My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 913: Implement

First is the end world. {Щww {suimеng] [lā}

The Doomsday world has the most balanced technological development among the three worlds. It is neither just like the Divine World, but it is also not like the Pallans. There is only the morbidity of top technology, and it can best convey his will.

And the end of the world has a small population, which happens to be used as a pilot.

First of all, we must correct a misunderstanding. The ancient gods of the gods and buddhist era do rely on faith, but they should never regard faith as the root of all power. Faith is at most a blind introduction to their sacredness.

In fact, even if all the mortals in the four continents of the world of the 'God Buddha era' believe in a deity, their combined will not reach the point where they can't pry the world.

They only serve as a very important buffer zone in the confrontation between the ancient gods and the will of the world, which not only affects the will of the world to recognize the existence of the ancient gods, but also helps the ancient gods share the pressure from the will of the world. Otherwise, when an ancient **** tries to seize the power of the law of heaven and earth from the will of the world, they will bear the pressure of terrifying terror alone.

On the surface, ancient gods control the beliefs of believers in the world, but in fact believers are only the key to their power. Their real power comes from the laws and rights of the world, from the original power of the entire world, and the power so obtained is actually related to hard practice. The nature of the difference is not large.

These factors determine that this kind of belief is more restrictive than that in the broad sense.

Belief in a broad sense refers to the belief and respect for a certain advocacy, religion, or for someone or something. The typical manifestation is that it is regarded as its spiritual pillar and code of conduct. Philosophers believe that faith is ‘a strong belief, usually expressed as a stubborn trust in things that lack sufficient evidence and cannot serve every rational person’.

The believer needed by Anyang, of course, must also take him as his spiritual pillar and his "word" as his code of conduct, which is necessary for faith.

But this is not the most important thing for him.

As an ancient deity, he wants everyone to admit his existence and supremacy, admit that he is omnipotent, admit that he can control everything in the world, and admit that he and everything in the world belong to him in order to achieve his purpose.

As for the code of conduct that believes in him, respects him, and takes his "words" as his own, it is the "set effect" that comes with all the above conditions.

This shows that these people cannot believe him as a great man, nor can they only believe in his life and deeds, but should really treat him as a god-this obvious religious worship Obviously, he will be scolded as irrational by philosophers in the real world, but when he really embarked on the path of the ancient gods, in the three worlds, his **** is real, and this belief is rational. of.

Because there are no gods in the real world, and there will be gods in the three worlds in the future, the beliefs between the two will be different after all. And because there is only one **** in the world, the concept of religion will gradually blur, and there will be no distinction between religions.

A country in which beliefs and regimes are fully integrated, a country in which beliefs do not hold hostages or conflict with each other.

This is the future that Anyang roughly imagined.

And there are many details in it.

He was thinking this way as he sat on the chair of the Imperial Palace office and waited for the minister to come.

Speaking of faith, most people will associate it with religion in the first place. In fact, faith is the subjective product of the soul. Religion or political parties play a catalytic role, but without religion and political parties, people can also have faith.

There are too many types of beliefs. The belief in gods, the belief in science, the obsession and admiration of rights, status, money, reputation, beauty, etc. "The persistence of thoughts and so on is a kind of faith.

Faith can even be directed to a certain sentence.

Although the three worlds have already come into contact with non-natural knowledge, such as Olympiad magic, occultism, monastic system, etc., these three have very strict concepts, but they are contrary to the natural sciences. Therefore, it does not mean that practicing Taoism can make it easier for people to believe in a god. Ninety-nine percent of the monks and mysteries in the Divine World and the place of origin do not believe in God.

Even on the contrary, from another perspective, any system that has a deeper understanding of the world and individuals, whether it is technology or law, is better. The better it is developed, the more rational people will be, and the less they will blindly believe in something.

Just as there are always more rational religious people who give others the moral character and ideas of other people's religions, and give people the beliefs and pillars of life. However, there are also scientific proofs that human character is derived from evolution, and morality has nothing to do with religion. It is also proved that even if you do not believe in religion, you can live well.

There have also been scientific experiments that prove that one can shake a person ’s religious beliefs by “hinting people to carry out analytical thinking and change intuitionistic cognition”, that is, if a belief is not stable, it is only by virtue of nothing, it will eventually There is no way to rule the world, only those who are mentally empty and not strong enough will accept it and talk to fill themselves.

