My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 906: Play daily

"Look, you are not happy that you said it was a broken car." Anyang said with a smile.

Ji Weiwei gave him a white look: "Are you excited about going to the amusement park, like a child!"

"Don't underestimate my car. It's a Transformer. It can stand up and turn into a humanoid. It can also be attacked with weapons on its body!" Anyang said seriously.

"It turns out so!" Ji Weiwei nodded and raised a small ladies watch on her slender wrist. "In fact, this watch is not a normal watch. It is a transformation tool given to me by a goddess in the sky. Screaming the spell on the watch will turn into a goddess, so every night I will become a goddess everywhere to save the world! "

"..." Anyang was completely speechless.

Ji Weiwei laughed beside him and said, "Look at how I cooperate with you, you are still unhappy, it's really not saved!"

Anyang ignored her and paused and said, "I remember your birthday within two days. Are there any gifts you want?"

Ji Weiwei was stunned for a while, and then said: "The young master actually remembers my birthday. It is so rare. The little girl is flattered!"

"Do I always remember?"

"Really? Then last year ..."

"Cough cough, last year I was traveling in a different world."

"Oh! That's what it is!" Ji Weiwei looked at him with an idiot's eyes, "Looking at the fact that you are so sincere this year, last year's things won't care about you!"

"Last year I was really traveling in a different world!" Anyang reluctantly emphasized the truth.


"Okay, okay, I was sorry for you last year. I will compensate you this year. What gift do you want?"

"Give anything?"

"If you don't have a high requirement for the diameter of the stars, I can pick them up for you."

"The diameter is not high ... it's called a meteorite! It's not sincere!" Ji Weiwei said contemptuously, "but I'm not interested in those stones with radiation, you just brush your teeth and give my grandma a kiss Now! "


"Why, don't you want to take advantage of you?"

"No, no!" Anyang said quickly. "I just think it's your birthday. You're the biggest. How can I take advantage of it, right?"

"Which one of us is related to whom? What does it matter? I'm happy to see you happy!" Ji Weiwei said boldly.


Anyang is Chennai, what is this nizi: "Do you have any wish?"

"Wish, I think about it ..." Ji Weiwei thought for a moment before suddenly raising her head, "Huh, shouldn't this be the one who whispers in the candle-blowing part?"

Anyang hadn't spoken yet, but she said it again: "I hope that the person I love and the person who loves me will always be happy!"

"..." Anyang was helpless for a long time, "You said it while blowing candles, I mean if you have any wish in the near future, or if there is anything you want to do for a long time but have not done it , Or something you really want. "

"Huh? Didn't you just say that?"

"..." Anyang, with an expression of your victory, stepped on the accelerator to Jinguan Amusement Park.

Jinguan Amusement Park does not do very well, but it is not too bad. The amusement park should have some configurations, even rich, but it lacks its own characteristics, which makes it really lack the qualities to attract diehard players, and the tickets are very expensive for many people.

Anyang parked the car and bought a ticket to enter.

The two went to sit on the ferris wheel first. This is a romantic place in the hearts of many Huaichun girls, but their moods did not fluctuate when they sat on it. High sightseeing facilities, because it can overlook the amusement park at the top.

Then the two went on a plane jump, a big pendulum, a pirate ship, and a roller coaster, which was very challenging for Ji Weiwei, who was slightly afraid of heights, causing her to scream during the play. Some legs are soft and irritating.

She said that she would never play again. When she walked to another facility, she would still pull Anyang forward to line up.

Contrary to her, Anyang kept calm and calm, without blinking. It is because these high-altitude stimulation projects are too pediatric for him. Even if the oxygen is thin at 10,000 meters, he has been to various kinds of high-speed flight, extreme speed turning, vertical take-off and landing, spiral flight and other actions. what!

After they came down, the two sat by the lake and drank hot milk tea, and Ji Weiwei was still vomiting: "Are you lacking a neurological response element to the sky in your mind, why are others screaming, you still have time to get out your phone and watch the time!" "

"It's not scary!"

"Tumbling." Ji Weiwei sighed, and then instantly diverted her attention. "Other places, four cups of milk tea, here is actually selling for twenty, and it is dead!"

"Other people have high costs."

"I want you to say!" Ji Weiwei gave him a glance, "I am a sales person, I don't know yet, expensive is expensive, don't make so many excuses!"

"Xing Xing Xing ..."

Anyang finished drinking milk tea in one gulp, and pointed to a building next to the dining center: "Hurry up and let's go there!"

