My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 914: Empire Life

Naturally, it is just a silhouette. [WWW.SuiMеng.lā

If you want to further develop the skeleton of this plan, it is not something that can be done by the Minister of Education and the Minister of Supervisors. It requires an elite team that can perfectly understand the meaning of Anyang.

But things have begun, and the first step has been taken, and the rest will follow.

Minister of Education Qian Haibo and Superintendent Minister Lin Cun took the lead, and an elite team would soon start to handle this for him. And he did not deceive, so Anyang is confident that when he truly embarks on the road of ancient gods, these people will also become his supporters.

If not, use badges to control!

After thinking about it, Anyang did not return to the real world. Instead, he rested in the Royal Palace for one night and opened the window to greet the sun the next morning.

The weather is great, warm in the cold, very comfortable!

Outside, it seems to be the imperial palace of the Huaibei Empire.

Of course there is no reason for this new and huge empire to continue to use the ancient architectural style of the Central Empire, but there are no high-rise buildings in the palace, and it is still a whole and magnificent complex.

In the architectural complex, you can see the royal palace with red walls and gold tiles, occupying a prominent position, but you can also see the Western-style palace made of white stones, steel towers, pure black castles, with a modern style Garden. Like a magnificent sacred place mixed with various civilizations, the perfect design allows various buildings with different styles to be put in place. There will be no sense of clutter. Only the atmosphere that dominates the world is far more than that of all empire in ancient times. Palace ruins.

The sun was just right, the golden glazed tiles shone brightly, the lake water was wavy, and the white Bai Suo Suede in the distance was like a jade.

Occasionally a wind blew over the palace, and from the tower of the Adain Federation style, it quietly and tenderly filled Anyang's room, bringing a hint of flowers and earth.

Anyang couldn't help but take a deep breath.

"It's really good weather!"

The wind lifted his sleepy hair slightly, and the collar shivered a little. Both the wind and the humid weather were telling him that the end of the world is spring, and it is the time when winter transitions to spring. .

Anyang felt that it was time he came.

The weather in Huaibei Imperial Capital is actually similar to that of Yizhou Province in the real world. Spring is very short, almost just a buffer zone where winter and summer intersect. So there will always be people complaining about wearing short sleeves just after taking off the jacket. It was cold before, and the weather got hot in an instant.

But in this short time, it contains all the aura and essence of the year.

In addition to flowers used exclusively for viewing, the most common flowers in nature bloom their most beautiful face in this short period of time, and often wither after a few days, or the flowers are scattered by the east wind overnight.

When I was still in college, a large number of students would go out every time during this time. Even those who love the nest in the bedroom would rent a bicycle and ride out. Either go to the famous flower show, or go to the fruit trees around the city to enjoy peach blossoms, or walk out of the cafeteria and see the wildflowers on the roadside on campus. You ca n’t help but stop to take a photo.

It seems that Dongfeng has not only used Aura to wake up these plants that have been sleeping for a long time, but also injected vitality into the earth and sent it to each biological body, making everyone smile more subconsciously when walking on the road.

Anyang quickly adjusted his mentality from the real world winter to here, but just heard a very light knock on the door.

"Boom boom."


"Your Majesty, do we need to wait for you to wear clothes?" A soft and sweet voice came from outside the door.

Anyang froze for a moment, suddenly burst into tears.

But he still said: "Come in."

The door was suddenly pushed away, and four beautiful women dressed in some tempting and alternative maid costumes came in, while the two mighty guards standing at the guard ignored them.

"Your Majesty." The four women bowed their heads deeply, and went to take the clothes aside, obviously trained.

Anyang, while enjoying the dressing process, said with a smile: "As a king in a new era, I never expected to enjoy the rancid treatment of a feudal ruling class, but remember to tell Zhou Mingyuan after you go back. Do n’t do this next time. It's done. "

The four women with good manners, good looks, and tall figure were surprised, but they did not dare to refute, and they nodded softly and sorrowfully.

The four women also kept their duty, and dressed them quickly left, leaving him thinking more and more wrong in the room.

Beauty is born, but the temperament is different, and some temperaments can only appear in a specific group of people. And the four women in Fang Cai were too calm and too noble, and if they had not received rigorous training, they would be true noble children.

