My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 905: Electric shock

Anyang suddenly saw a white skin.

Ji Weiwei itself is very thin, the waist is as thin as a hand can hold, the skin is white and tender, with a delicate and shiny luster, looks silky and silky.

At that moment, the slim waist line was full, and the back also showed a beautiful arc, and her extremely delicate belly button was a pearl dotted on a flat belly. There is no vest line that girls want most now, but the same It ’s so beautiful.

And Ji Weiwei didn't even notice it. She yawned and continued to lift her hands up. Even Anyang could see the rounded lines of her delicate chest.

Finally, he couldn't help it--


Ji Weiwei, who heard a cough, made a movement in his hand, maintaining this height, just so that the delicate chest showed a little hem from under the pajamas, round and white, and very delicate.

She was stunned, the faint expression on her face faded gradually, her eyes widened and became clear, and she turned to look at Anyang.

Anyang was looking at her snow-white one-third circle, facing her gaze, and could not help raising her head to look at her.

The atmosphere in the room suddenly became a little awkward.

Ji Weiwei quickly recovered, and naturally put down her pajamas, and said to Anyang quietly, "What do you see, is it good-looking?"


"Want to see it?"

"A bit ..."


"Uh ... you all put it down!"

Ji Weiwei's expression suddenly became fierce: "Don't turn around!"

Anyang completely ignored her fierceness, as if she hadn't heard her words, and said, "You started to undress yourself in the living room. Does that blame me?"

"Then do you mean ... blame me?" Ji Weiwei didn't leave at all, looking at him with his hands on his hips.

"Who can blame?"

"I have lived alone for so many years, and I like to change clothes everywhere. Why should I blame me? It's not that you ran to my house! I haven't asked you to take charge of me yet. You showed it, oh ... I'm so sleepy! "

Seeing her yawn while talking, Anyang pouted and said, "... not finished watching again!"

Seeing Ji Weiwei feel a little angry, he can't take care of sleepiness anymore. He quickly changed his mouth and said: "Your habit of changing clothes everywhere during the day is not good, you have to change it!"

"It's your business, but you don't want to clean it up!"

"It's not a matter of packing. Look at the building opposite, what if someone gets up early to dry the clothes, but you will be seen!"

Ji Weiwei glanced outside the window. The living room window was still unclosed. From afar, she could see the building opposite ...

Then she gave Anyang a white look: "Are you stupid, there are 500 meters across from you! Ordinary people can't see what the people on the other side look like through a track and field, this is farther than the circumference of the track and field, you Are your eyes so sharp? "

Anyang pursed his lips, not to mention 500 meters, he could also see 500 kilometers, and he didn't have to think about air visibility.

After a pause, he said: "What do you know, people can't think of any thoughts of the people now, holding the telescope to see the other building on the opposite side has gone more, when I was a child ..."

"Huh?" Ji Weiwei suddenly came to spirit, "Did you do any bad things that you didn't know when you were a kid? I think, could you just use a telescope to peek at the opposite building ... That teacher Ling who you told me in junior high school Did she live with her husband across the building? Hahahaha ... "

Anyang is so embarrassed.

Ji Weiwei gave me an expression that was so smart. He waved his hand and gave Anyang a punch. He said, "It's so ridiculous that you had something to hide from me when you were a kid!"

"... Will you change your clothes yet?"

"Oh right, immediately!" Ji Weiwei, who has been in trouble with Anyang for so long, is not confused anymore. At the same time, she resumed her sober and restored the image of the city's vigorous beauty. She saw that she immediately walked towards the room inside. Stopped and looked back at him.

"Have you eaten breakfast?"


"Huh ... Someone is happy to make breakfast, and every day you get up, you can eat a delicious hot breakfast."

"So sour ... what do you want to say."

"I haven't eaten breakfast yet!" Ji Weiwei looked at him lightly. "I'm going to change clothes, wash my hair, wash my face, brush my teeth, and put on makeup. While this time you go downstairs and turn right to give me a fat middle-aged woman Bought me two fritters and a soy milk at my tricycle stall. "

An Yang just wanted to say that there were so many demands, when Ji Weiwei suddenly came over and said to him word by word: "Add one spoonful of sugar to the soy milk, and one spoonful, a total of two spoons!"