"Where?" Ji Weiwei turned her head, immediately surprised.

It was just a very low house, but she could recognize the skull flag and the cloth fluttering at the door--

"Ghost house!"

Ji Weiwei was a little dazed.

This is something she was really afraid of.

Then she gritted her teeth and grabbed the tea ceremony with half a cup left: "Go, go now!"

"Don't finish after drinking?" Anyang said.

"I'll change my mind after waiting a bit!" Ji Weiwei gave him a white glance and inadvertently burped.

"Then go."

The haunted house of this amusement park is quite plausible. After all, its fame is there. At least there are real people playing zombies and fierce ghosts. Moreover, the haunted house site is far from being as small as it looks from the outside. It is actually very large inside, and it is winding around, providing a rich range of scary scenes.

So, twenty minutes later, when Ji Weiwei came out of the haunted house, she already had a pale complexion and could not stand steadily.

Anyang smiled happily beside him: "Well, have you been scared or stupid!"

"It's not too scary to be stupid, even my grandmother will never come again."

"This is another sentence! I already knew that I shouldn't go in."

"You have to challenge yourself. How do you have to try your specific senses? How can you do it by imagination? Such a big person, not a little girl of eighteen or twenty What's it like! "Ji Weiwei looked pale, but she was still eloquent.

Anyang heard the words of the man and the woman of the young couple sitting next to each other sitting and resting: "Listen, this sister makes more sense, it's just hypocritical!"

He said that he gave Ji Weiwei an extra look, probably because Ji Weiwei, who had light makeup on her face, was so pretty.

Anyang smiled and said, "You whisper, the little girl of someone else's house ran in because of your words, and was scared into a mental disorder. Although there is no criminal responsibility, it is not a joke that everyone in the family makes trouble!"

Ji Weiwei gave him a white look: "Follow me, I play them and they doubt life!"

"Huh, I have learned a lot of things after working so long. Now I speak a set of words, and the aura is enough."

"That's not it!"

The two played for a while, and it was supposed to be played for three hours when they were full. They even sat among a group of children in kindergarten and sat on the carousel together. But most of the time is wasted walking and queuing, because the amusement park is still very wide, many projects are very far apart, plus there are many friends or objects on the weekend, and there are many people who bring children to play, queue Often times more than playing time.

Finally, Ji Weiwei wanted to play with a bumper car, but it was too popular. Seeing that the people in the queue went around a few times, she could not get in within half an hour, and she chose to give up.

Then the two casually bought some snacks, rented a pedal boat at extra cost, and moored around the lake before leaving.

They walked into the amusement park at ten o'clock in the morning, but it was already past one o'clock in the afternoon. Although they had some kebabs, Anyang was still not satisfied, so he asked Ji Weiwei: "Are you full now?" "

Ji Weiwei gave him an easy-to-understand look.

Anyang picked up the car ~ ~ carried her around in the city center, and finally saw a good soup pot restaurant: "This is it!"

Ji Weiwei turned his head to stare at the huge signboard, but read out the few lines below the big shop name: "Nutritious lamb soup pot, spare ribs king flower soup pot, big yellow beef soup pot ... Is it really good to eat so greasy?"

"Why don't you eat something warm in winter?" Anyang glanced at her. "Besides, you can see how thin you are. It's time to make up."

"... I drink the Nutrition Express!"

"Poof!" Anyang almost smiled. "Reassure, these soup pots are so greasy, they are mainly fresh."

"I study less than you! Don't lie to me!"


Although Ji Weiwei said unwillingly, he followed him into the store behind him.

Anyang asked for a box on the second floor, and ordered a pot of nourishing beef soup directly, and then said to Ji Weiwei: "I remember this is an old noodle restaurant, how is it dismantled now?"

"Have it?"

"Yeah, I have eaten in college."

"How come I don't know ..." Ji Weiwei didn't say anything after half of her words.

It is true that she dominated much of Anyang's college time, but in addition to going out with her for food, Anyang University also took Jiang Xinrou out to play. Since she didn't know it, she would be with Jiang Xinrou out of ten.

It did n’t take long for a pot of hot beef soup to be served. The faint smell of Chinese medicine could still be smelled in the aroma of beef and mushrooms in the pot. It should be something like Dangshen Angelica, but the taste is very light and will not affect To the taste of the food itself.

Anyang said: "Let's eat, don't leave without finishing!"

Ji Weiwei swallowed and stared at him in surprise, reminding: "This is for four people!"

When Anyang returned home, it was almost dusk.

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