My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 903: Bunny is not happy

"What's the matter?" Huang Lan immediately asked, but she still contained a large piece of beef in her mouth, and her speech was a bit unclear.

Rabbit Jing also looked up at Xiao Chan in doubt.

Comrade Xiaoqian made a dish for Anyang, and only thought about it for a while before saying: "Xiaochan should have something to worry about. Just now in the kitchen, there are snacks absent, and I almost didn't overturn the plate."

Xiao Chan's face immediately turned red: "I ... I didn't mean it."

Xiao Qian smiled slightly: "It's okay, I didn't blame you. What's the matter with you, just tell me."

Xiao Chan lowered his head and pondered for a long time, but the strength of his teeth clenched just now was dispersed by Xiao Qian's words, but she forced herself to a point of retreat, so she had to say abruptly: "I ... actually ... I……"

Huang Lan swallowed the meat in his mouth in one gulp. Instead of pinching the second piece of meat, he put down his chopsticks and prepared to listen to Xiao Chan. But Xiaochan couldn't speak again, leading to a constipated expression on her side.

She also eats very skillfully, and eats more and faster, but no one can say that her movements are rude, and she will never leave grease on her mouth. So no matter what she eats, her mouth is always smooth and graceful.

Seeing that Xiaochan did not support me for a long time, Comrade Xiaoqian turned to Anyang: "Fujun must know, let's say it to her instead."

"Okay." Anyang put down his chopsticks, facing Xiao Chan's somewhat timid gaze, and said slowly, "I didn't know it until recently, and since this girl is going to tell you, I will let go."

Comrade Xiaoqian gave him a white look: "Don't sell the customs, can't you just say it?"

"Haha!" Anyang laughed twice, greeted Xiao Chan with some heart-warming gaze, and calmed down, said, "I told you about the girl's experience before. Remember? Her parents were in her She was killed by a monk when she was very young, and in front of her, she was forced to live in the world. That is a world with very weak legal awareness. Think about it, if the rabbit is alone in that one. What will be the ending in the world? "

Xiao Chan lowered his head beside him.

Huang Lan itself is a person from that world, naturally understandable, immediately said: "The ending should be terrible. But what does this have to do with what she wants to say?"

Only Comrade Xiaoqian noticed that Anyang took the rabbit essence as a metaphor and began to think deeply.

Anyang did n’t want to touch Xiao Chan ’s sadness either, but in order to make it more acceptable to several people, he could only say: “Because the fox essence is the most tempting goblin in the world, and Xiao Chan is actually not like this, but a Even in the real world, the five good youths can be transformed into lawless big loli! "

"Ah?" Huang Lan opened his mouth wide.

The rabbit essence is also like this, Xiao Chan who looks up and down at the bean sprouts with his eyes wide open.

Comrade Xiao Qian suddenly said: "So ..."

"Yes!" Anyang nodded. "Her mother told her to change into this appearance before she died, in order to avoid the evil spirits of the world. So when I first saw her in Shenzhou World and State City, she was the little one. She looked like that. She probably didn't expect that there would be something later, or today. Later, the lie gradually became true, and she would not dare to tell the truth in front of us. "

"How did the husband know?"

"Some accidents made me discover the flaw, and then I cheated her once, and I cheated her."

"Fujun, you really are too good to be as if you don't know." Comrade Xiao Qian smiled.

Anyang smiled bitterly: "I only felt a little bit vaguely at the time, but I didn't know it was even this."

Huang Lan and Rabbit Jing, who reacted a few seconds slower than the pure humans, finally reacted. A long oh, a very surprised look at Xiao Chan.

"No wonder! No wonder I used to see that after the little fox used her talents, she suddenly became bigger, but changed back again in an instant, and she could not notice anything wrong. This has happened a few times, I always thought it was me Dazzled, I didn't expect ... "Huang Lan said," The last time when the little fox used his talent to hypnotize this stupid rabbit, I saw it clearly! "

"You ... you ... you ..." The rabbit pointed at Xiao Chan in surprise, stuttered for a long time without saying a word, and suddenly turned back to face Huang Lan, "I am not a stupid rabbit!"

But several people ignored her sophistry, especially Huang Lan, and she gave her a white glance, too lazy to ignore her.

Anyang suddenly realized: "You have found something wrong before."

"Yeah." Huang Lan raised his head.

"But you always thought you were dazzling!"

"Well!" Huang Lan's expression was suddenly embarrassed. "It's not that this little fox's ability to change is too good, nor his acting skills. Of course, people who are so easy to believe in others like me can't see it."

"You actually made three excuses for yourself!"

"..." Huang Lan's face was slightly black.

Xiao Chan saw that few people didn't seem to mind the matter too much, and she couldn't help but sigh with relief and wiped the cold sweat that didn't exist on the small face.

Anyang, who has been paying attention to her, also came in with an assist at the right time: "Since everything is clear, then there is nothing. Let's eat, let's eat!"

