My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 926: ending

"Um ... I don't mean that little." The young man showed a helpless expression, glanced at Anyou's chest again, and raised her glass to signal her. "And you are not small."

"Look at your sister, go back to see your sister!" An You said, and then walked sideways.

The young man was still standing, looking at her back and shouting, "Big beauty, even if you refuse to dance, have a drink together?"

Obviously, An You ignored him.

The young man turned back helplessly, and looked at Xiao Xue'er, who had an unusually long legs and slim waist, but with just one glance, he looked at Anyou again and asked with a smile: "Buddies, both Did you make it? "

Anyang said lightly: "That's my sister."

"Sister sister? Oh !!!" The young man made a slightly exaggerated expression, "It seems to be a brother control!"

Not far away, Anyou was unstable in the dim footsteps, almost fell to the ground, hate her teeth and looked up, but saw that most of the people in the bar were staring at themselves in amusement.

So ... she decisively counseled.

I just wanted to go back to the box, and I saw another slightly fat young man came with two glasses of cocktails, blocking her way, and said with a smile: "Brother-controlled little beauty, it looks like your brother and the little one The beauties are having a great time, do you want me to be your brother to comfort you? "

After a pause, he said again: "Or we have a drink and dance again, pretending to have a good time, and sigh your brother!"

"This is the girl-picking method that my grandfather only used!" An You stared at him coldly, just wanting to walk past him, but saw him take a step aside and stopped himself.

"What do you want?" An You asked coldly.

"What's your grandpa's name? Come listen, maybe your grandpa and I are still classmates!"

An You ’s face was a little dull, and when she passed the young man, she saw that Anyang had looked over here. She felt a sense of security in her heart, and then glared at the young man: “Your family members have n’t taught you What to say? Little fat man! "

The fat young man smiled indifferently, with a drink on his face: "It was only when I was in high school that someone called me a small fat man. At that time, I was really small, but I also did n’t like this title, so those people were quickly caught by me I did n’t dare to call it again. After so many years, I did n’t expect to call me like this a little beauty who has not yet grown up! ”

"And ..." He looked around some quiet bars. It seemed that everyone was watching the show and paused. "So many people, can't I save my face?"

An You ignored him and said coldly, "Get out!"

"No, my heart has been hurt! But for the sake of you being a charming little girl, you drink this glass of wine and dance with me, how about this thing? "The young man raised a green cocktail in his hand, and the pale green liquid was placed in a champagne glass, a noble and elegant look, especially pure and charming under the reflection of the lights above the bar.

But few little girls will know that this cocktail named "Death-In-The-Afternoon" is actually a famous "lost wine", made of champagne and Absinthe , Looks super beautiful, does not taste strong, it will make you relax your vigilance, but it is a big liar who can let you die in the past!

An You glanced at her, and she didn't know what kind of wine it was, but she would not accept drinks from a stranger at will, especially because the purpose of this person was so obvious.

"What if I don't drink?"

"Don't drink?" The young man smiled. "Oh, did you know the end of those who called me fat in high school? There are also many girls ..."

Before the young man had finished speaking, he felt a hand flicking away the glass of wine from his hand. He thought he should be drunk. The man's movements were obviously not fast, but he didn't respond.

He turned around and saw a young man in a white shirt. He smiled immediately: "It turns out to be the little girl's brother, why didn't you dance temptation with that girl over there? I'm talking with your sister Well, is this coming to inspect? "

Anyang ignored him, but picked up this unusually beautiful cocktail and smelled it.

No artificially added dizzy substances.

But the alcohol content is very high, and the usual champagne plus Pernod (a kind of liquorice wine) formula is changed back to the original formula-champagne plus Absinthe (French green anise). Because Absinthe contains a toxic chemical that can cause hallucinations, thujone, so the latter can make people fall more easily than the former.

"One of Hemingway's favorite drinks." Anyang looked at the results retrieved by the biochip and couldn't help but read it lightly.

He has seen the essence of this wine and the young man's intentions.

Few girls can resist the lost wine, or the lost wine itself is a super high-level drink that hides the taste of alcohol with a lot of fruits or sugar, and its purpose is only one, that is to let the girls drunk unconsciously .

And the young man who knew nothing about the big disaster was smiling at Anyang: "Professor, buddies haven't fed the girl less to drink this bar?"

Anyang glanced at him lightly, slowly poured the glass, poured the green transparent liquid on the ground, and then glanced around to see the lively bar customers and the security guards standing around the bar. The open fight is also a major performance of night walkers.

The young man's eyes turned down as the green liquor poured, and his face gradually became difficult to look at.

The security guards around the bar hesitated and stepped closer to the side two steps forward, but still did not come.

It should be that things haven't developed to the point where they caused a fight on the spot, and these two customers are obviously not easy to provoke. They can't intervene if they can. Anyway, out of this bar, these rich second-generation red and second generation love to fight as much as they like. If there is a big trouble, they can leave a conversation for the night walkers, and they will just take their salary silently.

