My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 906: Violence can solve all

Anyang didn't care and smiled and said, "Don't worry, so many people in the group don't eat dry food. We have to deal with it in person. It may not be better than them."

"... Do you want to shake your hand again?"

"Cough! Who said I would shake my hand, there will be another meeting tomorrow!" Anyang said quickly!

Comrade Xiaoqian thought about it softly and said softly: "A few days ago, our cutting-edge technology and economic plunder have touched the bottom line of many people. This is not surprising. But the original group on how to deal with this problem The two mainstream sayings have always been evenly matched. As soon as this matter came out, we were pushed to the cusp of fierce competition ... "

After a pause, she frowned again and said: "Fujun, will you say that there will be factors within the group? Some people with radical positions must be willing to see this scene!"

"You've been thinking more and more and wider now!" Anyang smiled. "If you are willing to take care of this matter, just take care of it. If you don't want to take care of it, let them make trouble. Anyway, even the radicals The people who did it deliberately did it for the benefit of the group. Moreover, to be fair, the ideas of conservatives and radicals are really difficult to say who is superior and who is inferior. "

"No!" Comrade Xiaoqian stubbornly said, "This kind of atmosphere is not good, you can't suppress it!"

Anyang smiled again: "Yes, suppress it!"

At this time Huang Lan interjected and said, "If I say there are so many bends, just pass a fist, and take whatever you want to do as you say, what you want to see is what! And argue. Are there any internal factors, just let the little fox ask in the past, everything is not clear? "

Anyang immediately smiled again, then nodded to her: "Yes!"

Huang Lan twitched his mouth, and raised his hand to go out: "You go shopping, I am too boring to walk with you, go to the car and wait for you!"

"Aren't you going to eat? It's noon now."

"Dine? Yes!"

Huang Lan came back without hesitation.

After eating, I went shopping for a while, and bought a lot of clothes for Xiao Chan. They were available in various styles, and Anyang also forced her to stuff two sets of colors that were not bright. The reason is of course that he thinks these two sets The clothes look good on this girl.

It's just that Xiao Chan may not feel pretty ...

In the mid-afternoon, Anyang called up Huang Lan, who was sitting in the car to fight the glory of the king, and had a hot drink together before he went home.

It was still Huang Lan who drove, Xiao Chan sat the co-pilot, Anyang and Comrade Xiao Qian, and Rabbit Jing sat behind.

What style is Huang Lan driving? Let's put it this way, if a certain car **** can drive Wuling Hongguang to the famous autumn mountain competition, it must be bragging, but Huang Lan can drive it.

She does n’t know how many years of practice she has been driving a car. Now she can drive a variety of cars to drift, and you can imagine how it feels to drive in her car. Xiao Chan, who was sitting on the co-pilot's white face, turned pale again, and her delicate hands clutched the seat belt on her chest, fearing she would be thrown out.

Huang Lan stepped on the throttle and drove out the speed of the highway in the urban area. He also despised and said to Xiao Chan around him: "Look at you, you have been working hard for so many years and don't know how to repair Wherever I went, I was afraid of such a slow speed. You can see that the stupid rabbit is more stable than you! "

Behind him, the rabbit held Anyang's arm tightly and said stubbornly and quietly, "I'm not a silly rabbit."

"Stupid rabbit!"

"You are a stupid rabbit ..."

"I am not a rabbit, I only eat rabbits!"

The rabbit shuddered immediately, and looked at Anyang as if it were bullied, but he didn't dare to slap his lips again.

At this time, Anyang was talking with Xiaoqian, too late to control her.

Xiao Qian said with some anxiety: "This incident may seem inconspicuous, but it is only the first time. The most overbearing Americans came forward and fired the first shot. Someone must have followed suit! In fact, most of them used to dominate the economy. Developed countries are very dissatisfied with us, but the rules of the World Trade Organization cannot impose sanctions on us. "

"Isn't it said that some countries have introduced relevant laws to restrict us?"

"It's only some small countries that do such shameless things, but they are only obscure and side-sliding, not directly against us."

"Oh." Anyang understood.

In fact, those small countries have no choice, because their economic models are relatively simple and fragile, and they are vulnerable to collapse from external shocks. In many cases, some small countries rely entirely on a certain industry to drive the entire economy, and even a famous company has accounted for the national tax. One and a half cases. In this era of An's expansion, if the economic industries of these small countries conflict with the main industries of the An's Group, it is easy to cause the whole country to go bankrupt. If no measures are taken, the consequences will be unimaginable!

Comrade Xiao Qian said softly: "If the conflict caused by this time is not resolved quickly, the consequences may be much more serious than Hu Jun thought. After all, Hu Jun has been shaking hands for a long time and may not be very clear about the chain reaction caused by the global strategy."

