My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 911: Reveal

Anyang froze for a moment, then gave Anyou a strange look. ◢Щщш.suimeng.lā

Farewell, he really gave Ji Weiwei underwear and panties, but that was already something in college.

Does this Nizi have a misunderstanding about him now or a deep understanding of him before?

Just seeing An You thieves come together for this remark, and still decided his expression, An Yang still felt a little bit of pain.

Especially when he saw his weird eyes, An You thought he was hit by himself, and he was immediately surprised: "You guy actually gave underwear panties, God, how do you know Sister Weiwei's size? "

"Isn't your concern right?" Anyang was speechless to her, as if the IQ of President An Youda dropped automatically in front of herself, "And I never had the underwear **** I gave her. Very serious gift! "

"Cut! I don't believe it!"

"Looking at you, I don't have to turn my phone anymore. You must have called me!" Anyang said, "Well, call me to do what?"

"Xer's using my mobile phone!" An You responded very quickly, and she lied as usual.

But she couldn't lie to Anyang.

"Why? Then what are you trying to cover up? When I go back and look through the records, see which day you called me, compare and estimate the things in those days, and I still don't know why you called me." Pouting.

"You ..." Anyou's face rose slightly flushed.

After so many years, the two siblings called Anyang only a handful of times, and they basically made calls for something. This made a normal call between the two siblings to them but became embarrassed.

After a pause, Anyou threatened: "I want to expose your underwear!"

"I'm not the underwear I sent."

"Then let me take it apart!"

"... Are you shameless."

"Why don't you want me?"

"You called me and didn't let me see the missed call reminder? What makes sense?"

"I didn't fight it!"

"You're not nervous about what you hit!"

"I'm not nervous! Just because the phone was dialed from my mobile phone, I'm responsible for it!"


Anyang is speechless.

He felt that the Anyou in front of him was not the Anyou from high to cold, nor the best Anyou to do anything, nor the chairman of the Student Union of Yizhou University, this was just a steal Things are afraid of being exposed by all kinds of denials who want to destroy evidence.


With a sigh, he handed the phone to Anyou.

When An You took it, he was a bit hesitant, as if afraid of fraud. Facts proved to be fraudulent, she couldn't turn on the phone at all, and she didn't find any switch button.

"How do you get this phone?"

"Unlock fingerprint."

"Where is the scanning port?" An You looked up and down with a black glass-like mobile phone, completely unable to hide her curiosity.

This is Anyang's mobile phone for more than two years, and finally in her hand, she has to take a good look at the charm of this mobile phone can catch Anyang for so long.

Could it be ... there are two terabytes of memory?

An You twitched the corner of her mouth with a smirk.

Anyang looked at her faintly next to her: "Anyway, you can't untie it, what's the point of scanning the port?"

"That's not necessarily, maybe we have similar fingerprints?"

"... Are we two clones?"

"Even if it's a clone, I cloned you with my genes!"

"... I am six years older than you!"

"Now that technology is so advanced, a chicken grows in two months, maybe you grew up so fast because you ate twins! Then, in order to take care of your thoughts, your mom and dad did n’t know what we were. It ’s my brother, I ’m a sister ... ”Later, Anyou felt strange to herself. It seemed that she should n’t have such a frank relationship between her brother and sister.

Anyang looked at Anyou with an egg pain and watched Anyou blushing and flipping around with his mobile phone. Finally, he couldn't open it, so he stuffed it into his arms and turned away.

"Fried foie gras and baked snails are on the left." Anyang said lightly.

An You, who had gone wrong, took a step, turned her head and looked at him bitterly: "I am not looking for those two things!"

To prove that what she said was true, she turned her head and went on to the right, but in a circle, she went back to the rotating meal tower where the fried foie gras and baked snails were located. After squinting at Anyang, he only served a plate and found a place to sit down and eat.

After a short while, a man came over and asked decently if he could sit here, but the restaurant was so noisy that Anyou didn't hear it, so he sat down next to her and started chatting.

"Hello, this is Weiwei's former colleague."

Anyou then heard this and turned to look at him. I saw that this man was about twenty-three to four years old, and he looked very handsome, but she was only eighteen. This man is at least five years older than her. Naturally, there is no common topic.