What Anyang has to do is not simple, let the ignorant people know that he is omnipotent, and let the sober people know the reason why he is a god.

At least immortals and gods are completely different.

At first, the gods that people believed in were divided into the category of ancient gods in the world of Gods and Buddhas, and Nezha, Yang Jian, etc. are now widely worshiped gods. The theory that people often say that "God is just a more powerful creature than humans" is only applicable to immortals and "modern deities". The reason why ancient deities are revered as deities is because they also rule the human soul and control the world. The law of itself is also a collection of all spirits.

Just like the will of the world itself is the will of the world, it is the collection of all objects in the universe, people will never think that it is actually just a more powerful creature.

From a certain aspect, the ancient deities are aligning with the will of the world, even replacing it!

The difference between ancient deities and modern deities, the relationship between ancient deities and mortals is actually very subtle and unspeakable.

Anyang knows that it is not easy to become a widely-recognized deity in an increasingly enlightened world, but if it succeeds, people ’s firm and increasingly powerful power of their own cognition will make him really free. Nothing.

In addition, many details have to be handled properly.

For example, how should his God ’s “Holy Word” and “Doctrine” be in line with national laws and regulations, for example, in what form and image will he appear in the hearts of all people, and for example, how would he approach people who have embarked on an unnatural path? Know your own control over the laws and power of heaven and earth.

Obviously, he will not set up a special religious organization to attract believers, nor will he empower any one person because of his faith, nor will he need to gather believers together for a fixed period of time ... He just needs to tell people that the earth is going around As the sun turns, it tells people that he is a god, and he does not need all the means used by those religions to deepen belief and emphasize the real existence of God.

Have you ever seen someone emphasize all day that the earth moves around the sun?

It didn't take long for the door to knock.

"Boom boom."

Anyang recovered in an instant, and saw two figures standing at the door, one was a little chunky, and the other was tall and tall, all staring at him. Vaguely, they could see the mighty guards wearing silver and white armor behind them.

"Oh, come on, come in."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

The two came in.

His Majesty the Emperor did not come to the Palace for a long time, and the two ministers were already used to it. At this time, despite the respect and respect, it is presumed that His Majesty had something to do with them.

Sure enough, Anyang said: "There is one thing this time, which is very important and must not be sloppy."

Both the Minister of Education and the Minister of Supervisory Department immediately mentioned the spirit: "Yes, Your Majesty!"

They are in charge of national education, and one is responsible for anything related to extraordinary power. At this time, they are alone to find them. As early as the two of them have had all kinds of guesses.

But Anyang didn't talk about things first, and suddenly asked: "Do you believe that there is a **** in this world?"

"Ah?" Both were shocked.

Anyang looked at them lightly without repeating.

A moment later, the Minister of Education said, "Your Majesty, does your deity mean?"

"Similar to the main **** of religious worship." Anyang said, "He not only has power beyond mortal, he also controls everything. He is the incarnation of the world, representing the law, he is the fusion of people's will, and the object people believe in ... "

After that, the two ministers were silent.

They are not incomprehensible, but they are all guessing the meaning of Anyang asking this sentence.

Both of them have embarked on the path of spiritual practice, and the practice is to regulate the practice method, also take the regulatory road, and the government's related welfare to help practice. It was just because he could not spend much time and energy on practice, but only completed the practice indicators ordered by Anyang, so even Lin Cun, who is the minister of the Supervisory Department, can only be regarded as a mortal than those who practice monks.

But they still have some understanding of the gods and gods in the past ~ ~ On the one hand, they think that the so-called fairy gods are just another way to gain power, on the other hand, they feel that the gods in Anyang ’s mouth do not exist. Or it still sounds very mysterious now.

And before receiving supernatural practice, their education made them not too cold to those deities.

But now Anyang took it out ...

It was still the Minister of Education who responded the fastest, immediately saying something that seems less relevant but timely: "If there must be a **** in this world, then I think it must be His Majesty."

Anyang smiled suddenly: "You are a conversation."

Seeing this, the minister of the super-management department beside him quickly echoed.

Anyang waved his hand: "Don't rush to flatter, or use your energy in this matter, the next time is when it really takes your mind."

Sure enough, they talked till late at night, almost did not rest for a whole day, and exhausted their thoughts before discussing the outline of this matter.

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