My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 907: Road to practice

Anyang went home and sat on the sofa in a preoccupation.

The two did eat very well, and at the end they just finished the soup, and there was a lot of meat left. This made Anyang lament that sometimes taking Huang Lan is indeed a good choice. At least there will be no waste of food. Only things that are not enough for her to stuff her teeth.

Later, it was still too early to see, most of Jinguan's winter was gray, and it was not easy to have such a good weather. Ji Weiwei took him to go shopping a few circles. The two watched, tried, and played around. Ji Weiwei bought two sets of clothes and some small commodities before Anyang finally sent her back.

After one or two visits, it is now delayed.

While Xiaochan was still in the villa over there, Comrade Xiaoqian also went out to the group and didn't come back. Obviously, it was not time for dinner. Anyang thought about the way to practice in the future on the sofa.

He first opened the bio-intelligent auxiliary chip, and brought up the power system analysis and integration model that the auxiliary chip established two or three months ago.

The bio-assist chip quickly projected the picture onto his retina-the internal performance of this model is of course esoteric and complicated code and various parameters, but the bio-chip has built an easy-to-understand external performance, referred to as the viewing interface.

The interface is very simple, only a few circles with different patterns appear in the darkness. To be honest, it is not cool at all.

The first circle is a line pattern of a cross-legged Taoist, very simple, a few strokes, representing all the parameters of the monastic system he entered into this model. There are also two very small patterns beside the circle, one is the shape of a book, the other is the shape of a sword, and it is also a very simple line, which represents this system of monasticism. The monastic system constitutes together.

In the second circle is a wand pattern that represents all the parameters of the arcane magic system in the model.

The third circle is a tower pattern drawn by bold lines, and behind the pattern is drawn a thinner line to the core pattern in the standard model of the origin of the land type. It represents all the mysterious systems related to the processing model. Knowledge and parameters.

A large circle connects these three circles so that all three circles stay at its edges, and the center of the large circle is the fourth circle. This circle is empty, there is no pattern, only 60% is shown Four words.

This is the ongoing task of this model-

Continuously try to find the meeting point of the three power systems he now masters, and try to integrate them, take the essence and remove the dross, and then remove the conflicting places to integrate into a new power system, he can There is no hindrance to transition to this new power system.

The new power system is a circle in the middle, which can be clearly seen, and it is still very early before the integration is completed.

The bottom left corner is a few lines of words. While constantly prompting Anyang to input more parameters, he is also showing him the recent progress, which is equivalent to the operation log.

"The attempt to integrate failed four days ago."

"The parameters are seriously insufficient, please enter more parameters."

"Sixteen days ago, the meeting point looked for errors."

"The parameters are seriously insufficient, please enter more parameters."

"The 192th set of parameters was deduced seventeen days ago and has been added to the parameter library."

"Twenty days ago, I tried to integrate errors."


"The 181th set of parameters was deduced one hundred and seventeen days ago and has been added to the parameter database."

"The 180th set of parameters was deduced 117 days ago and has been added to the parameter database."

"The 179th set of parameters was deduced 117 days ago and has been added to the parameter database."


"One hundred and seventeen days ago, I tried to integrate the errors."

"One hundred and seventy-seven days ago, the meeting point looked for errors."

Anyang opened his mouth and counted it carefully. A total of more than 120 sets of parameters were deduced by the biological assistant chip 117 days ago, which surprised him.

The parameters are actually the key points in each major practice system, which is used by the chip as a reference. According to these key points, it replaces him to think, calculate, try and even simulate the three practice systems. These key points can be obtained from the wisdom of the predecessors, and then input into the model by him, or he can think or discover by himself. Of course, he can also be derived and re-certified like the periodic table of elements, just want to deduce it It's not that easy.

When he turned down for half a day, he found that the system tried to integrate more than forty times and three major systems on that day, looking for more than sixty points of convergence. Although none of them succeeded, it was surprising enough.

Anyang thought carefully, and remembered that it happened to be the day when he defeated the possession of the Buddha with props. At that time, the whole body was fully strengthened. The biological auxiliary chip based on his body naturally also increased computing power. Effect.

If you think about it carefully, most of the so-called achievements reached 117 days ago were mostly achieved within those few minutes.

Anyang pursed his lips so that he didn't think about it and turned his attention to the picture.

Although the progress has been 64%, this is only an estimate of the progress. The chip has been trying to fail, and it is impossible to calculate the remaining time by percentage.