But she remained polite and shook his hand. After all, at Ji Weiwei's birthday scene, this person was Ji Weiwei's friend again: "Hello, hello, I am her sister."

"Ah?" The man was a little surprised. "I didn't hear that Wei Wei had a sister before?"

"Uh ... not a sister."

"Oh! This!" Said the man, "My name is Gu Xia."

"My name is Anyou."

"Eh! The name is nice!" The man exclaimed.

Then he embarked on the path of forcing his sister.

At least in Anyou's mind.

After all, there are more people looking for beautiful women-university students at the door of Yizhou University or Yiyin Yiying, and most of them think that women-university students have not been born in society. Wandering starting point. She wouldn't even bother to change the usual, just because it was at the banquet of Ji Weiwei and she barely perverted with the man.

This man is also relatively provocative, first picking the intersection of him and An You-Ji Weiwei started.

From his office with Ji Weiwei, to his friendship with his ex-girlfriend and Ji Weiwei, and then to his acquaintance with Ji Weiwei who had a quarrel with the leaders on the same day, Barabara had a lot.

Don't, student An You still listened to the story with a strong attitude.

At least from the mouth of this guy named Gu Xia, she could hear the other side of sister Wei Wei who she had known since.

Except for the powerful older sister at that time, she grew up and became a daughter of Anjia ’s daughter-in-law who ‘goes to Anjia all day long and confuses with Anjiazi’ from other populations, and then to a girl who is also independent and self-reliant in college. Now she also hears Ji Weiwei's ability at work, in addition to taking care of her, a character who is also very open to other friends, and a character who can reach the bottom line without hesitation and leadership.

An You feels very interesting.

But when Gu Xia asked her to contact her, she refused politely.

But she was really wrong with Gu Xia.

Although Gu Xia did not have good intentions, the main idea was definitely not to soak her. It was because Gu Xia had watched the live broadcast of the Ans Group ’s anniversary celebrations, and some friends were working on the Ans network. I accidentally heard him mention that the identity of the girl who won the speed anniversary anniversary limited edition is definitely not simple.

At that time, he just thought that the girl was very young and sweet. Unexpectedly, she encountered it today. After she was shocked, she had some ideas.

Wouldn't it be a piece of cake to join An's group if he had a relationship with such a person?

Poor An You didn't know that Ji Weiwei called many people to make up the venue, thinking that these people were all her best friends.

Gu Xia was finally sent off. She looked up instinctively to find the figures of Anyang and Ji Weiwei, but found that the two were not in the restaurant at all.

Former Yur immediately frowned slightly.

"Sister Weiwei is so obsessed, don't be fooled by that guy's tricks!" Former You knows who this is from today, "Sister Qian may have been tricked by him like this!"

In fact, it was just because Ji Weiwei was so anxious that she couldn't wait to take out the presents given to her by Anyang, so she found a waiter and asked the waiter to take her to a box.

Anyang followed her calmly and left the restaurant.

The jewel lamp above the box was gleaming with dazzling light, and the floor seemed to be gleaming with gold, and Ji Weiwei was sitting on the sofa in the box, placing the gift box on the coffee table, holding the ribbon tied in a bow and pulling gently.

She put the box on the coffee table with heart and soul, before looking at the box with breathless breath.

Ok ... is another box.

It can be seen from the box inside that the items in it should be very important, because the box of some material reflects the delicate and steady luster. Although the style is simple, there are not so many patterns. She can see the superb craftsmanship. from.

She read the two English above-


It turned out to be a watch.

Ji Weiweiqiang resisted curiosity and continued to open the box. She knew that according to the convention of the watch ~ ~ there will be a box inside.

Sure enough, the third box jumped into sight.

The box seemed to be wooden, but it was unexpectedly heavy in the hand, and the body was constricted black, and the light was red under the light.

The English letters of jr are still written on it.

She vaguely knew that this brand was translated as Jaeger-LeCoultre, a watch brand standing at the top, known for its hard power. In terms of the quality of the watch, it doesn't lose its fame to the larger Patek Philippe, but it is always designed to be a Patek Philippe, so it is not very popular with the rich.

The price of this watch is very expensive, at least hundreds of thousands.

This is Ji Weiwei's first thought.

She was a little silent and continued to open the box.

A watch that showed pure mechanical beauty and icy sharpness caught her eyes. At first glance, it was so cool.

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