My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 901: Arms dealer group

It was at this time that the White House released some news.

There is no doubt that it is all bad news for the Ans Group, which is considered the second hand of the Americans.

In these news, the Americans revealed the satellite research and development project carried out by the Anshi Group on the Pacific Island and the first satellite launched for Pakistan a few months ago. The product of any shipbuilding company in the world is a ship built by Anshi Group ’s secret shipbuilding base.

Finally, they also released high-resolution photos of the weapons used by the Ans cargo ship in the San Francisco conflict that day, with the text: "This is undoubtedly an ultra-modern technology weapon!"

The news immediately caused an uproar in the world.

Americans undoubtedly want to tell the world that Anshi Group is more than just a business company, and it wants to do more than just make money!

At this time, Anyang had just returned to the villa and was sitting side by side with Comrade Xiaoqian on the sofa and watching American news with a tablet.

Some of these news are issued by the US government, and more are issued by private media companies, and some are even issued by the recently emerging media. But the same is that the political tendencies of these news are too correct. I do n’t know whether it is the US official manipulation or the strong patriotism of the Americans. These media have targeted the Ans group!

Even some manuscripts written by American media people have added a lot of imaginative factors, and they will also use exaggerated rhetoric flexibly.

"As we all know, the intelligent system itself is a strategic invention. An intelligent system like the Ans Group ’s intelligent AI has exceeded the era. It can make its war ability leap several steps no matter what weapon it is used on. You can imagine what the Chinese Anshi Group is doing with the money we make. "

"Robots that can attack automatically? Intelligent missiles that automatically look for enemies? Fully intelligent drones and unmanned turrets? Robots that automatically explode ..."


"Moreover, the Ans Group has more than this one, and many of the technologies it possesses have far-reaching strategic significance ..."

"For example, the holographic projection technology that can be used to simulate training for special forces, pilots, tank soldiers and other soldiers. As far as I know, no country in the world has such advanced technology for training soldiers; for example, it is more efficient than mainstream internal combustion engines. The electric motor, the meaning of this need not say more ... "

Another expert from the media said: "As far as the An's Group's involvement in the industry has been confirmed by the Chinese government, the significance of satellites is not trivial, which proves that the An's Group has applied his strong technical advantages to the non-civilian industry ... … "

"If you have to say that the Anshi Group is developing a civilian satellite, then when I haven't said anything, but if everyone can't say that, then I have to say it. For this information transmission efficiency, it means more than the cannon's range. For the time being, if the Ans Group ’s satellites can do as well as its mobile phones, computers or even those unknown weapons, then our United States will be in a comprehensive disadvantage in the future against China ... "

Others said: "Eight-eyed Americans can see that the government is sanctioning An's clique. Oh, this is really a dirty political method. It's a stingy and unfair act. But sad and helpless is if the government does not To do so, we may be replaced by China in many years, and we will stay away from all the advantages that the world ’s largest country brings. "

The famous New York Times ignored the ethnic and patriotic feelings and said the most fair words: "I think we are witnessing a sorrow in the history of the world. This company may lose far more than the consequences of a fire conflict with the San Francisco Marine Police. ... "

Anyang retracted the tablet and smiled bitterly at Xiao Qian.

Unexpectedly, the follow-up measures of the Americans came so swiftly and violently. It seems that the political skills of the world's largest country are indeed not covered.

The people in the White House in the United States should have been planning for a long time, and have been in the process of careful budget preparation. If Anyang does not have the power to crush Americans, it is estimated that the Ans Group must be planted under the American political conspiracy.

The words were divided into two parts. At this time, a set of consecutive moves was just made, waiting for the results to be harvested. The American “problem” officials are also facing a huge crisis without knowing it.

This power has exceeded their imagination, and it is not what their coping methods can cope with.

So that evening, some US officials who advocated sanctions on Anshi Group or led the incident will never be heard, and some will speak for Anshi Group tomorrow. This is the first time that the Ans system has used force deterrence on a large scale in the real world, rather than using temptation to expand its control.

Then the non-stop armored soldiers rushed across the sky to other countries overnight.

Because they have learned from the list of US officials who were either conquered or died, the list of developed countries that have contact with the United States in this incident, and also the information of the main officials responsible for the matter in those countries, they have to go again. Once.

