My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 922: dancing

Classmate An You has become numb to her girlfriend's act of tempting Anyang in front of her face. She directly picked up a small piece of watermelon and put it into her mouth. She glanced at Anyang and said hatefully: " This guy can't help but want to get closer as long as he sees the beautiful woman with bare chest and bare legs, not to mention the women here are still wearing those men's favorite **** costumes. If we were not here, this guy would definitely not blink his eyes! "

Anyang: "..."

Xiao Xueer didn't care about her defamation of Anyang, thought about it and said, "It seems ... this kind of clothes is very cheap on Taobao?"

An You suddenly froze and blinked her eyes, staring blankly at her girlfriends: "You ... what do you want to do?"

Xiao Xueer showed an innocent expression, and then her thin lips stretched a little more, and with a cold face, there was a temptation to be beautiful and explosive: "I didn't want to do anything, I just asked."

An You still looked at her with some anxiety: "Don't mess up, for this kind of guy ... not worth it!"

"Cough!" Anyang coughed twice, and said to Anyou helplessly, "I'm still here!"

An You rolled her eyes and ignored him directly.

Anyang had no choice but to pick up the champagne, and suddenly remembered something, he opened the door and asked the cat girl standing at the door for a small cake, and deliberately told to focus on fruit, the less cream, the better.

The cake came up quickly and was delicately made.

He leaned over and lit the only candle, and said to the music that filled the audience: "It didn't take long for you to tell me that you will be a star in the future, but you didn't expect you to start the first public performance in a blink of an eye. It's really incredible. "

The candle reflected Xiao Xue'er's face suddenly and suddenly. She looked at the word Dream Dream written on the cake and was very attentive. She said, "I didn't expect it to be so fast. I used to wonder if there were any brokerage companies willing to sign us. Well, I did n’t expect not only to sign the contract, but also get so much attention from the company! "

An You looked strange, so she chose to be silent.

Anyang smiled: "I'm here to wish you a smoother path to your dreams, and you have to remember whenever you can, I will always be your strong backing. Even if one day I have nowhere to go, I will still be able to see me when I turn around. "

Xiao Xueer bit her lower lip and smiled sweetly, obviously very touched and very happy.

An You's expression is even weirder, and she's still a little fascinated.

Anyang ’s sensational words were undoubtedly something she had never heard in 18 years, and when she heard it suddenly at this time, she found that she had n’t learned how to be moved by ordinary girls facing their brother ’s care. Even the warmth was strange. .

She only felt a bit sour in her heart, and a little blocked, like something germinated in the bottom of the mud covered heart, but it was unable to break through the blockade of the mud and drilled out.

It was Xiao Xue'er's voice that pulled her out of her faint state: "Xiaoyou, let's blow the candle!"

"Ah? Okay ..."

"What are you thinking?" Xiao Xueer looked at her with some doubt, "Is moved by Anyang brother?"

"Not at all! ...... How is it possible!" An You was a little flustered, "He was so abominable when he was a kid, bullied me for so many years when I was not sensible, and now it's all ... I owe it to me ..."

"How did Anyang brother bully you?" Xiao Xueer suddenly wondered.

At the same time, she found that when she asked this question, An You's face suddenly became very stiff, and her Anyang brother also showed embarrassment and embarrassment.

An You gritted her teeth and squeezed her face: "Can't you still blow the candle?"

"Oh, yeah." Xiao Xue'er did not delve into it very cleverly, but just found it really interesting.

However, for her character, it is enough to know that this matter is very interesting, and she will not get to the bottom.

I saw that she and Anyou closed their eyes together with their eyes closed. The swaying candlelight was extremely quiet in the rhythmic flashing box lights. Their eyelashes cast a faint shadow on their faces, and they all spoke together. Own wishes.

An You said: "May An You and Xiao Xueer be able to stick to their dreams, and at the same time they will receive rewards for their efforts one day!"

Xiao Xueer said: "I hope that Xiaoyou and I can go further and further on the path of our dreams, no matter what we encounter, we will not give up, no matter what difficulties we can overcome! I also hope that Anyang brother will stay with us until When we see our glorious day, we will never be separated. "

Anyang pulled the corner of his mouth aside.

I don't know if the two girls said their wishes and they still didn't work, well, he shouldn't believe them.

At this time, he had a faint feeling of being in a "star formation".

The two beautiful girls finished their wishes calmly, and then looked at each other, both with a peaceful smile, and then blew into the candle at the same time, unpretentiously, beautiful, with a little green face, a little unreal.

With one breath, the candle went out.

