My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 909: Killer

Anyang thought that the banquet was for Ji Weiwei, but he didn't expect Ji Weiwei to have a birthday party without him.

But at this time, he still gave his own gift to his princess. Although his attitude was casual, he really picked it for a long time before choosing it. In the process, he ruled out many things that are more precious or more practical than this gift, but the selection of this one is not strong.

Ji Weiwei took some heavy boxes, glanced at Anyang, and licked his lower lip again. He couldn't hold back his curious gaze, and took the box to his ear and shook it vigorously.

"Huh! No noise?"

She pouted her lips, took out her cell phone and asked the next person if she was there, and when she learned that they were all there, she took the box and walked inside.

The rest of the gifts were helped by the waitress in the manor pushing a small cart and delivered to her when she left.

Rose Manor does not actually have a restaurant for public use, but only private rooms of different levels. This restaurant is actually a convention and exhibition hall of Rose Manor. When Anyang made up his mind, the people of Rose Manor will clean up all the table and chair exhibits in the exhibition hall in one day and decorate it into a revolving cafeteria to accommodate so many people.

And regarding Ji Weiwei's birthday party, they are also well prepared and the atmosphere is very strong.

The originally empty restaurant was full of people at this time, and a small single-pipe symphony orchestra on the far left was playing Mozart's "Symphony No. 40".

Although it is a small symphony orchestra, the momentum can also exceed the imagination of all those who have not heard the symphony live. Thirty or forty people played together, and moved the symphony that can only be heard at a concert or large party to this little birthday party. At the same time, the exquisite purity of Mozart's music, the joy and friendship revealed in the music and the most innocent and simple human emotions of human beings were also interpreted very well by them-

This level of music can be heard in this place, even if it is not a master level, there is no more demand.

Several rotating dining tables with a diameter of four or five meters and a tower-like shape and full of lights are evenly distributed in the restaurant. Men and women are comparable to star waiters. They are constantly adding various French dishes to the rotating dining tower. , Which constitutes a somewhat alternative rotating buffet.

These French delicacies are all from the hands of the chefs of Rose Manor, and these chefs usually slowly make dishes one by one, trying to be refined and flawless. Now they suddenly let them cook so many repeated dishes at once, which is also embarrassing them. . However, the color and fragrance still have to be said. Many of them can make the population flow by just looking. With the rotating dining tower full of lights, the handsome waitresses wait and see, and they feel like they have entered a dream of eating.

For a time, many people took out their mobile phones and kept taking pictures, preparing to send a circle of friends or Weibo to show off the flashing moment.

It ’s just that they do n’t know, and this is also a historic moment of Rose Manor—

Letting so many people use the buffet, they have been posted on the Internet by so many people, and I do n’t know if there will be a lot of foodies in a few days. I want to come in and eat a French buffet.

In fact, many people are a bit restrained. After all, in such an environment, let alone the revolving dining tower and the surrounding environment, let alone the symphony orchestra, it is also easy for people with light-footed waiters to look good. Inferiority complex.

Fortunately, there are people who know each other. They gather in groups of two or two, and they can always find some topics to talk about, or simply talk about Rose Manor and Ji Weiwei. But those who were invited by Ji Weiwei alone were a bit embarrassed, and it was not so easy to insert into other people's circles.

Fortunately, there are not many friends like Ji Weiwei, otherwise it is really easy to chill out.

When Ji Weiwei walked in, everyone was quiet for a moment, and they all turned their eyes to her. Although today, Ji Weiwei was not dressed in a high-profile or gorgeous manner, but she could instantly attract everyone's attention.

And she was not afraid, and stepped forward calmly.

A girlfriend who usually looks good breaks the silence and says, "What do you mean, Weiwei, why do you still hold a gift box? Why did so many of us give you something, and you just hug this one, is it a handsome guy?"

She said this sentence with obvious ridicule, and if not, she looked at Anyang behind Ji Weiwei——

The intention is already obvious, this is just a coup.

However, her coaxing did play a role, and everyone who had just calmed down was noisy. Everyone should talk to her, even if there are some non-gregarious people who have just smiled.

Anyang took a closer look at the woman, smiling, but did not speak.

In response to the crowds, Ji Weiwei said indifferently: "Just received a courier, Jingdong, look at your gossip, so much food can't stop your mouth?"

Everyone laughed again, but didn't talk about her.

But there was a female voice on the left: "We just came in so hard, delivered it here? I first declare that I do n’t believe it, and secondly, I also gave you a gift. Why did n’t you hold me to you? This box, I tell you I ’m jealous! "

Anyang heard the sound a little bit familiar, and turned around to find that it was actually their high school classmate, that Xu Minqing who had always been very uncomfortable with Ji Weiwei but had the most contact after graduation.

A handsome young man stood beside her. Anyang also remembered that it was her boyfriend. Anyang had a relationship with him.

In an instant, Anyang saw a familiar figure in the corner again-

She was alone, wearing a thin white trench coat and a little beige cap. She was young and simple, but she was sweet and cute and clean, but she looked lonely. And she was staring at the baked snail on a rotating dining tower next to her.

Actually ... Anyou!

