My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 908: video

The meeting that Chen Mei hurriedly went to was Anyang.

The day before yesterday, I had an agreement with Comrade Xiaoqian, so Anyang got up early and drove straight to the Ans Group headquarters campus after breakfast.

At the highest level of the headquarters building, overlooking the office conference hall of most of Jinguan City, this time is already full of high-level figures of the An Group. Except for the wall that came in, the other three sides were made of highly transparent smart glass. The sunlight was completely poured in, and the whole conference hall was filled with the morning glow.

The cold in the early morning in winter may not be as comfortable as the humidity in summer and the coolness in spring and autumn, but it is an exception in such a high place.

Because the visual enjoyment it gives is amazing!

This is already the most prosperous area in Jinguan City, and there are towering towering buildings around it, but they are not as high as the newly built Anshi Building. Looking down like this, you can have a panoramic view of the steel forest filled by the winter morning fog, and you can see the misty waves of the paradise city.

You ca n’t see the streets, you ca n’t see the traffic, you ca n’t see the mediocre pedestrians, you ca n’t even see the multi-storey shopping malls and the dozens of houses, only the towering buildings can show the first half of the pierced morning fog in the eyes of everyone. The beauty of morning light.

And they sit at the highest place, like sitting in the clouds above, like overriding all living beings, a sense of control over this city and this era emerges!

Anyang glanced out of the window. Rao Shi often flew above the clouds and was fascinated by the beauty of the dawn in the heavenly city.

Immediately withdraw his gaze, straight down.

The conference hall was also quiet.

As it happens, the projector at the front of the conference hall is also displaying the same video as Xiao Xueer Anyou watched at the moment.

That was a video released by the White House in the United States. It was a clip of two video clips recorded by the San Francisco Customs Police. Both of them are the process of conflict between the two parties.

The first paragraph is a video of the two sides fighting on the cargo ship. It can be clearly seen that the San Francisco Customs Police has been fully suppressed, but not by firepower, but by military literacy. The customs police will be killed almost as soon as they take their heads. The so-called fierce crossfire is actually a process in which the customs police fires randomly and then is fired by a private armed party on the An's side.

Due to the huge difference in shooting accuracy between the two sides, the conflict ended quickly-the customs police ordered the withdrawal of the cargo ship after a dozen people were injured or injured.

The second segment is a video of the withdrawal of the Ans Group ’s cargo ship from San Francisco ’s seaport. The United States dispatched two “Hamilton” class maritime police vessels to intercept. The two 12.7mm machine guns on the ship and the two MK38 25mm artillery mounted on the left and right sides of the ship fired and demonstrated towards the sea at one time, trying to force the cargo ship to stop, but they successfully completed the provocation-

The firepower of the Ans Group cargo ship is not only a hundred times stronger than that imagined by the US Coast Guard, but the firepower of the armed personnel is also much stronger than that imagined by the US Empire.

So not only did the cargo ship not stop, not even the color, it directly opened fire on the marine police ship ...

The video clearly saw a flash of fire on the Ans Group cargo ship, followed by a huge explosion on the coast guard ship. The two powerful marine police ships were instantly misfired, and two 12.7 mm machine guns and two MK38 25 mm guns were just destroyed.

Everyone in the conference hall looked at the projection and was very silent.

Although they have watched this video many times, Anyang is watching it at this time, and they dare not watch it.

Probably the netizens in the whole country and even the whole world are so silent when watching this video? Americans haven't eaten this deflated for many years. Even though some al-Qaeda has caused greater damage to the United States than this, it has never been so dominant in frontal battles and so neat in attacks!

At this time, netizens around the world realized that the conflict was actually not as simple as the statement issued by the White House a few days ago. Its severity and intensity were actually much higher.

However, an Otto Melera 76mm gun was also installed on the bow deck of the "Hamilton" class maritime police ship. Not all firepower was lost. And the stern is equipped with a set of MK15 "Palanx" 20mm near-fire gun system for short-range defense, which can intercept incoming aircraft and anti-ship missiles.

It can blast any civilian cargo ship into the sea!

World netizens watched this despite the fact that it had been happening for several days, but could not help breathing their gaze, watching the outcome of the battle decided by this modern weapon.

It's a pity that the two "Hamilton" Otto Melera guns just turned around and saw another flash of fire on the Ans Group cargo ship, and two naval guns with huge defensive bases were hit It broke, and the MK15 Phalanx 20mm near fire monitor system did not emit a single smoke.

After the two maritime police ships retreated, the Anyang Group apparently did not arrogantly continue to pursue, but Shi Shiran left the San Francisco with full horsepower.