The young man first glanced at Anyang's tall, tall figure, then glanced around. There are many "friends" who come to play with themselves, but now only two come over.

The young man who talked to Anyou first turned his back on him and found a girl with a good figure, pretending not to know what it was all about; there were a few people upstairs in the box, I do n’t know He is unaware of his current situation, and the most annoying thing is that Liu Chen is sitting by the bar with a drink, taking a sip from time to time, completely looking like a lively look.

He was silently thinking.

In my own identity, it would n’t look good if you were here in front of so many people, but it ’s not bad. The best way is to stabilize him first, and find an opportunity to let the bar security staff start. It doesn't matter how hard it is, just one leg is enough. After all, in this era, it is not easy to clean up the lives of the son of the emperor.

And looking at Anyang's dress temperament, it must be a person with a certain identity, otherwise he will not wear such expensive clothes-no trademark, fabric, workmanship and tailoring are very good, obviously customized.

It's a pity that when he met him, it was the dragon who had to hold the plate.

"Forget it, just a meal."

The young man made such a determination in silence, then smiled indifferently towards Anyang: "I don't like to drink this glass of wine and tell me that I can change it. The buddy just pours it. It's a bit ... too bad."

Anyang pursed his lips and looked at him without speaking.

An You and Xiao Xue'er each pulled his clothes behind him, apparently persuading him that the situation was not good for himself, and let him not be impulsive, but he ignored it.

The young man met his gaze, and suddenly felt a tremor in his heart, like being hit hard, but just a moment, this feeling of tremor disappeared, and he became fearless again.

Damn, this shop sells fake wine! What a real brain!

The young man looked back at Anyang.

He is confident that even if he fights on the spot, there are at least three people on his side, and there is definitely a chance of winning!

Suddenly, the music in the bar rang again.

No one noticed the sound of "ding".

Anyang easily folded a piece of glass on the goblet, just sharp, and inserted it towards the young man.


The five-centimeter glass is completely immersed in it, without breaking!

The young man froze for a moment, then felt a sharp tingling in his chest. He looked down and turned his eyes. The blood pouring from the wound dyed the dark blue long-sleeved shirt deeper.


He pointed to Anyang, but he was speechless.

The next An You and Xiao Xue'er also screamed. I didn't expect Anyang to be so fierce when he started directly!

The two companions, including the young man who came by, were also dumbfounded. Seeing the speed at which blood poured out, they were inserted into the arteries even if they were not inserted into the heart!

If you don't rush to the hospital, I'm afraid you can't save your life!

They didn't care about the trouble of finding Anyang. They immediately separated one person to catch the fallen young man, while the other person pressed his wound and shouted back to some surprised bar customers around him: "Who has learned to be urgent Handle medical malpractice, come and help quickly, no matter what the result is after the matter is over, I will give you a million as a thank you! "

"Liu Chen and Xie Zanfei, do not hurry to call the hospital to send an ambulance urgently!"

An You and Xiao Xue'er looked nervously at Anyang.

"What should I do? He seems to be badly hurt. How can you be so impulsive? I thought ... I thought ..." Anyou has some incoherent words, "Shouldn't he die? Should we run?"

Xiao Xueer looked at Anyang without speaking. She was afraid that her words would make Anyang more anxious.

But it seems ... Anyang is not anxious.

"Don't be nervous, it's okay." Anyang patted Anyou's head lightly. "I'll deal with it."

Suddenly, four tall men walked out of the bar. One of them walked towards the three young men. One stood silently and watched, while the remaining two went upstairs.

Anyang said to An You and Xiao Xueer: "Okay, let's go."

"Really going?"

"Do you want to drink two more glasses?"

"Aren't we considered to be guilty of escaping from sin?" Anyou grabbed Anyang's clothing corner. "If you are guilty, add a second, shouldn't you go to jail?"

"will not……"

An You took the letter and followed Anyang suspiciously. He also heard a voice and a quarrel.

"We will handle this matter."

"You deal? What kind of person are you, this person is going to die soon, and I will leave it to you to deal with? Do you want to die!"

"What are you doing? What are you doing!"

"Do you know who he is? If something goes wrong, who of you can bear the responsibility ~ ~ Rescue early, you can still see the sun tomorrow!"


An You wanted to look back, but An Yang pressed her head back, but Xiao Xueer looked back and saw a tall man seemingly preventing the other two young people from rescue the injured, while the other was preventing the others from coming , But the method used is more gentle.

In an instant, Anyang pressed her head back.

And at the door, there were people guarding.

The sound behind was getting smaller and smaller until the foggy street lights and taillights replaced the bar ’s shining light set, and the cold air saturated with water vapor replaced the warm air full of alcohol in the bar.

[PS: Starting today, I decided to change three times a day! Do n’t ask me why, it ’s that wayward. Um, but ... except going out for a date,] [PS: Starting today, I decided to change three times a day! Do n’t ask me why, it ’s that wayward. Um, but ... except going out for a date,]

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