"Come on, Grandma, please go. The little one bought you breakfast." Anyang grabbed the key from the table and walked helplessly out of the door.

He quickly went downstairs and he glanced out.

"Go downstairs and turn right at a fat middle-aged woman's tricycle stall, two fritters, one soy milk, two spoonfuls of sugar." Fortunately, his memory is beyond ordinary people's imagination, otherwise such a complicated request is really a bit embarrassing.

Well, maybe Nizi was embarrassing him.

Anyang shook his head, and quickly bought her breakfast for her according to her request, and carried it upstairs.

Thinking about your identity, even if you are not in Doomsday World, Shenzhou World and Pallans, you are all at home cooking with comrades Xiao Chan and Xiao Qian, which round gets you, I did n’t expect Ji Weiwei to be a errand for her here. Buy breakfast.

Entering the door, he put soy milk fritters on the table. He heard a sound of whizzing water in the bathroom. The door was only a cover-up. He could easily see Ji Weiwei stooping and washing his hair on the sink in this position.

Anyang sighed.

It is very troublesome for a woman to wash her hair, especially if you go out immediately after washing, you have to blow dry slowly.

This winter is especially troublesome.

I heard that if you asked a girl to go out, but she did n’t agree, there may be two reasons. One is that she does n’t want to wash her hair, but you do n’t deserve her to wash her hair for you. And if a girl takes the initiative to ask you to go out, there may be two reasons. One is that she just washed her hair and feels that she is not going to waste, and the other is that she suddenly has something she wants to eat.

She asked Ji Weiwei to come out. She also got up early early in the morning to wash her hair. Anyang thought she should be a little moved.

With a smile, he pushed open the door and stepped forward. Standing behind Ji Weiwei and watching her with foamy heads, she still resisted the mischief and picked up a towel to pour water on her head. It's really hard work for a girl to wash her hair alone.

"You came back so quickly?" Ji Weiwei was taken aback!


"Don't get my clothes on!"


Anyang lowered her head slightly and looked at her. She had replaced her pajamas with a very thin white sweater, which was a bit similar to a warm one. She clung tightly to her body and bent over again to outline the delicate curve of her back. She was so thin. It makes people want to hug her.

Although she did not lift her hips, this posture was similar to her buttocks. Anyang stood behind her again. There was no other posture in the small bathroom, only this posture rubbing her front against her back. ...

In fact, in sports, the two did rub against each other, but they didn't notice at first.

Anyang pursed his lips, put the towel soaked in hot water on top of Ji Weiwei's head and twisted it, and the wringing water suddenly flowed towards her hair, and he scored a hand to free her when he was free The hair falling on the chest or the side of the face can be lifted to avoid getting the clothes wet with wet hair.

In this process, he was very focused and serious.

The relationship between the two has been very good for so many years, and even some urges broke out in the ignorant period, but love is ultimately a long-lasting luxury, and the relationship between them has been more like loved ones, like It was those lovers who turned to each other in a state of mutual enthusiasm, but in fact it was not.

They have been through friends for many years, but everyone knows that they are more than that, and their own mode of getting along is more than that. It seems that it is not a lover, but it can do all things a lover can do except intimacy.

It seems to be a loved one, but in fact there are very few close loved ones who can understand each other so much, and once Ji Weiwei finds a chance, she will never be stingy to confess.

Their feelings are very special, and it is impossible to tell whether they are affectionate or friendship, or even if there is an element of love.

But Anyang owes a lot to Ji Weiwei, and may not feel when doing it-people have always been like this. Only when he thinks about it carefully in the past will he deeply realize that this girl has done a lot for herself, and he has failed her a lot.

So Anyang's movements became more gentle, like a scent all over his body, even if Ji Weiwei turned his back to him.

The atmosphere in the double room in this small bathroom is a bit subtle.

