My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 910: What is the gift?

Anyou looked calm and calm, like she was walking from side to side of her small courtyard, and she pulled a champagne out of a bucket carried by a waiter passing by her. Understatement. {Щww {suimеng] [lā}

She pulled the stopper, held the champagne bottle with her thumb, and began to shake slowly, as if preheating.

In this way, a killer with a very high quality of mind and great acting began to approach Anyang, and her movement of holding the weapon in her hand gradually increased with her footsteps.

Everything is like a new movement played by the symphony orchestra. In the clanging, powerful and step-by-step notes, the artistic conception of the music is climbing to the peak. Just like the heavy and powerful snare drums of the two armies when they confronted each other, and the pace of the army was matched, there was a moment when the former troops of the two sides would violently collide together!

After a few seconds, Anyou felt that the champagne in her hand had already formed a rich foam, and she could not hold it anymore. She quickly lifted the brim of the little round hat slightly, and the position of Anyang Station before looking at it was also the coordinate of her planned attack.

However ... there is no figure of Anyang.


Anyou quickly stopped shaking her champagne, and looked up and found that Anyang had somehow talked to a beautiful woman who was embarrassed by Wei Wei ... ten meters away from her!

"This disgusting bastard! When you see beautiful women, you can get together, even if you have a boyfriend!"

"I want to clean up you on behalf of Xiaoqian's sister-in-law, Weiwei sister and Xueer!"

An You yelled in her heart and decisively pressed down the small round cap, pacing towards Anyang, imitating the killer gesture in the movie.

It was estimated that the distance was almost up, and she stood still again, but Anyang was no longer there at the scheduled place.

Looking up, Anyang was talking to the two men on the other side, talking and laughing. It seemed to be greeting her friends for Ji Weiwei. Counting her and him, there was still about ten meters between them, and there was no distance between them. near.

An You can still hear Anyang's laughter faintly from time to time.


An You continued to lower her head and walked towards Anyang.

Halfway through, she lifted her head in peace, and saw Anyang carrying a wine glass towards a single lady.

"Actually ran away!"

"I can't believe you!"

An You simply didn't hide anymore. She walked toward Anyang directly, just not looking at him, but at the rotating dining tower next to him, pretending to be walking for food.

After just two steps, I suddenly felt that someone stopped beside her, and I was surprised: "Eh? Are you the one ..."

It's a pretty male voice.

An You turned her head and saw a young man with a medium-to-upper profile pointing at her with surprise and entangled her identity with doubt: "That ... yes! The one who won the speed era at the group's anniversary celebration Girl! Is it you! "

"Are you?" An You asked with a frown.

"Gosh! It's really you! I think you're so familiar!" The man said in surprise, "I'm Ji Weiwei's colleague, did you know that we still talked about you for a long time?"

"Oh." Anyou casually perfunctory, she turned her head and looked at Anyang again, only to see that guy changed positions again, still ten meters away from her.

If it was n’t for the guy who was constantly changing people and chatting, without looking at her side, she thought that the guy had deliberately adjusted herself!

An Yougang just wanted to leave, and the man stopped her again and asked, "I heard you said on stage that you are still a college student, and you work part-time on the Internet company. That era of speed, do you open or sell by yourself?" Lost? How much did you sell? Let's hear it! "

"I drive it myself!" Anyou was impatient and anxious. She was still anxious to rectify the guy, otherwise he would not be able to rectify it until he was discovered or the gas in the champagne ran out!

"Driving on your own?" The man was very surprised. "Even if the car doesn't burn oil, will it have to be maintained for tens of thousands a month?"

"..." Anyou's face was a little ugly.

This happened to hit her sensitive place.

The one-year maintenance cost of a super sports car is indeed a sky-high price. She can't drive even if she has it, but now she parks the car in the company garage every day, and naturally someone will help her do everything, and even a little dirt on the tires will be cleared It must be clean. This gives her the illusion of being held up ...

But she can refuse Anyang, but she is embarrassed to refuse the passionate Xiao Qian. In fact, she did not know that Xiao Qian had never maintained the car, everything was done by the car.

Anyou finally got rid of the man and walked towards Anyang, only to find that Anyang also brought a bottle of champagne in her hand some time, and she looked at her with a smile.

"I want to spray for so long, I have been shaking, the foam has flowed all over the place, I am afraid that it will not spray out?"

An You froze for a moment, looked down at the bottle, and took a cup from the side and poured himself half a cup: "It's really a gentleman's heart to pay for the gentleman's belly. I just came over to take a cup for a drink. Where do you think After you, I am not interested in spraying you! "

"Why, but what does it mean that you have been approaching me all the time? Didn't you have a glass of wine where you stood before? Now that you have made a big circle back to where you were, you said you want to drink alcohol, tweeting." Anyang tone Is full of ridicule.

