My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 902: Arms company established

Anyang sat on the sofa. When the little fox saw him while walking upstairs, he came down and poured him a glass of water, then went upstairs to practice again.

And he is still thinking.

Why doesn't China have private weapons manufacturers? And American weapons can be manufactured by the company, and then purchased by the US government with orders from the company?

Many people take it for granted that Chinese laws do not allow the existence of private weapons manufacturers. This is reasonable and valid. Because of the existence of controlled weapons in China, civilians are not allowed to hold guns and ammunition and controlled knives.

There are certain factors that influence each other.

But the law that does not allow citizens to hold firearms and weapons does not fully represent "prohibiting private companies from conducting weapons research and development under state license and control." Just like the United States, the United States in most cases only allows citizens to possess "self-defense" weapons, but not citizens to possess "destructive" weapons. However, private companies can still conduct research and development of tank fighters and even warship aircraft carriers with state permission.

For example, the famous F-22 Raptor fighter was jointly developed and produced by Lockheed Martin and Boeing, while the more powerful US Nimitz-class aircraft carrier is the largest US aircraft carrier in Newport News, Virginia. Private shipyard-manufactured by Newport News Shipyard.

So not allowing citizens to hold does not necessarily mean that private companies are not allowed to develop and manufacture ...

In fact, many countries in the world have private arms manufacturers, and China does not have a clear law stipulating that private companies must not manufacture modern weapons, but when you apply to the country for the qualification of arms manufacturing, some people will look like fools. Look at you.

This is probably like a private bank in China.

Legally speaking, there are no obstacles to establishing a private bank in the full sense, but there is no precedent in the specific examination and approval.

Therefore, apart from the legal factors mentioned above, the fact that China does not allow the existence of private arms manufacturers is actually more caused by historical reasons and national conditions.

For historical reasons, including the control of military weapons in ancient China, including the idea that "military industry and arms manufacturing enterprises are the pillars of the country" as used in the former Soviet Union, it is even related to the overall control of the arms manufacturing industry since China was founded.

Because China has not had a period of rapid military expansion due to the need for super-strength wars like the United States, and state-owned military factories have always been able to keep up with the demand for armaments. So if China lacks a turning point for the government to open up its qualifications, it is Now.

In terms of national conditions, China's previous situation did not allow privately to manufacture arms, and secondly, private enterprises had insufficient background, and they did not necessarily play with this thing.

And capitalism and socialism are not the same. Although after the development, the official government and private enterprises are closely related and interact with each other, but the essence under these surfaces is different. Capitalism consists of companies forming governments, and companies dominate governments, while socialism separates companies from government decrees, and governments also lead companies.

The order of these determines who has greater influence on whom, and who has the preemptive status, determines that the large American companies can allow the country to wage a war, while Chinese companies can only follow the policies issued by the national leaders. .

Of course, the US government also has control over the company, and the Chinese government will adjust policies, laws, and even diplomatic attitudes to other countries according to the needs of private companies.

With the development of the times, the situation is changing.

Because the fact is that for most industries, being monopolized means rigidity and corruption, so many industries in the past that the government had to hold for the development of the country were slowly turning to the private sector as the national conditions improved. Open, such as banking and financial services, such as minerals and so on.

After all, the state itself is not private, and the combination of all people is called the state. The government is just an organization that leads the country to become stronger and manages this huge organization. It has no strengths, weaknesses, riches or poor at all. Any strengths, weaknesses, riches, and poor are built on the basis of the whole country. After entering the treasury, it rusted, in theory, it re-differentiated the money into the construction of the whole country. If one day the industry held by the state can be opened to national citizens better than the state held, why not do it?

(Well, the political orientation must be correct anyway.)

But in fact, the domestic military industry and even the arms companies, which are mostly privately owned, are not without them. For example, an enterprise in Xi'an will not say the name.

Therefore, Anyang feels that at this point, with the current capabilities of the Anshi Group, even if the Anshi political system does not work, it is possible to obtain the qualification of arms manufacturing in China.

