My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 904: Rabies and Huang Lan

Regardless of the spring, summer, autumn and winter, the morning sun is always the best, especially when shooting through the gaps between tall buildings, passing through the dense foliage above, or shining in through the curtained glass windows.

The three fairies had been eating breakfast early in the living room, and they did not leave after eating breakfast.

As usual, Xiaochan went to help Xiaoqian to wash the dishes. The rabbit sat on the sofa in a decent manner and didn't move, and Huang Lan took advantage of his full stomach to play games on the sofa and feed the large cats. I like to keep the lazy lie in the sun and keep it intact.

Anyang, who was doing nothing, also sat in the living room, wiping the oil stains from the corners of his mouth.

This kind of life is completely the life of the grandfather!

It's ... something is too boring.


He yawned and turned his head to look at Huang Lan.

When the light golden sunlight shines through the green trees and floor-to-ceiling windows outside the villa, it has become a bunch of tiny beams of light, shining on the floor like a small light spot, dozens of hits on the wild beauty face of this tigress With a little dreamy color.

"What are you playing with?" Anyang asked.

"Game." Huang Lan's expression was lazy and casual, his fingers sliding randomly on the screen, but his head was not raised.

"what game?"

"Yin and Yang, isn't it yours?"

"Oh!" Anyang remembered. This is a mobile game from Ans Networks' game department almost a year ago. "Aren't you playing King Glory two days ago?"

"Support your home industry!" Huang Lan still didn't raise his head, languidly lying on the sofa, seemingly doing something relaxed and focused, "Those games with high technical requirements are not suitable for me. It ’s a role-playing game. ”

"Why? In the glory of the king, was the primary school student abused as a sick cat?" Anyang leaned over to sit next to Huang Lan, staring at her screen and watching her play games.

"I'm being abused? Did you overestimate the speed of your human nerves? Even if I don't have any metamorphosis, those in the king's position are all scum in my eyes! Only the mouse and keyboard can limit my hand speed Sensitivity, which is like a humanoid machine, is really boring! "Huang Lan didn't care," The reason why the role-playing game is suitable for me is because this kind of game needs to be operated at least, there are restrictions on equipment and attributes ... "

"..." Anyang was speechless.

He felt that there should be background music at this time: how invincible ... how lonely ... how invincible ... how empty ...

What the hell!

After reacting, he directly leaned over and knocked Huang Lan's forehead lying down: "A lot of bad things have been learned!"

The lazy Huang Lan was suddenly pulled out of the game by her. She broke up and rubbed her forehead before looking at him with blinking eyes, but was startled!

At this time, Anyang was too close to her, she could reflect Anyang's face clearly in her eyes, she could clearly see every line and every outline on his face, and even Anyang's breath Her breath was so distinct.

For a moment, her dark eyes even shrank, almost turning back to bright yellow, and subconsciously swallowed.


The spitting voice was so clear.

Anyang looked a little ugly, and looked down at Huang Lan, who was staring at himself: "What ... what are you doing!"

Huang Lan quickly withdrew his eyes and said in a panic: "Don't be so close to me!"


Huang Lan forcibly looked up at him calmly, and finally stopped looking at his neck: "You are so close to me, I want to take a bite when I see your neck!"

As soon as Anyang knew this expression, he immediately sat back on his sofa and said, "I said, Huang Lan Daoyou, didn't you just eat a large pot of meat this morning? Or did you say that you have eaten and left it before? Has the sequelae of the crime? "

"You've only eaten people!" Huang Lan immediately said, "Who told you I had eaten people before being transformed?"

"Have you never eaten?" Anyang asked in amazement.

"I ... how do I remember?" Huang Lan murmured in a guilty conscience. "At that time, I wasn't mentally wise, don't you remember what you did when you were two or three years old?"

"You made a good point." Anyang sighed and continued to look at her with bad intentions. "Then you must have eaten people, but you don't remember, but the experience of eating people has always existed in another way. You are instinct, so you just want to bite when you see my neck. "

Huang Lan's face rose a little red immediately, but she didn't dare to explain it easily, but only said for a moment: "Is that cat's instinct okay? It has nothing to do with people, no matter what creature is in front of me, I will think Biting his throat! "

"Huh!" Anyang looked disgusted. "It turns out that you are still so cruel after transformation. Fortunately, our family has no people. Or wouldn't it be that you sleepwalked at night and dreamed that you had eaten a few watermelons and those people Just head ... "

"Let's come! I won't eat watermelon!"

"That dream of eating sheep ..."

"I have changed those habits long ago!"

"Then you just wanted to bite me ..."

