My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 927: IMHO, you are brother control

On the way home, Anyou, who had drunk, turned on autopilot, but her mind became more and more sober.

The speed of the car is not fast, but the street light keeps retreating.

There are still a lot of cars in the urban area at this point, but the fog is getting bigger and bigger, and there is a substance that does not know whether it is rain or little snow scum. It falls down and blocks the view. Looking forward, you may not even see the traffic lights at the next intersection. The road is stretched indefinitely, and there is a feeling of not knowing where to go.

And along the way, you can see the pedestrians who stopped and looked towards themselves. Once upon a time, ordinary people like themselves, when they saw a stunning sports car on the road, they could only stand on the side of the road and marvel.

If An You thought about it, she was at a loss.

She turned to look at her girlfriends, only to find that Xiao Xueer didn't know what to think, and she was alone and calm.

"Xiaohong, drive slowly, take us around the city and go back again." Anyou leaned her chin on one hand and placed her elbow on the window of the car, looking at the window with some surprise.

"You have something to worry about." A gentle and magnetic male voice came out of the car. At the same time, the route on the navigator changed, and it turned around Jinguan District, and then went straight from Xicheng District to the house they rented It also started to slow down.

"A little."

"You can tell me."

"You are just a machine, what do you know?"

"... I have a very powerful processing chip, a super intelligent algorithm, and a very rich simulation and analysis module. To a certain extent, my" brain "is different from your human structure and calculation methods. Very close to human beings. And even if I ca n’t draw a conclusion, I can still connect to the cloud server for parameters or answers. The Ans Group ’s cloud server can handle most of the human search, including the sensuous thinking that humans are proud of. ” The voice inside said, "The most important thing is ... you say to me like facing a talking wall."

"Huh?" An You came to the spirit instantly, "You mean that our company's cloud server can already simulate human's perceptual thinking? Isn't that equal to artificial intelligence!"

"Cough, miss, your focus is wrong."

"Eh, where do you say that our company has such strong technology? Like you, and what you just said, aren't all the technologies that all humans are working on but have not been developed? Why can our company use these technologies? Move out all? "

"Can't answer."

"Look, you are a machine after all."


"Then I will tell you about my situation, let's analyze what I should do."

"my honor!"

An You glanced at Xiao Xue'er next to her, and then leaned on her chin for a moment, and then said: "What kind of relationship do you think brothers and sisters should get along with?"

"According to retrieval, most of the relationship between brothers and sisters will be very intimate, and there will be some contradictions as a child, but it does not matter. The most intimate period of this relationship is in the adolescence of the brother and sister. When the brother and sister have a family, it will be slightly weaker than before. "The voice said unhurriedly," There are also a considerable number of brothers and sisters who have had a bad relationship since childhood, and they cannot get together, but this relationship usually improves as the elders mature. "

"But there are not many examples of relatives and siblings who have been in a bad relationship and will make a noise when they get together, and those who really have hatred are individual examples, which have no reference value. The emotion between the two is profound. That is to say, as long as the two still care about each other, they can still be called a benign relationship. "

"... Where did you copy it?" An You twitched her lips.

"Analysis results."

"You are going to heaven."

"Some results come from cloud servers."

"Can you connect to the cloud server independently?"


"Can you shoot a wifi for me?"

"... No !!"

"Haha." An You laughed twice, and his expression fell quickly. "My father and mother are both teachers. They are different from the patriarchal girls who want a boy after giving birth to a girl. They gave birth to a boy, but they are the same. I want it all. It may also be that An Dayang was too naughty when he was a child. They thought it was useless, so they wanted to have a new one, and then there was me. "

"An Dayang is six years older than me. When he was a child, he was naughty, and he likes to bully me the most." An You said with her fists squeezed fiercely. Bully me often! "

"... I always remember him ..."

"... I grew up later, and he became more and more mischievous. He could have done everything. He was often talked about by his neighbors and had come to his house. At that time, I hated him so much. Until I went to high school, there were still teachers who asked me if they were the daughters of Teacher An and Teacher Xie, or the sisters of Anyang when they first met me. He worried and sighed, and it is very important for a teacher's family to educate his children well. "

"If the children are naughty and the grades are poor, others will say in the back-you see it is the teacher's child, their children can't teach well, and they come out to teach others' children!

