My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 915: You didn't intend to wear the wind

It was night when I saw Chen Yafei. His Majesty the Emperor had already traveled in casual clothes and walked around the entire Emperor.

General Chen Yafei may be the most famous person in the entire empire except His Majesty the Emperor. Because he was aggressive in the early years, participated in foreign wars, and laid a large territory for the empire, and also made great contributions in the battle with the zombies. Now his reputation in the civil society has far exceeded the defense minister Zhai Liying and another big man in the army. Chang Hui.

And after the cataclysm, the surviving people in the world admired more powerful men, which made his reputation even higher than Zhou Mingyuan, the prime minister who controlled the imperial government.

So many people in the folk will talk about it, if there is an emperor, the Ming Dynasty, Zhou Mingyuan can not properly restrain Chen Yafei.

Chen Yafei was about to start a family, and Anyang didn't have any business to look for him. It was just a little sighing, so he picked him on this extraordinary night and sent him his blessings.

The corridor is a bit deep, but the light is very bright.

Chen Yafei had already received news from Anyang that he had waited for him for a long time to prepare wine and dishes at his home, and also called Chang Hui and Zhai Liying.

I haven't seen it for a long time.

The hotel besieged by zombies was like a lonely island full of despair. When several people met for the first time, Chen Yafei was still a stunned young man in his early twenties, but now he is almost thirty, and his face is short. His beard, his eyes calm and steady, is the same as the original one.

At that time, the young Zhai Liying was also familiar, and her green face appeared generous and beautiful. Every time you put on a uniform, it looks like a female character that will appear in anime, because in reality, such a beautiful person holds such a powerful person. It's too little.

She is now a ripe juicy peach, the most mature and attractive, exudes a rich fragrance, a little force can seep honey juice, is a fatal temptation.

Anyang heard that there were many people chasing her, but no matter whether she was greedy for her beauty or rights, she was rejected.

But Chang Hui, who was the oldest, became more and more majestic. Obviously he gained a lot from his many years of experience. He had found his family at first, so he has been very moist these years, and he does not like to fight with others. It is Shushun.

"There are no emperor and generals today, only a few survivors who met in the hotel." Anyang's tone was very calm, "Yafei has gone through so many winds and rains, and now the boss is not small, and finally found A person who can accompany him for the rest of his life, we first congratulate him once. "

After he finished speaking, he raised his glass.

Several others naturally followed, holding a glass and touching it heavily.

Putting down the cup, Anyang looked at Zhai Liying, who was more sensual and more tempted than before: "The people who have been calling your sister are about to become a family, are you in a hurry?"

Zhai Liying turned his head and smiled at him with a faint smile: "I don't need to be a family to be able to live well, but a family is too tired for me."

Anyang nodded: "In fact, sometimes people will get a lot easier after excluding marriage and children in this life."

Zhai Liying immediately raised the glass: "Just rush this sentence, Your Majesty, I have to respect you."

"it is good!"

Chang Hui, who had been a family for many years, smiled and said nothing.

He is one of the few who enjoys the beauty of a family, and now his second daughter can now make soy sauce.

Chen Yafei leaned his back against the chair back, squinted at them, with some indescribable gloss.

His expression was calm and relaxed, with some enjoyment, it seemed that he hadn't been so relaxed in a long time.

In fact, Chen Yafei was also longing for a person to walk through this life unrestrainedly, to fight indiscriminately, and perhaps to make a name for Qing Shi. It's just that no one knows what made this radical and unscrupulous general decide to start living with a woman. At least in the past two years, he has had a good time with this woman.

The famous fiancee, who was taken care of by the famous General Chen Yafei, was just an ordinary-looking woman, but was very gentle and virtuous. Probably this is so that the general who lost everything in the cataclysm and felt alone felt the warmth of his home.

After drinking a lot of wine, I am not drunk, but people tend to be drunk, but this time it is very peaceful. Chen Yafei leaning on the chair with a slight smile, Chang Hui looks like a peaceful brother, and Zhai Liying is Very calm.

Those old times are gone forever.

Even if it was once extremely dangerous, it was terrifying, but this dream has already awakened, and the self in the dream has gradually gone away. Only when he is drunk will he remember more and more clearly.

Anyang rejected Chen Yafei's invitation to stay overnight and left the house with two guards late at night.

The streets outside are a bit deserted, and the wind at night is even cooler, with moisture, and can instantly blow away the stuffy breath of people.

There are still pedestrians on the road, but there are very few. Most of them drove past in cars, and there was not even a piece of desolate waste paper on the street, otherwise it might be able to be turned upside down by the wind. But I can feel that there are many energy sources in the city, most of which are very weak. I want to be the citizens who work and study during the day and practice at night.

Anyang remembered his past, just like the dark history of this era. Chen Yafei and Zhai Liying passed away unconsciously.