An You instantly put away the faint smile on her face, and turned to Xiao Xue'er with a look of contempt: "You're enough! Make a wish to pull on this guy, can't you live without him!"

Xiao Xueer's Xuebai's face was flushed, and he whispered: "With Brother Anyang beside us, we can go further and further!"

Anyu found himself speechless about this sentence! But this did not reduce her contempt for Xiao Xueer at all!

In her eyes, Xiao Xueer was already labeled as a nympho, and was still the blind nympho! After entering the entertainment circle, so many small fresh meat can't be eaten, why did you fall in love with this guy? This guy is five or six years older than her!

An You silently covered her face and sighed silently!

Anyang coughed twice next to him, and said, "Who will share the cake, as if you didn't have dinner?"

"I'm coming!" An Youdao!

Then she took out the plate and filled Anyang with a full plate, all piled up with tips, before saying, "I want to finish it, but this is my thanks to you!"

Anyang: "..."

Xiao Xueer watched this happen and suddenly said: "Should we open champagne first?"

An You was taken aback for a moment, then the plastic knife and plastic tray were put down: "OK! Then open the champagne!"

Xiao Xueer smiled sweetly: "I'll drive!"

Anyou quickly said: "I will come together!"

Facing Anyou's smirk and Xiao Xue'er's sweetness, Anyang silently took off his jacket and set it aside. He knew that in the game of champagne, the easiest ones to be sprayed were those with the best champagne.

Seeing that the two began to shake champagne, Anyang Alliance took a plastic plate in their hands and prepared to resist.

Obviously Xiao Xueer wanted to spray him, but she thought more than Anyou, so she kept asking Anyang during the shaking process: "Brother Anyang, are your clothes expensive?"

An You immediately rolled her eyes: "I told you that this guy has too much money. It's meaningless. If it's dirty, just buy another one. It can also increase taxes for the country!"

Just as Anyou was about to pull out the stopper, she hesitated again: "Why do n’t we just spray it into the open space? This weather is so cold, it is easy to catch cold when the clothes get wet!"

"... There is an air conditioner here, this one is mostly foamed out and will dry in a while!"

"Then ... spray less."

"... Speechless." Anyou pulled the stopper directly and shouted, "Evil bourgeoisie, ready to baptize the cannonball!"


The wine mixed with foam suddenly sprayed out.

Even if Anyang had already made a defensive posture, she did not aim at Anyang, she just shouted a lot, most of the champagne was sprayed on the sofa and the floor beside Anyang!

The direct spray was full of foam, and the air was filled with the smell of champagne, and she put down the bottle with unconsciousness, flushed with excitement.

Xiao Xueer poured a large half of the remaining bottle of champagne to Anyang, and then raised his lemon and honey channel, sweetly smiling with a slow rhythm but powerful music: "Cheers!"


The three touched a glass and took a sip.

It did n’t take long for the bar to switch to band time before the DJ with a good level went down. Men and women who wriggled on the stage also stepped down. Then came a band and started to build instruments and equipment. .

The host said on stage: "Next, we will invite the famous pink band to bring us their performance time!"

The audience immediately cried.

Even Anyou was startled: "Pink band? That **** band? I've heard their songs!"

Anyang suddenly twitched his mouth again ~ ~ But I can see that this pink band is really famous.

And as Anyou said, this pink band is all five big and three thick guys, and the lead singer is wearing a vest to reveal developed muscles and a chest chest hair.

"Thank you all! Next, let our band bring you a Yangyue's heart of Atsuko and open your ears. Then if you want to listen to any song, or want to sing yourself, you can tell the waiter around us, we are very Glad to play with everyone or accompany everyone! "

Anyang, Anyou, and Xiao Xue'er all walked onto the stands, holding the stone railings, which just reflected the stage in their eyes.

The band soon began to play music.

The man ’s piano skill is unexpectedly better than the average person ’s thick legs, and this yangyang haircut is also a classic chapter in the world of the end. The prelude can pull people into the tune.

A burst of bass and drums sounded, and everyone nodded involuntarily.

And Anyang took two beautiful girls to stand on the stands to watch the performance, especially the two beautiful girls around them were some musical literacy. A little smile.

After singing, Anyou shouted twice.

Anyang smiled and said, "Simply go up and sing!"

"Don't!" An Youyang raised her glass. "After the lemon honey water is over, drink some champagne ..."

Xiao Xueer also said: "I also want to drink some wine."

After a pause, he looked at Anyang again: "Brother Anyang waits for us to go down and dance, it's not fun just on it."

Anyang nodded: "It's up to you today!"

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