My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 924: I will show you in uniform

An You turned around and took two wine glasses, took the half-bottle of champagne and walked back, handed a glass to Xiao Xueer: "Drinking is a bit hurting our throat, we only have less than a month, drink less . "

With that said, she poured Xiao Xueer a half cup.

Then I poured myself half a glass while chatting and drinking less. After pouring, she glanced at Xiao Xue'er's cup, and then at her own cup. Rao was blushing because of her cheeks. Then she added some wine to the glass that Anyang was about to reach before she put the champagne on the railing.

"Come on, for our fearless red-hearted heart, cheers!" An You lifted a slender champagne glass of turmeric flower type, touched the two next to each other, and then sipped.

After drinking, Anyang put the cup on the railing: "It is a person who is often a host and announcer. These words will come open!"

"What's the matter?"

"For us ..." Anyang learned her tone.

An You, however, perfectly understood his tongue-like movements as mockery. He picked up the cup he put on the railing, stuffed it into his hand, and raised his cup again. "So for the words just now, we have to drink a ! "

Seeing Anyang nod, she immediately said: "It's just that I'm a girl, I took a sip, you did it, all right?"

Anyang's mouth twitched, where did Nizi learn all the bad things?

Nodding, he and Anyou's cup touched lightly, making a clear sound, like the first sound of a pipe clock, which just echoed between the tranquility of the song.

"It depends on you."

Anyang drank the wine from the glass in one bite.

An You squinted at him until he confirmed that his cup was empty, then he picked up his own cup and bit his lips with the pale pink lip gloss, biting a little.

"The glass is so small, and the alcohol content of the wine is not high, should you be okay?"

Anyang's mouth twitched again: "No problem."

"If it's okay ..." Anyou lifted the bottle of champagne to Anyang and poured half a glass, shaking the bottle again. "You see this bottle is about to bottom out. Let's have another bottle!"

"... All right." Anyang shook his head and smiled bitterly.

I really don't know where this nizi learned all these crooked roads, but actually used him.

Xiao Xueer stood beside him, and was happy to see Anyou pouring Anyang.

In her heart, the former Anyou would never do these things.

And ... drunkenness helps to warm up feelings!


Xiao Xueer suddenly put on a sweet smile and turned to look at Anyang: "Brother Anyang, Xiaoyou have a toast with you, and I want it too."

Anyang nodded helplessly: "Come on."

"Then we are free."


Xiao Xue'er's moving eyes narrowed like a crescent moon, and she shone again, with the most fierce love and heart hidden in it.

And she slowly raised the glass of the champagne glass to her mouth, and looked at him without blinking. With a cool and delicate face, she seemed to be able to light up the whole box.

Anyang understands that randomness is deceiving.

So he drank the champagne in the glass again.

At this time, An You just took a new bottle of champagne and walked back to the grandstand. Seeing this scene, she could not help pulling away a smile: "Xueer has a good drink!"

Anyang's eyes twitched a little ... ignore her!

At this time, the pink band on the stage downstairs just happened to play a rhythmic rock song, but it was not completely filled with heavy metal sounds, but more the ability of the lead singer to catch the genre, quickly caused the bar A piece of harmony in the.

Obviously, this song is also very popular!

In the VIP box stand upstairs on the 1st, the evil forces dominated by Anyou began the cruel persecution of Anyang. What is even more outrageous is that during this process, the devil still had his mind humming with the music downstairs, the degree of abnormality far exceeded the imagination of the world!

Both beautiful girls have no wine at all, and they lack experience in drinking. When Anyang finished the second bottle of champagne, they also drank two glasses.

This kind of wine with high sugar content often does not feel anything when drinking, but the stamina is not small, which makes their cheeks become crimson unconsciously, with a dazzling charm in the green. Coupled with the music and lighting environment of the bar, it is easy to urge people to dance with the rhythm and release their long-standing emotions.

This is probably why it is so popular.

Xiao Xueer's education was different from childhood, coupled with a cold and quiet personality, he could restrain himself. So she stood gracefully on the stands, holding the railing and looking down, turning her head from time to time with a smiling look at Anyang.

But Anyou is different.

Or she was extroverted and free-spirited. She never thought of suppressing herself. Even if she was not crazy, she always stood in the stands and sang along with the rhythm of the band.

It didn't take long for the band time to end again.

Taking advantage of the time interval, Anyang walked back to the box and asked them for two cups of sober tea. Then he smiled and said: "Don't you say drink less, why do you still get drunk."