Anyang was quite credible at home, and several women picked up chopsticks as he said.

Of course, Comrade Xiaoqian knew his husband ’s thoughts, and turned to smile like a laugh at him, as if to say-look at you usually shouting at Xiao Chan, at the critical moment, you still care about your little girl!

Anyang pursed her lips and pretended not to see.

In order to take care of Xiao Chan's thoughts, Comrade Xiao Qian sandwiched a piece of sausage for her to prove that she would not blame her.

Xiao Chan lowered his head and just put the sausage into his mouth, but then he heard Huang Lan suddenly said: "Yes!"

The sausage at the mouth immediately fell into the bowl again!

Seeing that he had taken the little girl by surprise, Huang Lan smiled embarrassedly: "Don't be nervous, I just want to ask, do you keep changing all the time?"

Xiao Chan froze for a moment, first shook his head, then nodded again, and finally lowered his head to think about it, before saying: "This is what I would be born with, and I won't be very tired, as long as ... I get better if I get used to it. "

"It won't be very tiring ... it will be better, so it's a bit uncomfortable to be like this?" Huang Lan said.

Xiao Chan hesitated a little and nodded.

Huang Lan glanced over his head at the curious rabbit spirit, and asked several people the same question: "So what should you look like?"

"Originally ... this is how it was originally." Xiao Chan explained, "This is what I was when I was a kid, not fake. At first, it was my mother who made me like this."

"But I want to see how you are."

"Um ..." Xiao Chan lowered his head, then glanced at Anyang quietly, then he gritted his teeth and raised his head, put down the chopsticks and said, "I went upstairs."

Huang Lan immediately showed his expectations.

Little stars also began to flash in the eyes of the rabbit.

Comrade Xiaoqian kept her restraint. Although she didn't ask this question, she was just afraid that Xiao Chan would not be willing. In fact, she was also curious about Xiao Chan's original appearance.

Xiao Chan Ding Ding Dong Dong went upstairs, the small body with snow white but a little short legs, it is difficult to imagine that she has such great charm as Anyang said.

But it didn't take long for Xiao Chan to come down.

The people sitting at the table were surprised.

Because of her body shape change, Xiao Chan now wears rabbit essence clothes. A red and white striped t-shirt with a light blue strappy denim shorts, it is easy to be full of young girls-such a dress is obviously impossible to buy by the rabbit essence.

And Xiao Chan stepped down the railing step by step, some shy and a little timid to look at the few people on the table.

Her height is slightly shorter than that of rabbit essence, because she has room to continue to grow, but it is only a little shorter, so the clothes of rabbit essence wearing on her body are only slightly loose, not big.

At the moment, she looks about fifteen years old, with a height of 1.56 meters, a slightly pointed face of melon seeds, beautiful and attractive. Obviously it looks small, but there is an indescribable temperament all over him. It seems that he can catch people's eyes invisible.

Underneath the light blue denim shorts are a pair of tender white straight legs, with perfect curves and whiteness like gelatin, even giving people the feeling of seeing light blue blood vessels, and tender enough to break with a little force. Red and white striped t-shirts were tied in strappy denim shorts to outline her delicate figure, especially the waist and legs surrounded by tight jeans and compassion, giving the illusion of being able to hold one by one.

Comrade Xiaoqian couldn't help but admire, he could not help but turned his head and said in Anyang's ear: "Is the husband now feeling like a little maid has become a house maid?"

Anyang rubbed his lips: "What are you talking about?"

Xiao Qian smiled and didn't say much.

In fact, she felt a big loss. The reason why she suggested that Anyang take Xiaochan is because Xiaochan is still small, not as threatening as the rabbit essence, but now it seems that the temptation of this little girl is not worse than the rabbit essence.

Fortunately, Anyang said that he didn't know long before, otherwise he would let this little fox spirit get along with his husband for a year in this way, and she would not dare to think about what would happen. Fortunately, this little coquette still looks like a minor, and his husband is not so hungry as a beast.

No matter how ... you have to keep your position!

Comrade Xiao Qian shook his head secretly ~ ~ accused himself of thinking about something, and then quickly got up and let Xiao Chan come over.

"Xiao Chan is very beautiful!" Comrade Xiao Qian's tone was full of surprises from the heart. "If the shape is maintained tired, don't change it back in the future. We all know it anyway. You don't need to cover it up anymore. . "

Huang Lan also quickly said: "Yeah yeah, how good it is."

Xiao Chan lowered his head and thought for a while, actually nodded and said: "Uh."

The rabbit essence is still staring at Xiao Chan, who is completely strange and strange at this time, feeling that the fox he knows has completely changed into a person, and he has become completely unrecognizable!

Is this still a fox I know?

Stretching her hand and rubbing her eyes, she saw Xiao Chan sitting on the seat uncomfortably pulling her clothes, and she seemed not very satisfied with her clothes.

"..." Baby Bunny was not happy.

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