Again, if something is not harmful to the country and has far-reaching interests, why does it mean that the government based on the country does not agree? People always think that there are many people in the government who only consider the government, but they don't know the meaning of the word "government" at all.

Of course, it is not ruled out that some officials only know what they think about for themselves, but they only ask themselves, and those who only know that corruption and bribery are ultimately a minority. In addition to this, the phrase "just know for the government" is actually quite ridiculous.

Even if the application for arms qualifications by conventional means will be blocked by the government, the current influence of the An's system in the domestic political arena can also be used to force the An's Group to obtain arms production qualifications by unconventional means.

Anyang thinks a lot, but still feels feasible.

He made a phone call and was very popular, and the following people acted very quickly. The application for starting a qualification was immediately sent to the State Administration for Industry and Commerce.

Actions in other countries are also underway.

There are also people from the Ans system in the important duties of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce, but this application is too special, and it is obviously not independently approved by the State Administration for Industry and Commerce. Then went on to the next level, the highest level of the Chinese government-the State Council.

Special affairs, the government also knows that this matter is imminent, so the seminar has also come up with super high efficiency.

China ’s economic and technological leaders are also responsible for the country ’s economic image and export products. An An Group ’s image crisis is in front of them. Of course, they will not allow the An Group to bring huge benefits to the whole country to lose in the hearts of the people of other countries. Trust, so it has become a matter of course to come forward and vigorously safeguard domestic enterprises.

At the same time, because of the role of the officials of the An ’s system, the decision was made quickly. Even the State Council paid little attention to the weapons used by the An ’s group in the San Francisco conflict, nor did they pursue the unauthorized development of military equipment by the An ’s group.

Everything is unspoken.

In the evening, the State Council issued a statement on this matter. The heads of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce and the Ministry of National Defense jointly attended the announcement that the Ans Group had already been authorized by the state to conduct weapons research.

Then the Pakistani side issued a statement to clarify, the main idea is as follows: A few months ago, the satellite launched by Anshi Group for China was jointly developed by China, Anshi Group and Pakistan, and the launch rocket was also provided by the Chinese military, saying that the satellite was completely made from manufacturing to heaven. The Ans Group contracted all rumors!

Then, the Republic of Cuba, surrounded by the sea, said that the Anshi Group has cooperation with Cuba ’s domestic shipbuilding industry. It has built a shipyard on the west side of the Savannah Islands. At present, it mainly provides advanced fishing vessels for Cuba ’s developed fisheries and also manufactures cargo ships. For sale or self-use, there is currently no idea of ​​making military ships or armed ships.

The three massacres were combined into a set of consecutive moves, and the American media were a little stunned, and those Americans who were still a little dazed about the matter were completely stunned.

At this time, the relevant person in charge of the Ans Group also spoke again to the world and pushed it with smart devices all over the world, saying: "In recent days, the private armed guards employed by our company for the transportation of cargo ships were deliberately deliberated by the local customs police in San Francisco. The difficulty in insulting and causing the armed conflict with it has attracted much attention, and has also been criticized and slandered. So now it is clarified to all users around the world: Our company has always upheld the principle of unlawful wealth and never reached out ... Everything we do Does not violate international law and trade law ... "

"Our company adheres to the principle of loving peace. Even though we have a legitimate arms manufacturing company, we have not delivered any weapons of destruction to any country so far ..."

"Our company hopes that the technology created by all researchers will change the world and contribute to the development and progress of all mankind. Our company hopes that the future earth will be a new era full of intelligence and technology, not a flame of war, Our company hopes to send humans to the farther stars ... I hope that the earth will no longer be barren due to energy harvesting ... "

"But our company will never allow some people to insult our company for their own private interests, and we will retain legal sanctions for this situation!"


A long and eloquent statement came out in concert with the previous consecutive moves of the governments of China, Pakistan and Cuba, which undoubtedly saved a lot of reputation for the group all over the world, and at the same time gave a heavy hammer to the American media who slander the Ans group.

No one would think that Anshi Group has the ability to let the governments of three countries wipe him but everyone will only think about the impact of Anshi Group's transition to the military industry.