"Drunken? Xueer?" Anyou looked at Xiao Xueer, her eyes seem to be covered with a layer of sparkling water mist. "Aren't you told you to drink less? Why are you still drunk? Be careful later. This guy plots against you! "

Xiao Xueer looked calm and looked at her helplessly: "I am sober."

"I don't believe it," An You said firmly.

"Brother Anyang is talking about you, look at how you are now."

"Say me? Tell me what?" Anyou opened his eyes.

"Say you are drunk." Xiao Xueer squeezed her face calmly, and suddenly found a little sweat on her face, and said, "It's hot inside, take off your clothes."

"I'm not drunk." An You said, pushing away Xue'er's hand. "Can't take it off. I'm wearing a thin elastic sweater. The tight one is still low-cut. If it's taken off, wouldn't it?" Will let this guy take advantage! "


Anyang next to him was really speechless.

Xiao Xueer was smiling, her red face was tempting, but she coaxed Anyou: "No, Brother Anyang is your relative, why would you peek at you?"

"Who said no!"

"How can a brother take advantage of my sister!"

"Who said no! I wanted to ..."

"Don't talk nonsense when you're drunk!" Anyang quickly covered her mouth and paused and disgusted, "And just because of your figure ... I don't even look at it if I take it off!"

However, An You rarely quarreled with him, but broke free of him, took two steps to the side and separated him a little bit, pointing to him and said to Xiao Xue'er: "Look, look, Xue'er, this guy's His nature has already been exposed. If he does n’t like what I said, how can he say such things to his own sister! ”

Anyang: "..."

Xiao Xueer lowered his head and smiled, and stood decisively on the side of Anyang. He walked to Anyou and whispered, "You are really drunk ... Come take off your clothes, it's hot here."

An You stood obediently motionless, letting her unbutton her coat and take it off on the sofa.

She really wore a thin and close-fitting burgundy warm sweater. The fabric of the sweater meticulously outlined the curve of the girl's body, like an extra layer of skin. The neckline of this sweater is really a bit low, revealing the white skin of her chest, you can still see some gullies, but her body is not enough, the groove is not delicate enough, nor deep.

An You glanced at An Yang, showing a disgusted expression.

However, the two brothers and sisters have been disgusting each other for many years, and Anyang did not care, silently took a glass of wine and took a sip.

Xiao Xueer didn't know when to sit back again, accompanied by a glass of wine to sip his sip, but she put her body very close to him, as if it was against him, especially the slender thighs with no gaps closed , Leaning next to his leg, as if he was deliberately tempting him every moment.

"Brother Anyang is so good, is he not drunk at all?" She surprised.

Anyang laughed: "Champagne can't get me drunk."

Xiao Xueer pursed his lips for a moment, then blinked and asked, "What kind of wine can make Anyang brother drunk? Liquor?"

Anyang smiled at her and saw the young daughter ’s thoughts clearly, saying: "It ’s just about the syrup and jade liquid that the Jade Emperor drinks."

Xiao Xueer pursed her lips, and there was some helplessness in her eyes ~ ~ But the taste of wine still affected her. I saw that she was getting closer to Anyang unconsciously, and was sitting next to herself, now almost It is to turn around and face Anyang, and stick all the undulating curves of the upper body to the side of Anyang.

This posture is not so much an attachment as it is a naked temptation.

And she was still in Anyang's ear, exhaling like Lan: "Brother Anyang, what kind of clothes do you like? I'll buy it and wear it for you, OK?"

Anyang was helpless, knowing that she was talking about the **** uniform of the bar staff.

"You're drunk." Anyang didn't want to endure the difficult temptation, and couldn't bear to push her away, just looked up to see Anyou's eyes staring at him, and said, "Xueer is drunk, you come and help she was!"

"Don't! Trouble yourself, take care of yourself!" Anyou classmate turned her head proudly.

But only a moment later, she came over and squatted next to Xiao Xueer, said: "Xue'er, you can turn this guy into a werewolf like this, otherwise ... shall we go back?"

Xiao Xueer's face was calm and she looked sober, but only from her eyes could she see that she was a little drunk

It's just a little bit.

Just at this time, dj had started playing again, and rhythmic music began to fill the bar. The restlessness showed that the atmosphere on the dance floor was gradually heating up. Xiao Xueer said: "I have to go dance with Brother Anyang!"

Anyou's helpless expression is exactly the same as Anyang: "Well, then I will go with you, otherwise I won't know if someone is taking advantage of it!"

Xiao Xueer smiled and stood up: "Okay."

The three of them went downstairs, but watching Xiao Xueer pretending to be drunk and holding Anyang's hand, An You always felt a bit sour in her heart.

If you change most families

At this time, it should be the sister who holds the brother's hand?

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