My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 903: Time acceleration

At 7 pm, Yizhou Film Academy.

The dance practice room is empty, and all three walls are completely composed of mirrors, which can reflect the entire classroom.

It was already dark outside at 7 o'clock in winter. Through the window of the wall where the door is located, the dim street lights of the school outside the window and the mottled shadows cast by the green trees can be seen, but the dance classroom for the training students is lit. The picture is bright and different from the cold outside, which is particularly warm due to the air conditioning.

If a man walks in here suddenly, he will find that the whole room is filled with the fragrance that is unique to girls.

An You sat down at the foot of the wall with no image, holding a rose-red a2 mobile phone in her hand.

Xiao Xueer also pressed the ligament on her right side, exposing the slender legs in dance pants, and the slender waist in a stretch-fitting long-sleeved shirt was also tempting.

An You is also the same dress, not just because she has just exercised, and she is sweaty, which causes the tight elastic shirt to fit tightly on the body, sketching a soft waist and a round and delicate chest line, and curling up casually The thigh is hard to conceal the softness of the curve.

She lowered her head, her long hair fell down, and passed by the white neck. A few messy hairs were attached to the sweet reddish cheeks and foreheads, adding a little charm.

The two little girls just got off work from An's network, hurried to eat and hurried over to take a physique lesson. They just practiced for a while under the guidance of the teacher, and now they rest freely. However, Xiao Xueer practiced even when she was resting, but An You was paralyzed.

She also turned on the loudspeaker, and you can hear the sound of a Chinese-language broadcasting channel and some American English.

The thick sweat beads formed on the white skin of the chest exposed from the low-necked compassionate body, but she didn't realize it, her sweet face was full of concentration, and her eyes reflected the glory of the screen.

Xiao Xueer placed a rhythmic French music "oops-jaime-pas-l" on her mobile phone on the ground, and she put one leg on the leg bar and one hand on the slender and straight Press down on the legs, lean forward, and the soft waist and upper body with full chest will press on the leg to form a soft line.

After a while, she retracted her leg, stood up straight, took a deep breath, and stretched her delicate waist, making her full **** more prominent, already a bit thrilling. Coupled with a tall figure and a pair of eye-catching long legs, it looks like a little goddess with a good figure.

Turning her head, she walked towards Anyou: "What are you looking at? It's so focused, I don't practice dancing ..."

An You didn't answer, just moved her body and gave her some place.

Xiao Xueer, who was wearing dance pants and was in the dance classroom, was not particular. She sat next to her against the wall, straightened her extremely slender legs, and stretched her hands to hammer the thigh muscles. Send a phone to Anyou.

After a moment, she was a little surprised: "I sat here and watched the latest news of the group! It seems that you really have feelings for the group, and you are so concerned about the group's affairs!"


An You panicked and said, "What's the matter!"

"Also quibble, you used to compress the ligaments with me. I didn't expect to watch the news today!"

"I ... I just want to be lazy today!"

"Really?" Xiao Xueer looked suspicious, and finally couldn't help but laugh.

Seeing this, An You stopped struggling, and just said: "Whatever you think, I don't have anyway!"

"Oh !!!" Xiao Xueer nodded deeply.


An You said very speechless.

After looking at it for a while, she asked Xiao Xueer: "What does the head of our group say about the double-headed card system implemented by the state for military companies?"

"I still don't care about the group!" Xiao Xueer mocked her before saying, "I don't know, you know that I don't know much about this and don't know much about it."

"Not attentive ..." An You pouted.

She thought, if you know this company was founded by your brother Anyang, I don't know how much it will be! However, in order to save the energy of good girlfriends, so that she has been busy working and studying and pursuing her dreams no longer worry about other things, she should not tell her this good Chinese girlfriend.

A smile appeared on Anyou's face.

Xiao Xueer was looking strangely beside him, and inexplicably asked: "What are you laughing at?"

"Ah? No, nothing ..."

