My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 907: The Princess's daily work

The next morning, early in the morning.

A faint morning mist enveloped an old community around Jinguan University City. Some birds who did not continue to fly south were chirping. Numerous wild cats in the community were curled up in the sheltered places at the foot of the wall because of the cold weather, or hide Under the wheel of the car.

There are also some pet dogs running around in the community, and some children in toy cars run wildly. Anyway, the elderly and children always get up early.

This community is very large for ten years. In the past, it was a distribution house of the Industry and Commerce Bureau. Only a small part was sold as a commercial house, but the price was very high. Of course, the advantage is that this community is not as mixed as other communities around the university city, noisy and noisy every day. This community is very quiet, and most of the residents live in it are retired civil servants.

And it has been built for a long time, which makes the greening of the community very good, no matter the flowers and trees grow very prosperous.

Eight buildings, one unit, room one on the seventh floor.

In a room filled with a faint daughter's taste, the quilt swelled slightly, apparently falling asleep. As can be seen from the graceful curve of the bulge, it was a girl who fell asleep.

There are several posters on the wall, two of which are Li Wenyu, the most popular film and television song in China, and the other is the popular idol group "Idol Boy". In the corner is a computer desk with a thin white laptop, a pot of prickly pears, a small fish tank with mini goldfishes, and several hyacinths planted on the fish tank.

Then there are the messy things on the bedside table, such as work permits and keys, mobile phones, loose change, hairpin cards and water glasses.

With an air conditioner, it's all the room.

The light green curtains were tightly closed, matching the girl's sleeping behavior by burying her head in the bed. But the sunlight came in faintly through the curtains, making the dark room a little bright, and I could see a pair of HelloKitty plush slippers on the floor. At first glance, it was the kind of discount on Taobao.

Suddenly, the screen of the mobile phone on the bedside table turned on, showing the pattern of a seven-twenty clock and an alarm clock.

"the brightest star in the night sky……"

A low and magnetic music sounded, echoing in the room, waking up the student An You in the deep sleep.

I saw a hand swiping out of the bed, held out a hand, held the phone accurately, and the thumb swiped up on the screen, turning the alarm clock off.

The person in the bed rolled over lazily and continued to sleep as if nothing had happened. There was no movement, and she could not even guarantee that her consciousness was awake for a moment.

After about ten minutes—

With a bang, An lazily lifted the quilt.

She scratched her scattered hair with one hand and touched the phone with one hand to see the time. When she saw the screen, she burst into hair:

"What? It's half past seven! Why didn't the alarm ring! What a ghost phone! A2 Anniversary Edition!" An You grumbled resentfully and sat up, "Fortunately, I set the alarm clock ten wisely Minutes, wake up naturally at 7:30, otherwise it will be pitted by this bad phone! "

She was wearing a little yellow man's pajamas, but she was very light, the girl's graceful figure was undoubtedly obvious, and she was unbuttoning the pajamas one after another.

Two minutes later, she had put on her professional uniform.

Then ... continue to lie on your back on the bed, squinting at the ceiling, and listening carefully, you can still hear what murmured in her mouth—

"Iron body, magnet bed ..."

Finally, she only yelled, "Why do you sleep for a long time before you die, and you will sleep forever after you die?" She sat up resolutely, began to wear shoes, and then strode out.

Xiao Xueer also lazily flicked a shawl with long hair out of the room, said to her early, then went to the refrigerator to get two bottles of yogurt, handed her a bottle, and inserted the straw into the yogurt by herself Take a sip in the box and put it on the dressing table, then pick up the eyeliner and start applying makeup ...

An You first drank half of the yogurt and then walked to Xiao Xue'er. After washing, she picked up a thin layer of YSL # 12 lip glaze on her lips.

She pursed her lips, looked at the water-red lips, and she sighed: "It's trouble! Why is there such a thing as makeup? Why can't you go out wearing clothes, shoes and socks just like when you were in high school? No makeup? Why does the group require makeup? "

Faced with her long list of questions, Xiao Xueer's face did not change, and she handed her a box of moisturizing cream: "You also have to wear makeup, anyway, the general manager likes you so much."

