My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 906: guess

Anyang and Xiaoqian knew nothing about it.

These days, Comrade Xiaoqian who was waiting for his husband and Comrade Anyang who just came back full of thoughts about relaxation had nothing to do with it. After breakfast, he went out. Huang Lan was the driver and took a ticket to the Elf Square to give the young Chan buys clothes.

Xiao Chan's appreciation of the clothes is really different from the small freshness of the rabbit essence. Even when she grows up, she prefers bright colors, but she is no longer obsessed with skirts!

At this time, she was still wearing yesterday's clothes, red and white striped t-shirts and light blue strap denim shorts, this is already the most bright of the rabbit's clothes, and the rest of the clothes are simple and clear. eye!

At this time walking in the shopping mall, the power of the half-large coquette is fully reflected.

Almost all the men were moved by this big loli's delicate temptation. All eyes glanced over brightly or darkly, making Xiao Chan walking behind Anyang uncomfortable!

Xiao Chan was still shy and shy, shoving behind Anyang in a crowded place, avoiding strangers.

But this gesture made her even more pitiful. Passers-by can restrain themselves, because after all, Xiao Chan seems to be about fifteen years old, and few people have a face to talk about. The shopping guides or promoters in the shops on both sides completely ignored it, constantly shouting and letting her go in to buy things.

"Little sister, come and see, it's cheap!"

"Beauty, do you want to sell cards!"

"Little beauty, this card issue is for you!"

"Come in and have a look, beautiful women!"

It's a pity that these shouts are effective for others, and for Xiao Chan ... can only scare her.

Some people greeted the rabbit essence with a curious or interesting gaze when they shouted at the rabbit essence, but Anyang did not stop, so she naturally followed Anyang.

However, even in the face of the cowardly Xiao Chan, these people are still happy. If there is Anyang, Xiao Qian and Huang Lan with a strong gas field will surround Xiao Chan in the middle, these people will probably come directly to pull Xiao Chan to try the product ——The magic power of the famous fox in mythology is obviously not mortal can resist.

Even Xiao Qian leaned into Anyang's ear and whispered: "It seems that Xiao Chan's charm is not worse than that of a rabbit!"

Anyang looked around and smiled, "You noticed that there is no difference between them. In fact, the charm of the rabbit is that men and women eat all the time. Even a glimpse of a woman will be overwhelmed by her face value, but Most of the people who are fascinated by Xiao Chan are men, and women will only think that this girl is so beautiful and beautiful. "

Xiaoqian gave him a surprised look: "Fu Jun observed very carefully!"

"That's it!" Anyang looked proud.

Looking back, Xiao Chan was still at a loss, and he patted her head again, gently speaking, comforting: "You just treat those people who don't exist."

Xiao Chan raised his head to look at him, nodded nervously, and then went on. Obviously she didn't expect her true face to attract so many people's attention.

Gradually walking to the uppermost level of the shopping mall, because the consumption level has increased, pedestrians have finally become fewer. The shops on both sides no longer pull guests with their throats, but become noble and deep, dressing themselves up with exquisite decoration and lighting, and decorating themselves with melodious classical music. In fact, the customers who come to consume either come here, or they are repeat customers.

Xiao Chan was relieved, but not finished, because she knew she had to deal with the clerk, and she was most afraid of dealing with people.

Fortunately, Anyang is here, and I am not afraid.

A group of people found out that it was almost noon when the news was last night, and it was in the rest area of ​​the shopping mall. An LCD TV over the head broadcast the news that was urgently released.

"The White House of the United States unilaterally announced a message at 1.45 a.m. Beijing time today ..."