At the same time, because this matter is too involved in the United States and has been linked to the interests of the entire United States, it is not enough to control a group of officials to solve the problem. The measures gave new orders to the armored soldiers still in the United States.

The armored soldiers returned quickly and searched for more prey in the top US officialdom to control the current situation.

At this time, the 7th Fleet of the US Pacific Fleet in Yokosuka Port, Japan and the 3rd Fleet on the West Coast of the United States, several armored soldiers have arrived.

The armored soldiers who had just come to conduct military deterrence revealed their fangs, and according to the new order, they destroyed the US Pacific Fleet under complete stealth!

At this moment, the US Pacific Fleet was completely unaware of the danger as it was when it was attacked by Japan in the official history. Even at this time, they were more conceited than during World War II and trusted their technological level and detection system more than during World War II. With no warning from all the detectors, even if the armored soldiers stood in the sky, they even had someone playing poker on the deck!

Then the war came suddenly!

First, a small missile like a firefly raining on the sky aimed at a carrier aircraft on the aircraft carrier and each drop exploded, meaning that a battle armor turned into fire rain. The next thing to face is the weaponry on the battleship, which was initially served by micro missiles, and finally turned into a handheld ion cannon. Some people even approached the magic detonation ammunition depot and fuel tank ...

The navy soldiers in the fleet were stunned at first, completely ignorant of what was going on, and then panicked.

"what happened?"

"Who is attacking us?"

"Where is the enemy?"

"Which country declared war on us?"

"Every soldier is on his own!"

"No! All under the deck, don't be exposed on the deck, we didn't find the enemy!"


Every battleship immediately became a mess.

Because the armored soldiers are fighting, and there is no preparation for a large-scale attack on the Pacific Fleet, so without carrying powerful weapons, the armored soldiers ’individual weapons can also destroy the aircraft on the aircraft carrier and the outside of other warships. Firepower is configured.

Later, the Americans finally responded, and some near-anti-turrets and machine guns fired randomly in the sky, but they were instantly destroyed by armored soldiers.

The most exaggerated is that a near-anti-turret was directly pulled out of a cold weapon by an armored soldier and pierced the gun barrel. I do not know how shocked the Americans hiding in the command room. This also proves that this is an asymmetric war itself, just as modern stealth fighters flew to World War II to fight in air, how many enemy planes can be destroyed and how much ammunition they bring.

High-tech wars are coming and going quickly, and soon the armored soldiers withdrew from the battlefield, but now the weapons and equipment on the surface of the Pacific Fleet have been destroyed by more than half.

It is a pity that those missiles with great power have not even opened the missile compartment. It's a pity that those cannons that can fire tens of thousands of rounds in one minute are even accurately shot by micro-missiles without even seeing the enemy. .

This incident is an advanced revenge against Americans and a deterrent to the United States and even European countries. It goes hand in hand with the political means on the other side and complements each other.

As far as the United States is concerned, it is certainly good to solve this matter from the White House. If it ca n’t, then this military operation is enough to cause them a great deterrent-they can easily pull out the surface weapon configuration of these warships The same means to do anything in the United States, such as putting a nuclear bomb or a tuo in the White House President's Office!

Anyang knocked on the glass of the coffee table in front of him and was fascinated.

But the impact of Americans is not subdued by Americans' soft clothing, and may even bring their popularity to a higher level.

How to solve these problems?

The heat is too high to be cold anymore.

Micro-missiles can be said to be new weapons developed by the Chinese government, and satellite research and development projects can also be said to be invited by or in conjunction with a government of a certain country. With the influence of the An ’s system in today ’s world, as long as the hands are extended One thing is, it is not difficult to find a country willing to bear this pot for the Ans Group.

But in this way, does Anshi Group have permission to manufacture these things? Can current Chinese law allow this?

Anyang feels that instead of putting foreign shells on these undesirable "group companies", it is better to use some means to allow the domestic government to allow this and make a special case.

Anyway, in terms of the current influence of the Ans system, it should not be difficult to achieve this, but it may just refresh the views of some Chinese people.

The shipyard is a good explanation. It is easy to deal with the defamation of some people ’s unfounded imagination. The Ans Group with a special business license can choose to follow this path as they think, or they can send various comments to refute rumors. .

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