"I didn't think ... that was an accident!" Huang Lan's tone was very strange, and he explained in a panic, while staring at the screen of the mobile phone, one-handed operation, the other hand kept pushing Anyang. I told you to stay away from me, I'm almost dying, I blame you! "

At this moment, the kitchen door opened, and Comrade Xiao Qian who washed the dishes came out while wiping her hands. She looked calmly at the same place and unzipped her apron: "Yo, why is the husband fooling Huang Lan again?" Sister, Sister Huang Lan's face is red, what means did the husband use? "

Huang Lan's face suddenly turned red, and her hand added a little force: "If you don't leave, your wife is out, and the little fox is watching behind!"

Hearing her words, she sat on the opposite sofa and watched the bunny rabbit whose eyes were blinking without blinking. The tiger was subconsciously neglected.

And Anyang turned around and watched the slim Xiao Chan silently follow Wen Wan's slender Xiao Qian. The two of them had an unspeakable tacit understanding one after the other, and they laughed: "Huang Lan has just been sick of a rabid dog. I want to bite me! "

"Really?" Xiao Qian asked.

"I ... I don't have it!" Huang Lan denies it!

"Don't admit it yet ..." Anyang pouted and turned to the rabbit essence. "You see, she really wants to bite me!"

The rabbit nodded suddenly and looked at Huang Lan with a dissatisfied face: "Tiger is a liar! He said that only Xiaoqian could bite Anyang and told me not to bite, so she secretly wanted to bite while Xiaoqian was not there ... "




Anyang, Comrade Xiaoqian and Huang Lan were speechless.

The atmosphere in the living room was a little silent for a while, and Huang Lan's face was even flushed. He quickly explained: "You know that these two bites are different, and ... and this silly rabbit can't tell the fox from the gourd. , How can she take what she said seriously! "

Comrade Xiao Qian pursed her lips, undecided.

Anyang coughed twice, then walked over and touched the head of the rabbit essence, and leaned down and said to her: "Your sister Huang Lan is right, but you don't want to learn from her. No one likes the lighter! "

Rabbit looked at Huang Lan deeply, then nodded to Anyang seriously, "No wonder I don't like her, now I know."

Huang Lan wanted to vomit blood beside him!

She immediately turned to Xiao Chan: "Little Fox, you know I didn't guard against theft!"

Xiao Chan took a step back quickly under her gaze, daring not to talk to this rabid tiger with her head down.

Huang Lan immediately felt that all the people betrayed their relatives ...

Finally, Comrade Xiaoqian came out with a smile, and said in a 'round-up field': "Don't make a fuss, just take sister Huang Lan out for another injection. It is still easy to remove rabies virus with modern medical technology. "

Huang Lan: "..."

Anyang burst out laughing, ready to go back, but the rabbit essence grabbed his hand and would not let him leave.

He was forced to sit down next to the rabbit spirit.

Not long after he stayed, he went out.

Anyang still drove the BMW convertible, and drove all the way down to Ji Weiwei's downstairs, called her--

It took a long time to be connected.

Unsurprisingly, this nizi is still sleeping.

He had to park his car and walk upstairs.

Ji Weiwei is a person who easily has feelings for something because of time, so even though her current monthly salary can already get a considerable number, she is completely a successful person in front of her peers, but she still lives in this building. The building is not bad, the area is not large, two rooms and one hall, similar to the previous rental houses in Anyang.

In fact, Anyang knew there was another reason.

Although Ji Weiwei has always been very optimistic, she is very rough and fine, with a cheerful and outgoing personality, but her bad childhood actually makes her feel deeply lonely. This kind of loneliness makes her dare not live in a big house alone, because it will Very empty.

Anyang knocked on the door and waited for a long time. Ji Weiwei, wearing a bear pajamas, yawned and opened the door. While walking back to the sofa and lying down, he complained: "Sometimes I will sleep on the weekend and sleep a day ~ www. ~ If you did n’t find me early, you would n’t look for me lately, but why did you come to find me at this time! "

"Come on, my vacation is rarer than you!"

"Yes, it's hard, uncle!" Ji Weiwei squinted on the sofa, her voice too lazy to change her tone.

"It's good to know. Change your pajamas and pyjamas, and wash and wash as soon as possible. Let's go out! Such a big person still wears cartoon pajamas, really ..."

"Yes, what you said is truth." Ji Weiwei said confusedly.

Having said that, she was completely motionless.

Anyang had no choice but to pull her up, and said: "Hurry to change clothes and wash away!"


Ji Weiwei's eyes were half-opened and he stood still. After a while, he grasped the hem of his pajamas with both hands, and then lifted up without stopping ...

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