My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 904: Group differences

At night, the night is sultry.

Looking down from the window of the villa bedroom, you can see a darkness. The villa lights can only illuminate the garden of three meters, and it is convenient for only the dim street lights of every section of the Panshan Road.

The night is not intoxicating, but people are most drunk.

In Anyang, he and Xiaoqian are the only villas. When the lonely man and the widow are in love, they are all charming, and they have been drying for a year.

In another villa, Xiaochan had just sent away the rabbits who had been making trouble with her, turned off the lights, buried his body in thin pajamas in a super soft velvet quilt, and almost stuck his head in the pillow The whole body was wrapped softly, but she opened her eyes.

Now she is using the real look, she doesn't know how long she hasn't changed back. Has she used that small body for at least a few years?

She thought she couldn't tell which one was her true look, but she didn't expect her body to be far more honest than her spirit.

Using this true look, she only felt relaxed and calm. It's not so much because there is no need to keep changing at all times, it is better to say that I finally let go of a mustard in my heart, finally let go of concealment, and finally can show my true face without fear.

She didn't know why, but she couldn't sleep.

Half an hour later, she lay flat on the soft bed and pulled the quilt close to her chin, revealing only a beautiful face. Her eyes widened wide and she looked at the ceiling in amazement.

The bright moonlight outside the window sprinkled down, projecting the light and shadow underneath on the floor and the window, which made her feel that the "Moon Essence" was flowing. If it is unusual, she definitely thinks it is a good day to practice, but today she just wants to be in a daze.

Suddenly I thought, what are the scholars doing?

Should be with Xiaoqian

Xiao Chan suddenly felt a hot face and shrunk his head in an instant.

Wherever she thought, Xiao Qian was lying quietly on Anyang's chest, her long hair spread like silk, and a few messy hairs were still attached to the beautiful cheeks. The quilt behind covered only the slender and soft waist, and the skin as white as jade was silky and soft to touch. Looking down a little, she could also see the attractive appearance of her full and soft **** pressing against Anyang's chest.

Anyang rested on her extremely soft back with one hand, holding her small shoulder with one hand, the two bodies clinging to each other, feeling each other's softness and touch.

"Husband." Comrade Xiaoqian shouted softly, "Why don't you go to the next door and sleep Sister Huang Lan too."

"Cough cough cough!" Anyang almost choked, slowed down and suddenly stretched his hand down, slapped a slap on her elastic buttocks, "You are so instigating husband to sleep with other girls ?"

"I'm bored alone."

"I'm afraid I can't control the tigress."

"No, sister Huang Lan likes her husband very much."

"You know everything!"


Anyang hugged her back with both hands, and the two's bare chest immediately stuck closer together. Anyang could clearly feel the two soft squeezes on his chest, which inevitably made him feel like a horse. , Let alone those. "

"What are you doing!" Xiao Qiangjiao snorted and extended her hand to support, so that the two would not be so tightly packed, "Then I said that the recent differences between the group are good."

"Is this right now?"

"It's appropriate. Didn't you rush to know during the day? Now it just happens to stop your evil thoughts." Comrade Xiaoqian poked his waist, and then put his chin and pestle on the flat bone in the middle of his chest. Going up and staring at his face, "Recent differences in the group have come from increasing influence. Group veterans' positions on the matter are very clear and there is endless debate, and I dare not take decisions casually."

"Who made you not take the decision casually! Blame me?" Anyang rogue said, making it clear that he didn't want to hear it now.

"Oh!" Xiao Qian slapped him on the shoulder again. "To tell you the truth!"

"Good, you say it." Anyang was helpless.

Xiaoqian glanced upwards. From this angle, he could see his entire face clearly from bottom to top. Naturally, he could also see the laugh points that were usually invisible, just like nostrils. This made Comrade Zhuangzhuang like Xiaoqian too unbearable. Zhupo laughed out loud.

Anyang was lying on the bed inexplicably.

After laughing for a long time, Xiao Qian forced herself to calm down, because the friction between the body tremors caused Xiao Anyang to move, she knew that if she did not stop, she would make a big mistake.

"Okay, that's the case." She couldn't resist raising her head to look at her husband's smile, "This is a side effect of the Group's global strategy implementation too fast, wrong, even if the implementation is slow. Happening"

Before she finished, Anyang said: "Did it attract the attention of some countries?"