And Anyang has only a handful of times to return to the end of the world, and he never said that he would arrange a maid for himself. In this era, the emperor ’s face did not need to be maintained by these messy things. He had enough guards. The Palace's Internal Affairs Bureau didn't justify raising a group of maids of such high quality at a high price, and then dressed him once a year or even two years.

Then the facts are clear.

Anyang smiled and didn't care much.

The world just got rid of the threat of zombies, and blood-thirsty mobs were everywhere. Zhai Liying's iron-blooded methods deterred many people. Until the riots were suppressed by force, the Huaibei Empire sat on a stable and peaceful planet.

The feeling of controlling the world is undoubtedly very comfortable.

Crossing the magnificent palace outside the window, the imperial capital hidden in the distant city was revealed in his eyes. It was a high-rise building shrouded in the morning mist and stretched to the very edge of the horizon, and the golden morning light shot from that position and penetrated into the palace.

Anyang pursed his lips and walked out of the palace decisively.

Two guards followed him, and the sound of footsteps stepped on the ground with a steely sound.

Anyang asked without looking back: "What happened just now?"

The Guards responded as if they had been prepared for a long time: "That's the relatives of some powerful adults. It was specially ordered by the prime minister, and he brought many adults and said that if your majesty came back, you would They came to serve His Majesty and told us not to obstruct it. So we just scanned them and made sure they put them in without bringing dangerous goods. "

"This is what Zhou Mingyuan taught you?"

"Yes, Your Majesty."

"You're honest!"

"Dare not deceive your majesty."

"The relatives of the grown-ups may be distant relatives who can't be beaten by Baganzi, or simply recognize a righteous girl and use it as a full charge." Anyang knows that just after the dark age, many ministers' families have been completely dispersed and can be found. The children got burnt and incense, how could there be such a beautiful one.

The Guards dare not speak.

Anyang did not embarrass them.

This fact is a bit off.

In many ancient times, the emperor was not the ruler of the world. They were only the highest of the rules, not the creators of the rules. In other words, the emperor had to follow this set of rules. Within the rules, he had the most rights. Not every emperor has the ability to lift the table. Therefore, in order to win over the support of the minister, the emperor made his authority more prosperous and his government orders smoother. In order to consolidate his position in the court, the minister often had a marriage, which was a two-way alliance between the two.

Usually the minister will present the beautiful woman of his family to the emperor as a concubine. If he encounters a very important minister, the emperor may also distribute his sister or daughter to the young talents of him or his family.

There was no need to do this in Anyang, the Huaibei empire, and the ministers did not dare to propose to him, and came up with such a method.

It is also a fluke to send a beautiful and blood-related beautiful woman to the palace as a maid. In case your majesty gets up in the morning, she will be happy.

So Anyang took two steps and stopped and said to the nearby guards: "When you come down, you must remind them that the messy things in the ancient court could not be brought to the present court. At least everything must be done in accordance with the laws of the empire. Yet?"

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Anyang went forward with satisfaction.

This world with weak scientific and technological strength still burst out with great vigor after its destruction. When the zombies were cleaned up by the army, the world was quickly rebuilt. The policy of encouraging fertility released in the previous years will also explode in ten years. power.

There is a large area for planting machines, global technology is exchanged without barriers, energy and productivity have become abundant due to a sharp decline in population, as long as the remaining humans can clean up the houses, they can have shelter, and as long as they can operate the machinery, they can stand up. The majestic buildings, as long as they are willing to respond to national policies, will surely survive in this new world and thus stay away from the nightmarish life ...

It was like a dream, after all waking up.

As the imperial capital of the new empire ~ ~ has also caused many people to rush in for a variety of reasons, allowing the city to shine more brilliantly than before the cataclysm.

At least what Anyang saw was prosperity.

In these years, some have been on the right track, and some are on the right track. If the biggest difference from the cataclysm is the extremely silent face of the pedestrians on the road, and some people seem to hide a terrifying beast in the shadow. , If you offend them, they will be torn to pieces!

After all, people in this era have experienced too much, and even future generations can't imagine it even if they read textbooks and watch TV.

And this is also an era of impact of ideas, cultural exchanges and world collisions.

Occasionally someone walks on the street like wind, occasionally someone talks about mysterious and mysterious magic or Taoism in the restaurant. Occasionally people from different worlds patronize the supermarket. Occasionally there are some demon sitting alone in the corner of the bar and drinking, some are exceptional Welcome, some are daunting.

Anyang heard that Chen Yafei was about to start a family.

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