Anyang twitched his lips. When did this Nizi come in?

Could it be that Nizi arrived just two minutes after he went to the toilet? The fate of these two siblings is also ... too fate!

When he saw Anyou, obviously Anyou also saw him.

At this time, Her Royal Highness still remembered that she was tempted by her girlfriends to let go of Ao Jiao to call him but encountered his phone shut down. After so long, this guy did not send her a text message, which is really abominable.

So Anyou just glanced at him lightly, and then turned his eyes to the magic baked snail again.

This thing is delicious, she remembers!

And remember clearly!

When she waits, she must eat big.

But she seems to have only eaten a lot, because Ji Weiwei's friends or friends are present, so she knows Ji Weiwei and Anyang. And Ji Weiwei, as Shou Xing, can't be with her all the time, Anyang ... forget it.

No one knows, no one plays games, no one chats.


Anyou sighed deeply.

At this time, Ji Weiwei had skillfully dealt with Xu Minqing's troubles, and walked to the center, and the symphony quieted down instantly. And Ji Weiwei took the microphone from a waitress, everything was done naturally, as if she had been used to such occasions, and it seemed that she didn't care about it at all.

"Thank you all for celebrating my birthday. This is the first birthday dinner I have held in my life. I also thank the Anyang classmate for the nutrition express ..."

She said that she couldn't help laughing, but the people next to her didn't know why, so she looked at her and laughed silly.

Striving to stop the smile, Ji Weiwei continued: "I know that many people come here just after work, so I sincerely thank everyone, everyone is my good friend, and I hope you can let go and play with each other. They are also good friends, do n’t be constrained. Of course, if there are single men and women who can become small partners tonight, then I will be happier! "

The following people smiled and turned to look around, looking for beautiful women and handsome guys. For a while, those who are single-handed are more natural. After all, everyone is an adult from a society. It is not good to always let go like students who have not left school.

Ji Weiwei continued: "Who will help me open champagne next, don't worry, it needs a dozen people!"

Some women who had a better relationship with her and more cheerful and confident men stood up and counted more than a dozen.

Ji Weiwei glanced at Anyang.

Anyang nodded and nodded to the butler who had clasped his hands in front of him and stood there. Immediately, a waiter came in with a dozen bottles of champagne, and handed them to the dozens of people. .

There was an uproar immediately.

These champagnes are half a meter long. Although the bottle is slender, it needs two waiters to take it together. Coupled with a beautifully crafted bottle, there is a light orange liquid flowing inside, because this unique romantic liquid, this color has been named champagne gold.

You don't know how much the champagne bottles are used for celebration, but you can see the luxury of this banquet from the situation.

Without waiting for them to think about it, the symphony orchestra played the cheerful movement again, and the champagne was also opened. Ji Weiwei also took a smaller bottle of champagne in her hand. She began to shake gently and said, "After this moment , I will be twenty-five! "

Seeing this, the dozens of people shook the bottle of champagne with the help of the waiter. The mouth of the bottle held by the thumb quickly sprayed a mellow liquid with foam. And they were without a teacher, shouted and laughed and pointed the bottle at the people around them, no matter what they knew or not, they were all covered with the liquid sprayed from the gap.

The restaurant was full of laughter and girls screaming, or everyone bent over to hide, but the big bottle of champagne seemed to have an endless spray of foamy liquid, and everyone was covered with mellow taste.

Ji Weiwei accelerated shaking, and when the bottle began to spray liquor, he sideways pointed at Anyang without hesitation.


Anyang pretended to be sprayed with a little foam on her head before retreating to avoid it, and at the same time vaguely Xiang Jiweiwei glanced at her, indicating to her that Anyou appeared to be looking here.

An You found his eyes and felt bad.

Ke Weiwei instantly understood Anyang's meaning, and ran to her with a smirk: "Xiaoyou, just grab your hands!"

So ... Her Royal Highness also suffered.

It wasn't until the champagne was sprayed that there was no more foam, the waiters came up and took these big bottles of champagne. Many people looked at the remaining half of the wine in the bottle, and felt a pity, but immediately the waiters proposed an ice bucket filled with ordinary champagne, and then began to distribute wine glasses. Those fragrant and luxurious champagnes are just the victims of the atmosphere.

Don Perignon Charles Diana Champagne is now the official wine for Princess Diana ’s wedding. It is rarely circulated on the market and only used on certain occasions. In terms of its quality, Don Pei Linnon is truly the number one in the world.

Anyang moved it to Ji Weiwei's birthday party today. UU reads the book and is available in unlimited quantities.

At this time, An You took off the little round cap and gently wiped the foam on it. He gritted his teeth at the guy who started pitting himself without saying a word from the door to the present!


"Abominable guy, bring disaster to the table!"

"I don't want to be sprayed, I encourage Sister Weiwei to spray me, it's shameless!"

An You gritted her teeth and whispered, glancing at Anyang, about ten meters away from her, and suddenly he was alive, and then glanced at the waiter holding the champagne ice bucket, slowly moving the small round cap back. On the top, the brim hung down to cover his forehead, and quietly moved his foot towards Anyang.

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