My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 900: Successful mission, return!

Seven days later, Dongsheng won China.

Anyang stood on the tall building, looking away from the fence alone.

Looking at the blue tile and white wall buildings in the city, they show a sense of ancient history and vicissitudes. I do n’t know how many years this city has stood here, nor do I know that the busy civilian ancestors and grandchildren below live here How many years.

Some houses are really badly broken, and now is in the severe winter and cold, many men have to wear thick jackets to repair the house.

They probably did not know that the Eternal Palace of Eternal Life has been destroyed, and there will never be an Eternal Palace of Life in the future. But the origin of the Eternal Life Maze is still-

The battle between Heavenly Court and Buddhism continues, both of which have their own philosophical roots that have been rooted for thousands of years, and are not so easy to shake. Anyang could n’t shake them, and now the more terrifying battle against Buddha wo n’t stop them ...

Therefore, if the situation is not too high, most of the world will have to suffer many years of unsettled weather, unmanned reincarnation, and the inability to reward and punish the world.

Then I don't know if it will spawn new demons.

Anyway ... they don't care about sentient beings, even those who keep the three world sentient beings in their mouths.

The so-called equality of sentient beings has never been equal.

In other words, those who really want to practice the "equality of all sentient beings" are defeated by those who manipulate all sentient beings. However, because all sentient beings are ignorant, it is not clear who is good to them.

This reminds Anyang seven days ago--

At that time, he unintentionally revealed some things, which may be difficult to judge the true and false, and may be insignificant in the eyes of bystanders, but it is too terrifying for the great gods who have the power of heaven and earth and are closely related to this matter. .

So the Arctic Ziwei Great Emperor behind the army led by the King Tota did not want him to say more, so he closed his mouth, and finally he was saved by fighting against the Buddha.

Of course, Anyang feels that such great figures as the Arctic Ziwei Emperor will not care about themselves, even if they fight against the Buddha and do not help themselves.

At least there will be no problems with the Arctic Ziwei Emperor.

After that, the Antarctic Emperor Changsheng came forward and invited Anyang to Shenxiao Jade Mansion to help him. In this way, Anyang was at least recognized by the Antarctic Emperor Longevity, and even if someone on the court of heaven was dissatisfied with what he had said, he would not shoot him under this name.

He is already "the guest of emperor Changsheng".

However, the Antarctic longevity emperor, who had long been tired of the struggle for power, did talk to him a lot, and did not hide it. When Marshal Tianpeng and Dou defeated Buddha, they said a lot of secrets.

Anyang remembered that the Emperor Changsheng asked him before leaving: "If this is true, it is the truth that Taishang Taoist ancestors have spent hundreds of millions of years and only realized after seeing the decline of heaven and the suffering of the Three Realms. You How did you find out? "

Faced with the eyes of the heavenly emperor and the battle against the Buddha, Marshal Tianpeng and others, Anyang pretended to be a big force: "I am not as clever as I am, I just foresee the future."

As Gao Yunkuo is today, Anyang has not been so quiet for more than half a year, and it was only at this time that the taste of being away from the battlefield of Gods and Demons was so wonderful.

The wind is blowing, the street below is not spacious, the stone road was washed clean by the rain last night, the gutters on both sides are full of gurgling water, there are peddlers of languish shouting, and there are pedestrians The hustle and bustle was accompanied by the occasional hooping of the bullock cart, which was very lively.

The proprietress in the high building behind him asked him three times whether she wanted to serve him, but he refused.

Looking up at the cascading clouds, Anyang couldn't help thinking about the little fox.

Today is the day when the personal aircraft returns, and also the day to complete the mission by oneself. He deliberately set the aircraft to land outside the city, because the city is the closest mortal city to the Tianhe Water Army Station, in case of possible attack by the Eternal Life Palace.

It seems unnecessary now.

In the galaxy above, far away, the space is distorted by the power of the speed engine, and a personal aircraft is flying at high speed.

It is approaching the planet at the speed of light.

In the flying machine, a beautiful little loli wearing a gauze skirt was shrinking in the corner. She was sitting against the wall, holding her legs, and her black and white eyes were blank. There was a leather sofa next to her, but she didn't sit because it was too empty and too insecure in this spaceship where she was alone.

Outside the glass is a bright galaxy, and the colorful nebula is twisted under the meandering channel even more unreally, and the spaceship was thrown behind it with a sudden sound.

But it really has been a long time in this bewildering universe, especially in this environment, loneliness will make people gradually forget its beauty, and turn to be horrified by its vastness, feeling that the world is so vast, Only one person is left.