"You ... you have known for a long time?" Anyou turned black. "So you have been ... in ..."

"What do you want to say? Are you walking?"

"Walk your sister!"


"... Bold and shameless!" Anyou shouted, clenching her teeth, and took a champagne from the waiter next to him. No matter what, she rushed towards Anyang.

Of course, Anyang ran back, but on this occasion, how could he run like a 100-meter sprint, and it is impossible to display a speed far beyond ordinary people, and because of the large number of people, it is natural to be caught up by Anyou. thing.

And if he was really afraid of being sprayed, he had just gone into hiding.

Finally, Anyou pushed him to the foot of the wall. Champagne had almost erupted while she was running. As soon as she pulled the cork, the rich and fragrant liquor was sprayed towards Anyang with foam.

And she was not satisfied yet. She also used her thumb to shake the bottle, making the storm more intense.

Especially when she sprays her and reads words--

"Call you a big carrot!"

"Make you jerk!"

"Let you tease me!"

"Let you walk me!"

"Let you see the beauty and get together!"

Poor Anyang can only stand at the foot of the wall and use a dinner plate to block the foamy liquor, but the most painful thing for him is that Ni Zi's mouthful of words makes him really cry.

When did he see the beauty and get away?

And An You didn't stop, almost spraying on him with her eyes closed: "I let you shut down, don't answer my phone"

As soon as she spoke, she froze.

Anyang also froze, holding the plate and said: "When did you call me?"

An You watched the foamy liquor sprayed from the mouth of her champagne bottle and the gap between her thumbs just hit the plate held by Anyang, and then landed on the plate along the plate. I do n’t know what I ’m talking about, how can I call you, you think more about you. "

"Is it?"

"Crap ... crap!" An You slightly guilty.

It wasn't until Champagne was unable to spray any more liquid, and the shaking in her hand stopped for a long time before Anyang lowered the tray, and then An You froze again.

"You ... aren't you wet at all?"

"You didn't spray on me!"

"how is this possible?"

"Who told you to close your eyes and gritt your teeth as if you were desperately trying to spray them on this plate." Anyang said.

"This ... this ..." An You was stunned. "It's not counted, you cheat, come back ..."

"How can such a thing come back again?" Anyang said and brought a bottle of champagne. "I should come even if I come back again? The brothers and sisters have settled their bills, the gifts are exchanged, they are just you, and now it's time for me!"

An You smelled herself, and the smell of champagne that had been sprayed before, like walking from the south to the north of Sillery winery, with a rich and intoxicating taste.

She quickly shook her head and backed away: "Forget it, when the grievances are reported, you have to let me!"

"... now you have to let you."

Anyang pouted and put the champagne down.

At this time there was someone looking at this side in surprise. Anyou just closed her eyes and did n’t know, they could see clearly. The wine liquid sprayed by Anyou during the shaking of the bottle was completely sprayed, but these random sprays were taken by Anyang for a meal. The plate was completely blocked.

It looks like there is a line connecting him with Anyou's hand, he is dancing with Anyou's hand.

After seeing Anyou backing away, Anyang took out his mobile phone and said, "I want to see when you called me. Wasn't I in China at that time? Or did I turn off the phone on the plane?"

"What do you think of it?" An You was a little square.

"It's your business, just stay there." Anyang said unkindly, and then squatted down to look at the phone.

Anyou just remembered that the mobile company has a service for reminding missed calls. As long as it is turned on, even if someone calls you when the phone is turned off, you will not receive ~ ~ The mobile company will send you a text message to remind you. Only later, because the mobile phone comes with a reminder function for missed calls when it is turned on, and as an electronic tool that is more and more closely connected with the world, its shutdown frequency is not high, and this business has gradually been forgotten by many people.

An You suddenly changed.

I don't know why, she just felt very embarrassed, especially after the urge to be encouraged, Anyang's mobile phone still turned off ...

"Damn! Apparently opened the missed call reminder, and still did not send me a text message!" An You gritted her teeth with hatred, feeling that she had the courage to call this guy, but was thrown away as waste paper. Into the trash can.

Suddenly, she flashed her light and looked at the gift box Ji Weiwei placed on the high platform.

What is inside?

Anyou approached Anyang and said, "No more checking, please give me your phone, or I will tear down the gift you gave to Sister Weiwei! If your underwear or underwear from your guy or something messy, you will be embarrassed Big! "

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