My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 922: Does Anyang like those girls very much?

A few minutes later, Anyou, who appeared particularly youthful and slender in a camel coat and blue skinny jeans, walked out, but her face was slightly whiter and her steps were vain.

"This broken bar, the elevator is broken!" She said as she approached Anyang and Xiao Xue as children. "How long have you been waiting?"

"We have just arrived."

"That's good, that's good!" Anyou exhaled for a long time, feeling terrified. "I blame this broken car. I was stuck on the road for a few minutes before. I'm afraid you waited a long time, even though I said a sentence, can I drive fast Click, it turned out more than two hundred directly, and also played drift, almost jumped out of my heart! "

"Will you slow it down?" Anyang said.

"I ... I can't wait to scream with two mouths. How can I stop it?" An Youli said sternly. "Besides, I'm not afraid that you are standing on the street silly for such a cold day, so all the way Endure! "

"Scream with two mouths ..." Anyang ripped at the corner of his mouth.

"Yeah ..." As soon as the words came out, classmate An You seemed to notice something was wrong, her cheeks suddenly turned red, and then punched Anyang fiercely, "You are disgusting, you!"


Anyang looked naive and innocent.

An You already walked forward, but her feet were still a bit soft, which made the walking posture seem strange.

And the two security guards stood there staring blankly at this beautiful girl full of youthful colors. I could not imagine that this was the **** who drove the car into the garage with a super-drift approaching a right-angle drift. Rider '.

The young man who was robbed of the limelight also recovered when Anyou approached, with a somewhat dry smile, nodded and said: "Good car skills, beautiful!"

Anyang turned his head and ripped at him, but she just couldn't laugh when she got off the car.

Xiao Xue'er hadn't responded yet. When Anyou hit Anyang and said the phrase "You are disgusting or disgusting, you", she vaguely thought of some possibilities. She couldn't help but blush and pulled Anyang's sleeve: "Brother Anyang, let's go in too."

Anyang nodded and walked to the bar.

After two steps, he turned to Xiao Xueer again and said, "What did Nizi learn at school? See how dirty this thought is ..."

Xiao Xueer blushed slightly and said, "We recently had a teacher who taught us how to be closer to the characters when playing different roles in different lives and facing different situations. This involves multi-faceted knowledge. Like to say a paragraph, maybe Xiaoyou is affected by it. "

She was naturally embarrassed to say ... she was also affected.

"Children have to watch less!"

"Huh." Xiao Xueer lowered his head and yelled, and pulled his sleeve to the Night Walker Bar.

The two security guards finally got smart for a while, hurried to Anyou and the two of them, opened the door for the three, and had a very low-handed attitude-although they did not see what Anyou opened, but they looked at the posture , Definitely worth a lot.

However, Anyou only thanked them palely, and walked into the store without any awareness of the tip.

The Night Walker Bar is large and luxuriously decorated, with a taste of "consumption must be expensive" everywhere. But its most luxurious is the sound and lighting equipment, ordinary people may not experience it, but the people who often go to the bar can appreciate its excellent sound quality and lighting effects, and I am afraid that only professionals can estimate the bar How much effort and capital the boss has invested in this.

Coupled with the demanding requirements of DJs and bands, this makes the Night Walker Bar the most popular bar in Jinguan City this year.

The reason why it is the best bar this year is only because the modern people's entertainment life rhythm is too fast, which leads to the rapid update of the entertainment industry. Every year, many entertainment facilities pop up like mushrooms. It is too difficult for an industry first to want to maintain its position for a long time.

But this does not mean that it will fall. In fact, because there are a large number of members as patrons, even if the night walker is replaced by a newly opened bar after a period of time, it will still be synonymous with Jinguan ’s top bars for a long time, and customers will not be able to follow. Absolutely. Until the times progress, it lags behind other rising stars in all aspects.

So, as soon as Anyang, Anyou and Xiao Xueer entered the bar, they felt the momentum of the most luxurious bar in Jinguan City-

A grand but soft sound rushed across the surface, and the sound of rolling sounds seemed to wrap you up, but it would never be shocking; all kinds of lights were also woven into gorgeous colors, like walking to the stage of a luxury concert ; And the layout is full of people in a patchwork and design with a sense of time. The lively and noisy is easy to intoxicate. The air is full of luxury and alcohol smell, but it will never make people disgusted.

In this cold winter, it seems that only here, is a wave of heat coming!

Many people have already gotten up, posing on the dance floor. Others drink toasts or sit in the corner talking and laughing, sitting in the deck and playing games.