It may also be lucky, and suddenly succeeded, the progress can jump to 100% in an instant. It may not always succeed, even to 99%.

Anyang pursed his lips and decided to take part in the calculation himself when he was free, and let the chip help.

But now he still needs to add a new module to this processing model-the Immortal God Practice Module, which is his harvest in the world of God and Buddha era, which can also be called the God and Buddha Module.

Now I can see Anyang ’s ambitions. Even if the spiritual practice in the era of the gods and Buddhas is so powerful, he can become a **** and rise to immortality with a little success, and even the road is even smoother than the mysterious system of the origin Unwilling to practice this kind of exercise alone.

In other words, he still thinks that the practice system of Gods and Buddhas is not perfect, and he must gather the strengths of hundreds of schools and strive to create a perfect practice system.

There is no doubt that the newly added modules will bring great pressure to the processing of biochips, and the progress will definitely be pulled down again. And the system of gods and buddhas should be the most complicated spiritual practice system except for the mysterious system, but fortunately he copied all the feelings, experience and knowledge of a Buddha, even if the fight against the Buddha is very weak in other than fighting, At least it can bring a lot of processing convenience.

Anyang thought about it and began to give orders.

"Add a new parameter module."

"Use a fairy **** for the pattern logo, first import the data category named Fighting Victory Buddha into it, analyze the parameters, and then import all the data in the data category named God Era after the end."

"The instruction has been received and is in progress."

Anyang saw that the position of the three circles around it changed, and became a four-corner orientation, and there was another circle that flickered. A white light appeared on the surface, instantly sketching the appearance of a standing old man, and the import progress was also marked on it.


Then the circle at the very center suddenly turned up and down, indicating that it is now waiting and has not been analyzed.

And the process has also disappeared. It seems that after the introduction of the God and Buddha system module is completed, it can only draw a new process after calculation.

The new system can certainly be integrated. Anyang discovered the commonalities of several power systems very early, but before the integration was successful, he still had to practice the deity system.

Anyang received many sacred practices, including the Ba Jiu Xuan Gong practiced by fighting against the Buddha and the Erlang God. However, after thinking for a long time, he decided not to practice the Ba Jiu Xuan Gong practice.

Bajiu Xuangong is rumored to be a method spreading from the Lingbao Tianzun in the Sanqing Dynasty, and its natural power is infinite. And it almost does not distinguish the fairy demon Buddha, it can be practiced as an animal, but it is almost specially prepared for combatants, and such comprehensive academic schools as Yu Anyang are not suitable.

There are many other exercises that do not distinguish the fairy demon Buddha, but Anyang still thought for a long time, but still chose the narrow nerve of the "outlet".

The ancient nerve practice is a god. The reason why the ancient nerve is called a funny name is because it is different from the acquired gods who are enshrined. It is a way to become an innate god-the road of faith ~ www.mtlnovel .com ~ This is in line with Anyang's identity, a time and space shuttle.

He is in control of one world after another, and he can reap many beliefs. And being a godlike being can also help him control the world he has.

Moreover, he has already begun to practice ancient nerves.

Anyang reckons that if he proves to be a **** in Doomsday World, Shenzhou World or Pallans, and then practice to a certain extent, he definitely has the opportunity to control the origin of these three worlds! If these three worlds evolved into heaven, they might still take the place of them and take charge of "Heaven."

The reason why so many gods who practiced ancient nerves in the Age of Gods and Buddhas failed to achieve this is because some people have already taken a step ahead of them and used up all these precious resources.

"However, you have to fix the first half of the ancient nerve first, and then you can go on the path of the ancient **** after repairing the second half! It's a long way to go ..." Anyang said to himself.

At this time, Rabbit Jing and Huang Lan just came in from the outside and looked at him in a puzzled way across the distance: "What are you talking to yourself?"

Anyang didn't answer, but looked behind them: "Well? Xiaochan? You have all come to dinner, how come the little girl hasn't come yet?"

"Don't she go out with your wife? Why, haven't you returned yet?" Huang Lan was surprised.

"I went out with Xiaoqian ..." Anyang knew at a moment what Xiaoqian took her out.

A few days ago, Xiao Qian suspected that the group's own activists had intervened in what happened in the San Francisco Seaport, and believed that this style would not work, and she must firmly sort it out. Today, Xiao Chan was brought to the past, it seems that someone is going to be unlucky.

Anyang shook his head, a little funny.

At this moment, the door was pushed open again, and the graceful comrade Xiao Qian returned with the little fox.

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