Anyou's complexion suddenly became a little weird. After applying the moisturizer, she said: "I'm not so beautiful without makeup!"

"Yes, yes, you are born beautiful!"

"Xueer is more beautiful, come here to touch the king!" An You said, squeezing on Xiao Xueer's upright ass, and then looked at her face with eyeliner and lip gloss, "Ai Feihua There's no difference between makeup and no makeup, why bother with it, really! "

"The makeup is more refined and formal. The company requires that female employees have makeup to enhance the overall mental appearance. Now companies have this requirement."

"Yes ... you are right!"

It ’s makeup, but for them, it ’s just drawing an eyeliner and eyebrows, and applying lipstick and lip gloss. Anyway, they do n’t need to apply powder to their skin, they just need to make themselves look more delicate and achieve a response. The purpose of the company's call is enough.

It didn't take long for the two professionally dressed beautiful girls to go downstairs with their bags.

Anyou ’s yoghurt was not finished yet. She walked and drank it until the yogurt made a grunting noise before stopping. She dropped the yogurt box into the trash can of the corridor.

They only rented this house for a month.

They originally moved back to the dormitory after the summer vacation, but later because of the busy work, sometimes they had to deal with some documents until late, plus to practice performances, vocal music, etc., living in the dormitory is not convenient for themselves and will disturb the roommate. Moreover, the work of the Ans Group is also very stable. For other reasons, the two rented a two-bedroom house with two rooms.

When you rented a house, An You had been entangled for a long time, coupled with Xiao Xueer's constant encouragement, she finally planned to give Anyang a call, but she didn't expect to get through.

At that time, An You could not be too angry!

Later, I was too lazy to tell him.

When she rented a house, she made a mention to Xiaoqian, and Comrade Xiaoqian gave a lot of opinions, and finally decided to rent this place with a slightly higher price. But the environment here is really suitable for the two little beauties who have to work and practice vocal music. Not only is it quiet, there is little traffic noise, but also the security measures are very good. Do n’t worry about returning early or late!

An You went downstairs and glanced at the time: "It's only 8:05, buy two buns to eat!"

"are you hungry?"

"A bit. I only ate two bowls of rice last night ..."

"Only two bowls of rice ..." Xiao Xueer was speechless.

"I'm tired recently!" Anyou quibbled, "I think I'm going to grow taller again! And I'm afraid that I'll be hungry when I go to work later ..."

"Come on, you think you have to grow taller every half a month." Xiao Xueer's voice was cold as early as the end of November, "And don't think I don't know that the general manager's office is always served with refreshments, you Take some to eat and nobody says you! "

"... I want to eat that bun."


"Come on, Ai Fei!"

"Less call me Ai Fei."

The two were clamoring and walking towards a silver sports car parked under a tree. This sports car is very low, giving a feeling of being close to the ground, but also very sci-fi. It looks like a streamlined silver steel monster , Dozing quietly there.

In the past month or so, when Comrade Xiaoqian invited a personal trainer and walked behind, the two newly-grown female drivers have been freshly released and the speed of the times has been unlocked.

This is one of the reasons why they decided to rent a house.

It's much more convenient to get to work with a car.

An You first took out a ham sausage from the small bag, walked to the wall to tear the coat, and fed it to a yellow clay cat who always liked to nest here before walking back to step on the car.

Xiao Xueer took the co-pilot.

The silver sci-fi monster quickly yelled and drove towards the gate of the community, then drove to a street bun shop.

Regarding the fact that these two tens of millions of limited-edition sports cars came to buy buns in their own homes, the owner of the bun shop has been numb, and apparently regarded it as a chat after dinner.

The road this morning was rare and unblocked. On the car, Anyou was still discussing with Xiao Xueer the fireship conflict between the Ans electronic cargo ship and the local customs police in San Francisco, USA. The two discussed naturally higher than the passersby. After all, I have contacted a lot of internal intelligence of the group. But a little carelessness, the car drove to the door of the group.