Many women with excellent bodies wore cat and bunny costumes and drove through the bar with plates, and even directly dressed in **** nurse clothes and sailor clothes. They extruded the full bimodal out of the delicate gully and were exposed to the air. In the middle, wearing all kinds of stockings makes the long legs extra tempting. The small waist swaying in the dark environment makes people have the urge to reach out and hug it, and the buttocks just wrapped in the ultra-short uniform skirt also make people Can't help but want to reach out and pinch!

But if you really did that--

Prepare a big tip!

Just when Anyang narrowed his eyes and looked forward, he was thinking about how to buy a few sets of half-COS and half-sexy costumes to go back and dress for the rabbit. A woman wearing a black cat girl costume came over and she painted very delicate Biting lip makeup can easily trigger people's urges in a dim environment.

"Is the three of you here for the first time?"


"Please here."

The three of them walked to the bar next to them. They finally became quieter and the lights were much brighter. They could easily see the snow-white skin of the cat girl's uncovered area with minimalist fabric.

But I can also see that her appearance is not as attractive as in a dim environment. It can only be regarded as upper-middle, and her makeup and clothing have added a lot to her. I believe that if you change the environment and let her undress, it will be considered. Not so beautiful.

The cat girl turned and bowed to Anyang first. The white flesh ball on her chest trembled as if it was about to fall. Obviously, he saw that he was in charge.

In order to cope with his pretense in front of the two little beauties and get tips, and even further stimulate his psychology to cause more consumption, the cat girl deliberately made her voice very soft and detailed: "This gentleman please Do you have a membership card or reservation? "


"Well, where do you want to sit?"

"Is there a box?"

"There are well-designed semi-open VIP boxes on the second floor, but I ’m sorry, the boxes are only open to our VIP." The Cat Girl bowed her head again, "In addition to that, we also have bar counters, round tables and different types of cards. The seats are for your selection. The minimum consumption of the bar is 1,000 yuan per person, the minimum consumption of the round table is 1,500 per person, and the deck is more than 2,000. The closest to the stage needs to be auctioned. "

Anyang nodded and looked up.

In this way, the semi-open box can be seen. It is actually semi-hanging, spreading around the bar. The outermost is a stand that resembles a semi-circular balcony protruding from the Italian building. Standing on the stand can view the entire bar. Can fully appreciate the bar style, but also avoid the noise.

Anyang suddenly decided: "Let me apply for a membership, and I want the box with the center facing the stage."

"Our rules are like this. After you apply for a membership, one-time replenishment of 100,000 will automatically become a VIP, and the number 1 box you said is exactly the minimum consumption of 100,000 yuan. If you do not come often, I suggest you recharge 100,000. "The Cat Girl's attitude is very respectful, and this kind of way of speaking for customers is also very pleasing, and it is easy for people to ignore the fact that they are actually trying to get money from your pocket.

At this time, Xiao Xueer pulled La Anyang in the back: "Brother Anyang doesn't need to spend so much, we will come to experience the excitement, maybe we won't come again in the future."

An You said: "You don't care about him, this guy has too much money to burn, we help him burn a little, and also promote the circulation of money and capital!"

Anyang smiled and took out the card directly.

When the process was successful, the Cat Girl took them to the box and said, "In fact, our box 1 is usually very popular and needs to be auctioned, but the weather is bad these days, and many people are unwilling to go out, otherwise you are really It's not easy to get this box. "

Opening the door with a click, she stood at the door and pressed the dazzling lighting group, and took out a menu book from the drawer: "Will the three drink, or snacks, fruit bowls and special services?"

Anyang asked for a bottle of champagne, a fruit plate and some snacks before turning his head: "What are you going to drink?"

"Lemon honey water." Xiao Xueer said sweetly.

"Me too!" An Youdao said.

Anyang nodded and said to some stunned cat girls: "Then let's go first ~ ~ Don't tell me no."

"Yes!" Cat Girl quickly wrote down.

For the first time, she saw someone who came to the night walker to open a private room to drink lemon and honey water, especially a man with two charming little schoolgirls! Isn't it time to bring my sister to the bar to get drunk?

The cat girl quickly settled the bill and bowed deeply before leaving: "You can call me if you have any needs. I will always be at the door of the box. I wish the three of you a good time."

Anyang naturally realized that he had withdrawn only a few of the cash in his wallet and handed it to her.

Xiao Xueer sipped his lips on the sofa and got up to open the window, which suddenly made the music floating in the outside clearer. The rhythmic but indifferent music and the perfect lighting environment instantly Can make people excited.

Xiao Xueer sat down again. When the drink came, she first used a toothpick to string a piece of yellow peach to Anyang's mouth. Then she asked sweetly: "Brother Anyang likes the dress of those girls very much?"

Anyang suddenly froze.

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