In the deep sky, there is no difference between upper and lower, there is no difference between left and right, and Xiao Chan does not know where he is flying. Or go to a place, or leave a place.

Her current appearance is the smallest, her legs are white and delicate, and it is estimated that only the arms of adults are thick, because she is held for too long by her hands and has a red seal. She didn't know how long she had been sitting here alone.

She can't operate this spaceship, and she can't understand the instrument buttons on it. She only knows that she is the only one on it.

She woke up at the time and thought she was asleep, not thinking about what Anyang would do to her.

Then she found that she had unknowingly got on the spaceship, only to realize that she was not just sleeping. Because she remembered that she was in the camp at the last moment, and she didn't sleep at all, and she slept very lightly, any wind and grass would wake up, and she could never be held on the spaceship without being aware of it.

It's ridiculous that at first she was frightened against Anyang and terrified of this aspect. At first, she didn't even think about it at all, but she started to look for Anyang.

Then she discovered that there was only herself.

The Dinghai Shenzhu, regarded as the treasure of the immortal magic palace, was placed in his arms, and this spaceship was flying into the deep air at an unimaginable speed. She has seen it back, and it is still a starry sky, which makes her not even know where she came from, let alone where she is going ...

These days she has been thinking too much about the mess, but now she is too tired to move, and can only shrink here with a blank face, waiting for the judgment of fate.

She didn't know yet that the spaceship was flying back.

Until a bang, a tremor, the spacecraft sailed away from the speed.

Xiao Chan didn't move. She just stared up and looked out of the window. It was still dark. She dropped her head again and stared dumbly at the floor.

This feeling ... like being exiled.

After a while, there was a trembling bang.

This time, she didn't even lift her head until the aircraft entered the atmosphere, and the sunlight scattered by the dust and ice particles in the air was shining through the glass of the aircraft. She stared at the brightly illuminated floor. Then suddenly stood up, only to realize that he had entered the planet.

About thirty minutes later, the spacecraft began to land.

Xiao Chan was inexplicably nervous. She naturally had an imagination in her heart, but she still couldn't figure out what was welcoming herself.

The spacecraft settled and the door opened with a click.

Xiao Chan glanced out of the window. The landing was on a small hillside outside the city. From the window, you can see the stretch of ancient city.

She stepped forward and wanted to move forward, but hesitated a little, but shyly closed her feet back, not daring to move forward.

She was really scared and dared not face it.

But Anyang didn't harshly make her take the initiative, and the sound of footsteps quickly moved from far to near, and Anyang's figure appeared in her sight.

Xiao Chan stared blankly at the front, and the black and white eyes reflected the figure, and suddenly felt that her eyes became inexplicably warm and moist, making her lower her head and dared not to speak or raise her head to see this very familiar one. Figure.

No one in the world is more familiar than Anyang.

Soon she felt Anyang approaching, and she was wrapped in her with a hard and warm embrace ...

Anyang is much taller than her, so you must bend your legs to do this action, and this posture is really funny, plus he has to wipe the tears for this timid and inexplicable little fox, so he simply squatted Down.

"I just think that the war between the gods and the Buddhas will be in danger ~ ~ I am afraid that the immortal palace will seize the sea pearls, so I will take you to a distant place to hide for a few days.

"Huh." Xiao Chan lowered her hair and made a nasal sound.

Anyang pulled another two toilet papers and wiped her slightly wet face, before saying: "Now everything has passed, the immortal palace is gone, and even the immortal emperor has been suppressed for five thousand years. I ’m revenge for you, we can go home immediately. "


"But I have nothing to take."


"Do you want to go back as soon as possible?"


"What else would you say besides eh?" Anyang looked down at her with a soft heart and some funny smile.

Xiao Chan raised his head now, his big, moving eyes were still red, his small face was clean and beautiful, and he nodded again: "Uh."

Anyang smiled and patted her head: "Let's go, find a place to have a meal first. I can't even eat a meal by myself, or two people are better."

Xiao Chan then followed him step by step.

As always.

I found a restaurant and ate a meal of big fish and meat. Anyang went to him at the invitation of Bailong and got a lot of things from Bailong, from various treasures to various spells. Magical powers and practicing exercises are almost what he wants to satisfy him.

In addition to Dinghai Shenzhu, Bailong also gave Xiaochan a lot of compensation, basically turning her from a wild fox to an orthodox demon cultivator.

Anyang has only now seen how much energy the eight Tianlong Guangli Bodhisattva can get!

But after a while, the phone rang--

The mission is successful and the mission rewards are obtained: props ability * 1, skill points * 3, physical fitness points * 3, the selected person can return to the real world at any time.

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