There is a lot of uproar among domestic netizens.

"Ang's mighty!"

"Daddy Shen is mighty!"

"Unexpectedly, Father Shen quietly pryed away the chastity of the country and established the first privately-owned military industrial enterprise. We have never been aware of it!"

"Dad Shen can build satellites in foreign countries. Is it reasonable for the country to agree to establish Anshi military? Such a developed technology is not used in the country, would it be necessary to force Daddy Shen to create a military industry in a foreign country to give foreign man-made military weapons?"

"It seems that the country has not said that it has a shareholding in An's military industry, nor has it adopted the US government's method of restricting the sharing of technology used by American arms dealers! God, is An's so powerful?"

"I beg a girl to be my girlfriend. Let's look forward to the carrier of the Ans Group with our children!"

Foreign countries are full of the voice of a wolf coming--

"According to the practice of the Ans Group, the American arms dealers are afraid that they can't sit still. If there is a kind of thing, you will manipulate the American government to fight the Ans Group?"

"As far as the technology exhibited by the Anshi Group is concerned, they may not be able to build aircraft carriers and tanks, and they may not necessarily be able to develop new war weapons, but their unparalleled intelligent technology can dominate future wars. Does this mean the rise of Chinese military power? "

"If nothing else, the weapons used by the An's group in the San Francisco conflict are already terrifying. If China masters these weapons, they will be invincible in a short period of time. At least countries have not yet been able to intercept this extraordinary power, small size and Mini missiles with automatic guidance ... "

"An's group entered the military industry and must be well prepared. Didn't anyone notice their satellites and ships?"

"You can see it clearly now. In fact, the rise of An's Group is the prelude to China's overlord!"

"At any rate, I think the beautiful vision promised by the An Group is just empty talk. If they really start to make weapons, can the American arms giant still maintain its position? China's military technology is actually very strong, as long as they and An When the group cooperates and engages in some technical docking, the consequences will be unimaginable. Maybe they will push the world into war! "

While Americans and citizens of many developed countries are waiting for the U.S. government ’s response, the U.S. government, which had already been involved in the Anshi Group, has remained silent. Kind of guessing.

Then the British immediately reported that the satellite detected traces of military conflict between the two stations of the US Pacific Fleet, and this atmosphere of speculation was pushed to the top.

Then Japan also reported that the US Seventh Fleet in Yokosuka Port was suspected of being attacked by unknown forces, but many Japanese media said that the Seventh Fleet suffered a setback, and all warships, including aircraft carriers, were in a short-term conflict. Suffered from damage ~ ~ But I didn't expect this report to be counterproductive, so that the whole world would see this news as a joke.

Then the US officials rumors this matter in order to maintain their authority, but they have remained silent on the statement issued by the Anshi Group, and their attitude is difficult to speculate.

There are still some American media or self-media gurus who refuse to give up and continue to attack the Ans Group with all kinds of thoughts. At this time, the officials of the Ans system had just taken over in the US government in order to cope with specific situations.

These media have been rectified one by one, and the accounts have been blocked from the media one by one. This approach has caused an uproar throughout the United States and the world!

Some people speculate what benefits the Angel Group used to make the US government do this, others speculate why the Angel Group allowed Americans to bow their heads, and a small number of people naturally naturalized the rise of the Angel Group with the previous days. The two "alien events" are linked.

An's situation is getting better, but public opinion has become increasingly chaotic.

At this time, in order to avoid the flame growth of the An ’s threat theory and the Chinese Weixie theory, the An ’s group had to launch a “Head of the An ’s military industry” to clarify the matter: “The An ’s military industry has not been subjected The US arms dealer ’s dual-head card system, so An ’s military will not provide military equipment for a certain country or a certain force. We focus on the development of aerospace technology, radar detection technology, military vehicle manufacturing technology, etc. Ways to reduce the harm caused by war to all mankind ... "

The words are very beautiful, of course, I do not believe it.

But it is still necessary to say so.

So no matter what attitude the world holds on this, just taking this opportunity, An's Group began to get involved in the non-civil technology industry.

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