Finally, the speech of the relevant person in charge of the US Department of Defense. Obviously this matter has been mentioned at the height of national defense, and the people who speak are also wearing military uniforms, the meaning is self-evident.

With a click, Anyang paused the video.

He turned his head and asked everyone here: "What do you think?"

It was not just the Ans Group that was present. In fact, the Ans Group had only a few key managers at the headquarters and the general managers of the various branches, and the rest were the main leaders of armed or political systems in the Ans system .

So someone immediately stood up and said, "Your Majesty, the reason for this matter is very complicated. Let me talk about the main points first."

"One is that Americans want to consolidate their dominance in the development of the world economy, so they make excuses to drive us out of North America and even its allies’ markets, just like when China built the Great Wall of Fire Prevention for its own Internet industry development prospects. Just like Google. The second is that Americans are preparing to demonstrate to the fast-growing China, demonstrating their dominance in the world. Have they planned to take further measures to strengthen this effect? ​​We have n’t got any news yet ... "

The middle-aged man who is now in the domestic political arena has listed five reasons before summing up: "It can be said that this matter is completely planned by the Americans!"

Anyang nodded, then pointed to the holographic projection on the back of the frame and said, "So this happened?"

His tone was faint, as if it was an unusual inquiry, but some faint majesty was spreading out from his body, gradually turning from faint to strong, even Comrade Xiao Qian sitting next to her had a little aura for him at the moment And moving.

Zheng Pingchao shuddered steadily and said: "Of course they are just playing with some small tricks and giving some warnings. I certainly did not expect to make this matter so serious. I have to say that there is a large part of our factor!"

Anyang nodded: "Just know it."

At this time, an officer from Doomsday slammed up to stand up for a military salute, saying: "Americans did not expect that our cargo ship actually had such a strong firepower, but in fact we only sent one armor routinely. Soldiers only, there is a team of ordinary security personnel, and the rest are some ordinary mercenaries. They ca n’t blame them completely. The Americans themselves deliberately provoke us. The young man was impulsive, but I think it ’s common sense. in."

"Under common sense?" Anyang turned his head to look at him, and then turned back to the scene where the cargo ship opened fire and smashed the gun, "For the installation of a marine police ship, the latest micro missiles were actually used. What do you do? Do n’t you just drag the armored soldiers to the street? "

"Cough, your majesty. At that time, apart from the armored soldiers, there were only a few bazookas on the ship that could be called powerful weapons. Those gadgets couldn't blow up the guns at all."

"What should I explain now? Even when they were arrested, they couldn't cause such trouble!" Anyang said.

"Yes Yes……"

Anyang took a deep breath and waved his hand to let him sit down, and said: "Now let this matter go down, don't mention it anyway, this is also an inevitable event, no wonder no one, it is also destined to happen after it does not happen now. Now that we have reached this point, let ’s see the doctor first, and let ’s talk about what attitude we should take towards the future ... ”

Suddenly the conference hall was silent again.

The conservatives in the past had been active with the support of His Majesty's will, and they had the upper hand, but at this juncture everyone knew that conservative estimates would not work. But the radicals in the past because Anyang stood here, knowing that Anyang has always pursued a conservative policy, has just been scolded again, and dare not speak up ~ ~ Fortunately, Anyang has already prepared.

I saw him call Shen Chaowen and asked, "Which faction are you standing in, old Shen?"

Although Shen Chaowen is also the leader of the Ans system in the real world, his status is far less than that of Zhou Mingyuan in the apocalyptic world, and he is not so calm in front of him. So he stood up in amazement and fear: "I ... I'm neutral."

"Be neutral!" Anyang said, and looked away from him. "Give everyone two hours to sort out their ideas and then vote."

The following people were suddenly in an uproar.

They all thought that Anyang came to make the decision, but did not expect Anyang to actually hold a voting conference!

There are some people who show their joy immediately.

Anyang sat down, looked at some of the comments on the Internet, and allowed the people in the conference hall to gather in a pile, or to discuss or take a computer to make a plan.

The White House released this video through domestic news, but it was intercepted by foreign reporters. This is undoubtedly a strong counterattack to the Ans Group-

Didn't you say that you are a business owner and you don't mean to be in a relationship with the United States? So what's the matter with such over-spec firepower? Is it necessary for a company doing business with peace of mind to equip cargo ships with such powerful weapons? Can a commercial company beat the "Hamilton" class coast defense police ship?

Judging from the direction of American thinking, this cargo ship is obviously more than just the delivery of electronic equipment, and it actually has the dirty water that Americans have poured on the Ans Group ...

Then there is a problem that is very unfavorable to the An's group, but it can cause uproar among civilians and governments around the world-

What exactly is the weapon that can break the "Hamilton" firepower arrangement without being aware of the near fire cannon system?

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