"Both Anyang and I have heard such words."

"But when An Dayang was a child, he only cried and wounded others because of this, and then came to the house again. I secretly vowed to be a good person, on the one hand, he surpassed Anyang, and stepped him on his feet. I have to tell those who gossip, my dad ’s and mom ’s children can also be great ... ”

"So when I grew up, I tried my best to study, not only the knowledge in the books, but also many, many. So I became a good student in the eyes of the teachers, and I did everything in any way I could touch Very good, at least far better than An Dayang, so that I will be very happy. "An You murmured innocently," Primary school, junior high school, high school, I like to listen to my parents or others say me Bian Dayang is better, and I have always been bullied by him and become able to quarrel with him, and then stabilize him with superiority, I will always be very happy. "

"It was only after he went to high school that he went to college in Jinguan. He came back less and less. We rarely meet, and I rarely quarrel with him."

"Until later I also passed Yizhou University ..."

An You whispered something about Anyang in a whisper, and briefly talked about the relationship between the brother and the sister from small to large. I do n’t know when the in-vehicle intelligent system turned off the sound simulator of the sports car. Reverberate.

Xiao Xueer was also attentive from the beginning, and she turned to listen to her quietly.

After leaving Anyang, she put away her sweet expression and deliberate charm, only when she heard Anyang's embarrassing hours, a smile appeared on her lips.

For a long time, An You brought some decadent ways: "Now An Dayang has become very powerful, and I'm almost away from the ordinary people's life circle, and even if I do well, I just tinker in the school! And I Now I have to rely on him for everything, even for your maintenance. I do n’t even have the money to spray you into red, but he ca n’t burn his money. I always let him help if I have any trouble. I solved it, and I added such a low level of trouble to him ... "

"I really want to go back to junior high school ..."

"I am in the middle school of Yancheng Middle School, he is in the high school, he can hear the news of my award every time I hold a meeting, every time we will go home with a disparity report card, and then my parents will be in his Praise me hard in front ... "

Xiao Xueer couldn't help covering her mouth and smiled, but she instantly put away her smile. The face was still cold, and she glanced into the driver's seat unintentionally-

Sure enough, he met Anyou's awkward look.

"That ... I just thought of a joke. Brother Anyang told me that there was one in the past ..." Xiao Xueer kept calm and said, but seeing An You was completely indifferent to this, she consciously He closed his mouth and pointed to the dashboard of the car. "Listen to how it analyzes."

The speaker in the car quickly heard a voice: "IMHO, ma'am, you are standard brother-controlled thinking, and you put yourself on the male side."

"Pooh !!!"

Xiao Xueer laughed outright!

But in the face of Anyou, who was blushing, she stopped her smile decisively again-and then didn't look over the window, only her shoulders tremble slightly.

An You was so embarrassed and angry that she became furious and directly said: "What kind of tool are you ~ ~ to break the analysis module, the silly boy's brain is broken, are you broken?"

"Meaning someone else shares the same opinion with me?"

"You ... I won't charge you tonight!"

"Yes, I am willing to accept punishment."

"Just know what is wrong."

"I shouldn't pierce your heart, miss."

"You are the young lady, your whole family is the young lady!"

"Miss, you are already angry."

"I don't have it!"


After the car circled around the city, after a long time, Anyou's mood had gradually calmed down. It was a lot easier to say what was stuck in my heart. At least the plug that blocked my heart has been removed ...

An You sighed and patted the steering wheel: "Technology is really amazing. Sometimes I really think you are not a machine, but a living person."


The car drove into the community and they got off the car.

Xiao Xueer's mouth was extremely quiet, like a quietly open snow lotus with a chill, she stood under a tree that was not illuminated by the street lamp, and quietly watched Anyou name her car Xiaohong ’s Era Speed ​​Anniversary Limited Edition waved his hand, and then the silver mechanical monster flashed its lights, then slowly started again, and parked precisely in the middle of the parking space.

The two were about to leave, and suddenly they heard--

"Please wait."

They turned around and saw that the window opened automatically, and there was a voice in the car: "In fact, you want me to turn red without spending money to paint. As the limited edition of No. 01 in the era of speed, my body uses aone optical materials. The spray paint is all damage to me, and I ... can change the color itself. "


"Miss, please read the instructions carefully."

As soon as Anyang came home, the phone rang.

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