After parking the car, the two beautiful girls walked into the company like a beautiful landscape in the cold morning.

Anyou looked at the time: "Yeah! It's 20 minutes early, I'm losing!"

Xiao Xueer gave her a white glance and stepped into the company.

She is wearing a royal blue woolen coat today, with a black turtleneck sweater inside, black opaque pantyhose underneath, and a pair of mid-top leather boots. The career of beauty in the workplace is very attractive.

Because An You works in the general manager's office, she has to be more formal, wearing an OL female uniform, but the whole person's youthfulness can't be concealed.

It ’s just that I ’ve been working here for a long time, and I ’m still much more mature than my peers.

It has been a month since I resumed work in the company. At first, her heart was naturally very calm. Presumably anyone who knew such a big group was actually his own brother, and he was being regarded as the long princess by all the big brothers of the group. Can't calm down.

It is only a little different from ordinary people that she did not feel so excited and excited, only embarrassed, and even a little unsure how to face the general manager Chen Mei at first.

Fortunately, Chen Mei's acting is very good, just like the coincidence did not happen at the time, the same attitude towards her, the two still get along with each other, never mentioning the matter of Princess Chang.

This made Anyou relieved.

If Chen Mei really regarded her as a growing princess, she was proud if she really didn't know how to stay in the company.

Well now, she is still a part-time assistant, and Chen Mei is still the head boss who takes good care of her, but she will often let her listen to important decision-making meetings of the company, often ask her about her views on something, and teach her how to act That's it.

An You walked towards the general manager's office step by step, but just hit Chen Mei who was walking out of the door.

An You froze for a while: "Mr. Chen arrived so early? But this is ... where?"

"Oh, I have to go to the headquarters campus to hold a meeting today. It is estimated that I have to delay one morning. See if there is anything to be done by Mr. Li. Go to the Finance Department if you don't have it!" Chen Mei said as she lowered her head. Holding the document, then walked out without looking back.

An You froze for a long time. When she turned around, the neat figure was gone, and she walked silently into the office.

It seems that I have to go to the finance department to find Cher again this morning.

As expected, the company's vice president did nothing for her, so she went straight to the finance department. It happened that Xiao Xueer was also quite busy, sitting in an office chair and burying his head to read music books.

An You sat down, sighed, and extended a slap to cover the words in Xiao Xueer's book: "This morning is another boring day, Xueer let's chat!"

"Mr. Chen?"

"I went to the headquarters campus again for a meeting, and it was also yesterday morning. It is estimated to deal with what happened in the United States a few days ago."

"It should be." Xiao Xueer lifted her hand away without looking up, and said while reading a book ~ ~ I read the news, this matter is still fermenting, and now our group's Shen Dad had already quarreled with the US, and there was a video from the US. "

"Ah?" An You expressed surprise.

"Probably because both parties accused each other wrongly, both said that the other party was telling lies, and in short, they all sounded reasonable." Xiao Xue'er said while familiar with all the tables and charts to be opened The software is minimized and the web page is opened.

"Who do you believe in?" An You asked.

"Of course we believe in ourselves! You are not stupid! We are a company, doing business, why do we have an armed conflict with the world police for no reason?"

"Same thing." Anyou looked strange.

But no matter what, the two sides still have a fierce armed conflict, which is really strange news for China, which has always been peaceful.

Probably because the Chinese government holds all the armed forces in its hands, plus the concept of harmony and wealth, very few large domestic enterprises that sell real products abroad adhere to the idea of ​​peaceful development, even though many large enterprises have hired armed forces. However, few of them have really collided with the world ’s top powers, and they are rarely reported.

Anyway, this thing still makes Anyou feel a little bit at a loss. Let her understand a little bit that the size of the Ans Group has already surpassed the scope of the general company. In other words, it has already extended its hands to the level of modern armed forces and national politics.

Just as it has dared to let its private armies and the US Customs Police fire openly, and after that it has not been convinced, and it blamed each other for the behemoth of the United States.

Is this still just a business person?

Just when she was a little preoccupied, Xiao Xueer had opened the webpage: "Here, this video."

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