, and there is no **** in the four seasons ... ”

"Who can control the reincarnation? Who can control the wind and rain? Who can master the solar terms and the changes of the seasons? In fact, anyone can." Anyang said, "The heavenly court energy, the Buddhist gate energy, and even these are the immortal magic palaces that harm the world The demon can interfere in reincarnation and control the wind and rain. So it is difficult for you to argue what kind of gods are needed by the beings of the Three Realms to control the heaven and earth. "

This statement shocked many people and silenced many others.

Most people in Buddhism thought it was ridiculous, and the gods in the heavenly courts dismissed it as a big injustice. Only those fairy gods who did not belong to the Buddhism and left the heavenly court were shocked and pondered.

Anyang took out the phone out of thin air, glanced at it, and determined that he would not be able to stay in this world for a few days. Only then did he look at Dou to defeat the Buddha, and he said something that is ridiculous in this world: God controls the reincarnation of the wind and rain, and these three worlds do not need the gods and buddhas at all! If the wind and rain can be adjusted and the reincarnation rotates, the three worlds do not need the gods and buddhas to interfere in their own will, family harmony and national rise and fall!

At this time, Man Tianshen Buddha is shocked!

Only the God of Fighting Buddha is silent ~ ~ He was just a man of 9999th, of course he knew that what Anyang said was right!

There is an immortal magic palace, so there is a chaos in the world, and without an immortal magic palace, you can have peace in the world. In fact, there is no difference if there is a **** or Buddha at all.

Anyang also guessed that fighting over Buddha also realized this, so he dared to say this.

At the end, he also added a sentence, more like a hammer hitting the hearts of the gods in the sky--

"Sanqing stands above us, creating the heavenly courts. All the ancestors and gods have the ability to quell this battle, but the battle between gods and Buddhas has developed to such a point. Think about it, everyone!"

Finally, the next king of the battle of Tota, the king of heaven, could not bear it, and scolded: "Great rebellion, nonsense!"

He just wanted to draw a sword, but was stopped by King Tota.

The Manjushri Bodhisattva in the Buddhist temple reacted with a strange smile, and said lightly to Anyang: "The donor's insights are indeed novel and open the eyes of the poor monk."

Anyang pursed her lips, but she didn't take it seriously, anyway, these words weren't meant for them.

But in the hearts of the Arctic Ziwei Great Emperor hidden in the heavenly soldiers, in the hearts of the heavenly emperors and ancient immortals who watched the scene very far away, his calm words set off a tremendous wave, than these great gods Heart robberies that happen once in a thousand years are even more terrifying.

Because Anyang did n’t know, Manjusri Bodhisattva did n’t know, not even Tota the Heavenly King and Douhan defeated the Buddha——

The Taishang Taoist once said that he would create a treasure for the celestial roulette. The function of this treasure is to replace the gods to operate the rules of the Three Realms. No one thought at that time. Very scared!

Suddenly, Anyang felt that she was speechless.

A big man from heaven came.

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