At this time, the part where the two touched felt like a shock, and the indescribable touch spread like an electric current from the two sensitive parts to the whole body of the two, especially Ji Weiwei, who was still an old leftover woman. Lack of resistance.

In an instant she felt soft and crisp all over her body, her cheeks covered by her hair were so red that she could drip water, and she even had a urge to make a loud bang.

But reason allowed her to hold back, and then she bit her lower lip with white and neat teeth, controlling herself not to say a word, only rubbing her long hair mechanically.

Even Anyang felt a little unbearable, a strange touch came from the place where Ji Weiwei was next to her, and there was an urge in her heart. Of course, it wasn't the urge to pick up Ji Weiwei and strip it on the bed immediately, but the urge to hold her slender back close together.

Finally, amidst strange feelings and pride, Ji Weiwei's hair was finally rinsed away.

Anyang reached over and pulled a dry hair towel, and finally took advantage of this opportunity to squeeze her sideways.

Ji Weiwei also took the dry hair towel and wiped it, then put it down and pointed to a grid in the wall cabinet: "There is a hair dryer inside, blow me hair."

Anyang did not reluctantly take out the hair dryer to blow her hair, her expression was focused and serious, and even wiped off the water droplets that fell on her forehead for the mirror. It looks like she is completing a technical requirement High important things.

Ji Weiwei took out the mouthwash cup, received a glass of water, squeezed the toothpaste and brushed her teeth, but her eyes kept staring at Anyang reflected in the mirror in front of her.

Serious, focused and charming.

Ji Weiwei really doesn't see Anyang showing such a look when doing something to herself.

This guy was very charming when he was not disgusting and obsessed, which she knew long ago.

Of course, Anyang also found that the bubble-filled girl in the mirror was staring at herself, but he didn't care, just asked casually in his mouth: "Where do you want to play today?"

"Ah?" Ji Weiwei in the mirror froze, then said vaguely, "Are you arranging?"

"I plan? I haven't figured it out yet."

"Then think Li."

"Can you give me your opinion!"

"I'm no longer talking."

"Go climbing? Exercise!"

"You want to tire me!"

"Play with water."

"Poof!" Ji Weiwei spit out the foam in her mouth, and her speech finally became high-definition sound quality. "Going to play with water in such a cold day? I don't want to leave the bed with hot drinks!"

"Then go to the amusement park."

"Do you want to return to your childhood?"

"Yeah, I didn't play it as a kid!"

"Then go! I haven't played it as a kid ~ ~ Ji Weiwei didn't care, and took a sip of water and began to grunt in his mouth.

Then in the process of Anyang blowing her hair, she finished washing her face with facial cleanser, but in this process Anyang had to lift her hair by hand to avoid getting wet. Then she applied moisturizing cream and liquid foundation, drew a little eyeliner, and drew a little eyebrow before her hair finally dried ...

Then Ji Weiwei pushed Anyang out, and when she came out again, she had a light makeup on her face, which was very natural and could not be seen without a closer look.

She put on a long woolen coat and put on a pair of leather boots at the door. The heightened leather boots made her look a lot taller. Then she put on her small bag and put on a light gray scarf. To Anyang: "Let's go!"

When the two went downstairs, Anyang was still making fun of the shoes she was wearing, which were 20 centimeters tall, and finally got into the car and drove to the amusement park.

This playground, which is said to have been invented for children, has never been played by children. Most of them are adults, and most of the couples are full of dog food.

Ji Weiwei was sitting in the co-pilot. She did n’t pack any hairstyles, so she let her freshly blown hair fall naturally behind her, giving her a lot of demure temperament when she was young, but Anyang knew that Ji Weiwei might be reluctant to be gentle sometimes But absolutely not linked to demureness.

Just like she was looking at the car at this time, it was very strange to say: "Yo, Xiaoyou is driving at the speed of the times, why is the group boss still driving this broken car? Even if you do n’t want to waste money, you have to support it. Group, what do you mean by driving a car from another company? "

Without waiting for Anyang to speak, she said again: "Listen to me, change the era and drive fast, this broken car is forgotten!"


The small convertible made a dull throttle sound.

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