"It's nothing, just look at your guilty conscience and know that there must be a ghost." Xiao Xue'er said coldly, but she wouldn't chase her with her character. After a pause, she said, "You can't understand words Do you know Baidu? Really ... "

"Oh! Right!" Anyou took out the term Baidu on the phone, but unfortunately, there was no clear explanation on Baidu.

Finally, when I watched a program in the United States that interpreted this matter, I learned that the so-called two-way card system is two kinds of requirements and two kinds of restrictions imposed by the state on arms dealers.

One is to technically restrict arms dealers and must share technology with the state. Of course, this technology still belongs to arms dealers, but the country also has to keep a copy. When the country uses this technology, it also has to pay the arms dealers a patent fee. At the same time, the products of this technology are also manufactured by the arms dealers and purchased by the government, so just in case and in certain circumstances.

The second is to restrict the sales of arms dealers must give priority to the sale of products to the country, and if you want to export sales must apply to the country and get the export licensing regulations.

But these two restrictions do not exist for the Ans Group!

An You opened her eyes and mouth wide and was surprised.

Just like the exclamation from the host of this show-is the Chinese government crazy, she also wanted to ask: Is my government crazy?

This means that Anshi ’s military technology is not only owned by itself, but can also be sold to the world at will, of course, in theory. This is equivalent to the Chinese government completely treating An's military as an ordinary company.

In the past, the government was somewhat blocked, but now it is too enlightened even when it is time to change? Much more enlightened than Americans.

This is really tempting to say. . The government is mighty!

An You was inexplicably sighed and anxious.

She feels that she is witnessing Anyang's transformation from a businessman into a giant. There is no doubt that a company that can freely enter the arms, a company that can develop satellites with Pakistan and cooperate with the Cuban government shipping industry, its status It has already become extraordinary.

This made her feel. . . so tired!

A short time later, a dance teacher with big breasts, thin hips and a pair of tight long legs came in to greet the girls who still insisted on training for a dozen winter evenings.

"Start practicing, gather!"

An You climbed up, patted her ass, and walked with Xiao Xueer first.

The dancing teacher in her thirties who nodded and increased but nodded at them. She was very impressed by the two hardworking girls. Not only because they are beautiful, but also because they never missed the course regardless of the wind and rain, but also because the leaders specially greeted her, but also because they opened the latest limited edition of the era to come to class.

Tens of millions of sports cars are really uncommon, and everyone knows that this sports car has a price and no market.

After ten or so girls arrived, a soothing music sounded quickly, and the graceful group of girls began to sprinkle with fragrant sweat.

It wasn't until ten o'clock in the evening that An You and Xiao Xueer put on their down jackets and walked out of the classroom, leaving the campus in a car.

At this time, the US government has "accidentally" completely leaked the video of the San Francisco customs police's security inspection of the Ans group cargo ship. From this, it can be seen that the time taken by the San Francisco customs police to conduct security inspections on the Ans cargo ship is indeed different. It was an unusually long time, and no illegal items were detected at all. Afterwards, it was indeed an armed conflict caused by a customs police's verbal humor and physical harassment against the female manager of the Ans cargo ship.

In addition, the overseas person in charge of Anshi Electronics also stood up to explain in a timely manner: "Because the cargo ship received an anonymous ransom threat letter from the pirate before going to sea, in order to prevent the pirate from extorting the cargo ship from robbery or extreme behavior, it is the The cargo ship is equipped with an oversized armed **** force. "

At this point, the confidence of American citizens is finally not enough.

After all, even if the An ’s cargo ship exceeds the specifications of the armed forces, it turns out that the San Francisco Customs Police did not detect any illegal items from the cargo ship.

Everything is a conspiracy of the US government.

The only fault of the Ans cargo ship is probably the forced escape from the scene after the armed conflict, but this is only a fault in American law. Placed around the world, the forcible evacuation of San Francisco ’s cargo ships from San Francisco ’s seaport is understandable.

Anyang finally let out a sigh of relief and sat on the sofa for a long time, and decided to give Ji Weiwei a call and talk.

After contacting his feelings, he didn't take back his phone, but looked at the gains from his last mission world.

Although there are too many crises in the mission world this time, the danger is always proportional to the opportunity. After contacting so many fairy gods, his gain is unimaginably high.