At the beginning, the little programmer who put a lot of effort after graduating, gritted his teeth for a long time, and finally got tens of thousands of monthly salary in a small company but was upset by the superiors. At the beginning, he rented a small house but went to Ji Weiwei ’s house every weekend. He who rubbed his rice, the poor student who had only planned to spend a thousand dollars a month in the university but was still planning food in the streets and alleys, and the poor boy who had agreed to break up because of the huge gap between him and Jiang Xinrou, seemed to have passed away. For a long time.

Those experiences ... If you don't think about it, it seems that it does not belong to him at all, it seems that it has been annihilated in the magnificent and brilliant journey afterwards!

And if you think about it ... those should be the most precious and true! Those who were supposed to be the most original ones!

Anyang's eyes narrowed, gleaming faintly.

It seems that unconsciously, the young man who ate with Ji Weiwei and complained about company trivialities and too little money has become a master of money with endless rights. He has rarely played with Ji Weiwei again. Too.

Anyang, who took Xiaoqian back to the rental house and carefully hidden her, took her out to shop at night to buy clothes, experience the world, and teach her to recognize words and common sense, became her husband-in-law. And Xiaoqian has been able to survive in this world calmly, can accept everything calmly, and live better in the other world than the protagonists who travel to the other world.

He no longer has a rental house, no longer complains about the world, no longer quarrels with his boss, no longer worries about life, even his mentality has long been detached from ordinary people, his thinking has become different from ordinary people, and has become a thorough superior.

Has it changed him, or everyone?

Is it a person or the whole world?

Is it that people do n’t hold on to themselves, or that the evolution of the world should be like this-people will become stranger, just like the ship of Theseus who constantly replaces parts, will eventually become completely different from the original?

Anyang pondered quietly, seemingly discussing himself, but in reality he was unsurprised and his heart was unmoved.

Gradually walked to the prosperous night city, more people.

Anyang also saw several cultivators who were slightly taller, and one of them was a demon immigrated from Shenzhou World. He also had a pair of horns above his head. I do n’t know if it could not be completely eliminated or I felt that it was more comfortable to let it out. As a result, when he walks on the road, he will always have a strange look, and many women look for him for a photo, which makes him quite helpless.

There are also monks from Zheng'er Bajing who came from Shenzhou World passing by him, and when he was pulled by many people to take pictures, they all showed funny expressions.

These monks wear the clothes of this world, and do not carefully observe the small habit of raising hands and throwing hands, it is almost the same as the modern people. And they walked on the street calmly, even bargaining in the alleys and stalls, eating supper at food stalls, drinking beer and using mobile phones like ordinary people, it seems to confirm the essence of this era. .

Anyang glanced, smiled, and left.

No one knows that the emperor of this country has been here.

From the next day, he handled many other chores, and took Queen Xiaoqian to accept several press conferences to prove to the people of the country that his emperor was not aerial, but went to another world and returned only once in a long time. .

This also helps to promote the creation of God's plan.

Return to the real world, everything is calm.

The last ten days of the apocalyptic world were placed in the real world, but it was less than one day. It is now evening, and it is not early in the morning. Anyang took the mobile phone and went upstairs until he sat on the roof of the villa, watching the few stars in the sky. .

For a long time, he suddenly waved his hands and wiped it, the clouds above his head slowly dissipated, and the thin smog on the outskirts of the city was also blown away by the ensuing wind, revealing a clean night sky.

The dense stars scattered on the shady screen, especially deep.

The screen of the mobile phone is on, and there is a text message on it. Ji Weiwei sent it last night. He hasn't seen it until now.

The time shown above is three o'clock in the morning.

No, it is not past zero, so it should be said that this text message was sent this morning. At that time, Ji Weiwei's birthday dinner had just ended. She drank a lot of wine and should be drunk. Two hours after Anyang sent her home to rest on the bed, she didn't expect that she hadn't slept yet.

The content of the message is-

You didn't intend to go through the wind ~ ~ but it attracted torrents.

Anyang saw it soon after a day.

Ji Weiwei must have been drunk then, he thought.

The sober Ji Weiwei wouldn't speak that way. She would carefully manage the relationship between the two, and then inadvertently tried again and again, but would not be so hypocritical and serious.

I don't know what Ji Weiwei was thinking about.

Suddenly there were some feelings behind him, but Anyang didn't turn around and didn't put away his phone.

Sure enough, a pair of soft and cool hands pressed on his shoulders, and then the faint fragrance like orchids passed into his nose-Comrade Xiao Qian apparently saw the content on the screen, but she didn't speak, that's it Quietly put his hands on his shoulders, and occasionally the hairline touched his neck with the wind, and seemed to rely on him with a weak body.

"Husband ..."

Comrade Xiao Qian shouted softly.

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