Comrade Xiaoqian yelled and said, "A business group is rising so rapidly that it will definitely attract all kinds of eyes. Fu Jun also knows that we have been fighting with the hands we touched secretly, but in fact, even if we Cutting off all hands is also an act that exposes our bottom line. "

After a pause, she turned over directly from Anyang and lay side by side with Anyang, then pulled the quilt to cover the white and full chest, before proceeding: "This caused some forces to treat us as pure commercial forces at first. It has gradually upgraded our crisis level. Now it is estimated that many national forces regard us as an economic consortium supported by one or more major countries. "


"These flames have skyrocketed, plus we have indeed posed threats to some of the previous economically dominant countries, and even forced the major output technology products of many countries to become street goods, forced some large enterprises to lay off employees, resulting in a large number of unemployed people. Many Countries or alliances have begun to boycott us, and even reached the point where relevant laws are introduced. "

"More than that?"

"Well." Comrade Xiao Qian unconsciously took his arm under the bed. "Forcibly helpless, we took some more drastic measures, which is also an inevitable trend. Then the conflict escalated, beyond the other party's expectations, also Exceeded our plan, so the conservative development plan of the husband will not work. "

"Sooner or later there will be such a day." Anyang's tone was calmer, "What is their position?"

"Some people are more fierce and advocate showing power to those countries that provoke us, thinking that we are now capable of responding to all situations. Some people are more conservative and mainly implement the orders of the husband, preferably not too much to interfere in the progress of the world. , At least not let it make a great leap, or cause a violent impact on the cognition of people in this world. "

"So what do you think?"

"I listen to my husband." Comrade Xiao Qian said lazily.

Anyang thought for a while and said, "The matter has come to this point, and it is not something I can conservatively conserve. Let it be left to development, and give them the right to make decisions. Keeping them for so long can't be free!"

"Do you want the elders of the group to decide for themselves?"

"Well, we will preside over this meeting together tomorrow, and let people with different positions come up with a plan to be decided by everyone's vote, no matter what the result of the vote is, follow the result."

"Tomorrow? Not tomorrow, the husband's little maid has grown up, and the previous clothes can't be worn. Tomorrow, she has to be taken to buy clothes."

"Also! Then the day after tomorrow."

"Well." Xiao Qian nodded and sat up from the bed. "I'm going to take a bath, and it's not comfortable at all!

"Huh? Let's go together!"



The lights dimmed and the night was deep.

They do n’t know yet, the United States is just past noon at this time, and the White House has just released a message

"At 13:11 EST the day before yesterday, the San Francisco Customs encountered armed resistance during the routine security inspection of the Ans Group, and then the Customs broke out with the Ans Group private armed fire. In the process, the total number of casualties Nineteen customs police officers, the An's group was unclear about the casualties. "

"The An's fleet immediately left the dock, and the San Francisco Maritime Police mobilized three maritime police vessels for interception, all of which were counterattacked by heavy firepower."


"The White House urgently researched and decided that the entire American branch of the Ans Group would be closed for investigation and considered to be classified as a terrorist organization."

"The CIA has launched an emergency investigation plan, and has urgently summoned the Chinese embassy ambassador to the United States, Li Chengying, and has not found any evidence to prove that the Anshi Group is indeed related to the Chinese government."


Because it was late at night when the news was sent, there was no storm among ordinary people, and only the relevant heads of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the State Administration for Industry and Commerce were awakened by the night, and then a series of big officials.

Shen Chaowen was awakened by his assistant overnight, explaining the matter.

But in many other countries ~ ~ In view of the current influence of An's Group in the world, this incident has caused a lot of sensation.

After all, armed conflict broke out and the police were killed and injured.

American life is very expensive!

So many media immediately reported the incident, and arranged the best push and location to let everyone know this news!

But unexpectedly, due to American hegemonism and its ever-growing strength, public opinion among other peoples in the world is one-sided against the Ans Group.

Almost everyone believes that the Ans Group is in a weak position compared with the United States. In addition, the Ans Group has a good reputation and is not bad. Many illegal and criminal activities are not necessary, and there is no need to match the United States, so There must be something wrong with this matter, which is most likely a US conspiracy.

Shen Chaowen didn't dare to disturb Xiaoqian's rest. He didn't dare to call Xiaoqian to say this thing the next morning, but Xiaoqian's mobile phone was turned off, and he didn't care.

Perhaps in his view, this matter is not a big deal at all. ()

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