Among them, the biggest gains should be the various immortal gods 'practice skills and innate divine power. Not to mention the immortal gods' practice skills, and the innate divine power is not trivial. This divine power that made him reborn, in addition to giving him the ultimate convenience in practice and the qualification to practice the ancient fairy road, also improved his physical quality.

Now his physical fitness is-

Constitution: 0

Strength: 6

Speed: 9

Brainpower: 2

It seems to be only a few points higher, but at this point, the increase in these points is many times more than before.

And this is pure physical quality. It is a side effect of innate divine power. It is the most primitive and basic attribute of the body when innate divine power and any kind of energy are not used. In fact, innate divine power and mana also have an external increase in the physical body during operation. With the addition of spells, spells and magic, the attributes he can explode far exceed this level.

In addition to the Golden Armor Giant God, the White Dragon finally passed on a lot of his innate divine power, and his strength is more than a hundred times stronger than before he went to the "God of Buddha".

According to the standard of the more standardized place of origin, his previous strength was just the level of the fourth-level scholar, but after the giant **** passed on his innate divine power, he was raised to the slightly lower level of the middle-tier of the fifth-level scholar, and the eternal demon. The palace protection method is almost the same, and after practicing the ancient nerve for a few months, it has stabilized in the middle reaches of the fifth-order scholars, unbiased.

Before leaving, in order to answer his favor, and to compensate for his loss, Bailong again passed on his divine power, and he raised him to the level of the fifth-level scholar.

At this time, he was stronger than the leader-level demon of the Immortal Demon Palace, and the next step was the master-level demon.

In the battle of the gods and demons on that day, the strong sides of both sides should be the level of the sixth-level scholars, while Bailong, Marshal Tianpeng, Yi Shengzhen, and Prince Nezha, etc. should be at the seventh level, and they are placed in the place of origin. Only legendary characters exist in the story.

It is just that they are pure walkers. They do n’t have so many principles and magical powers, nor can they use knowledge to pry the laws of the world like the magicians in the place of origin.

He did not know the level of fighting against the Buddha, the Antarctic Eternal Emperor, the Antarctic Qinghua Emperor and Manjusri, Samantabhadra, and Eternal Emperor.

Perhaps some people are near the top of the eighth order of the seventh-tier academic level, or they may be the seventh-rank academics who have more knowledge of the avenues and laws, or they may be the eighth-level academics. In short, they are all high above Anyang and cannot be speculated.

Anyang shook his fingers, and his heart was a little complicated.

The level of the fifth-order scholars in the later stage is no longer described by one party's overlord in the place of origin. You must know that the entire academic organization of the Silent Tower has no fourth-order scholars. The hometown of the tower went to dominate the king.

Comparable to Bailong and others, he is nothing!

The seventh-order scholar is a huge watershed, and the seventh-level scholar is a magician. This is not an exaggeration.

Every stage or even every difference of the magician is a tremendous change. The gap between elementary seventh-level scholars and advanced seventh-level scholars may be greater than that between third-level scholars and sixth-level scholars. And every step forward is extremely difficult.

It may be more difficult to go from seventh-order scholars to eighth-order scholars than from ordinary people to seventh-order scholars, but it also brings the gap between heaven and earth!

So that Anyang feels far away.

If you reach the ninth level, it is really beyond the universe and creating the world omnipotent!

Anyang withdrew his mind, still no longer thinking, and took a deep breath ~ ~ Focused on the screen of the mobile phone: "First assign physical fitness points to the brain power."

"Assigning ... assigned."

"There are four skill points, let's keep it, the ability to extract props."

"In the process of extracting the props ability ... After the extraction is completed, the selected person obtains the props ability: time acceleration. The time flow rate of a certain mission world can be accelerated ten times, and the effect continues until the selected person leaves the world.


Anyang frowned.

Already familiar with the systematic style of acting, he felt wrong!

Will there be an extremely long-running mission world in the future? Or does the system want to give him a chance to clean for a long time?

"Okay, kneel!" He retracted his phone.

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