"... The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Industry and Commerce of China expressed great importance to this incident and have now contacted the United States. Luo Yanshu, Director General of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce of China, said: The Ans Group has shouldered the heavy burden of economic exchanges between China and the United States and hopes that the United States will deal with it calmly and longitudinally. There is nothing shameful in the development business of Guan's Group that is shipped to the United States. "

"At the same time, China ’s Foreign Minister Liu Tianze also expressed his personal views on this matter: The Ans Group does not need to smash personal signs, nor does it need to provoke the United States, and now the main thing is not to affect the friendship between China and the United States because of this matter. Seriously cooperate with the US to investigate the cause of this incident. At the same time, economic development is global ... "

When the Minister of Foreign Affairs put forward many views on the Charter of the International Trade Organization, and expressed his shock at this matter, and persuaded the United States to respect the World Trade Organization regulations, the dignified and beautiful female host said: "Then broadcast the head of the Ans Group Relevant statement issued by Shen Chaowen Lianye—— "

Shen Zhaowen's vicissitudes appeared more and more radiant on the TV. Although he had worn a suit and tie, he still had bloodshot visible in his eyes, and he could have been awake in the middle of the night.

Facing the camera, he said generously and indignantly: "I am very sad that this happened, because not only the US killed and injured the customs police, but our mercenaries also suffered casualties."

"The ensuing is very uncomprehending. Our Anshi Group has always been doing business properly, upholding the principle of illegal money and never reaching out. In fact, this is not an empty talk, and we have no reason to touch those so-called profiteering industries. There is no reason to ship dangerous goods to the US, so this matter is definitely not as simple as the White House said! "

"Let me convey to you a description of the situation at the time when we withdrew the cargo ship."

"I don't know if the San Francisco Customs Police has received the relevant advice. I try to speak in an objective tone. At 13:11 on November 23, Eastern Time, our Ans Group's cargo ship that shipped electronic goods arrived at the San Francisco terminal, and then the customs The police started a security check three times longer, and we have been silently enduring the troubles and verbal provocations of the San Francisco customs police ... "

"The conflict broke out when a customs policeman touched a female person in charge of the group, including touching private parts, and the first change from verbal conflict to physical conflict. Finally, the customs police fired our first shot at our escort. The mercenaries and the San Francisco Customs Police broke out in an armed conflict on the cargo ship, and finally the cargo ship left the dock ... "

"I hereby strongly condemn the quality of the US Customs Police and the apparently indulgent attitude of the United States, and do not rule out other deeper reasons."

"At the same time, I announced the results of the treatment and response researched by the senior management of the group overnight ..."

Anyang and Comrade Xiaoqian sat in plastic chairs and looked at each other after reading the news. They both smiled bitterly.

Unexpectedly, this incident happened, and the two of them are still shopping in the shopping mall. The popularity has risen to the loop of the TV in the mall, and the two of them still don't know anything about it.

After reading the news again, he thought about it.

The United States and Shen Chaowen both hold the same word, but they can't tell who is true and who is false, even if he is on the side of the An's Group, he dare not fully believe Shen Chaowen's words. It is like the US cannot tell what the illegal goods transported by the Anshi Group are, and Shen Chaowen also said nothing about the heavy firepower to fight back against the San Francisco Coast Guard ship.

However, from the apparently violent wording and tone of both parties, it can be seen that ~ ~ the contradiction is no longer a day or two, but it has reached a very deep point unconsciously.

The matter may not be so simple, it may be caused not only by a problem or a factor of one side, but by a very complicated reason.

Fortunately, many political attitudes can be revealed in the news, such as the tone of the host, the speeches of the two ministers, the practice of not editing the words of Shen Chaowen, etc. It is obvious that the country is still firmly on the side of the An Group, and With a strong political speech style "gentle" went back, and then began to guide the direction of domestic public opinion.

This may also be indistinguishable from the Anshi Group's penetration of high-level domestic leaders.

But there is no doubt that this is already a fierce conflict.

After a long time, Comrade Xiaoqian turned a little bit shyly, and gave Anyang a cell phone with a black screen, and then gave him a weird look.

It means the phone is off ...

The reason for the shutdown is obviously to blame Anyang.

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