"Maybe imagine a little."

"If the conflict between us and the United States escalates, or if this matter is allowed to ferment, member states of the European Union will definitely take advantage of the problem and restrict our development in other countries. Seriously, it may follow the example of the United States and tear our faces apart, while NATO members The country will definitely stand on the side of the United States. In this matter, they obviously have a common interest. "Comrade Xiao Qian frowned with a good eyebrow," Fu Jun still wants to be stable and quiet, not to the existing pattern and the earth. If technology, ideas, etc. cause impact, it may not be easy. "

"What about technology output? They can't keep our technology out?" Anyang deeply understands that technology is the foundation of everything.

"Fujun is right, they can't refuse our technology inflow, so even if they can resist the pressure from the country, it is equivalent to closing themselves in a cave. But they can study our technology or openly ignore international conventions. Piracy. Except for some top-level technologies, other technologies may not be able to handle this method. "


Anyang also realized the seriousness of the matter.

If a developed country is really shameless, there is little that can stop them. Even if missile technology can be cracked, what else can't be cracked?

Anyang is confident that hard technologies such as holographic projection technology and new energy engines will certainly not be cracked in a short period of time, but what about other technologies that have not been around for a long time? For example, some technologies that are only five years or even ten years ahead of the world, how difficult will it be to crack without patent protection?

There are also some software technologies.

These things may not be easy to parse. Many algorithm models from another world are not so easy to understand even by the top programmers. Even if you master the same technology, you may not be able to develop the same useful software or the same fun. Games, but these things are the most easily copied by pirates.

It seems that violent means can protect the rights!

Huang Lan quickly drove the car back to the villa, which was incredibly fast, and with it came Xiao Chan's pale face.

Anyang lay on the sofa, took out the tablet and looked.

Xiao Chan poured a glass of water very well for him, and then poured himself a glass of water. He drank half of it in one breath, and finally stopped his discomfort.

Immediately she did not stay, Ding Ding Dong Dong went upstairs and changed the clothes of the rabbit essence into a red long skirt, which covered her ankles and outlined a graceful waist. At the same time, the poor little girl finally put on a bra that suits her, and no longer had to use the rabbit to make up.

After all, the rabbit faction is so much bigger than her ...

Anyang glanced at her, slightly surprised, then lowered her head and continued to look at the tablet.

It's just a piece of news in the mall. In fact, many channels have their own reports on this incident, and of course they are also authorized by the General Administration. But the main source of media communication is still on the Internet, and only on the Internet can you see more detailed reports and the opinions of netizens.

Anyang looked for it. There are too many news about the White House speech on the Internet. Terms such as "White House speech", "Ans Group armed conflict" and "American Ans" have dominated the hottest key of major search engines and news portals. Words, the major online news media reported more on this matter.

Not every online news media has received "guidance" from the relevant state departments, but the reputation of the An's Group and the psychology of protecting shortcomers still determine the position of the media.

Especially, the Ans Group as a "national enterprise" has too much influence in the world. From the virtual point of view, it has brought a huge sense of vanity to the people of the whole country. This national pride has been unprecedented in many years in snapping up the top technology in their own country; in fact, the rise of the Anshi Group has led the rapid development of many emerging industries in China ~ ~ many industry professionals Suddenly jumping onto the table, it also led to the development of many incidental industries and created more jobs.

As for stimulating the economy, raising average wages, accelerating the pace of national and commercial progress, and so on.

Therefore, most of these news have a common feature. In the eyes of ordinary netizens, they report a thing and use a very calm narrative tone. However, those who are interested will know at a glance that these media are more or less standing in their domestic enterprises-An Party.

The comments below are basically one-sided.

Some people vowed that this must be a conspiracy of Americans. Americans can't see the An Group's making money like this, but China is about to rise, and it is estimated that the trade treaty has used this method to splash dirty water on the An Group.

It is also said that the Anshi Group has almost taken up the most profitable high-tech industries, making money faster than grabbing money, which can be used for illegal activities!

Others simply think that it is a very big thing for domestic companies to have private arms, and it seems that they can only be seen in foreign films.

Then it triggered a variety of guesses-

There is a theory of stealing technology: The San Francisco Customs Police have been searching for the Ans Group ’s cargo ship for so long, and they must have wanted to steal the Ans Group ’s technical secrets, which led to the conflict.

There is an economic threat theory: An's Group has hindered the economic plunder of developed countries, subverted the economic dominance of developed countries, and caused Americans to jump the wall.

Yes *: The reason why the Anshi Group has developed so fast and the momentum is so rapid is that the Anshi Group is supported by the country for strategic development. The technology of the Anshi Group is all derived from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the Americans are because of insight. At this point, he did not hesitate to shoot the Ans Group.

There are also all kinds of mixed arguments.

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